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Tea Party Exposed

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:55 PM
the religious conservatives have nothing to do with the tea party, so identifying Sarah Palin fans or anti-masturbatory republicans as part of the tea party is inaccurate. The tea party originated as a campaign to get Ron Paul elected.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:28 PM
The TEA party and 9/12 movements were all started as a Grassroot effort to take back the Republic. I fell off the waggon when the establishment republicans came in a took it over.

My plan it to Vote and encourage others to vote anti-incumbant and get all new people elected.

No more politicians we need public servants.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 08:54 PM
Sorry big government folks out there.

You have already lost. There will be no more power and money for you to steal.

We are not going to let you turn this country into a prison.

Time to quit acting like children and face the truth, the government is not your benefactor. Your actions only make the movement bigger. Do you not understand that. When normal folk turn on Ed and the other radicals screaming like freaking lunatics, a few more realize how absurdly crazy his side is.

You and the government power has come to an end. Time to learn what freedom, liberty and RESPONSIBILITY means.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 08:57 PM
I read something today about the Tea Party
movement was so popular that they are starting
a Tea Party movement in Australia

Check the news

It might be a global Revolution before
it's all over

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 09:43 PM
Its is ironic that the OP bashes the 'uniformed'. We now have a government full of people who've never held a real job and consequently don't understand and are uninformed about their constituency. It is as plain as day, the people just want to live, work and be generally unhindered by the federal gov. Or some other "authority" type figure telling them what to do. If not us then who? If not now then when? I wonder if the colonists came under the same fire from Britain? Does it take an army of professors and economists to start a revolution? Also, one would have to be completely naive to believe that a conservative movement would bring America back to the dark ages! The majority of people believe in limited powers and separation of church and state and quite frankly social decisions that don't fall under the umbrella of the constitution should be left up to each locality. If San Francisco wants to be a sanctuary city and Tucson doesn't that is the cities business. Some here should reread what the ideas behind the federal Gov. were. We are a unique society where everyone- informed or ignorant- is treated equally (theoretically). We don't owe our gov. Anything, in point of fact they work for the people and when an employee doesn't do their job, they get fired!

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posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
the religious conservatives have nothing to do with the tea party, so identifying Sarah Palin fans or anti-masturbatory republicans as part of the tea party is inaccurate. The tea party originated as a campaign to get Ron Paul elected.

This is half true, it was originated as something that it clearly is now not. The religious right has hijacked the tea party. The tea party is not what it was once. It is now commercialized and mainstream. Remember "the revolution will not be televised".

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower

There will be no more power and money for you to steal.

We are not going to let you turn this country into a prison.

There will be plenty for the corporations to steal!!!

We will let them do it

I wonder though, Foam, if they get all Neocon are you gonna speak up?

I find it interesting that this movement is accompanied with the Islamophobia...

PS don't go all TP messiah on us BTW

good luck all

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Janky Red

I have been trashing the Neo Cons.

To me, a Neo Con is a light liberal war monger.

I stand for a strong defense, in our damn country.

I tell you, ol Clinton has gotten my ire up lately. Seen the globalization vid on YouTube?

Tell you what, those on the left and on the Dem side better watch an learn about their leaders. Globalization has everything to do with the militarization of every country, every aspect of your lives.

Better wake up to the tyrants before it is too late.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_DefierThe sad thing about people like yourself is you can't make a point about anything you appose without ridiculing the people that you don't agree with,so any point you make (or don't make)just looks like another Shill or at the least a Troll.

The Tea Party is just another political movement that it seems has made the left frinzy like a school of sharks and make total fools of themselves.If you want a real debat ,try leaving out the ridicule.


posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by Ignorance_DefierThe sad thing about people like yourself is you can't make a point about anything you appose without ridiculing the people that you don't agree with,so any point you make (or don't make)just looks like another Shill or at the least a Troll.

The Tea Party is just another political movement that it seems has made the left frinzy like a school of sharks and make total fools of themselves.If you want a real debat ,try leaving out the ridicule.


These people are anti-american, they are anti-liberty and anti-freedom; this is nothing to a joke about. If people don't learn who this people really are America will destroy itself. Debate? Okay, why would you want to ban alcohol, why would you want to enforce christian values on the people of this country, why would want to get of the United Nations, why would you want to increase tax cuts for the rich, why would you want to get rid of the middle class, why would you want to eliminate the federal reserve, why would you want 2nd amendment remedies for those in congress, why would you want to take medicine away from patients, why would you want people to go without healthcare, why would you want to only let men and women get married, why would you want to get rid of the department of education, why would you deny that man is contributing to global warming?

My answer; because you are not educated on the subjects, what is yours?

*Basically these people want to control other people, they are power hungry, they want the way they see life to be what everyone says, they like to control what people say and do* They are not interested in creating a thesis with an anti-thesis and getting a synthesis, it is their way or the highway.

edit on 17-9-2010 by Ignorance_Defier because: Added some things.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Ignorance_DefierYou sound like your reading from a liberal talking points sheet but some of the things you don't like even the libs have a problem with like the United Nations,one of the most corrupt enities on earth,the Fed also corrupt,prints money that we as a nation don't have and generations to come will have to pay back.

I belive in man/woman marriage not because of religion but because it goes agenst nature,just my belief.

The Tea Party is not enforceing Christian values on anyone,this is there belief and there bass just like the liberal progressive base is redistrbution of wealth and socialism witch this administration is forceing on the American people right now.

Get rid of the middleclass??What do you think Obamas agenda is doing?With redistrabution of wealth there will be no middle class just the elites and the poor.

Global warming,if you belive that Al Gore lie then you are the one that needs to research and get the facts,the only ones left that belive that sham are the ones involved with filling there pockets.

With all that you listed you don't act like someone looking for a debat you act like a very angry progressive that is haveing a real hard time with the success of the Tea Party

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Ignorance_Defier

These people are anti-american, they are anti-liberty and anti-freedom; this is nothing to a joke about. If people don't learn who this people really are America will destroy itself. Debate? Okay, why would you want to ban alcohol, why would you want to enforce christian values on the people of this country, why would want to get of the United Nations, why would you want to increase tax cuts for the rich, why would you want to get rid of the middle class, why would you want to eliminate the federal reserve, why would you want 2nd amendment remedies for those in congress, why would you want to take medicine away from patients, why would you want people to go without healthcare, why would you want to only let men and women get married, why would you want to get rid of the department of education, why would you deny that man is contributing to global warming?

My answer; because you are not educated on the subjects, what is yours?

First of all, i've been following your thread; secondly, i'm not a TEA Party member. I do have some questions for you ... areas that i'd like you to expand on, if you don't mind.

In what specific ways do you see these people as being anti-liberty and anti-freedom?

Do you have a link to a reputable source that explains your comments that they want to ban alcohol? I've not heard anything about that.

Who are you saying wants to eliminate the middle class?

Who do you think owns the Federal Reserve?

What do you mean by "2nd amendment remedies for those in congress?"


posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 09:05 PM
" What are your thoughts? "

My thoughts are that you seem to be one Misguided Individual if you happen to Believe ANY of that Obvious Propaganda . The Tea Party Represents Loyal Patriotic Americans that are Tired of being Constantly Attacked by their Own Goverment when it comes to their Constitutional Rights . Socialistic Radical Liberals have taken over the Democratic Party in these United States , and the NWO OWNS the Republican Partys SOUL . If Any of Us Wish to keep our Freedoms , then a Third Major Political Party is our Only Hope of doing so . Get it ?

edit on 17-9-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
" What are your thoughts? "

My thoughts are that you seem to be one Misguided Individual if you happen to Believe ANY of that Obvious Propaganda . The Tea Party Represents Loyal Patriotic Americans that are Tired of being Constantly Attacked by their Own Goverment when it comes to their Constitutional Rights . Socialistic Radical Liberals have taken over the Democratic Party in these United States , and the NWO OWNS the Republican Partys SOUL . If Any of Us Wish to keep our Freedoms , then a Third Major Political Party is our Only Hope of doing so . Get it ?

edit on 17-9-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2010 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

The tea party(ers) are the most anti-american thing I have ever seen, they are against the constitution & they simply hate this country. If any of them get into office in November they should be treated as domestic enemies. We may have to get ready for some second amendment remedies to get rid of these tyrannical domestic enemies.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by SeesFar
First of all, i've been following your thread; secondly, i'm not a TEA Party member. I do have some questions for you ... areas that i'd like you to expand on, if you don't mind.

In what specific ways do you see these people as being anti-liberty and anti-freedom?

Do you have a link to a reputable source that explains your comments that they want to ban alcohol? I've not heard anything about that.

Who are you saying wants to eliminate the middle class?

Who do you think owns the Federal Reserve?

What do you mean by "2nd amendment remedies for those in congress?"


In what specific ways do you see these people as being anti-liberty and anti-freedom?

liberty |ˈlibərtē|
noun ( pl. -ties)
1 the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views :

The Tea Party people want to use oppressive restrictions upon us, think about Palin when she says "this nation needs christian morals".

They are anti-freedom because they want us not to be free to make this country more progressive.

Do you have a link to a reputable source that explains your comments that they want to ban alcohol? I've not heard anything about that. Yes Sharron Angle has said this in her campaigns.

Who are you saying wants to eliminate the middle class? They do they want to give tax cuts to the top 2%(those who make over 250,000k per year and not give tax cuts to anyone else.

Who do you think owns the Federal Reserve? A private company.

What do you mean by "2nd amendment remedies for those in congress?" This was stated by Sharron Angle in an interview when she said that there are domestic enemies in congress and if they don't win in november this is what they result to.

I encourage you to do some of your own research on this. These people want to ruin this country!

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

All I can say is, don't run for office. You just might get a rude awakening as I feel the average plumber will be able to see through the doublespeak.
Yes, I am one of those that do not want your "progressive" ideas to further ruin my life. If that is limiting your "liberty", then so be it. Like all of the other T.E.A. Party people that vote, I will use my "liberty" to restrict your "liberty" to impose your progressive beliefs on me. Of course, you may retain them, just as Palin may retain hers.
The voters will decide which belief system is "scarier", as fear seems to be the entree served up by the entrenched parties, and by yourself I might add.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

Spoken like a True Misguided Liberal . I think there are Drugs that can Cure you of that Ailment . See a Doctor Sir .

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

I must be having a hard time understanind how free the poor will feel when Tea Party favorite Carl Paladino puts them in prison camps. I am also confused how free the rest of us in NY are going to feel having to find a way to pay for prison camps, as well as using them to house the poor and teach them to wash. Any takers on that?

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
reply to post by Zanti Misfit

I must be having a hard time understanind how free the poor will feel when Tea Party favorite Carl Paladino puts them in prison camps. I am also confused how free the rest of us in NY are going to feel having to find a way to pay for prison camps, as well as using them to house the poor and teach them to wash. Any takers on that?

Haha, exactly; Carl Paladino is a crazy person. Look up his email's he sent that got leaked. He is a racist and somewhat into bestiality.

These people who are voting in these quacks are going to regret it.

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by Ignorance_DefierYou sound like your reading from a liberal talking points sheet but some of the things you don't like even the libs have a problem with like the United Nations,one of the most corrupt enities on earth,the Fed also corrupt,prints money that we as a nation don't have and generations to come will have to pay back.

I belive in man/woman marriage not because of religion but because it goes agenst nature,just my belief.

The Tea Party is not enforceing Christian values on anyone,this is there belief and there bass just like the liberal progressive base is redistrbution of wealth and socialism witch this administration is forceing on the American people right now.

Get rid of the middleclass??What do you think Obamas agenda is doing?With redistrabution of wealth there will be no middle class just the elites and the poor.

Global warming,if you belive that Al Gore lie then you are the one that needs to research and get the facts,the only ones left that belive that sham are the ones involved with filling there pockets.

With all that you listed you don't act like someone looking for a debat you act like a very angry progressive that is haveing a real hard time with the success of the Tea Party

The Fed is a PRIVATE entity, not an actual federal branch/agency.

Regardless of whether you believe homosexuality is "against nature", the facts supersede your beliefs on the matter. Homosexuality is seen all throughout human history in all societies, it is also seen throughout the animal kingdom. It is not "unnatural". Perhaps by unnatural you mean it is not biologically sustainable since homosexuals do not tend to pass on their genes... but this has NO EFFECT on their existence as a human being with the same potential capabilities/thoughts/feelings/strengths/weaknesses/personalities/interests as you, I, or anybody else. Also, if we are to believe in our natural rights as humans as well as our constitutional rights we simply CANNOT exclude homosexuals from their rights simply because some people have a personal disgust, distaste, or disagreement with homosexuality. When it comes to religion and sexual preference- you have the right to practice both as you wish but you CANNOT force it onto other people or oppress them for their own beliefs/practices. The best solution would be to LEGALIZE gay marriage, provide gay married couples the same rights/benefits of heterosexual couples, and leave it up to EACH INDIVIDUAL CHURCH to decide whether they will marry homosexuals or not. Even so, though... that's a contentious issue which can be debated further on whether all churches should have to respect the rights of homosexuals or not (considering some specific religious aversions to homosexuality). Certainly homosexual couples have constitutional rights and a strong case could even be made that no church has the right to deny that... however, we wont get into that specific debate now because I'm not even sure exactly where I stand on it yet.

Ask ANY RADICAL LEFT-WINGER if Obama is a socialist or a radical and they'll either laugh in your face or slap you silly.

OBAMA IS NOT A RADICAL, HE IS NOT A SOCIALIST. He is more left-leaning than recent presidents, but he is still part of the status-quo and still a corporatist with right-wing leanings.

Most left-wingers are defenders of the middle and lower classes (and FAR more than the right-wing)... redistribution of wealth has historically HELPED the middle and lower classes. How is this so hard for you to understand?

Global warming is real, nobody with half a brain disputes this. The vast majority of climatologists agree and have proven that humans are responsible for the majority of the warming we're seeing. The consequences of THE ENTIRE PLANET warming so rapidly are going to be considerably BAD especially when stacked on top of the destruction we've already caused upon ecosystems and other species. We're seeing rises in temperature that are more or less unprecedented for millions of years... I personally trust the scientists on this one since they study climate for a LIVING. Whenever I've researched scientists who argue against anthropogenic global warming, I've ALWAYS found that they either have no expertise in the field of climatology or atmospheric physics, or they have links (usually financial) to the fossil fuel industry and/or right-wing industry think-tanks that have purposely put out disinformation/propaganda about global warming to deceive the public into believing it's a hoax. Please check out my thread for some debunking of denier myths:

You need to stop crafting your own belief system based on being against/contrary to what you deem as "liberal". Follow the truth no matter where it leads, even if it leads you where you previously avoided/disagreed with. The world is not black and white.

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