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Are People Waking Up or are They Just Being Reprogrammed?

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Alethea

All that is really necessary to achieve true freedom is to wash the blood from your hands, give back to Caesar the artificial person He Created, and in so doing, you will break the ties that bind.

It's that simple. And we all have the Power. Be true to your heart, follow your conscience, and you won't go wrong.

No truer words have ever been spoken.
When we stop following the herd we will truly be free.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Are the awake, as awake as they think they are? If so how come they differ so vastly in regards to philosophy, politics, government, and religion? Are people really awakening to reality, or are they simply being programmed for a new reality, a reality being promoted across the Internet, and across the Entertainment Industry, manipulated world and economic events and crisis in the present religious systems?

If the self-proclaimed awakens were being programmed for a new reality what new reality are they being programmed for? I think they're awaken, for the most part, and by that I mean, they've been psychologically unshackled after years of conditioning by mind-manipulating, reality-shaping propaganda tools, like the TV, but now that the internet has come along, the PTB can no longer regulate the control of information at the individual level and people are beginning to "wake up", so to speak. They're starting to realise that a lot of things they've been led to believe isn't quite true. This is why I believe the PTB are so scared of the internet, because they feel that their role will shift from dominators to dominated because they can no longer control the flow of digital information and shape our reality as they see fit. The people still asleep in my opinion are the ones who still support the government, risk their lives in wars that are essentially fought for a cabal of avaricious men, and the ones who still go to CNN for their daily dosage of "truth". Personally, I believe we are being programmed for a new reality, or rather a new way of thinking, and that new way of thinking is environmentalism and sustainability. An almost Deep Ecology mindset. At least, this is what Agenda 21 and the CoR proposes, and little by little, we can already see it taking shape.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Nathan-D]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:11 PM
are we awake are we being reprogrammed?

or could we possibly be reprogrammed to believe that becoming aware is part of our reprogramming?

as in, i am hearing a lot in this thread that it is new age ideals and the industry, that has become of it is part of the problem. Is it part of the problem because we are being led to believe that it is?

The core feelings that came from the hippie movement, to me , were Peace and Love.

Peace and Love.

seems to be essentially the same as what people are waking up to now.

Peace and Love

and more succinctly, LOVE.

without love there is no peace.

We are always hearing from above about peace process's, The Peace Process. They are formed by "leaders" and broken down again. never is the word Love mentioned in these process's.

I am digressing...

To wake up, is to see love as the key essential element to life.

I think that to ask this question in the opening post is good, it raises a conspiracy of questions about waking up, but by no means should people be discouraged from it.
It is a personal experience that needs to be gone through before the realisation hits that despite this deeply personal experience that you have undertaken, it's actually not even about you. Because you and me are the same, albeit with different baggage.

baggage is hard to carry when you are awake and you can't stay awake with it in tow. There is always something in there that wants you to regress. But that's personal...

TPTB, if they are evil, don't want you to wake up. For to be truly awake you are light, you are one with with everyone, you are powerful and you are uncontrollable. You are the wilderness that we have seen fit to tame over the centuries. You are a reminder to others of who we really are. You are me and i am you and we can be invincible.

we can, and no single entity can profit from a true awakening, not even a Prophet because all would be so.

But they could from a Controlled Awakening. It has happened before with countless religions. Just giving enough for hope and faith but keeping the rest in a power base of Cardinals and Bishops, Rinpoches and Llamas, Gurus and the like.

If we could each and everyone of us discover that all you need is love, love is all you need, then we would be in a position of power individually and collectively to be able to do anything.

Thanks for the question Proto, as always the questions are more important than the answers!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by strangleholder1

Any sort of rebellion is simply beyond the people now, we are already too compliant and divided.

What is your idea of rebellion? Screaming in the streets with picket posters? I think a lot of people conjur up violent scenes in association with that word.

All that is really necessary to achieve true freedom is to wash the blood from your hands, give back to Caesar the artificial person He Created, and in so doing, you will break the ties that bind.

It's that simple. And we all have the Power. Be true to your heart, follow your conscience, and you won't go wrong.

No! violent rebellion conjures up scenes of violence, rebellion can as you and proto have said be a simple change of self which spreads out into society and changes the enviroment around you. My point is that for every 1 person who does this, there are many more who do the opposite.

Through mass media the reporting of good deeds v bad deeds has been skewed to make the world seem scarier than it actually is. It has no control over most people on ATS as we all proudly exclaim but there are millions of people all over the world taking their world view from it.

Being true to your heart will not steer us away from our enslavement, the elites have used our good intentions against us to prosper, it has always been that way throughout history. Why should this new dawn be any different?

How much more forgiveness do they need?

[edit on 6-9-2010 by strangleholder1]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Toyota as well as other Japanese auto makers are finding their 'Appreciated' currency a serious issue with their export market especially to the US and Europe. I do understand your points as they 'are' founded. My intention was to bring forth the topic you speak of from a 'different' Angle, not to debate your points of which are Understood. Great work as always, Proto. I always enjoy reading your posts. Take Care Brother.

Gnight folks with a special 'sAlute' to the Greek Isles.....

This Is Understood.....especially the Ending.....lmao

You Go sweethArts.....Xpress Urself lil mAn.....

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You can play that again. I grew up listening to Led Zeppelin and 'others'. Very powerful tunes. Music itself can 'Energize' one's being. I don't believe many are consious of it though feel it All the same. I am empowered by music all the time. It's a rush especially when the volume is ^.

Good tunes for sure and works just fine with the ladies as well. Passing that peace pipe. You know.....

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Another excellent thread,when they asked the Buddha are you a God he said no,are you a Saint he said no,what are you they asked,'awake' was the answer.I think the term awake has been used far too loosely,there are not too many Buddhas out there at the moment.

My experiences include spiritual warfare and 8 years of microwave harrassment and psycotronic warfare between 1998 to 2006 I have knowledge the 99.9 percentile don't as you have knowledge on lets say Rome 99.9 percentile dont.We are aware-not awake,there is a difference.My studies have revealed most endeauvors of man are smoke,mirrors and magic I am aware of this but not awake-were I awake I would know the whole truth and be able to offer answers a category reserved for only a select few on earth.

With the internet and social media controls have been relaxed on the flow of information,people have been allowed to find out the lies and mistruths but as to what end,I suggest to make them aware and desire change,change which will be provided for them,were they awake they would have their own solution.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:47 PM
What if all this "awakening" stuff is all just human nature?

Throughout history Nations have risen, fallen or been over thrown, just to be substituted by the "new" established order, that slowly but surely as time passes becomes corrupted and twisted. Rinse and repeat.

"Yesterday's freedom fighter is tomorrow Tyrant."

So is this vicious cycle part of who we are?

Maybe, if we had an ATS forum in the time of the decline of these great States we would find a similar group of people not too different to us ATS guys, asking the same questions. People who REALIZED something was very wrong with how the rulers, well, ruled.

I wonder if these group of people also felt "Awakened" by this revelation.

So for me the real question is how we break the metaphorical cycle?

How can we know that THIS time, THIS "NEW" Awakened-born establishment that we are fighting to arise, won't be as Totalitarian down the road as the one who was over thrown maybe a couple hundred years back?

Or, and I going a bit wild here...

What if this is just another piece of a "Grand Theater" between some Timeless Entities, "The Powers That BE" is right there in the name, maybe ALL of THIS, ALL our great Societies, All of our collective history are just playthings to some Human-race Pupeteer(s), hence the fact that somehow we are struck in the never-ending cycle.

Or it's all an experiment on how human can't deal with long term Power, that eventually WILL be corrupted, even the most kind hearted order. Maybe it just to show it to Ourselves.

Or, maybe it's just a Human thing.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Point well taken.

I have been to the website to see the picture directly.

Hence why I said things the way I did about his information being incorrect, from his own website, so as to let you know I went there, and that I was not pointing towards you, nor accusing you of fabrication.

I take everything with a grain of salt because of my inherent mistrust of society.

Far too many stupid, ignorant, and corrupt people.

Majority of them in Washington D.C.

reply to post by InertiaZero

Society is evil as the people who lead it.

Our worst examples line the halls of power.

Or are in the dark corners of prisons.

The rest of society however is not just inherently "evil".

My question to you is if people are aware their leg is being pulled why do they put up with it?

Apathy, laziness, ignorance, stupidity, these are leading reasons.

I await your explanation for it.

Some of us are doing much more than sitting on our keisters typing.

While I most respectfully see your point about people being programmed, I draw the line at it being their choice, some people, most regular members of society have absolutely no clue about being programmed.

If it was by choice they would know about it, correct?

Press 1 for uploading your daily programming, Press 2 to talk to your local Morale Correction Officer, Press 3 for Subversive Neighbors, Press 4 for Thought-Correction Officer.

They miss the very banal way television scheduling is called "programming".

And just what that means.

People, and by people, I mean those programmed without awareness, see no real value of knowing history, politics, or knowing what their Government is doing.

By Government please insert any "Government" into that.

Of any country.

Those people are pleasantly stupified enough to work, work, work, and ignore the most important things, what those in power are doing, in our names.

In Ancient Rome there was a phrase, which I often reiterate, called bread and circuses.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Bread and Circuses

"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement.

In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace.

The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man (l'homme moyen sensuel).

It describes how the people of Rome were easily appeased by free handouts and entertainment.

It was for the people who wanted to see where their taxes went and who wanted nothing much but to sate their bloodlust through testosterone driven idiocy.

Gladiators, animals being slain, and Christian before the lions.

The modern equivalent of this rather dull form of distraction, still being a red herring, is our modern day Welfare System,P.B.S. television, the Lottery, the Superbowl, World Series, World Cup Soccer, American Idol, Survivor, and Big Brother television shows.

Again, society is not inherently corrupt, but the people who leading it have a tendency to be.

Because of programming.

People want to believe others will do something for them.

They elect officials without merit, without any semblence of honor, who are career driven, politically speaking, people who believe they are better than everyone.

Often sought out for this position of power at their local level as easily lured greedy people.

People not worthy of leadership because they are easily controlled.

Through programming, through incentives of having all sorts of corruption foisted at them, trying to overwhelm their choices with greed and power.

Instead of actionable results in politics.

Lobbyists, special interest groups, and corrupt Law Enforcement like the D.E.A. buy these people like a dime a dozen, and put them into power.

Not those electing them.

Those electing them rarely if ever actually investigate more than a cursory look at those people's leadership qualities, they look for scandals.

I have often said our responsibility does not end with voting.

It merely begins there as most people see it ending there.

But before voting is where our responsibility lies with regards to doing a thorough merit, ethics, and morals check on these people, which rarely happens.

Due to programming.

People have this inherent lack of ability to actually think much more than surface level.

I was taught, yes, programmed to know at all times what my Government was doing.

Because they do it in my name, our names, your name.

They claim this in their speeches, their representing us in office, overseas as well.

And due to my programming, to pass on that information, in every way.

Stand by my word, stand by my honor, stand by my actions.

Through this to never allow people to remain ignorant and or asleep.

I am ever thankful my stepfather was of the mind to be too busy working, to bother watching sports, because he would rather play it than watch it, instead he taught me by example pointing towards corruption in action.

Through this and his other teachings I inherited the ability to pay attention to politics.

And ignore the bread and circuses completely.

Does this make me better than everyone else?

Of course not.

But it sure makes me aware more and through that I know what is going on.

Fully aware.

Hoobastank - Born To Lead


[edit on 6-9-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

Another excellent thread,when they asked the Buddha are you a God he said no,are you a Saint he said no,what are you they asked,'awake' was the answer.I think the term awake has been used far too loosely,there are not too many Buddhas out there at the moment.

In great times of confussion, uncertainty and upheaval there are a lot of people looking for answers, and direction. A prophet a buddha a god to assuage those fears and give them direction. It becomes an open invitation to frauds of all kinds.

As well as those even more sinister elements that would use the vacuum that confusion creates to do even more.

My experiences include spiritual warfare and 8 years of microwave harrassment and psycotronic warfare between 1998 to 2006 I have knowledge the 99.9 percentile don't as you have knowledge on lets say Rome 99.9 percentile dont.We are aware-not awake,there is a difference.My studies have revealed most endeauvors of man are smoke,mirrors and magic I am aware of this but not awake-were I awake I would know the whole truth and be able to offer answers a category reserved for only a select few on earth.

There are some very credible and very intelligent people on this forum who have experienced various forms of mind control, mind interference, psychological warfare and other things.

We should not discount for a moment any of us, just because we may have not been targeted ourselves in such a specific and determined way, that others aren't and such technology and the will to use it exists.

Thank you so much for touching on your own experiences with this.

With the internet and social media controls have been relaxed on the flow of information,people have been allowed to find out the lies and mistruths but as to what end,I suggest to make them aware and desire change,change which will be provided for them,were they awake they would have their own solution.

An excellent salesperson creates a need for their product in a potential customers mind and life.

Can we discount that we are purposefully being made to be so disatisfied in mass to create that need, so we can be sold something new and completely different but not necessarily to our benefit.

That remains the million dollar question.

Great post my friend, thanks for sharing.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Toyota as well as other Japanese auto makers are finding their appreciated currency a serious issue with their export market especially to the US and Europe. I do understand your points as they 'are' founded. My intention was to bring forth the topic you speak of from a 'different' Angle, not to debate your points of which are Understood. Great work as always, Proto. I always enjoy reading your posts. Take Care Brother.

I kind of got where I thought you might be going with that, and I wanted to point out that it is entirely possible the Big Three sacrificed quality at certain points to not just loose market share but to begin villifying the Unions.

It's kind of sad, so many people died and took horrendous beatings to create the unions and a living wage, and the corporations never gave up fighting them back, once they were able to turn public perception against them too through divide and conquer tactics they are all but dead, and living wages along with them.

Pretty hopeful and then sad chapter in American history.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

From your link on silent sound:

Whether SSSS is coupled with the new all-digital TV signal as its means of delivery into the minds of an unsuspecting U.S. populace or not, it can be deployed by many different devices, including HAARP and GWEN towers, which would effectively blanket the entire nation at once.

This reminds me of a sci-fi movie I saw a long time ago. These two guys were in a coffee shop and the people suddenly started behaving like zombie robots. The two guys began stuffing copper Brillo pads under their caps to block out the transmissions that were coming from the cell towers. Wish I could remember the name of the movie. The villans were testing their equipment and using the ssss to incite riots and other behavior modifications by taking control of small groups and beaming the waves according to whatever behavior they wanted to elicit from the people.

Anyway, I have read other articles that tell of how humans have been used in experiments in which their brain wave patterns in displaying various emotions have been recorded and translated into silent sound patterns. If this is really true, they would have the capability to direct a persons behavior by having total control of their brain and body.

And according to the fear based info being put out there is no remedy.
I am curious to know how many people really believe something like this exists and is so all powerful?

Also I wonder if a person must be in close proximity to an electrical appliance to pick up these waves? Or would these waves work regardless of power lines?

It seems I read that GWEN lines transmit about 100 miles underground radius. But must there be some reception device in order to affect a person directly?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Perseus Apex
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You can play that again. I grew up listening to Led Zeppelin and 'others'. Very powerful tunes. Music itself can 'Energize' one's being. I don't believe many are consious of it though feel it All the same. I am empowered by music all the time. It's a rush especially when the volume is ^.

Good tunes for sure and works just fine with the ladies as well. Passing that peace pipe. You know.....

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Perseus Apex]

Our bodies seem to hum and vibrate on a self contained electrical current.

The vibrations from music can effect it very powerfully, especially emotionally. Beethoven was a Master of this in his day, often reducing the fiercest warlords of Europe to tears in private parlor performances for his patrons with just a piano or quartet of accompanying springs, with no lyrics involved.

Just the melodies, tone and pitch along with the resonating vibrations would conjure up powerful images and emotions in the listener's minds.

Music is such an important ingredient in our world that few realize just how important it is.

I am going to be shortly publishing a epic thread dealing with the wonders and conspiracies involved in music within about the next month on ATS.

I hope you can join in on that, in the mean time, since a lot of people don't understand quite how simple the real solution is to making their own world and then by extension the rest of the world a better place, it is time for yet another musical interlude!

From 1970 and the Isle of White Music Festival in England, the Who and I am Free.

Thanks for sharing my friend.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Alethea

And according to the fear based info being put out there is no remedy.
I am curious to know how many people really believe something like this exists and is so all powerful?

I personally belief Silent Sound Spread Spectrum exists and is being used.

To what extent I am not sure, whether it is just in advertising or employed just for certain political circumstances.

We might not know when it is being used, and when they are really using it for something major.

The risk is there, the patents are real, the techology has been used militarily at the very least.

We have seen things like Sound Cannons used first militarily in war zones and then be used on demonstrators in America at the G-20 in Pittsburgh.

Many cities have them now.

So yes I do feel if the military uses it to their advantage in war zones where it is tested, then they use it on us too.

I am not sure if it is unbeatable as some say, I think that would depend on how could you are at Mastering your own thoughts and emotions.

Great post again my friend.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Valntyne

oughout history Nations have risen, fallen or been over thrown, just to be substituted by the "new" established order, that slowly but surely as time passes becomes corrupted and twisted. Rinse and repeat.

Like the word suggests Revolution is a revolving door.

People look to the romantacized past imagining the solutions lay in things that were tried but failed before.

This is pretty much the pervue of politicians and what politics is all about, selling us on recycled bad ideas.

How can we know that THIS time, THIS "NEW" Awakened-born establishment that we are fighting to arise, won't be as Totalitarian down the road as the one who was over thrown maybe a couple hundred years back?

Ultimately when the people stop paying attention and take their liberties for granted it opens the door to corrupt forces.

Addressing what causes corruption, money, the root of all evil is probably the only thing that will eliminate corruption in political systems.

What if this is just another piece of a "Grand Theater" between some Timeless Entities, "The Powers That BE" is right there in the name, maybe ALL of THIS, ALL our great Societies, All of our collective history are just playthings to some Human-race Pupeteer(s), hence the fact that somehow we are struck in the never-ending cycle.

We are stuck in an endless cycle because at the base of the bulk of our governing systems and especially the ones that drive world events are religions that teach a closed circular doctrine based on superstition and submission.

I don't know if we can break the cycle as long as we view religion and the spiritual world in such a stringent way.

Great additions to the thread, thanks for sharing them.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I have been to the website to see the picture directly.

Hence why I said things the way I did about his information being incorrect, from his own website, so as to let you know I went there, and that I was not pointing towards you, nor accusing you of fabrication.

I honestly don't know whether the man in the picture is Kacynski but if it is, it sure would place him in the military.

That Hyatt claims Kacynski was assigned as a consular recorder would certainly place Kacynski then in the immediate vicinity of CIA personnel.

That he claims these things based on his own first hand interactions could in theory put him in the position of knowing certain things about Kacynski that researchers going through possibly scrubbed files regarding Kacynski's history wouldn't.

I think it in part them comes down to whether Hyatt himself is credible, and since he isn't attempting to sell books or products and it's doubtful many girls are lining up to date a guy who openly and readily admits he was part of mind control projects and subsequently in and out of a number of mental insitutions makes him either completely crazy or quite possibly partially or completely legitimate.

I chatted and exchanged emails myself with Hyatt a number of years ago and my take was he was much more intelligent than his own website makes him out to be, and that he knows way to much about conspiracies for a man who isn't really a conspiracy theorist but instead seems to be approaching them from a "Been there down that" past of being heavily involved in the loop of some possibly notable conspiracies.

He readily admits to speculating about things he wasn't in the loop on, like his belief Gary Conduit was used as the Grassy Knoll Shooter, while speaking with absolutes in regards to the things he was involved in and or witnessed first hand.

I am skeptical of it all too, but not dismissive.

We do know not only from leaked CIA documents and congressional findings that the CIA has engaged in illegal mind control programs but also through documentaries like the Men Who State At Goats charachters that the movie was based off of, that Military has sponsored some pretty bizarre ideas and people, over the years.

So some of these Manchurian Candidates could still be out there, alive, and I do believe it is possible Hyatt might actually be one.

Interesting read either way for history buffs like you and me.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Right now the biggest "awakening" event is the Tea Party.

If you are Ron Paul and Rand Paul and their lifetime friends, you are "awakened." If you are part of the rest of the "Tea Party" who are voting for career politicians who claim to be "constitutionalists," you are "reprogrammed."

I feel bad for Dr. Paul. His legacy has been ruined by stupid people.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Mainly reprogramming, yet exposing oneself to more information is a path of "awakening", whether the person believes it or not.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Just coming back to this whole SSSS theory for a second. Is there any proof out there that this has happened in a mainstream sense in recent times? I was just wondering if there are any good sound engineers out there who may have found evidence of this being used today. It shouldn't be impossible to reverse engineer some actual audio clips of this technique being used should it? Also where would they be using it? News? Radio? I really would like to hear some proof of this if anyone has some.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:13 PM
I think this thread is what ATS should be all about. The topic is discussed with many possibilities brought up, even chemtrails, and no one is called a fool.
Not even "subliminally".
Personally, I got burned out for a while because of certain posters that insist on derailing threads that discuss certain "hot" topics, as they are largely successful, much to my dismay.
But here, on Proto's thread, it seems the "organized opposition to free thought" people (my opinion of them) seem to stay away. That is refreshing, as much so as the topic is interesting.

On topic, I really don't think there is a mass awakening. I think what we may be witnessing is not much more than a gut reaction for many people having less to stuff in their gut, at least in the U.S. Like they say, it is the economy stupid.
I have lived long enough not to put too much faith in the people at large behaving in a manner that will please ME, and assure me that they are "waking up".
I mean, what if most people are actually awake to the "real" reality,, and I am one of those that are simply delusional, with expectations bordering on fantasy if I expect some "awakening" to happen?

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