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Sexual Revolution: Engineered by pedophiles?

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posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:56 PM
The foundations for our sexual liberation were set down by a man who engenereered a study of American sexualtiy which used criminals as representatives of the average American and included the sexual molestation of children in order to reach the conclusions of the study.

Word Net Daily

Dr. Judith Reisman, author of "Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America," unveiled at the confab a hidden history of scandal and scientific fraud that she says convinced not only America's legal system but also its culture to unjustifiably embrace sexual deviancy.

Reisman explained how Dr. Alfred Kinsey, a scientific pioneer who was lauded in the 1950s for his research and who launched modern-day sexology, received his financial backing from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1941 and used it to twist science and law to fulfill his licentious agenda.

Kinsey couldn't get self respecting "normal" Americans to participate in his study and resorted to using prisoners who were in jail for various crimes.

"Eighty-seven percent of his subjects," Reisman stated, "were sex addicts, homosexuals, criminals, rapists, prostitutes, pedophiles and prisoners."

His research even went so far as to include information on how many orgasms children could achieve within a 24 hour period. How did he come up with this disgusting statistic:

Reisman further shocked the audience by posting a chart of Kinsey's research detailing how many orgasms children of various ages could be made to experience in a 24-hour period. Reisman quoted Kinsey's defenders, who insisted that the men conducting the experiments were not pedophiles, but merely "trained observers" with stopwatches, counting orgasms among 4-year-olds and even infants.

The results of Kinsey's study were disseminated in university classrooms throughout the country which taught students to ditch their parents old fashioned morality in favor of what the study had determined as being "normal" sexual practices from their study of criminals and sexual abuse of children. Of course, nobody was told that criminals had participated in the study, they were all told that the study reflected the views of normal everyday Americans.

The results of the study weren't only felt in the more open acceptance of "free love" in society, they were reflected in the legal system as well.

"Pre-Kinsey, sex laws were based on biblical authority and considered an area of 'public rights,' meaning we recognized sex had civil consequences on society," Reisman said. "Post-Kinsey sex laws are based on 'scientific authority' and are considered 'private rights,' which claims sex has no social consequences."

Reisman demonstrated the legal shift in America by pointing to changes in the law. In the pre-Kinsey period, the legal age of sexual consent was somewhere between 16 and 21 depending on the state, whereas now it is 12-18. Prior to Kinsey, rape was a crime punishable by death in 18 states, by life sentence in 22. Now, Reisman stated, the standard sentence is six months to four years.

Word Net Daily

Its hard to believe that this country allowed our sexual morality to be dictated by a study created by a pedophile back in the 1950's but, it sure does explain a whole lot about the direction this country has taken since then.

Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America

edit on 9/19/10 by FortAnthem because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:15 AM

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by FortAnthem

Reisman further shocked the audience by posting a chart of Kinsey's research detailing how many orgasms children of various ages could be made to experience in a 24-hour period. Reisman quoted Kinsey's defenders, who insisted that the men conducting the experiments were not pedophiles, but merely "trained observers" with stopwatches, counting orgasms among 4-year-olds and even infants.

Is this study legit? I mean that really took place?This is just a gross article... My question is... WHAT? How the hell would something like that even be found out? Men standing around with stop watches measuring how may orgasms children can have? Umm, what?

I am speechless... and who were the ones standing around diddling these kids? Why was it allowed? Who would be WILLING to take part in something like that, if they were not a pedophile? Just... gross...

So a study like that really happened? I do not think pedophiles are the engineers of any sexual revolution. I read these articles and what I gather is a bunch of perverts, trying to justify molestation and rape of children... and the fact that they got a grant to do this "study" is just beyond infuriating.

Note who funded it, the Rockefeller Foundation....

I don't even know what else I can say....

edit on 19-9-2010 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Yep, the studies were real:

Kinsey Reports

The Kinsey Reports are two books on human sexual behavior, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), by Dr. Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy and others and published by Saunders. Kinsey was a zoologist at Indiana University and the founder of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction (more widely known as the Kinsey Institute).

The publications astounded the general public and were immediately controversial and sensational. The findings caused shock and outrage, both because they challenged conventional beliefs about sexuality and because they discussed subjects that had previously been taboo.

Critics have raised concerns about the methodology used to collect data, including that data in the reports could not have been obtained without collaborations with child molesters. The Kinsey Institute denies this charge, though it acknowledges that men who have had sexual experiences with children were interviewed, with Kinsey balancing what he saw as the need for their anonymity to solicit "honest answers on such taboo subjects" against the likelihood that their crimes would continue. Additionally, concerns over the sample populations used were later addressed by the Kinsey Institute, and the conclusion was that none of Kinsey's original estimates were significantly affected by these data sources.


posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Its hard to believe that this country allowed our sexual morality to be dictated by a study created by a pedophile back in the 1950's but, it sure does explain a whole lot about the direction this country has taken since then.

I have a hard time believing that very many people's "sexual morality" is being "dictated" by the study in question. For one thing, almost no one has ever heard of it, and even fewer have been to the brain washing classes described in the OP. When I say almost no one, I mean the vast majority of Americans. People who are out being promiscuous as we speak aren't doing it because they read this study which convinced them that it was ok.

It seems to me like you've been caught up in a ferver that was manufactored by the author of the book that you're quoting. Isn't it intuitively obvious that the number of people who are familiar with - and are being influenced by - this study must be so small as to be negligible? Isn't it also clear that mainstream media plays far and away the most powerful part in influencing mainstream sexual behavior and ideas?

It seems like you've picked a very insignificant target to attack here.

We've become a more socially liberal culture all around; wouldn't you expect sexuality to develope comparably? It's pretty easy to trace the developement of modern sexual thinking through music, movies, television, and other arts. Those are the things that people pay attention to, not scientific papers.

You suggest that the study has influenced laws, as evidenced by the death penalty statistic. What do the death penalty stats look like across the board for the same time period? Hasn't the use of the death penalty been drastically reduced for all types of crimes?

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 01:58 AM
To me, this kind of ties in with this thread...

"You don't mutilate your daughters - why do you mutilate your sons ?"

edit on 19-9-2010 by alaskan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 02:20 AM
We live in a society that condemns pedophilia, so much so that it is one of the most infamous methods of slander available to those unscrupulous enough to engage in slander.

We ABHOR pedophilia on virtually every level of western culture. Therefore, I think there is no reason whatsoever to be alarmed by this study. It CLEARLY has not affected the general population in any form whatsoever.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 03:26 AM
What's your solution? Make rape punishable by death again? Do we revert back to the 1950s attitudes towards sex?

There really is no easy answer here.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 07:44 PM
For those who don't believe the Kinsey reports had much affect upon America:

Nearly overnight, "Kinsey" became a household name across America. This was due in large part to media coverage of what became known as "the Kinsey Reports." Alfred C. Kinsey was an acclaimed zoologist at Indiana University Bloomington when in 1938 he began turning his research interest from gall wasps to human sexuality. The findings of Kinsey and his small team of researchers first appeared in the 1948 publication Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, which became a best-seller after selling 200,000 copies. Media interest in the findings about women, which would appear in the 1953 volume Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, was so intense that Kinsey invited reporters from 60 newspapers and magazines across the United States and in several other countries to come to Bloomington.

Indiana University

The even made a movie about Kinsey, starring Liam Neesom in 2004.

The film portrays Kinsey as a controversial crusader, who works to free America from sexual oppression.
Culture War

Some more conservative sources howerve say we have Kinsey to thank for the moral destruction of the American family.

As a result of this very flawed study of sexual behavior, many things happened in the American culture which were a direct result of the Kinsey report. Here is the resulting legacy of the Kinsey's research.

More young adults and adolescents started to experiment with sex outside of marriage.
Teenage pregnancy rate started to climb.

With more young girls pregnant, society started to demand the right to abortions, and the Supreme Court made abortion legal in 1967.

Woman who did not have abortions, often found themselves the sole parent and supporter for their children. Current studies show that single parent families have lower household incomes, many are at or below the poverty level in America.

Pointing to the Kinsey report, gay rights activist said 10% rate of homosexuals in society is a new movement in America, and Homosexuals started to demand that laws against immoral behavior be struck down.

Sexually transmitted disease started to rise. A new disease surfaced in the Homosexual Community, AIDS.

Laws against Child Molesters were reduced and Pedophiles were released to repeat their crimes again and again against innocent children.

More people have started to cheat on their spouses and the divorce rate has climbed, now about 50% of marriages end in divorce, while it was much lower before the Kinsey report.

Prior to 1950 sexual acts outside of marriage were illegal in America. With the help of "a fraudulent set of data" in the Kinsey reports, at least 52 laws designed to protect women and children from sex crimes were overturned or watered down.

Culture War

Even Hugh Hefner acknowledged Kinsey for his influence:

Hefner credited Kinsey with almost single-handedly producing "a tremendous sexual awakening" in America. As a student, Hefner wrote a college thesis on Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, according to Reisman, and then went on to found Playboy magazine, dedicated to furthering that sexual awakening through a "soft-core" approach that made pornography more socially acceptable.

Culture War

Most of us today are not aware of the Kinsey reports but back when they were released, in the 50's, they caused quite a stir. Many credit the Kinsey reports with enabling the sexual revolution which began in the 60's and continues even today.

edit on 9/19/10 by FortAnthem because: fix links

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