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Weird silver bubble or ball.

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:48 AM
I don't normally come into here, I'm more of a UFO and topical stuff kind of person, but before I get the 'tin foil head' idea's I'm a very very skeptical UFO guy. I'll rip a story to bits to see if there's a chance it's true rather just just 'believe' because it feels nice.

Anyway, due to a medical condition (cervicular spondylosis) I can't sleep in our bed, it plays havok with my back so I sleep in the front room on the couch until we can afford a new more medically sound mattress. So my wife and I have finished watching a film and we decide it's time for an early night as it's the first day of new term for our daughter the morning after.

I'm not tired at this point because we have spent the last 6 weeks staying up later, so I sit there as comfy as can be. After a few mins my eyes adjust to the dark, a couple of our cats come in to a tickle and two curl up, one at my toes and the other beside me.

Still hoping to drop off I sit there and suddenly become aware of 'black' movements just out of my forward vision, not shadows but solid black shapes blocking out the light and then moving out of sight. By this point I'm beginning to feel it must be me starting to feel tired despite actually not feeling the slightest bit. So hoping I'll drop of I lay down and give Thomas our cat a stroke, but still I can see these 'shapes' just to the corners of my eyes.

At that point I realise there's what looks like a round wine glass in front of me looking like it's above thomas, being that I need glasses for close things I think it's a reflection of a light on a DVD case or something. Not being able to work out what it is I sit up, it then becomes clear to me that there's a silver bubble about 2.5" around just above the cat, it's right next to me, trust me, it had my attention, my heart was racing.

As I look at it I can't work out if there's something inside it or it's got a very mild glow with a shape in the center but as it's so close to me its too fuzzy in my vision to be exact.

I moved slightly to the right and I can confirm that the thing was withing 12 to 14" inches in front of me, I'm seeing around it as I move. Suddenly it stops being still and floats down towards my left very gently but it moving behind me, at that pint I can tell that something is moving as if inside the bubble or silver orb and that was enough for me to jump up, knock my bottle of water over and turn on the light.

Nothing is there, my hearts pounding, my wife and daughter have long gone to sleep and I'm feeling pretty weirded out. Eventually after pacing for ages I convinced myself I had to turn the light off in case I woke my lot up.

I sat there until sun up, the ball never returned but I still saw the shapes and was seeing what I can only call sparkles every so on, just a very brief pin point of light and then gone. When sun up hit I calmed down enough to sleep for an hour.

To confirm, no booze, I'm on meds and that's a no no, I was wide awake. When I woke up in the morning my water bottle was indeed knocked over and kicked under the couch.

At no point did I sleep before or even felt like it.

I'm NOT asking people to believe me, I really don't care as I hope I never see the same thing again but I do want to know if this is a known issue or something others have seen. I've never seen anything like this before and we have lived in our flat for 5yrs +.

By all means pick it apart but please be civil about it as we are when we get a UFO report in our forum. I really have no clue what I saw last night but it sent shivers down me.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Mclaneinc]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:59 AM
What were the cats reaction?cats are pretty good at picking up on weird stuff especially paranormal activity.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Sounds like you were visited by Glenda the good witch.

Never heard of such a thing, but sounds really creepy. Agree with the poster above, what were the cat's reactions?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:37 AM
Both cats left the room when I sat up, Thomas was somewhat more concerned with giving his 'downstairs' a good washing...

I can't say he was that interested, he did look at but as said was more happy to wash his privates, when I got up he jumped down but I suspect he was hoping for food.

Whatever this was it didn't seem to bother either cat..

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:01 AM
Interesting story. Never heard of such a thing before.
I happen to be a sceptic to, and I'm forced to ask if your medication has any side-effects that could induce these things?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:34 AM
Actually 3 silver looking balls (a few in diameter) were seen by a PFC on the Military base near Roswell 3 days BEFORE the crash happened in 1947(this was on UFO Hunters) The silver looking balls are actually very common around UFO's. I remember reading somewhere where someone doing construction at Area 51 was always followed by what looked to be a small silver ball. He actually sprayed it with paint and it fell to the ground. Needless to say he got in trouble..

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by -Thom-
Interesting story. Never heard of such a thing before.
I happen to be a sceptic to, and I'm forced to ask if your medication has any side-effects that could induce these things?

The medication I have been on for 3yrs so far, there were initial side effects in the first two weeks of using them but not now. The initial effects were diarrhea which certainly effected my house and the cost on my pocket of air freshener but nothing these days.

Most of the initial effects of the meds I take were either mood swings or of the sanitary nature.

That's why I mentioned the meds straight away, I'm still hours later at a loss to what happened in the early hours, there was a temptation to grab the 'thing' but fear stopped me.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Molan27
Actually 3 silver looking balls (a few in diameter) were seen by a PFC on the Military base near Roswell 3 days BEFORE the crash happened in 1947(this was on UFO Hunters) The silver looking balls are actually very common around UFO's. I remember reading somewhere where someone doing construction at Area 51 was always followed by what looked to be a small silver ball. He actually sprayed it with paint and it fell to the ground. Needless to say he got in trouble..

Ah, now this interesting and it may start to look more contrived but I swear to you it's not, if you search for posts I've done over the years you will see what I'm going to say has been posted a long time ago.

Again, this is not about flags or notoriety, flags mean nothing to me, I come here because it interests me, end of and as for notoriety, er no, who wants to be called a 'nut case' at my time of life.

There's 2 related items that make the balls thing interest me, I have seen two what would be called UFO's, I have no idea what they actually were but I lean towards ours, one was a huge triangle (there's a mufon report from the 90's out there) and I do mean HUGE, classic triangle and also seen by my wife. The other was a weird but exceptionally fast plane but we are talking incredibly fast.

The other thing is more important to this whole thing, again, there's a thread on here I posted. When I was young I found a brown round mark on my leg, looked like someone had made a spot with a marker pen. I scratched it and nothing came out, but about 10 yrs ago I felt on the same spot a small bump, I squeezed the side and out popped a little bit of what looked like pencil lead, it was hard as rock but I just presumed it was an old spot or something.

Then a short while after my daughter was born I suddenly found an identical mark on her stomach, I wondered what the hell it was and decided to do what I had done with mine, out of the top popped an identical bit of pencil lead but this time I was wondering what we both had on us, hers like mine appeared over night, same size, shape and once the lead was out the brownish tint vanished. This time I got a magnifier on it and saw it had marks on it, not numerals etc just random marks and tiny ridges. I tried to crush it and it simply would not crush no matter how hard it was pressed.

Sadly I tried again to crush it between my thumb nails and it shot away (my fault) into the carpet, impossible to find.

My daughter and I share almost identical birth marks too but I'd say that's quite normal.

Now, even as I type this I am betting a lot of people are thinking hoax, nut case or nonsense, and I would not blame you but as said, all this is as history on here to be checked and regardless of what people may think it IS all as I have typed, totally true, I have no idea if any of it's linked or what it all means, I did ask in the thread re the pencil lead type bits if there was a medical condition that might cause this so I'm NOT trying to pass it off as hocus pocus.

These are all just random strange things that have happened to me and my family over time. I'm just trying to make sense of it, I make no claims of alien interbreeding or psychic powers, I'm just a very ordinary man who has seen stuff I personally do not understand. I have no friends in Nasa or Area 51, I don't know who shot JFK (well except it wasn't me, I was 3 at the time), I'm just a poor bloke with a bad back and some odd happenings.

To be honest I am looking for normal scientific reasons for all of them, any thing else is a bit to weird for me...

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:07 AM
Something happened to me and my husband, probably back in the late 90's. It was Christmas Day and he was talking about missing his kids and his momma. She had been dead for many years. Anyway, we had a window opened up about six inches and were sitting right in front of it. All of a sudden, what I can only describe as a small white or silver ball, floated through the window and proceeded into the room. There, it floated around the middle of the room for maybe a minute or so and then it floated back out the window. Me and my husband were in shock. It had happened so fast that we really had no time to react. We just stared at each other and said "Did you see that?" We both now believe that it was his mom telling him that she was okay and that she was still around. And no, there were no drugs or drinking involved!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by peewee1263
Something happened to me and my husband, probably back in the late 90's. It was Christmas Day and he was talking about missing his kids and his momma. She had been dead for many years. Anyway, we had a window opened up about six inches and were sitting right in front of it. All of a sudden, what I can only describe as a small white or silver ball, floated through the window and proceeded into the room. There, it floated around the middle of the room for maybe a minute or so and then it floated back out the window. Me and my husband were in shock. It had happened so fast that we really had no time to react. We just stared at each other and said "Did you see that?" We both now believe that it was his mom telling him that she was okay and that she was still around. And no, there were no drugs or drinking involved!

As you see from my post I could not tell if it was a silver ball or a see through bubble, sounds identical though. very freaky indeed, made me sit with the lights on for a bit, felt so stupid

I do hope that it was what you believe it was....

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc

Originally posted by peewee1263
Something happened to me and my husband, probably back in the late 90's. It was Christmas Day and he was talking about missing his kids and his momma. She had been dead for many years. Anyway, we had a window opened up about six inches and were sitting right in front of it. All of a sudden, what I can only describe as a small white or silver ball, floated through the window and proceeded into the room. There, it floated around the middle of the room for maybe a minute or so and then it floated back out the window. Me and my husband were in shock. It had happened so fast that we really had no time to react. We just stared at each other and said "Did you see that?" We both now believe that it was his mom telling him that she was okay and that she was still around. And no, there were no drugs or drinking involved!

As you see from my post I could not tell if it was a silver ball or a see through bubble, sounds identical though. very freaky indeed, made me sit with the lights on for a bit, felt so stupid

I do hope that it was what you believe it was....

Now why on earth would peewee1263's mother-in-law be visiting you in the middle of the night Mclaneinc ?
(sorry I couldn't resist).

On a more serious note it is quite common for people to see movement in their peripheral vision ... but if this has never occured to you before then I don't imagine that was the cause of the black shapes you mentioned.

And it certainly wouldn't explain the silver / transparent orb-like thing. That said I do find the comments made by the poster who mentioned the sightings of a similar phenomenon a few days before the Roswell crash ... and other sightings reported at Area51 ... I'm certainly inclined to think it may be more alien/ufo related than conventional paranormal activity (if indeed there is such a beast).

On a side note ... dogs and cats can definately be good indicators of paranormal activity ... although this is not true in every case.

My cat often seems to play chase (up and down the stairs) like a loon with an invisible friend ... just as he used to play with my other cat who sadly died last year ... I really believe it's her he's chasing.

Whereas my dog ... godloveher ... she just doesnt give a damn whether it's a person in the physical or in spirit ... she aint moving for nothing ... everything has to step over her if they want to come in.

May be worth trying to find the reports about the Roswell and Area51 incidents and reading up to see if there are any more similarities with your own experience.

Very interesting read btw ... and you really don't come across as a nut case.


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:43 PM
When I was a young child I once saw a classic saucer shaped UFO hovering above my neighbors house. I mention this because years later I discovered a dark pencil lead like object beneath my skin under my belly button. I always picked at it because it caused a little bit of discomfort and eventually after some time of picking at it I was able to extract it. It was dark grey and it was pointed on one end. It was very hard, I was unable to break it or bend it. I thought nothing of it because I was probably around 12 years old. I now believe, that I am now older, that this object in my body coincides with my sighting of the UFO. And I've never had any injuries or have never been jabbed in that region so for something to be lodged in my body is quite fascinating.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:15 PM
Hi guys,

I have had exactly the same experience on two separate occasions about a week apart.

1st was in the back garden and the best way I could explain it is a childrens bubble from a bubble blower made from soapy liquid, but it moved very different, no bobbing on the breeze or popping, it moved on a level course and a steady speed. The bubble itself was not like a children's bubble where you can see the rainbow of colours swirling through it. It was a perfect see through sphere about 2 inches in diameter.

THe second occasion was more public and in THe cardiff millennium stadium as we watched oasis perform, it floated over the crowd right infront of me and then glided off the same as before.

Only a few days ago my wife also saw the same bubble inside our house but this one appeared in THe fire place and floated to the ceiling and vanished through it.

I can't explain any of this at all, but the only thing in THe back of my head is my parents as I have lost both within the last 8 years. What you reckon guys?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by woodwytch

Very interesting read btw ... and you really don't come across as a nut case.


My wife might say otherwise but no, I'm pretty level headed, not prone to flights of fantasy, my first instinct is always to look and work out what I am seeing without panic.

My wife is the opposite, when my daughter was young she got something caught in her throat, my wife just panicked, I just walked over and put my finger down and pulled the obstruction out. She cannot understand how you can be that calm.

You can imagine the conversation afterwards

All the comments have been very interesting and there are some very similar experiences. My in-law said it happened on a holy night (she's a lovely nice and peaceful old Muslim lady) and on that night the angels come down to see you.

As I'm non religious myself it's not something I can come to terms with but it sounds nice.

For the two people with the similar situations, thanks for sharing them, much appreciated, makes me feel not so weirded out. I shall get back to a more quiet life, cheers from a wet and cold England.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc

Originally posted by woodwytch

Very interesting read btw ... and you really don't come across as a nut case.


My wife might say otherwise but no, I'm pretty level headed, not prone to flights of fantasy, my first instinct is always to look and work out what I am seeing without panic.

My wife is the opposite, when my daughter was young she got something caught in her throat, my wife just panicked, I just walked over and put my finger down and pulled the obstruction out. She cannot understand how you can be that calm.

You can imagine the conversation afterwards

All the comments have been very interesting and there are some very similar experiences. My in-law said it happened on a holy night (she's a lovely nice and peaceful old Muslim lady) and on that night the angels come down to see you.

As I'm non religious myself it's not something I can come to terms with but it sounds nice.

For the two people with the similar situations, thanks for sharing them, much appreciated, makes me feel not so weirded out. I shall get back to a more quiet life, cheers from a wet and cold England.

Your comment about staying calm made me smile because I'm exactly the same ... it's as if an 'extra calmness' descends on me in times of crisis ... even down to the choking thing ... when my grandaughter was a few weeks old she had an allergic reaction to baby milk (formula) ... stopped breathing and turned blue.

As you can imagine everyone was doing the headless chicken thing ... and although I was panicking on the inside ... outwardly I felt very calm and kept her going until the ambulance arrived just using pure adrenalin and instinct.

As a person who has experienced the paranormal since I was a child I tend to use the same method to determine reality from imagination ... for example ... if I am doing an investigation somewhere and I feel creeped-out ... 9 times out of 10 it will be my imagination ... but if I feel the 'descending calm' I know it's the real deal.

And just like you I am very grounded and always look for a natural / logical explanation before accepting the possibility of paranormal activity.

If something like this happens again you will likely be less alarmed ... so it would be a good idea to observe more closely and see if conditions / situations tallied with the previous experience ... not just at the immediate time of the activity ... but the lead-up throughout the day (moods / weather / routine etc). Might just give you some idea as to the cause and or reason.

Also from a wet and chilly England ... oh hang-on scratch that ... the sun just came out !


posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 04:07 AM
I have some basic questions and observations I would like to suggest concerning part of your experience, specifically the "dark images" in the peripheral vision. Were you watching television or working on a computer before you turned off the light? One effect I've noticed is after doing either of those things, I get ghost images in my peripheral vision for quite a while after, especially when I turn off the lights right after doing either of those things.

As far as the orb, well, I've heard of similar things, one in particular comes to mind. A cousin of mine had an issue as a child with seeing a green orb with a "little man" inside at night. He would see this thing on and off for years until he eventually told it to leave him alone. It never harmed him in any way or caused him to be afraid though, just annoyed. He had a dog that, according to him, would sniff at the thing and then seem to dismiss it as irrelevant or something.

I don't know how similar this might have been to what you saw but your account did remind me of it.

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