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Is Racism Real?

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by MeSoCorny

Your spot on there white girl

A similiar point to make is that I'm a short guy in comparision to the majority, sure it used to annoy or even upset me when I was a child in primary school and other kids used to pick on me because of my height.

But now, having grown up and matured if someone want's to insult me because of my height I would simply laugh.

Yes I am short, doe's it bother me? Not in the slightest...

A strange thing to point out is that I've always being very strong physically, definately not what people would assume in respect of my height.

In high school I was teased because of my height initially but after beating everyone in arm wrestles, wrestling and P.E. lessons people developed a respect for me and the height issue became non existant.

[edit on 6/9/10 by Death_Kron]

Being short probably hurt you as much or more, created more difficulties you had to overcome, than color could possibly have done. In fact in our generation blacks have had the advantage. Affirmative action in the United States at least.

This is just an example of how breaks are given to non-whites these days. Most of these are for non-Asians, but for some all that matters is that you're not white. For an example of racism, how are your college admission chances if you're white with 500-500-500 SAT's? Not so great. If you're black, probably some places have a scholarship waiting for you. This is independent of whether your family was rich or poor.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by Death_Kron
reply to post by ANOK


Can't I not argue the same?

Oh c'mon you dig up something about 'hidden' white slavery and think that has effected the whole white race like it has the blacks?


You know admitting whites have been racist through history does not make you a racist, and the only way to stop racism is to stop denying it.

[edit on 9/6/2010 by ANOK]

I can't admit something I do not know. Many whites as well as black do as MLK said: judge a man or woman on the content of their character (or abilities in the case of school and jobs) and not their skin color.

But blacks and hispanics get a special preference so they are not judged on character or ability, but on skin color. I think that's wrong and should stop, and probably there should be some retrenching to make up for the damage done to whites.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:57 PM
i believe racism is more conditioned to be looked at in a negative or biasing manner. race is grounds on which a person would benefit on understanding their heritage. i myself am Scottish, German, Irish and one thing i noticed about my ancestry is that Irish, and Scottish people were slaves to England and america. so when ancestral slavery is brought up as a personal heritage and grounds on which a man will fight for, i can only point out that the persons anger is more likely directed at the fact that they may feel alone. i've been called a mick but i don't get violent about it on account of parental conditioning to be a resilient and proud man because of my actions. racism should only be used as a humorful medium to celebrate cultural diversity. i believe too many people take negative actions out on eachother because of the past

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

Right, it's socially OK to insult you. You're not in a protected class. What happened to you, your difficulties, get you no compensation.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Death_Kron

Yes racism is very real.
Nascar makes millions probably billions every year.
No truly, yes racism is still kept in the hearts and minds of idiots and bigots.
I myself have no need to feel badly for a person because we are minutely different.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:58 PM
I don't know if the OP has ever lived for any amount of time outside of England, but from my own experience.

I have lived for long periods in Austria and in Greece and let me assure you that if you are surrounded by people from another culture and someone starts spitting insults at you for being an Engländer then it sounds pretty damn racist.

Obviously calling someone a "white idiot" or the like when you are surrounded by a majority of other white people in a safe environment isn't a problem, but if you transfer the situation to you being the only white person in an area surrounded by non white people screaming abuse at you because of your color then the situation changes somewhat.

Try moving to Scotland and getting called an "English ******" 10000 times a day and see how long it takes for you to consider it to be racist

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:13 AM
good question. as a racist myself i can tell you that its very real. i hate a few group of people because of their mentality, which seem to be inherent in them as a race. if i were to tell you which, i would get banned.

yeah i'm talking to you, you know who you are. don't pretend like i'm not pointing the finger at you you bastards.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
ANOK, mate, your argument is akin to saying that the scenario of a modern day German guy, getting verbally abused in Israel, isn't that bad, because some other Germans persecuted some other Jews, a couple of generations ago.

Can you seriously not see how illogical your point is ?

Actually I am saying the opposite. Why is it everyone is having a hard time comprehending?

The German would not be the majority verbally abusing a minority. If you turn it around and have the Israeli in Germany, and then have the Israeli abused by the Germans. That is what is happening to blacks in America. In that case would it be bad for the Israeli to mistrust Germans with a history of abusing them? You would be crazy and dishonest to say no imo.

My logic is sound.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by oniongrass
I can't admit something I do not know. Many whites as well as black do as MLK said: judge a man or woman on the content of their character (or abilities in the case of school and jobs) and not their skin color.

Again miscomprehended. I didn't ask you to admit anything. I am saying you should not deny that racism does exist. People seem to like to think that admitting racism exists reflects on them because they are white. To not admit it exists is to ignore and perpetuate the problem. I'm not saying YOU personally, or anyone else is racist, but there is an atmosphere of racism that pervades society. I see it every day in my inner city neighborhood.

But blacks and hispanics get a special preference so they are not judged on character or ability, but on skin color. I think that's wrong and should stop, and probably there should be some retrenching to make up for the damage done to whites.

No they don't get special preference. I have yet to see any minorities in my neighborhood get anything I couldn't get. The applications for government hand outs do not require you to list your 'race'.

To think they do is racist. You guys have a lot to learn about racism.

[edit on 9/7/2010 by ANOK]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

But blacks and hispanics get a special preference so they are not judged on character or ability, but on skin color. I think that's wrong and should stop, and probably there should be some retrenching to make up for the damage done to whites.

No they don't get special preference. I have yet to see any minorities in my neighborhood get anything I couldn't get. The applications for government hand outs do not require you to list your 'race'.

To think they do is racist. You guys have a lot to learn about racism.

[edit on 9/7/2010 by ANOK]

I wasn't talking about government handouts, which are intended as emergency aid to keep people housed and fed. As I said in maybe the following post, I'm thinking of things like school admission and job hiring quotas. Schools in particular seem to support these programs, and the role of government should be to tell them clearly that these programs are illegal, no weaseling them thru in other disguises either.

Certainly the government would say that a program that discriminated in favor of whites was illegal, don't you think?

The attitude of pervasive racism is probably an attitude of weariness with affirmative action. If I see a black or hispanic university graduate, I can figure that maybe that student would not have been admitted if he or she were white. His qualifications are probably less. This is a rational inference. To say I should not think that way (if you were to say that, which you have not) is to say that I should deny reality -- that I should mess up my own perception and give myself a symptom of mental illness.

So how would I deal with that? I would be skeptical of the individual's qualifications and might want to reverify the parts that might be important to me.

If there were no affirmative action, if we really followed the spirit of the 14th Amendment and gave equal legal protection to nonhispanic whites as to other racial and ethnic groups, this would not be necessary, and we could get past at least that part of the pervasive attitude.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by oniongrass
I'm thinking of things like school admission and job hiring quotas. Schools in particular seem to support these programs, and the role of government should be to tell them clearly that these programs are illegal, no weaseling them thru in other disguises either.

There were put in place as a hand up, they do not give blacks special treatment.

It was a reaction against racist hiring practices. It just made sure they were treated more equally, not special.

The jobless rate for blacks is 67% higher than whites, as of 2009. So how is that special treatment working?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by oniongrass
I'm thinking of things like school admission and job hiring quotas. Schools in particular seem to support these programs, and the role of government should be to tell them clearly that these programs are illegal, no weaseling them thru in other disguises either.

There were put in place as a hand up, they do not give blacks special treatment.

It was a reaction against racist hiring practices. It just made sure they were treated more equally, not special.

The jobless rate for blacks is 67% higher than whites, as of 2009. So how is that special treatment working?

I don't know. I don't know what the jobless rate ratio would be without the special treatment.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by ANOK

Lol erm what about South Africa?

I know plenty of whites from South Africa who have been discriminated against because of their colour to the point that living there was dangerous.

Hell, when I walk around parts of London I get gobbed off at because of my white colour.

End of the day we have all been discriminated against, white, black, brown, yellow, purple, orange, pink, green, blue. All of us. Most races have been slaves at one time for whatever reason.

Do I take offence if I hear a group of *insert race here" guys saying something like "I banged this skank white bitch the other day" (I heard this on the tube and was outraged). Yes I do and I did take offence to that. If I had said the same about their race they would have kicked off so why should I not?

Because I am white? Lol.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
Actually I am saying the opposite. Why is it everyone is having a hard time comprehending?

The German would not be the majority verbally abusing a minority. If you turn it around and have the Israeli in Germany, and then have the Israeli abused by the Germans. That is what is happening to blacks in America. In that case would it be bad for the Israeli to mistrust Germans with a history of abusing them? You would be crazy and dishonest to say no imo.

My logic is sound.

What you're saying doesn't make sense from any logical perspective.

There is no ''majority'' abusing a ''minority'' in any instance of racial abuse.

The racial abuse is solely down to the ignorant person that is spouting it.

A German being abused by Jews in Israel, is an identical scenario to a Jew being abused by Germans, in Germany.

Your views are clearly racially biased, by attempting to excuse exactly the same ignorance and intolerance, purely because of the race of the person that expresses these views.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by george_gaz

Yes indeed, what about South Africa?

I have lived here my whole live. And what you are saying is totally true.

But then our past must be taken into consideration again, not that it justify anything that might be happening now. In SA racisism is a big deal and not to be taken lightly.

Yes, some white people in SA does feel scared and disadvantaged because of affirmitive action, but I would say the majority of white South Africans, are comfortable in SA. It's got problems like any other country, but I still love my country. It's just that the race thing sometimes get a bit ridiculous. But that's how it goes, live with it.


posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Racism unfortunately does exist. People always seem to categorize certain groups of anything and therefore prefer one or the other; in which creates a bias and/or conflict. Its part of the flawed human condition so it is something that will never go away, because some sort of discrimination will always exist in society. However, the groups and organizations who claim to be the primary victims of racism are the very ones provoking it. Many groups claim to want equal rights and treatment but also want special recognition that is exclusive to the very thing that diversifies them from the majority. I am not going to use examples because people will derail the thread by attacking my personal opinions of these examples or simply flip it around to where my post is simply racist.

But, the bottom line here is that much of the racism today is still alive because of many of the "civil rights” groups and special interests groups, along with many of the people who want special recognitions, treatment, or privileges in order to pacify them in the name of racism. Inherently separating them from society as a whole and fueling racism across the board. Once they realize this, much of the racism today will fade away in the majority of society.

I am speaking about primarily the issues of racism for the US. Not internationally...

[edit on 7-9-2010 by AzoriaCorp]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:10 AM
Of course it's real, and I've seen it in every country all over the world where I've lived and worked. A good rule of thumb is that people with darker skins always seem to get the worst treatment, not just in the U.S. but also Asia, the Middle East and Europe. I've seen it.

All this talk from old white guys in America that they're victims of "reverse discrimination" is a lot of hot air. Every so often, they do a survey among white students in the U.S. and ask them how much money they would want to have the color of their skin changed to black--and the answer is usally at least $1 million.

In a country with no racism or no peceived racism, that answer would be a lot closer to zeru, since skin color wouldn't matter. In America, everyone over the age of three knows perfectly well that it DOES matter.

They also do these anonymous surveys from time to time that show the majority of whites would do just about anything to avoid living in the same neighborhood as blacks--when the poll is structured in such a way that they can say what they really think.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by witness63]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 10:13 AM
At the rates of poverty and unemployment for blacks have always been at least double that of whites, going back as far as records have been kept. Their life expectency has always been lower, again, going back to the 19th Century when records were first kept in detail on these subjects in the U.S. That has never changed.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by witness63 .. Every so often, they do a survey among white students in the U.S. and ask them how much money they would want to have the color of their skin changed to black--and the answer is usally at least $1 million.

In a country with no racism or no peceived racism, that answer would be a lot closer to zeru, since skin color wouldn't matter. In America, everyone over the age of three knows perfectly well that it DOES matter.

They also do these anonymous surveys from time to time that show the majority of whites would do just about anything to avoid living in the same neighborhood as blacks--when the poll is structured in such a way that they can say what they really think.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by witness63]

1. Try that survey about changing skin color with black people. I don't think they would want to switch either. Some people want to be somebody else, or a movie star, etc. Most don't.

2. I don't think this anonymous survey result about neighborhoods is surprising, nor that it says anything relevant about the question of this thread.

You could try that "anonymous survey" among blacks and probably get the same result. Most folks want to live with their own type of people. I remember in North Carolina they had busing to integrate the schools. The blacks hated it as much as the whites. People wanted to go to their neighborhood school. Largely for convenience, but for the blacks just as for the whites it may have been more comfort with people who were similar to them.

Or, maybe the black neighborhoods are perceived as worse by the blacks as well as the whites. In that case one must consider that maybe they are worse!

[edit on 7-9-2010 by oniongrass]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by witness63
At the rates of poverty and unemployment for blacks have always been at least double that of whites, going back as far as records have been kept. Their life expectency has always been lower, again, going back to the 19th Century when records were first kept in detail on these subjects in the U.S. That has never changed.

Endless economic programs have been unable to change the economic realities.

And blacks have shorter life expectancy even when receiving the same health care. They're more at risk from diabetes, breast cancer, etc., and less at risk from certain kinds of skin cancer. The bodies are not the same. It's not discrimination, it's reality (on the average).

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