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Giant Spaceships Heading Towards Earth ?

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by etcorngods

If you expect me to give your sites traffic dream on.

You say language and philosophy are bunk, yet you want people to take YOUR translations of the Bible seriously?

Tad hypocritical, no?

My guess is, there is no way that an English/Philosophy grad could have enough confidence in math oriented translations to make up their mind. Wait until lots of technically trained people tell you what to "believe". The hard work of an inventor is too hard for you guys. I get thousands of new visitors each month -- don't need one more.

You aren't hypocritical, you are ignorant, and like it that way.

edit on 4-10-2010 by etcorngods because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2010 by etcorngods because: added last point

edit on 4-10-2010 by etcorngods because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Hasn't etcorngods violated several terms of t&c? Maybe it is BIONICLE ALEX's new handle....

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by I.C. Weiner
Hasn't etcorngods violated several terms of t&c? Maybe it is BIONICLE ALEX's new handle....

Nah, etcorngod's diction is too good to be Alex who couldn't put together one coherent English sentence. Nope, etcorngods is just another deluded individual who will live in perpetual dissapointment when neither aliens nor god arrive on Earth.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by etcorngods

You have done nothing but make assumptions about me.
Just because I don't have a Masters or PhD in any other areas beside Linguistics and Philosophy, does not mean that I am ignorant in other areas.
For such a self-professed enlightened person, you seem to get irritated easily and go straight for ad hominem attacks, like the "ignorant" often do.
Though my main studies were focused on what interested me, I still received awards in chemistry at one of the two universities I attended.
I am also a musician, and get extra income from playing for artists in the studios here in St. Louis.

I guess you already knew all that though, huh?

Now go ahead and attack me some more for not believing that God invented the English language -- zapping it into everyones brains spontaneously.
And if you wish to call me names that's fine too.
Have fun.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

You speak of something you know nothing about. I've been working on the ET Corn Gods language for 25 years and you dismiss me as delusional. I respect the OP for his inventive nature, and his guts to put up with you guys. English is not his native language. The mark of an educated person is not his "diction", it his his use of ideas and his brain.

The trouble is, you refuse to learn about the Hidden English language. Just wait until you are told what to believe -- keep going to Church.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by etcorngods

First, I'm not a church goer. I'm not atheist, but more closly and agnostic. Secondly, I've very sorry that you have wasted the better part of 25 years on studying something that will amount to me remembering the extra lives code in Contra (you all know you still remember it). To each their own though. I will continue to enjoy my family and friends, drink well, love often, and not worry about hidden meanings in places where there's nothing to hide.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by etcorngods

I have no vested interest in proving Draconians exist, and from rumors about some of them being ruthless, baby-eating, intergalactic conquerors, I much prefer they didn't. I came across these UFO pictures accidentally. I was using Google Earth for archaeology research, to map rock art sites, then noticed possible UFOs sitting on earth designs, geoglyphs, nearby. Pursuing reports of UFOs in Google Sky that matched the ones seen on the ground, I made other discoveries and am posting them on

My hypothesis is that rock art sites are situated at places of geomagnetic/interdimensional power, which ancient shamans were sensitive to. UFOs might sit there to charge up off Earth's field, specifically concentrated at spots deemed sacred by indigenous. I have been able to follow ley lines from the air (indicated by distinctive circles of terrain, regularly spaced in a line stretching for miles) to find additional sites which are white-out censored in Google Earth, or have UFOs.

Beamish, I value your reaction (and others) as an outspoken skeptic, to help gauge what reception release of this data might have. Webstats indicate world visitation to the fledgling ancientfuture site.

I believe I have found a M-shaped, or 2 bookend with horizontal connecting bridge style UFO with equilateral triangle formation spheroid escort sitting in a lakebed outside Flagstaff, AZ. Semi-disguised as white clouds. Anyone on the ground there to check that location out? Large dry? lake south of I 40 between Navajo Army Depot and Kachina Village. Forest Service Road 231. Google Earth 35 09 08, 111 47 18, 2005

Bookend UFO in Draco

Aerial Flagstaff Lake

I need help finding out if the Google Sky images are accurate. They have been censored and processed to meld into a spherical space for browsing. Has someone played a trick on Google and planted alien images?

What do you think?


ps: I know the New Yorker illustration accompanied fiction, my thought was that the artist may have been inspired by some ideas about an October manifestation that have been circulating.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Karmayogi11

In canada you need now ministry aprowal as a sientist for
give out information to what happened at the end off the last ice age.



posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by keyseeker

I am certain that "somebody" is planting images, even sighting and visitations of UFO's on the Earth and in the Sky. That "somebody", for lack of a better title, is "GOD". Just as GOD has planted an extensive language in the English language (impossible as is the planting of images on Earth or in the Sky) he is planting the images you have discovered. The fact that you have come upon these things is no accident.

Planting images is something that GOD does well, and often. Have you followed the Corn Circles --- thousands of intricate images?

One of the most amazing miracles ever: was the sighting of Sunspots in the shape of the Haitian island on the day of the earthquake. And the Haiti miracle was followed by another such Sunspot in the shape of another island group in the Pacific in the shape of that group -- at the time of an earthquake on that island. Then, five dot Sunspots in the shape of the Olympic emblem appeared on the Sun at the time of the Olympics in Vancouver BC. BC can be expressed as a "W" -- letter 23 as in Letter 2(B) and Letter 3(c). The letter W has five points in the shape of the Olympic emblem.


My son, who lives in Turkey (he is 50 yrs old today), and some associates, had a long hunt for Noah's ark. They climbed the mountain -- and chartered airplanes to film the surface of the mountain. They think they found the Ark. Their pictures didn't look like a boat to me.

These events (and your experience) are "Of God". You should consider yourself lucky that you were chosen. The price you pay is that everyone will think you are crazy. I don't.

I think that the NewYorker dragon was inspired by GOD -- and no one at the NewYorker was aware of the GOD drawing in the Sky.

edit on 5-10-2010 by etcorngods because: Added last sentence

edit on 5-10-2010 by etcorngods because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by etcorngods

Actually, the spaceship is an illusion, created by GOD. What is coming is the Second Coming of Christ, but not as the Christians think.

You’re entitled to your opinion, and I see that you’ve done an [i[]awful lot of work in the back ground, but I don’t think you’re right.

This is what I think happened, and anyone may rip this conjecture to pieces as they see fit as it is only my opinion:

We have been visited by extraterrestrials for millennia.

They conducted genetic and sociological experiments on our early ancestors.

They weren’t too concerned about the consequences, as it was the results that were important.

They’ve been watching us ever since, how we’ve created various mythologies around their visits, which are now nothing more than corrupted race-memories, and how we’ve advanced technologically.

Every now and again, they throw something else into the mix; i.e. new “enlightenment”, via chosen individuals.

They engineer puzzles for us to ponder on with our relatively new-found skills of philosophy, theology etc., as we struggle to make sense of the perplexing mysteries of existence.

Once again, they aren’t too concerned about the consequences, as it’s the results they find fascinating.

And most importantly; they’re not too concerned about our quest for “God”, as they know what “God” actually means, and as we progressively become introspective, gain a sense of individual purpose and approach a state of universal consciousness at the expense of spirituality, they watch and take notes accordingly.

So, when you say:

Everything is precoded -- all the stories in the Bible. Actually, God hates the Christian religion, all religions. Hang on, it is coming.

I simply cannot agree.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Beamish

If you meet a monster in a dark alley -- you know who is God. If you don't think God controls all miracles, how do you explain this:

Crop Circles are miracles, the hidden language is thousands of miracles, UFO/ET encounters are miracles, the Sunspots are miracles: OF GOD because "GOD" is a suitable title for the controller of miracles.
edit on 5-10-2010 by etcorngods because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by etcorngods
reply to post by keyseeker

One of the most amazing miracles ever: was the sighting of Sunspots in the shape of the Haitian island on the day of the earthquake. And the Haiti miracle was followed by another such Sunspot in the shape of another island group in the Pacific in the shape of that group -- at the time of an earthquake on that island. Then, five dot Sunspots in the shape of the Olympic emblem appeared on the Sun at the time of the Olympics in Vancouver BC. BC can be expressed as a "W" -- letter 23 as in Letter 2(B) and Letter 3(c). The letter W has five points in the shape of the Olympic emblem.

This is the culmination of your 25 years of research? You need a refund. The sunspots in shape of Haiti was one of the biggest farces since the holographic planes on 9/11 theory. You really need to quit looking for secrets and hidden meanings where they don't exist. You're so busy trying to find the "truth" that you're liable to miss out on your whole life.

Anyway, had a great time at the bar last night with friends. You know what? Not knowing about the hidden english language and not seeing any slideshows from god didn't hamper my night one bit.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by etcorngods

Crop Circles are miracles...

It's a "miracle" that some people haven't yet realized that they are works of art (and pranks) made by normal people!!!

"The nocturnal pastime of circle making was made popular by the work of two Hampshire-based artists, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley. For over 12 years their simple circle sets attracted the interest of scientists world-wide. During this time other artists begane them, eventually superseding them, and continued a chain reaction - mutating from the UFO lore from which it still suckles and, in turn, nourishes - to become what is arguably the most mysterious 'tactile- paranormal' phenomenon this century. In 1991, Doug & Dave's claim to original authorship created an atmosphere well known to theological sociologists; that discomfirmation can lead to strengthened belief. Consistent with previous millennial activity, the religious use of pseudo science to plot our destiny has reached another high... the circles have become signs and portents of our time."

Here's their website.

I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, hoping that if people believe in "giant spaceships" and "crop circles from god" then I might be able to find a, customer.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by etcorngods

If you meet a monster in a dark alley -- you know who is God.

Your point escapes me. What has a monster in a dark alley got to do with a creator deity?

Crop Circles are miracles

I disagree. Most of them are the product of man’s need to produce art. The rest, who knows?

…the hidden language is thousands of miracles…

In your opinion. To others they are word games.

…UFO/ET encounters are miracles…

Or products of our psyche, real nuts-and-bolts craft, glitches in the “matrix” etc.

…the Sunspots are miracles…

Or natural phenomena.

…OF GOD because "GOD" is a suitable title for the controller of miracles.

Or God is an indifferent observer.

It’s all down to perspective, isn’t it?

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by etcorngods

Crop Circles are miracles...

It's a "miracle" that some people haven't yet realized that they are works of art (and pranks) made by normal people!!!

"The nocturnal pastime of circle making was made popular by the work of two Hampshire-based artists, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley. For over 12 years their simple circle sets attracted the interest of scientists world-wide. During this time other artists begane them, eventually superseding them, and continued a chain reaction - mutating from the UFO lore from which it still suckles and, in turn, nourishes - to become what is arguably the most mysterious 'tactile- paranormal' phenomenon this century. In 1991, Doug & Dave's claim to original authorship created an atmosphere well known to theological sociologists; that discomfirmation can lead to strengthened belief. Consistent with previous millennial activity, the religious use of pseudo science to plot our destiny has reached another high... the circles have become signs and portents of our time."

Here's their website.

I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, hoping that if people believe in "giant spaceships" and "crop circles from god" then I might be able to find a, customer.

Look at the thousands of other crop circles. They appear in many countries.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by LimbicSystem

??? POTATO ??? In Canada you need ministry aproval for potatos?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:20 PM
Interesting, very interesting. This UFO incident could be connected to the alleged fringe ships reported in the OP. The timing is suspect. And there seems to be way too much "UFO" activity going on around China's airports.


UFO Forces Closure Of Chinese Airport

Let's work together and keep our eyes open!

Thanks a lot,

edit on 6-10-2010 by Antoniastar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 03:29 PM
Ooops let's not leave this one out! Something goin on. Hey hopefully October won't turn out to be a big bummer.

Please don't take a "joy ride" on a UFO you don't know.

Warning of hostile Alien Invasion planned for Oct 2010

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Antoniastar

Announced TODAY Oct 8 2010, at Division for Planetary Sciences in Pasadena, California
Do you buy the comet explanation, or think this is a space ship?


The Extraordinary Disrupting Asteroid P/2010 A2

Author Block David Jewitt1, H. Weaver2, J. Agarwal3, M. Mutchler4, M. Drahus1
1UCLA, 2Applied Physics Laboraory, Johns Hopkins University, 3ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, 4STSCI.

Abstract P/2010 A2 has the orbit of an inner main-belt asteroid (a,e,i = 2.29 AU, 0.124, 5.3 and Tj = 3.6) but is the source of an extended dust tail that lies near the projected orbit. We used ground-based data to recognize the strange nature of this object, then secured Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations from January 12 to May 29 2010, in order to ascertain its nature and evolution. Our data show that A2 consists of a leading nucleus, about 120 meters in diameter (albedo 0.15 assumed), followed by a unique, X-shaped structure that is the source of a tail (or trail) of millimeter-sized dust particles. Examination of the tail shows that the particles were emitted in 2009 February/March at velocities less than 1 m/s. The combined mass of material in the tail is roughly equal to the mass of a single 12-meter radius sphere. Spectroscopic observations from the Gemini North telescope show no evidence for CN or other optical gas lines.

We consider it unlikely that ice exists in such a small, warm object so close to the inner edge of the asteroid belt. Thus, while A2 technically meets the definition of a main-belt comet, we believe its activity has another cause. We interpret A2 as a debris cloud from a small, previously unknown asteroid that has been impacted by a still smaller body. Alternative explanations will be discussed.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by keyseeker

Actually, it was announced in February.

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