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how can they cut JSA???

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posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:26 AM
I have just read that in the sun they plan to cut job seekers allowance.

I have been out of work and looking for work how ,
can we live if they choose to cut our only income and housing benefits?, also I will not be able to pay my landlord so looks like the streets for me..

how does everyone else feel about this, surely there must be a law against this.

at the best of times I can't afford f all

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:27 AM
You don't have a job yet you are making post on ATS. Why don't you sign off of here and fill out applications. Have you tried applying for a job out of your state?

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Ignorance_Defier

I don;t have the ability to move out of state otherwise I wouldn;t get somewhere without waiting on a ten year waiting list.

and yes i do fill applications out and yes I turn up for interviews unlike some,.

tut all people do is take the mick out of people who are not in work,

how would you feel the other way round and you was in my situation

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

Wow, that's messed up...

Good luck to you on your search.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

What is JSA and who the heck offers that?

Currently unemployed, wink wink say no more say no more.

Do everything I know how to do for money. Photography, computer work, construction work, a little qypsy cabbying once and awhile, grocery shopping for shut ins, etc etc etc.

Get cracking, and do everything you can to cut costs.

Explain that JSA anyway, never heard of it.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 04:56 AM
I am not trying to be rude but maybe you can do something on your own? Start up your own business, by things and sell them, do you play any instrument *you could teach*. Have you thought about working for the government? Substitute teaching? Wal-Mart is usually hiring. Buying and selling things kraigs list or E bay??

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

Jobseeker's Allowance is a British social security benefit for unemployed people. The payments are made every two weeks when the person attends a government office (Job Centre) and explains what they've done to look for work. The payment levels are modest, only covers the very basics for food, heat & light. Other benefits are available to cover rent/mortgage payments and local taxes.

The new British government is currently reviewing social security, it's the biggest spending item on the balance sheet. The results of the review will be published on 20th October 2010 & severe cuts are expected for all spending departments.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 05:54 AM
I too have been supporting myself on Jobseekers Allowance in the UK for several months now. I have to say it is barely enough to live on as it is so if there are any cuts being made it could have disastrous consequences with many people ending up on the street. Thankfully I have a permanent job starting soon (which I actually found through the Job Centre surprisingly) but for those of you who are worried about this, you have to really WANT to work if you want to find a job or it just does not work. If you are willing to work for minimum wage there are plenty of agencies which will put you in ongoing temporary work.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz
I don;t have the ability to move out of state otherwise I wouldn;t get somewhere without waiting on a ten year waiting list.

Being unemployed is bad news and a terrible experience. Although now embedded in a career I have to say that I have moved house to follow work (and the work of my spouse) four times in the last two decades. I am not sure why mobility is such a problem as there are plenty of places to rent and plenty of jobs to be found in the UK.

Moving house is traumatic, but being out of work is worse. As the Norman Tebitt, the British politician once said...

I grew up in the '30s with an unemployed father. He didn't riot. He got on his bike and looked for work, and he kept looking 'til he found it.

Good luck, but sometimes you have to be brave. There's plenty of work about.


posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:24 AM
Its not just JSA they are messing with, A friend of mine has a Daughter who is Mentally Disabled and suffers from PTSD after an attack on her, she has tried to harm herself many times and needs to be watched 24/7.

Yet they stopped any benefits she was receiving to help pay for carers to look after her so her Father and Mother could Work now her Mother has to give up work to look after her, which is a 24/7 job.

Why people though the Tories where a different bunch from the Thatcher years is beyond me, practically every picture ever seen of thatcher out and about had Cameron in the background, he is Thatchers prodigy, they didn't care back then and do not care now.

Next will be private health care, the selling off - of what the British people own, and the privatisation of everything the Government fund, this is just the start you mark my words, people will be wishing for Labour back in a very short time, there will be strikes, picket lines being stopped by Police ending in all out pitched battles just like the miners strike when they fought to save their industry and eventually failed.

The only hope anyone has is Clegg, he can pull the plug at anytime should it go too far, that is if he doesn't have an accident first and is replaced by a more Tory friendly Lib Dem leader, who they probably have in the shadows.

IMO anyone who voted for them will be regretting it very soon, too late now, these bastards care for nobody with an income of less than £100,000 a year.

Notice there is no news reports of Disabled benefits being stopped? but its happening, in the last two weeks I've heard of 3 people who have physical disabilities having major cuts in the help they receive, some wont care about that really, but if they will do it to them, be assured they wont have a second thought of doing it to anyone else.

Got a job and think it wont effect you? wait until that job goes out of the window as it is handed over to a company who will do your job for half the price with less people, just like they did in the 80's.

Its hard enough to find a job as it is, you have people sweeping floors with degrees coming out of their ears, there are no jobs, and about to be even less, the Tories finished their occupation of number 10 with over 4 million unemployed, it will be even worse this time.

So those of you telling the OP to get off line and fill out some applications, come back in 6 months, you may just need their help filling in yours.

In a way its a good thin for the people, because when TSHTF we seem to pull together, not like now when its every man for himself.

I don't understand why people are allowing them to do this crap, when the Bankers walk away with the money that got us in this bloody mess in the first place.

I want our money back, sod the Bankers, let them rot, I couldn't care if all Banks go bust, it would be hard at first, but the rewards would be unimaginable.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by azzllin

very well put indeed.

I have also tried recruitment agencies only to fill in forms and give them my details with no further outcome.
even the damn shops are being boarded up every week.

isn;t it 2.5million people to 50,000 jobs.

I have a better chance winning the lottery.

I think mr cameron is not realising that people need jsa to :-

pay extra rent to landlord that the housing doesn;t pay
hair cuts
tv license
travel expense for shopping and interviews

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:49 AM

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by jumpingbeanz
I have just read that in the sun they plan to cut job seekers allowance.

I have been out of work and looking for work how ,
can we live if they choose to cut our only income and housing benefits?, also I will not be able to pay my landlord so looks like the streets for me..

how does everyone else feel about this, surely there must be a law against this.

at the best of times I can't afford f all

First off, its in the Sun so its probably being exaggerated and blown out of context in order to sell papers. I will await the actual report before worrying about it too much.

However, it is well known Cameron and his coalition have no regard for anyone who is not rich. THEY HAVE ALREADY HIT THE SICK AND DISABLED. Now they are going even further. So its entirely possible they will do this. And if they do then it is time to rise up and destroy this government. Because democracy DOES NOT WORK. They have got only their own interests at heart.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

they cant cut the benefits that falls below the minimum you need to survive on. What they have done is throw everyone who is on benefits off to weed out those who were faking. Now because everyone is off benefits or are recieving reduced income support whilst they have to wait for a tribunal so they case can be heard. This looks great on books but it is the worse thing they could have done. Crime will definitley go up under tories as people will struggle to make ends meet and look for easier ways of getting quick cash. What I dont understand about the tories mentality is this; if they save for arguements sake £10 pounds off benefits which isnt much its around £60 a week how many people are going to turn to black market stuff? Also it cost the UK £112 PER day to keep a Inmate in Prison. I can tell you this for some the prospect of going to jail dosent deter most people unless you are middle or upper class. So as its the working class who is going to be the hardest hit through these cuts the question is is it really saving the country money or is the money saved through cuts going to be wasted by having that money going to the prison system because people are commiting crimes to makes end meet.
I swear these people in Government are said to go to the best schools and yet I still have to see on ounce of intelligence coming from this government

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

Interesting that you have made 'hair cuts' a priority need

Nah, I do understand that personal presentation is important when job seeking.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by loner007
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

they cant cut the benefits that falls below the minimum you need to survive on. What they have done is throw everyone who is on benefits off to weed out those who were faking. Now because everyone is off benefits or are recieving reduced income support whilst they have to wait for a tribunal so they case can be heard. This looks great on books but it is the worse thing they could have done. Crime will definitley go up under tories as people will struggle to make ends meet and look for easier ways of getting quick cash. What I dont understand about the tories mentality is this; if they save for arguements sake £10 pounds off benefits which isnt much its around £60 a week how many people are going to turn to black market stuff? Also it cost the UK £112 PER day to keep a Inmate in Prison. I can tell you this for some the prospect of going to jail dosent deter most people unless you are middle or upper class. So as its the working class who is going to be the hardest hit through these cuts the question is is it really saving the country money or is the money saved through cuts going to be wasted by having that money going to the prison system because people are commiting crimes to makes end meet.
I swear these people in Government are said to go to the best schools and yet I still have to see on ounce of intelligence coming from this government

Its disgusting isnt it?

JSA is currently around £65 a week. Thats about £3380 a year.
IB/ESA is around £90 a week. Thats approx £4680 a year.

People on benefits get less in an ENTIRE LIFETIME than most of the high paid executives who have employees to do all their work for them, in a YEAR.

So many ignorant idiots bitch and moan because people, through choice or necessity, live on the paltry amounts above. Yet there are CEO's, bankers, politicians, religious leaders etc all on excessively high salaries, who all find ways to avoid paying taxes. They are often rich as a result of exploitation. They force us to pay them when they squander all of our money we entrusted with them. The politicians who steal tax payers money through fraudulent claims totally escape any sort of punishment.

Yet its the weak and vulnerable who are being attacked by the media, by the government, and by the ignorant population of this country.

I hate it. It makes me rage. It makes me want to source weapons and blow away every corrupt piece of # I come across. Of course I would never do such a thing because it would ultimately be counter productive even if it is justified.

But come on - DONT JUST IGNORE ALL OF THIS! I have not kept quiet, and have no intention of shutting up. Anyone with a brain of their own needs to make a noise too.

posted on Sep, 11 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by EnactedEgoTrip
People on benefits get less in an ENTIRE LIFETIME than most of the high paid executives who have employees to do all their work for them, in a YEAR.

Is that not one of the problems, that there are people who do spend a lifetime living "off the state". There are families in some areas who have not worked for generations. People do have a choice. They have access to primary, secondary and higher education. There is nothing to stop a person moving to a job. Unemployment is bad and the State should support legitimate welfare claimants, but there has to be a limit and if people won’t work then they should suffer the consequences.

It was recently reported that 5 million people in the UK are dependent on welfare. What's going on? In addition, the London Mayor says that immigration rules will cause problems in London because they don't have the people to fill jobs! As a person who works, I think it is an affront that I am paying for some people to swan around doing sweet FA at my expense.

Originally posted by EnactedEgoTrip
Yet there are CEO's, bankers, politicians, religious leaders etc all on excessively high salaries, who all find ways to avoid paying taxes.

Envy that someone gets highly paid is pointless. You miss out the excessively highly paid medical consultants, GPs etc and these people earn more than our politicians. In fact, the average salary of an MP is £65K, which is less than a considerable number of "normal" professions. Tax avoidance may be practiced by the excessively rich who own properties abroad, but it is probably not as much as you want to believe.

Originally posted by EnactedEgoTrip
They are often rich as a result of exploitation. They force us to pay them when they squander all of our money we entrusted with them. The politicians who steal tax-payers money through fraudulent claims totally escape any sort of punishment.

Of course, some politicians paid the price by not being re-elected. I would be interested to know how the rich exploit others, except as businessmen who through their activities ensure the livlihood of others.

Originally posted by EnactedEgoTrip
I hate it. It makes me rage. It makes me want to source weapons and blow away every corrupt piece of # I come across. Of course I would never do such a thing because it would ultimately be counter-productive even if it is justified.

Chill out.


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