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Yahoo News reports story: "1,270 Architects/Engineers Reveal Hard Evidence of Explosive Demolition

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by nh_ee

Have yea noticed Hooper has done a disappearing trick since you exposed the fact hes only on 9/11 threads since joining ATS,, not one comment or post on any other subject !

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:14 PM

remaining beams that caused a partial collapse that cascaded into a pancake collapse. That is exactly the official story.

It should be noted, that NIST don't actually agree with the pancake theory. They essentially argue that the perimeter columns bowed inwards and this presumably sequentially pulled the rest of the columns inwards as the building collapsed. Whether they argue this is what happened exclusively just for the collapse initiation or the entire collapse I don't know, but they definitely don't support the pancake collapse, that's for sure.

Anyway, debunkers love throwing petty calumniations at Gage in some hopeless attempt to try and discredit him. Me thinks they try too hard. When are the debunkers going to start rebutting Gage's arguments point by point with some hard science, instead of pointlessly resorting to frivolous character assassinations? 1200 architects and engineers all disagreeing with the official story is now more than enough to warrant another investigation.

And anyone who says otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

edit on 9-9-2010 by Nathan-D because: Typo

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:54 PM
A&E for 911 Truth Admit Press Conference Failure, page 1
28 Feb 2010 ... This is the Washington Times. A media source created by Sun ... Gage posted an article on his website admitting that the press ignored him. ...

That cost me 3 seconds to find, using the terms "Gage" and "Washington" in ATS Search.

I have read this thread's eight pages with more and more amazement, that nobody seems to remember this exact same thing happening last year around.

Sorry to have to show this, especially me being one of the oldest truthers around here, in years and in membership, but the truth prevails,
AE for Truth did not get the so anticipated press attention we all hoped for, the last time around.

I really hope they will get it now, but I don't have my hopes really high again.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Nathan-D
It should be noted, that NIST don't actually agree with the pancake theory. They essentially argue that the perimeter columns bowed inwards and this presumably sequentially pulled the rest of the columns inwards as the building collapsed. Whether they argue this is what happened exclusively just for the collapse initiation or the entire collapse I don't know, but they definitely don't support the pancake collapse, that's for sure.

In NCSTAR1 page 175, section 8.2 partial summary extracted;

In WTC 1, the fires weakened the core columns and caused the floors on the south side of the building to sag. The floors pulled the heated south perimeter columns inward, reducing their capacity to support the building above. Their neighboring columns quickly became overloaded as the south wall buckled.......

In WTC 2, the core was damaged severely at the southeast corner and was retrained by the east and south walls via the hat truss and floors. The steady burning fires on the east side of the building caused the floors there to sag. The floors pulled the heated east perimeter columns inward, reducing their capacity to support the building above....

Originally posted by Nathan-D
And anyone who says otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

I agree with you there.

edit on 9-9-2010 by digitalf because: typo in quote

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
you people just don't get it. it doesn't matter how many architect, engineers or airline pilot come forward, they will never admit to this. to admit to this is to end america goddamnt. even if jesus himself came down from the heaven and said that it was and still is an inside job, they will deny it. if GOD himself put himself on every news channel known to man for 5 years straight and point a holy finger at america for 9/11, they would still deny it.

so please, its over and done with. people died and no amount of airline pilot, architect, or engineers will bring them back alive, both in iraq and america. this is one truth that will not be reveal, live with it. to take their words for is the same as knowing the truth, it changes NOTHING.

What criminal you know admits guilt? Isn't that the name of the court game? There are many criminals, even Enron Blue Shirts sitting in jail right now wishing what you just said was true. This 9 11 plot against America was done so America would be brought down on various levels. Bringing these elitist, corporate fascist to light will strengthen American resolve and bring the Lovely Lady Liberty to her feet again especially after these rapist bastards forced her to her knees.
It amazes me that you don't want to see true justice or are afraid of it. I do know people who are genuinely afraid of finding out their government committed mass murder. Don't look at them, look back in your personal history, find a reason for dropping the fear and getting the resolve needed to get our beautiful country back!
And I concur;
Woo woo, Go TEAM AMERICA!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Nathan-D

remaining beams that caused a partial collapse that cascaded into a pancake collapse. That is exactly the official story.

It should be noted, that NIST don't actually agree with the pancake theory. They essentially argue that the perimeter columns bowed inwards and this presumably sequentially pulled the rest of the columns inwards as the building collapsed. Whether they argue this is what happened exclusively just for the collapse initiation or the entire collapse I don't know, but they definitely don't support the pancake collapse, that's for sure.

Anyway, debunkers love throwing petty calumniations and Gage in some hopeless attempt to try and discredit him. Me thinks they try too hard. When are the debunkers going to start rebutting Gage's arguments point by point with some hard science, instead of pointlessly resorting to frivolous character assassinations? 1200 architects and engineers all disagreeing with the official story is now more than enough to warrant another investigation.

And anyone who says otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

Hi Nathan,
NIST seem to be dealing with what initiated the collapse, at and above the impact area as nothing else like explosives was considered, (why not)?? Anyway once the collapse had a cause, you don't have much choice as to what the boom boom boom sounds were. They were either, floors collapsing on one another, or were timed explosives. If it was floors collapsing downwards, then the remainder of the building did pancake. If the sounds were explosives, they could only be used to ensure a total collapse of the outer perimeter walls of the building. What disrupted the core columns is more of a mystery as they appear to stand awhile, or at least some of them (seen on video) then fall straight down. A bit like people standing on a bucket holding hands, then someone kicks the bucket away. This could be where Thermate was used, I don't know.

edit on 9-9-2010 by smurfy because: Grammar.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Btw, this post in that past thread says it all :

Persistence and diligence will win this race. Never underestimate the powers of the Internet to spread the truth.

Because not one MSM representative was there just further proves the how incestuous and easily strong armed they all are by TPTB. Demonstrating in the end how much of a debacle the official story is and how much weight and legitimate influence the architects and engineers actually have.

How little ballz and gutz there are these days in journalism and news reporting.

I remember reading a very smart quote about news gathering. "You should gather your news by what is not reported, and what can be found between the lines of what is."

chirp chirp

[edit on 28-2-2010 by sparrowstail]

I personally found the TOTAL absence of ANY main stream news gatherer very suspicious at that time.
In fact I thought that it was strongly indicative of the, still going strong, whitewashing by the media of all controversial 911 material offered by anyone.
There are many very good arguments by truth seekers in that thread, by the way!

EDIT : Are you the next reincarnation of ImAPepper, hooper? You really both have the same argumentative style.

edit on 9/9/10 by LaBTop because: Question to hooper.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:18 PM
I'd like to present this video of wtc 2 collapse and hear some truthers responces to it. In my opinion it clearly shows wtc2 collapse at point of impact and the upper floors begin the destruction,we even have squibs but alas no explosions accompanying the squibs,they're due to the air being forced out by the collapsing structure above imo. I'm still on the fence about the whole day and this does nothing for building 7 I understand but it does appear to show wtc2 begin its collapse sequence at the point of impact with the crushing wieght of the building above initiating the total collapse. 14 seconds, explain away.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by _ibid
reply to post by bsbray11

"I'm thinking that as awareness of this organization spreads, so will its membership. "

I hope so.

My name has been on that list for the past three years.
I'm licensed to practice architecture in six states and eligible for registration in 20 more.

In thirty years of creating architecture and managing building construction, one thing I know for certain is this:

In my experience, the issues of health, safetey and welfare of building occupants is the foremost matter of concern. Regardless of the circumstances, historically, in every case of building failure, the professional building community; the architects, engineers, building code organizations and emergency response teams had spared no effort in determining the cause, documenting the event step by step, and putting into place exhaustive measures to insure a repeat event would never happen again.... that is, until the failure of WTC7.

That one fell through the cracks of the process, and nothing about that failure is logically explained. The official reports are sorely lacking in detail.

I'm not going to debate the events surrounding the towers. As much as I have my doubts, watching a plane hit one while the other was burning from being hit is enough for me to set those doubts aside for the moment. I cannot argue the obvious. I do, however, believe there are unusual circumstances and inadequate explanations for some issues surrounding their failures. The Pentagon failure presents still more unanswered questions and I refuse to accept the official stories until I witness all camera recordings that have since become classified evidence.

For the writer who wondered what might happen to those on the roster... I can only say this: The construction industry and building professionals in particular have been hit very, very hard by this economic catastrophe that we all are suffering through. Almost everyone I know from my profession is out of a job with nothing on the horizon anytime soon. Many of us may never practice again - it looks more every day like I won't, and after two and a half years I have come to reluctantly accept that as fact...

I don't draw corollary to these events other than to say that many of us presently have very severe matters to worry about in our immediate lives. Doing so is pointless.

For the writer who stated that nobody will ever be held accountable, and for the one who said that there is complicity within the media that should foster distrust, sadly, I agree with you.

Maybe... hopefully, there will be an epiphany.

Deceit is evil, nothing more need be said.
Two thousand, nine-hundred seventy-seven people should not have died in such a manner for any agenda.

I pray justice for them.

Hi Ibid,
If you are like me, then there is no doubt that 'planes hit the buildings, and I think all people know that, although one poster at Yahoo seemed to presume if [Thermite] was used, then there were no 'planes. What I would like to ask you is, and given the official story, were the towers actually fit for the purpose, given the time in which they were built, giving the precendence of the Empire State air crash. There is little difference in the 'planes that hit the towers and the 707 that was "designed in" and fire had to be the biggest factor, not the crash... and four smaller engines as opposed to two big engines, what would cause the most fatal damage?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Dear ATS,

Yahoo would not let me post this, so I am posting it here.

Here are some important questions to ask ourselves when analyzing the attacks of 9/11:

• How come most of the Twin Towers’ steel and concrete was transformed into a fine dust, while large quantities of aluminum exhibited strange electrical burns, yet paper was unharmed? Extreme heat from jet fuel (or explosives) does not selectively damage certain materials, so how come some materials turned to dust, while other materials were bent or burnt, and yet other materials were completely unharmed?
• Why was Hurricane Erin at its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, yet it was not reported on by the major corporate media stations?
• How come there were statistically significant magnetosphere readings in Alaska at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks? Why were the 6 Alaskan magnetomer stations detecting normal readings until the 9/11 attacks commenced, when there was suddenly a huge surge in electromagnetic activity?
• How come there are many reports of power outages and electrical failures in the areas surrounding ground zero just as the attacks commenced?
• How were the Twin Towers turned to dust so fine, that the dust floated high up into our atmosphere. The satellite photos show a clear distinction between the black smoke and the whitish-grey dust, so what turned such a large portion of these buildings to dust so fine that it floated high into our atmosphere?
• How come 1,400+ vehicles located several blocks away (some up to ¼ a mile away) from ground zero experienced metal warping and electricity-like burns and holes during the attacks? If you think the building debris caused these things, then how come that same debris did not burn the clothing or skin of the nearby pedestrians it covered?
• How come countless vehicles located several blocks away from ground zero were flipped upside down or on their side, next to trees which still had all of their leaves on them?
• How come several steel beams were observed to be bent and/or shriveled up in very unusual ways, ways which have only been observed during The Hutchison Effect experiments?
• How come spontaneous rusting of materials occurred all around ground zero? In some instances, entire front-halves of cars were rusted, while the back-halves appeared to be virtually untouched?
• How come various debris at ground zero was still observed to be fuming and being hosed down well into 2008, as video evidence clearly shows? Do fires last for 7+ years? Do debris from fires need to be hosed down 7 years later?
• How come circular holes were observed in the windows of virtually all the buildings near ground zero, when holes like these are known only to be caused by longitudinal waves of energy? If building debris smashed the windows, they would have shattered in a predictable way, so how come these countless windows did not shatter, but instead, developed circular holes characteristic of the effect of longitudinal waves of energy on glass?
• How was the ‘bathtub’, the area directly beneath the Twin Towers, left virtually unharmed? How could thousands of tons of falling building debris not damage the ‘bathtub’ beneath the WTC buildings?
• How was the ‘Looney Toons’ gift shop in the basement of the WTC buildings left virtually unharmed, so dramatically that the ‘Bugs Bunny’ statue and other statues were not even scratched or dented? How could these figurines survive thousands of tons of falling building debris?
• How was the unharmed PATH Train beneath the WTC buildings left virtually unharmed? Shouldn’t falling building debris have crushed that train, or at the very least, knocked it off the tracks?
• How could thousands of tons of rapidly falling steel and concrete building debris leave the ‘Bath Tub’, the basement gift shops, and the PATH train, virtually unharmed? Shouldn’t thousands of tons of falling steel and concrete cause significant damage to at least one of these?
• How come Dr. Wood has already filed evidence-based legal cases against suspected 9/11-involved defense and weapons companies based on their conflict-of-interest relationship with N.I.S.T., yet other 9/11 “truth” researchers have not? How come Dr. Steven Jones has not officially filed his scientific ‘peer-reviewed’ nano-thermite evidence with Congress or the U.S. Courts?
• Why are groups like AE911Truth and PilotsFor911Truth just now claiming to be “pursuing a new 9/11 investigation” when Dr. Judy Wood has already filed many legal cases to pursue such an investigation, one which was successfully appealed to the level of the U.S. Supreme Court in October 2009?
• Why did Dr. Jones ban Dr. Wood from his ‘Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ group long ago, just because they had different conclusions about what destroyed the towers? Shouldn’t Dr. Jones and his ‘Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ group be supporting the 9/11 investigation that Dr. Judy Wood has already demanded with her legal cases, even if he does not agree with her conclusions?
• Why was I silently removed from the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) petition simply for asking Richard Gage if he would examine the research of Dr. Judy Wood? Why didn’t AE911Truth just reply to my well-intended email question, but instead, silently removed me from their petition? I have donated over $100 to AE911Truth, so why was I silently removed from the petition simply for asking Richard Gage a question? Why was I later contacted by Mark Graham of AE911Truth once they discovered I was telling people about what had happened? They could contact me and offer me a refund to try and stop me from telling people about how I was silently removed from their petition, but they couldn’t respond to my email which simply asked Richard Gage if he had looked into Dr. Judy Wood’s research?
• Why was I severely censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? How come David Ray Griffin and other less-qualified researchers are mentioned multiple times on the page, yet I was not even allowed to add one sentence about Dr. Judy Wood? When I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me that if I appealed it again my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result.
• Why did United States Army Major Doug Rokke (retired) spontaneously contact me to try and convince me that explosives were the only things used on 9/11, and to convince me to stop talking about Dr. Judy Wood, yet he never provided any proof to back up his negative accusations against her?
• Why did Soviet Nuclear Intelligent Officer Dimitri Khalezov (retired) spontaneously contact me to try and convince me that underground nuclear explosives were what turned the buildings to fine particles of dust on 9/11, and to convince me to stop talking about Dr. Judy Wood, yet he never provided any significant proof to back up his negative accusations against her?
• Why did these high-ranking retired military officials randomly contact me, an insignificant medical student, when they should be contacting members of the U.S. Congress, and other high-ranking members of our government, with their concerns and the “evidence” they claim to have?

Thank you for your time, consideration, and help.


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Isnt it possible you could spread the word of such press conference's/findings on other news site's message board/forum/shoutbox or comment box?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by PookztA
Hi PookztA,
Is the point you are making that, at the very least, explosives were suspected to have been used, or that they are the acceptable in the face of something much worse, and not up for discussion.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by PookztA

If what you say is true perhaps the rabbit hole is deeper than even long time truthers can comprehend. I guess there is validity to the notion that the truther movement might have the right intention but is being steared in the wrong direction. I do beleive that there is technology out there we do not know of that could explain 9/11 without thermate, nukes etc and if that is true then keeping these techs secret would serve to shield the truth from being exposed moreso.

Also if there is such tech and it is at the hands of such evil entities then .... well, we're pretty much screwed.

Thought provoking post thanks.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:51 PM
my point is, explosives alone do not explain all the evidence, so if/when we charge the true suspects with explosives-only demolition of the towers, they will go free.

explosives do not explain all the evidence I mentioned nor all the evidence at Dr. Wood's website.

Only she has put forth a conclusion which explains all this evidence, and only she has filed her evidence in a court of law, one case which made it to the U.S. Supreme Court in October 2009.

Not even Dr. Steven Jones has filed his peer-reviewed nano-thermite paper with a court-of-law, which concerns me very much.



posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Titan Uranus
reply to post by PookztA

Thought provoking post thanks.

you are very welcome, thanks for reading it before judging it. many people just call me names and refuse to look at the evidence, so thanks for at least considering the small list of evidence I mentioned.

back to the books, huge exams coming up on Monday.

Have a great day folks, keep demanding the truth!


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma.
They'd kill three times as many Americas to cover up such a secret from being revealed.

only if they can't be discredited or bought off. it is a lot easier to launch an anti-pr attack to discredit someone as reliable or credible than killing the whole lot of them.

take me for instance. according to the government i am 100% mentally disabled due to post traumatic stress disorder associated with traumatic brain injury (whatever that means), and after 11 years in the military, now i cannot find employment, but the tax payers do pay me three grand a month to sit on my ass and blog with you guys. makes me wonder what i know [color=414141]??????????????????

can you read the words i am typing? do they make sense to you?

Thanks taxpayers,

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by smurfy

"Boom boom boom boom" etc, as heard by several firefighters, and the guy on the ambulance stretcher, does not fit a pancaking collapse sequence.

14 Seconds divided by 110 floors gives 0.127 seconds per floor.
That does not fit "boom boom boom" etc.

I think it was more than 14 seconds by the way, when you watch the fleeing-for-his-life, at the bottom of WTC 2, camera man video, you can see the first chunks of the outer wall panels hit the ground and then at least half of the building is still erect.

But you also have to divide less than 110 stories, since the plane did not hit at floor 110, but at floors 77 to 85.
So, you have to divide 20 seconds by about 80 floors, which gives about 0.25 seconds per floor.

Does that fit the "boom boom boom" etc. sound described by the firefighters and several others?

It's about 7 "booms" per 5 seconds, if you check that with your computer clock set as an analog clock, so you can use the seconds hand to count your loudly spoken "booms".
Five seconds divided by seven "booms" is 0.714 second per "boom".

Both scenarios above do not fit at all, any pancaking building.
But it does describe a timely set of explosions perfectly.

A pancake collapse does not sound as several floors together, all the time and all the way down, collapsing as a set of floors per "boom".
It would have sounded as "b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-booooooom".

Thanks to member _BoneZ_ for the idea to explain it this way to the physics-uneducated masses.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by PookztA

The only Response i can give is the Hutchinson's Effect theory

Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect

by Dr. Judy Wood and John Hutchison

Scientists See WTC - Hutchison Effect Parallel
On a Washington DC local radio station, WPFW, Scientists discuss true nature of destruction of WTC Complex on 9/11 and conclude it was related to a known effect

Still this Makes Me Question !

Towering Inferno: no flame, no game

Meet Edna Cintron

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:10 PM
There is only one question I have has always been - wheres the pentagon video from any other angle that actually shows a jumbo jet ? without that simple thing the entire rest of the official story becomes suspect as there is simply no reason to hide it.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Add me and my alfabet
and we'll delete the ten horns of "the infidel".... We only need a three score....

edit on 9-9-2010 by Neo Christian Mystic because: Edited nubers of mystical importance....

BTW, Bill, found a page referal error. I was sent to a page of nothing, way back in order. Contact if details needed....

edit on 9-9-2010 by Neo Christian Mystic because: -->

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