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America: Love it or (if you're rich enough) leave it?

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posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Well here you go, looks like a lot of people have been thinking of leaving. I wonder if there are some parting penalty gifts buried in the financial reform bill? We have had a member here close up business because of the government's belief that we should support their corrupt cronies, their corrupt federal reserve, their corrupt unions, this entirely corrupt government.

Here is the story-America: Love it or (if you're rich enough) leave it?

A snippet-

Glen Esnard, a Newport Beach executive for real estate services firm Grubb & Ellis, went to bat in the Wall Street Journal last week for high-income-earners who believe it’s unfair that their tax rates should rise on Jan. 1, as President Obama proposes.

Esnard also suggested that the answer might be for the better-heeled to find a new country.

In a letter to the newspaper, Esnard wrote that although he includes himself in the population earning more than $250,000 a year:

My family isn't wealthy. I have no funded retirement plan save Social Security, if it is there when I need it. I have no guarantee of permanent health care. I am paying off school loans for our three children. A meaningful number of my friends have lost their jobs, and all who are still employed, including my family, have taken significant pay reductions. . . . This is a classless recession, at least in my experience. It is hitting everyone.

Yet those of us who make $250,000 or more are vilified and held accountable for solving our government's penchant for spending more than it takes in so that politicians can buy votes. We already pay more in taxes than 98% of the population, particularly the nearly 50% of eligible voters who pay no federal income tax. The president wants us to pay more, and he frames it in a way that casts us as not yet carrying our fair share of the burden.

Hey Glen, just do what a lot of us are doing, get off the radar. What do you peeps think, time to find greener pastures or time for something else?

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:11 PM
The man has a point. Good story. If I was him I'd do as you mentioned and find a way to keep mine. I am NOT leaving my home though. I love my home to my very core. What I hate with just as much passion is the giant succubus full of fascist/corporatist criminals that pretends to be a legal government in D.C.

Yep, find a way to not pay those worthless murdering criminals but keep your home. They are after all the ones who should really be leaving not good working folks like this fellow.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

most people cant leave there are no greener pastures whats more the left knows this so they continue their march of wealth destruction under the guise of social justice.

only advice i can give to anyone start a church or become amish or senator ,or house of representative or head of the irs they pay no taxes.

50 % pay no taxes says it all

social justice will become social justice when people stop listening to them and tell them stop crying about everything that they dont have and start looking at what they do have.

edit on 19-9-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Oh boo-hoo. Poor Glen Esnard. Such a poor time he must be having. More than 250,000 a year, it must be tough in this "classless" recession.

Why not take one of them zeroes away and then he can have a say. He wants to know what recession is like in his family? Try making only 20 grand a year, still managing to put food on the table, and still putting a kid though college.

No retirement plan? Well maybe if you took a couple of those greens you were making over the years and stuck them away, you would have a retirement fund. The mere fact that anyone accepts over 250k a year automatically vilifies them. They willingly become a part of a system that has destructed the lives of millions and by doing so, they should have to live with the consequences.

Not wealthy my arse. This guy makes me sick and pisses me off just to hear it.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:39 PM
He makes a quarter of a million dollars a year and he's worried that he has no funded retirement plan

How about saving $50000 of it a year,and living within your means.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:53 PM
Wow you guys have some serious jealousy issues about money. It's his money, good for him for getting to that point in his life where he can make that kind of money. Doesn't matter if you make 5 grand or a million a year it's YOUR money and they have NO right to it.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Well those would be the last high paying American jobs being outsourced.

2nd line of question: Why is it unfair?

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

I agree, good for him, so why is he whining about it?
He easily has every chance he wants to swap places with someone on minimum wage and to stop being "vilified" for being rich, yet strangely he chooses not to, I guess it's not so bad after all then eh?

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:03 PM
50% of Americans don't pay tax because 50% of Americans do not have life sustaining jobs

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower

Glen Esnard, a Newport Beach executive for real estate services firm Grubb & Ellis, went to bat in the Wall Street Journal last week for high-income-earners who believe it’s unfair that their tax rates should rise on Jan. 1, as President Obama proposes.

I'm no historian but aren't these taxes just going back to their normal, pre-Bush cuts rate?

Esnard also suggested that the answer might be for the better-heeled to find a new country.

That's pretty funny. Maybe to one of those European nations that already has all the things that the rich don't want, like socialized medicine and functional social welfare systems? Or maybe he's thinking he'll be a hit in Liberia or somewhere like that.

In a letter to the newspaper, Esnard wrote that although he includes himself in the population earning more than $250,000 a year:

My family isn't wealthy. I have no funded retirement plan save Social Security,if it is there when I need it.

A quarter mil a year or higher and no retirement savings? I managed to put together a fair nest egg on a salary that ranged from $20k to $70k, so far. Is this the guy that the "rich" really want speaking for them?

I have no guarantee of permanent health care.

Ummmm. Not anymore. That's covered. Or, Oh... Is this guy in the Tea Party? Ouch, irony.

I am paying off school loans for our three children.

Three kids with college educations and he's acting as if it's game over in America?

A meaningful number of my friends have lost their jobs, and all who are still employed, including my family, have taken significant pay reductions. . . .

Oh, the tragedy! He knows people who lost their jobs. He's not among them, as many of us here, including myself are - but he does know people who are having trouble. This must be very traumatizing to the rich - to actually have to witness a harsh reality. Amazing.

This is a classless recession, at least in my experience. It is hitting everyone.

I honestly get the impression that this mans idea of being "hit" by the recession would probably entail a much better life than most of us have on our best day.

Yet those of us who make $250,000 or more are vilified and held accountable for solving our government's penchant for spending more than it takes in so that politicians can buy votes. We already pay more in taxes than 98% of the population, particularly the nearly 50% of eligible voters who pay no federal income tax. The president wants us to pay more, and he frames it in a way that casts us as not yet carrying our fair share of the burden.

Ah, we hit paydirt. The real rub. While I do agree with the reality that the government spends far too much money, though I don't blame social services. I blame war, graft, and pork spending - to name a few things... That's about all I deal with here.

The truth is that Mr $250k a year wouldn't last ten minutes trying to live at the income level of that untaxed 50%.
The notion that these people are getting over is patently false. The truth is they are barely getting by. There isn't anything left, after minimal shelter and food to tax.

Hey Glen, just do what a lot of us are doing, get off the radar. What do you peeps think, time to find greener pastures or time for something else?

Good luck with that search! Those greener pastures all have the things that most people seem to be fighting against here.

edit on 9/19/10 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

it is unfair for the simple fact money he earns is his property and we do have property rights here in america

no matter what the lefts says.

simple fact taking something away from a minority in this country is unconstitutional.

as to the other dude why the should he switch jobs to minimum wage

if its so easy to make 250,000 a year then why the hell arent you people.

250,000 isnt jack squat in todays age.

obama makes over 250k
pelosi makes over 250k
almost all senators and representatives make over 250k

and yet those people are not vilified.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by neo96

as to the other dude why the should he switch jobs to minimum wage

if its so easy to make 250,000 a year then why the hell arent you people.

250,000 isnt jack squat in todays age.

I didn't say that he should and I didn't say it was easy, I said that he has the choice to if he so wishes as he seems to be saying that having such a high income is giving him a major headache.

As for it "not being squat" it's more then 98.30% of the entire population of the USA

edit on 19-9-2010 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by neo96

I was being a bit rhetorical.

What i meant by the question why is it unfair that they can complain and its a sensitive issue but the average joe tax payer has 20% of his earnings taken away each year.

if they were to get a tax increase, they would still be able to manage not to mention STILL MAKE WAY MORE than average tax payer joe.

again, i ask, so why is it unfair for them to receive a higher tax? its been coming to them for a long while now.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by davespanners

Indeed he's in a better position that someone, like me, who makes nothing or next to nothing but at $250,000/year he is not rich. He also unlike some of the "real" rich people out there isn't the cause of others not making enough to live off of. He also shouldn't be held accountable for people who can't make it. The truth is the biggest drain of jobs and money comes from the same politicians that are trying to seperate him from his money. They make laws and policies that favor the "real" rich (bankers, corporate moguls) that allow them to become mega rich on the backs of under-paid and they want him to foot the bill?

No, the real answer lies in stopping the corporate wh*res that are drain on our society and their pack of yes monkey politicians. Then, we wouldn't need to steal this man's money...

edit on 20-9-2010 by Redwookieaz because: Edit 4 S&G

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

Nice post
I tend to agree with most of what you said.
It's just a little hard to hear someone who has more money then 98% of Americans and possibly 99.99999999% of the entire world complaining about tax

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by davespanners

I agree man. Anyway you slice it, luck plays a role in being in a position to ever make that kind of money. Like being born in the U.S. instead of some poor rural African village. Buuttt..... guys in that money range are not the real root of others suffering nor is taxing them out of the money they've worked to get the answer.

I truly believe that 90%+ of our problems in the world would clear up quickly if it weren't for TPTB that would have us all blame and look at any answer but the truth, they're criminal parasitic ways have more to do with the suffering here than everything else combined.

The rest of our differences and our problems would become miniscule and completely workable if we could just get rid of them! I believe this with every fiber of my being. This is why we should stop looking at all these tiny problems and nip it at the root! I mean if your leg was being cut off at the top would you be focusing on saving just your toe? I dunno maybe that's a lame analogy but it's the truth. They cause ALL our suffering when you follow the problems up!

edit on 20-9-2010 by Redwookieaz because: Spelling & Grammar

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by davespanners

thats because 98.30% sit on their azzes and expect their government to give it to them.

ugie why is it unfair YOU CANNOT take something away from someone just because you think they have to much.

i can sit here and say you have to much and do the same to you now you see how that works

property rights are property righst and noone has the power or should have the power to take anything away from you or me.

for the simple fact some a-hole in washington dc deems it to be that way.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:15 AM
Yes, Mr Esnard is a virtual pauper compared to the Forbes list of billionaires.

1. Carlos Slim Helú and family $53.5 billion

2. William Henry Gates III $53.0 billion

3 Warren Buffett $47.0 billion

4. Mukesh Ambani $29.0 billion

5. Mittal, LakshmiLakshmi Mittal $28.7 billion

I cant even comprehend having that kind of personal wealth,

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by davespanners

thats because 98.30% sit on their azzes and expect their government to give it to them.

So your assertion is that, on average 983 out of a thousand Americans are not productive, employed, hard working people?

Am I understanding this statement correctly?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:17 AM
the problem is getting out of the country without the guberment catching wind.
i suppose you could send the money to yourself as a purchase to an account under another name for a product that doesnt exist. like the fake church you created in new zealand.

i say just stay here and lose youself after you pull all the cash out of the bank and just go into survival mode.

you might consider buying a nice older sail boat and just sail along the coasts and riverways while minding your own business

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