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Is this Rome, or America?

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posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Johnze
reply to post by time91

Just as a side note id say Sparta dabbled in a great deal of false flag terrorism. Sparta was A BAD PLACE, i understand the movie made Sparta all #s and giggles, but it was basicaly the ultimate mind bendering police state that controled a largely slave population with frightning violence. Nazi germany would be a fairly good comparison to Sparta, and as much respect as i have for Sparta in there stubborness towards the corrupt shambles that was Athens i really cant stress this enough what a frightning nightmare world the Lacedaemonian states actualy were.

A good place to start into false flags and a secret police, though no doubt empires before them carried out such activities, just not perhaps with the ruthless efficiency of the Spartan war machine.

You should read at the very least the beginning of the Opening of my All Roads Lead to Rome thread where I detail the relationship Troy, Sparta and Athens all had on forming the Roman mind set.

I talk about how Trojan concepts of the 12 classic Gods, Spartan militancy, and Athenian wisdom and phillosophy were all combined into the mind set of the average Roman, and played a driving force in how the Republic, then Empire developed.

For religious reasons, most people look to Babylon and Egypt because they are brought significantly into play in the Holy Roman Bible, as the primary shaping forces in Rome.

Yet this is a deflection away from what really made Rome and the phillosophies that still govern it today. Trojan concepts of God as all powerful, Spartan Concepts of Military might and domination through force, and Athenian concepts of intellect and wisdom.

If you look to those three ancient and now defunct City States, Troy, Sparta and Athens, you will come to understand Rome. If you look to Babylon and Egypt you will come to understand a fear based false fiction.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

Its interesting how the three systems of government repeated almost directly. The dark ages and the official fall of the Roman Empire was followed by a continent where almost every country was ruled by a monarchy. Out of the British monarchy came the American republic, followed by the empire (shown by protoplasmic traveler to be controlled at least legally by the British empire through treaty).

reply to post by Aquarius1

Yes I have, I looked over it for this thread to make sure I wasn't simply re-hashing old points, but when I saw the coincidence with the currency and system of government change, I had to post it. Its very impressive.

reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Yes we continue to live in Rome. The near total majority of us simply being free range economic slaves. The most enslaved person is the one of course who imagines they are free. This is the illusion by which Rome rules.

Rome is all around us. It’s on our money, it controls our money.

Our money is the code of the banking houses. They get their revenge through it:

Andrew Jackson is on the Twenty Dollar Bill as a form of mockery to him by the people of his time who later, after Jackson left office started the Federal Reserve System. Jackson hated paper money and opposed printing anything higher than a $5 bill. He believed in using silver and gold coins. Jackson opposed having a Central Banking system and fought hard to win his fight, which he did, against a key banking individual named Biddle in not renewing the Central Bank's charter. Andrew Jackson greatly opposed having a Central Bank and believed only in having silver-backed or gold-backed currency. Andrew Jackson was able to win his fight over not renewing the charter of the Central Bank which made Mr. Biddle, a key central Banker player very angry. Andrew Jackson believed that the only paper currency that should ever be allowed into our monetary system should be one and five dollar bills. Later, after he left office, despite Andrew Jackson's hard fight with the elite bankers of his time against having a central bank, Jackson's achievements were all in vain when a group of elite banking individuals secretly traveled to Jekyll Island in 1913 and created the Federal Reserve, which is now our central bank. Because Jackson so greatly opposed any form of paper currency, especially in $20 bills, the irony in all of this is that Jackson's face is printed on the $20 bill in order to mock him. The people who print our money is the Federal Reserve System, a private organization in business with the U.S. government to print its money. Andrew Jackson was the greatest enemy to the Central Bank, and the greatest opposer of paper money. The writer's personal opinion is that the people of his time who started the Federal Reserve seriously hated him and therefore his picture was put there in order to mock him.

Source: The Creature from Jekyll Island, a new look at the Federal Reserve, by Ed Griffin

They send messages through it to those in the know, one example are the coins that were a reverse of the denarius, showing that they were devaluing the currency.

Another example is the coded message about 9/11 before it happened here on new bills created in the 1990s, appearing on the 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bills :

Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Our representative republic is no democracy at all. We simply get to vote on a preselected slate of candidates, who then once elected do two things. One is make laws that are dictated to them by the most powerful corporations, owned by the Patrician Elite, who use mid level lackeys called lobbyists to function as bagmen and to deliver those orders to the law makers. Two the Chief Executive appoints at his discretion the individuals who will head and run the various important departments of government, that from that lofty perch, make sure that the manipulations and the crimes of the Patrician Elite are never uncovered and never prosecuted.

Their is also a hidden fist to these somewhat open devices. I wonder if you have read Confessions of an Economic Hitman? Anyway it is true that we vote on a group of acceptable (ideologically) candidates. Just like the president gets the ceremonial choice between a few pre-selected bankers. I have said many times that whoever is in control is combining corporate, bank, political, military, and occult power into a global government ruled by the elites of all of these.

By granting the people the illusion of freedom to further define this notion of God, and to found and incorporate one state after another, one nation after another, it has tricked the people to not just divide themselves, but to fight one another and compete with one another, to race around the Globe wiping out the people who existed before that did not share that concept of that One God, to colonize the world on Rome’s behalf, setting up common systems of Law, Commerce, Banking, and Religion, and Rules for the Warfare, that the people would follow in a never ending quest for just one dominant notion of nation, notion of God, notion of law, to violently incorporate all the rest.

The two types of tyranny, the visible vs. invisible bars. This all goes back to controlling people through psychological tricks. The most important one is the loss of individual identity in a group. Going to a sports game is now somewhat disturbing to me.

Involved here are all the think tanks, and the most important research I've done has involved tavistock institute and occult systems of control.

To create a world and war so violent, so harsh, that one day the people would utterly surrender to concepts of freedom, nation and individuality for the security of a totalitarian one world government under Rome...

The ultimate hegelian dialect, or the dialectic, also known as problem-reaction-solution. Most communist propaganda uses this device to demoralize people. Then again almost all propaganda uses this concept...

Yes my friends, as you read the Treaties, and not the History Books, but the Treaties that establish a chain of custody, that legally found the nations and end the wars, you realize one very important thing that the History Books do not tell us, that no high official will tell us, that Rome never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, went out of business.

It is interesting to read the law and also treaties rather than history books, just like its more interesting to read declassified documents than to watch the news. At least if you are interested in the truth. I know many who have read actual government/corporate documents who just shake their heads and refuse to believe it. They are so demoralized that they can not even recognize truth and evaluate evidence objectively.

We live in Rome, we have always lived in Rome, and we shall always live in Rome, as long as people will accept the illusion of words like freedom, absolution, nation, God, religion, money, law, and morality as all are defined by Rome.

Well the world is still largely in this phase right now. There are just a few strong undercurrents, like ATS and alternative media. I know lots of people who don't buy into the BS instead they question everything. Then there are the people who know nothing (not even what they are told) and who get wasted and chant USA! USA! USA! on September 11th.

Its all part of the duality I guess.

edit on 13-9-2010 by time91 because: Nothing important

edit on 13-9-2010 by time91 because: wording/spelling

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by time91
There are many similarities between Rome and America. For starters, Rome went from being a monarchy, to a republic, and eventually turned into an empire. America was formed by people fleeing the British monarchs, we formed a republic, and we have been turned into an empire (although ours is much more covert).

You may be using a different meaning of the word "empire" than is usually meant. Empire means a government of a large area under a hereditary (blood lineage and known lineage, no "covert lineage") Ruler-For-Lifetime. In Rome, the Emperors were worshiped (in what would be our equivalent of a church) as the main god of the empire. In an empire, the rule goes to a son (occasionally daughter) that the whole country saw growing up in the household of the old emperor. The exception would be in cases where the emperor was deposed and killed and then the new emperor would set himself and his family up as rulers.

We have a senate, a group of wealthy powerful people who govern.

Not the same. In Rome, only members of the Patrician class could become Senators. It was both legislative and advisory, though in the early days and late days it was mostly decaration.

In ancient Rome they actually had two leaders, or consuls, who governed and also led the armies of Rome.

Not quite. The Consuls had only a one year term, came from certain clans. After 400 BC, one Plebian (commoner) was elected as one Consul. :

However, they struggled against the generals for power, and later the generals got fed up and took over.

The generals rebelled against the Emperors and Senate. Not the Consuls.

Rome was also the birthplace (as far as I can find) of false flag terrorism.... The Romans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the rule of Emperors.

Actually, this was the result of a long series of civil wars.

Our founders knew the history of Rome very well.

Better than most people living today. In fact, ANY educated person of that era knew more about the history of Greece and Rome than most people do today.

The bankers and leaders of our country also knew it. In 1916, the US mint actually released a dime that was a mirror image of the Roman Denarius. Did they release this as a nod to those in the know that they were going to devalue the currency?

No. The coin was the goddess Liberty and was a celebration of the Republic. Everyone back then knew a lot about Romans and their symbolism, and so we see their icons which stood for certain things in the Roman culture being repeated as a form of admiration or alignment with things that the Romans stood for.

The value of the US dollar has already gone down a lot. Near 95% since the creation of the federal reserve.

The silver strikes of the 1800's led to the first devaluation of American currency, as freely available, freely minted silver was available as currency. Inflation and deflation also caused variation in currency worth.

What came after the collapse of the Denarius? The complete collapse of Roman Empire as an overt force.

There were a lot of things that led to the collapse of the Western part of the Roman Empire. The emperors moved out of Rome before then and most of the government was done from Constantinople (the Eastern Roman Empire.) It was only the part ruled by Rome that fell apart.

We can draw parallels with many other governments (such as the Tokugawa period of Japan, Babylon under the Code of Hammurabi) -- it shows that certain types of governance work well with groups of people (a "tribal council" couldn't run a vast multicontinent empire. The initiators of our government were fans of the Roman Republic and knew a lot about history and actually read the documents in the original Latin.

But we're not Rome. We don't allow individuals to own slaves, our system of justice is not drastically harsher (death penalty for adultery) on low class people than on higher class people. We don't have a patronus system (and so on and so forth.)

The civil and social problems we face (and have solved) move us far beyond Rome. Our ability to solve these problems and our powers as individuals are FAR beyond the powers that the average person (Plebe) had in Rome. Our ties to economic markets around the world are much more complex than those that existed in Rome.

If you check more closely and read up more on the cultures, you will find that parallels to Rome were much stronger with America in the 1800's than today.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by time91
Another example is the coded message about 9/11 before it happened here on new bills created in the 1990s, appearing on the 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bills :

Forced synchronicity.

Study the history of the bills. To do this kind of thing implies that the government knew back in the early 1900's who would buy land for a skyscraper, that it was possible to build skyscrapers taller than 80 stories high, that there would be jet planes and the position and that they knew the design of buildings whose architect (chosen in competition) hadn't been born yet.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Byrd

I was using empire more in the sense of a large dominating force that exploits others worldwide and uses underhanded methods to take over. Although we don't literally worship our leaders as they did.

Most senators are relatively wealthy, although there are a number of exceptions now and there were not back then.

The consuls did govern together, and held the highest military powers. I'm not seeing how that was incorrect.

I should of clarified but that is why we gave the president the position of commander in chief, to prevent this type of civil war.

Huh, well I guess that's another failure of today's university system. Because we spent a long time discussing the fact that it was a mirror of the denarius, which showed a picture of mercury on the front. In fact, the 1916 dime is still called the 'mercury dime', because of the obvious similarities. So, technically, yes. But no.
Mercury Dime

I think the difference is the effect of the bankers. They are also a dominant force now, and they know how to get money and power. You can't tax a slave. Also before women's rights you couldn't tax half of the population because they didn't work. Do you think these things would be allowed to happen if it didn't benefit the powers that be? (government, corporations, and bankers)

We were closer then than now, but most changes are cosmetic. The rich still hold power over the poor. Are you a slave if you live in extreme poverty, forced to pay taxes for things you don't believe in? You certainly aren't free by my definition. All of these great social changes served a somewhat less noble purpose than you would like to believe. Honestly, is society better off? Has the gap between rich and poor shrank? Is everyone closer to those ideals envisioned: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? No, equality perhaps. But even in a communist country the vast masses have general equality.

Forced synchronicity.

Study the history of the bills. To do this kind of thing implies that the government knew back in the early 1900's who would buy land for a skyscraper, that it was possible to build skyscrapers taller than 80 stories high, that there would be jet planes and the position and that they knew the design of buildings whose architect (chosen in competition) hadn't been born yet.

Alright, I didn't do my research on that one. I saw it on a thread today and decided to include it because I had not seen it before.

I guess I should of done my 'due diligence'; I just assumed if they went to the trouble of posting a long article they would make sure they were correct. Guess thats what always happens when you employ trust and faith instead of doubt and research.

edit on 13-9-2010 by time91 because: reply to 2nd post

posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 10:02 PM
It was a good thread, why did it have to die? Or is it in a coma...

The Denarius (featuring mercury, on left):

Mercury Dime, Featuring 'winged liberty':

edit on 19-9-2010 by time91 because: coin clarification

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