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Are People Waking Up or are They Just Being Reprogrammed?

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great topic, I have not read all the pages yet just the OP. That said, I think it is a little of both. People are waking up and people are being reprogrammed. Ron Paul said it right to the Tea Partiers when he said "You are being taken for a ride." Many have woken up. Only those in control see their power slip they had to change their message. They slip into position to control the new way of thinking, then slowly alter the original message, trapping the newly awaken person into an old thought process with a twist.

I do have hope in humanity. I believe they will eventually disown the fancy glitter appearing snakes in suits and stop giving them authority over them. It may take time, but thus was my own awakening experience. I jumped around from belief to belief, concept to concept, but kept continually questioning it and myself. Eventually I realized "It's all BS!" The only thing true to me anymore is that the system is broken, our way of life does not allow us to live in a happy state as it creates conflict and fear. It's time to change. I've committed myself to the middle-ground attempting to find balance between ideologies and beliefs. One thing is for certain to me is that WE can create a system that addresses all needs of all people, and how they want to live their life as long as we recognize how it is others want to control our lives for their own pleasure and enjoyment.

I believe concepts like Capitalism and Socialism can exist within each other without issue. It is simply a choice of how we construct society. Once we truly awaken and realize the extent of manipulation, we can then create the world we all want.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

Great topic, I have not read all the pages yet just the OP. That said, I think it is a little of both. People are waking up and people are being reprogrammed. Ron Paul said it right to the Tea Partiers when he said "You are being taken for a ride." Many have woken up. Only those in control see their power slip they had to change their message. They slip into position to control the new way of thinking, then slowly alter the original message, trapping the newly awaken person into an old thought process with a twist.

The Tea Party remains a perfect example of a leaderless movement that right away the powers that be step right into the void to subvert.

Let no good crisis go wasted.

What could be a crisis for the Powers that Be seldom ever is, because it is so easy to subvert a movement at the top.

Rotshcild did it with the Zionist Movement at the turn of the century, edging out Herzl and taking control.

Beck and Palin are doing it with the tea party. It then becomes and isntrument of their own power, control and glory.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Most people in the are just programmed to survive day to day, and have difficulty even obtaining sufficient food, clothing and shelter. That's actually getting worse rather than better in this current depression, and one can see the effects of it every day. Certainly the level of social sickness, pathology and violence is increasing in this society.

I don't know how thinks will work out, except that whatever happens will usually benefit the elite groups rather than the common people. At this point, I think only a revolution would reallly change anything, but in fact I don't trust the type of revolution the American people would make.

In this country, I don't trust the people or the elite. As I've gotten older, I've gotten much less trusting in general.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:14 PM
I am personally not a believer in this whole "waking up" thing. I think it's arrogant.

If you were truly 100% "aware", you would realize that society as a whole is evil. You would no longer partake in said society, and you would probably be found in the wilderness, our natural habitat... meditating. You certainly wouldnt be on your computer, parading your new-found awareness on a conspiracy chat forum. People arent as dumb as you think. Most people know that their leg is being pulled. To what extent? Well, that will vary. Some are more thoughtful than others.

But all of the knowledge in the world doesnt make you more aware, or some kind of metaphysical guru. It doesnt level the playing field, and it certainly doesnt make your status any more important than any other creature on this planet. Obviously youre not alone in your thoughts. The whole world doesnt live underneath some veil of confounded nonsense.

I think it's all the same. The hippies, the 2012er's, new agers.....It's an idea that becomes an institution. Once you have an idea, you naturally seek out like-minded individuals. Those individuals become followers. The idea becomes institution, and then it's done. They all believe they will change the world.

Programmed,'s all the same as well. I think alot of people (especially on this site) have gotten uppity over their ability to call bull****. If you want to something impressive, why dont you try to change things?

Being programmed is a choice.

So, to answer your question Proto: Yes. "Waking up" IS just another way of being reprogrammed.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by InertiaZero

I like your answer and tend to agree. Very well said.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:37 PM
The idea of being Awake - or Awakening - - - is an energy vibration. That's it. That's all there is to it.

Its like everything has different energy vibrations - - - and maybe you are or your energy vibration changed frequencies - - - and then you tune in stuff you didn't before.

Any arrogance or other "attachments" depends on perception of the individual or interpretation or presentation.

Just like anything else - - - its individual and how people present themselves is individual.

Come on - really. Religious clerics have been doing this for years. Claiming receiving guidance and such from "higher authority".

If ya think its Hog Wash - - why let it bother you.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by InertiaZero

So, to answer your question Proto: Yes. "Waking up" IS just another way of being reprogrammed.

If you read the whole thread you would know that Proto said exactly that, don't think he said he had all the answers, but I do if you want to message me.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by InertiaZero

Programmed,'s all the same as well. I think alot of people (especially on this site) have gotten uppity over their ability to call bull****. If you want to something impressive, why dont you try to change things?

I agree that the real step if importance is trying to change things, but unlike many people I feel the first thing that has to be changed is one's own self.

The world as we know it is a collective reflection of our combined presence on it.

A lot of people imagine it can be changed at some central focal point, the powers that be, the government, a political party, a religion.

The change has to occure first within the individual for any change to be meaningful and to actually work.

Old habits die hard, and it's not easy to self discipline one's self to positive change.

I have changed my own world. I change it in this way. I do my best to make my world, the things I come in contact with, the people I come in contact with a product of my ideal environment.

Most people are a product of their environment, their environment is not a product of them.

I have changed my own world in this fashion by making my environment a product of me.

When I walk into the supermarket the employees don't see me as a customer, they see me as a very friendly and jovial friend, who is considerate and respectful to them.

Why because I took the time to include them all in my little world, learning their names, their personalities, what makes them laugh, when their birthdays are, where they are from.

I make the world a more pleasant and engaging place for them, they do the same in return.

I repeat that process where ever I go.

I actually get treated better than royalty would in just about every place I go as a result.

When I walk in people don't mind making everything then revolve about me, because I am literally making it revolve right back around them, in the most familiar and sincere and pleasant way.

It's how I want my environment to be.

I took the time to make it that way.

It's not the whole world, but it's my little slice of it.

Master yourself, make your immediate world a product of your environment and a lot of things change, and change for the better.

I wasn't always that way, I first had to make some changes in me to learn to be that way.

Once I made those changes, making my environment a product of me, was pretty easy, and very rewarding.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


The same weak minded people who get tricked into one thing, often are the same they continue to be tricked in many different directions..

Trying to find a nice way to say that they are not as smart as they think they are but I can't......

It's the fact that these same people grasp at any truth and then think "they know it all now".......and then something else comes about and then " now they REALLY now it all"....

People that think for themselves and questions the ridiculousness of Life, are often the ones who can steer clear of falling for something else......

Keep an open mind and you will usually not be tricked as much.....some people would argue that it could lead to it, but just keep an open mind because that is how you figure out if you are being tricked or no...

Once you set your beliefs in stone, then you are forgoing all other available truths in the world.......just because you already think you know everything....

But yea some are and some are not....

The people that respond and say everyone is just being reprogrammed, ARE the people who want you to be reprogrammed...

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

Keep an open mind and you will usually not be tricked as much.....some people would argue that it could lead to it, but just keep an open mind because that is how you figure out if you are being tricked or no...

I think this is one thing most of us can truly agree on, to keep an open mind, it's just harder said than done for some when ego is involved in being right, or an agenda is involved in being right.

I think it's safe to say since none of us really understand the universe or the nature of our existence or really how or why we ended up here to any truly difinitive and provable standard, that we are all more or less equally ignorant.

Keeping that in mind, makes it a bit easier to keep an open mind in my humble opinion.

Thanks for sharing yout thoughts on this.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

my intent was not to try to prove chemtrails exist
but that the chemicals being used in them might
meet the characteristics of that solution you speak
about. The media may be reprogramming our minds
but could the chemtrails be reprogramming our
physical bodies at the same time??? It leads
one to ponder since it all seems to be moving
in the same direction it's hard not to notice
the connection between the two. a "multidisciplinary" approach kinda way I see. Yea good possible correlation I must say.

And to PT...AWESOME thread you started here, thank you. It grabbed me from the very first post and haven't been able to break away from it since. Some very informative contributions by all. I nominate this thread to be made into a sticky of sorts as required reading for all that are in the awakening process as that is exactly what it is....a process that consists of many many stages. I mean when you awake and realize that pretty much EVERYTHING that you had been taught, observed, witnessed and/or experienced has been basically a lie or misrepresentation of the takes a little time to begin uncovering the many truths (while navigating through and weeding out all of the deceptive/untruths) and piecing together what you believe is HAS to come in stages (or at least that was/is the case for the wife and I as the information is overwhelming to say the least).

The one thing that I DO believe should be discouraged with regards to this...movement (lack of a better word for the moment here), is that NO ONE should think that they are ANY superior to anyone else who is also going through their period self discovery/awakening/unplugged or whatever. I saw that sh1t WAY TOO much in the metaphysical/new age movement crap that my wife and I ALMOST got sucked up in (these holier than tho types whose chakra's are more aligned than yours because they are just simply that much better than you blah blah), that is but just one negative that I can think of at the moment that would do nothing but delay/derail those of us wishing to find out/get to the bottom of what has been done to/through us for far too long now, and to hold those accountable for doing it.

K gotta go thanks again for the post!!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Wow, never heard of SSSS
Thanks for the update
i'll do more research on it

Yes you do bring up and interesting topic Proto

I mean put it this way, for sure we all know that they are distracting the right with religious and racial issues, and they are distracting the left with social issues mostly, all while they created both the right and left.
Create the subdivision and then control it.

It would only be a natural evolution for them to now control them with technology, it might be interesting to also highlight something called Alpha Rays in this topic, it is possible that it was used during the Obama campaign.

how else do you explain a man rising to power with nothing more than buzzwords.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

The one thing that I DO believe should be discouraged with regards to this...movement (lack of a better word for the moment here), is that NO ONE should think that they are ANY superior to anyone else who is also going through their period self discovery/awakening/unplugged or whatever.

I so agree with this, we truly are equal, and the epitiome of being awake is simply doing your level best to help others in all things that they can be helped with.

Having said that, you can't help someone who has no interest in helping themselves and this frustrates quite a few people.

I do find though that part of this is because of our on demand society where people want and need instant results and instant gratification.

I think it's better to just throw the seeds out there and not push them on people, but just to make them aware, and I do believe in time, when the right climate and circumstances present themselves to that person, those seeds will grow.

Might be years, might be decades, but people have to develop at their own pace to their own end, otherwise we just become the very thing we are against and fear in trying to force that development.

Great post, thanks for taking the time to share.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

It would only be a natural evolution for them to now control them with technology, it might be interesting to also highlight something called Alpha Rays in this topic, it is possible that it was used during the Obama campaign.

Thanks for posting my friend, a lot of theories have been put out their regarding Obama's almost hypnotic control over his speaking audience.

Some people have suggested he took a CIA course in hynotic speaking, others have even suggested that certain words and phrases played backwards are some kind of occult spell.

I haven't heard of Alpha Rays, can you elaborate more for us about them here on the thread. I am very curious.


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Are you being reprogrammed? CAN you be reprogrammed?

Remember the parables relating to "the weeds"? And after the plowing under, the new seeds will be planted?

Google "Weeds and Seeds" and see just where these new community ideas lead. The rabbit hole goes deeper.

Some people need rulers.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Alethea

A lot of that stems in my opinion from people wanting rulers, simply to avoid the responsibility of having to have their own strong moral compass, and code.

I think in general people want to be kind to others and please others, in regards to pleasing others maybe to much so at times.

Yet the truth is you can't please all the people all the time, and that tends to lead people into like minded herds, where they can be an environment where they can please most of the people most of the time, by doing as the herd does, and the ruler says.

Most of us are desperately seeking approval and validation.

Yet ultimately the only real approval and validation we ought to need is our own, provided we are willing to be responsible and take responsibility for our own actions.

People chide me all the time for not paying taxes, but I won't pay for war.

Period. Some people deride me as being criminal for standing up to my conviction, of not paying for war.

So yes you might be a sweet little old lady that drives your car only to church on Sunday but how sweet are you if you are actually paying to have bombs dropped on someone?

Just as sweet as your ruler tells you that you are. People need rulers to absolve them from bad decisions they would rather not think about and take responsibility for.

Yet if we had to rely on that little old lady to drive her car with a bomb in it, to explode it in a war zone, chances are she would refuse.

She wouldn't have the heart to do it herself.

Because many people believe there actually is a law that says you have to pay taxes, she is just following the law, and reconciles by saying she is law abiding and it's not her dropping the bombs, and she has no control over the government.

The government that was supposed to be for the people, by the people, that is in fact neither.

I don't want to be responsible for dropping bombs on people, and there is only one way I can truly avoid that, and that's not to let the people doing it, use my money to do so.

Those who would be my rulers, really don't like that, yet they aren't my rulers, I am my ruler!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:41 PM
i think so
i believed for a long time new age is religion of devil
he feeds it to us as being religion
its divious

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:42 PM
I think most people are in agreement on the disolution of free will through manipulation by those crazy elites. My question is where can we go as a species from this?

Any sort of rebellion is simply beyond the people now, we are already too compliant and divided. The methods given to us through democracy no longer work, voting for change is nothing more than a campaign slogan and grassroots protesting no longer holds any sway with the people in power as their agenda changed!

Before I could see the constant manipulation of the flock by the few, I used to wonder why did a slave accept being a slave throughout history, surely it is better to live for a day as a free man than live forever as a slave. Through this new dawn of forgiveness and love is this the lie that makes us willing slaves?

What have the rich and powerful done with all this power anyway? The servitude and respect given to the most powerful people in the world by the common man has achieved nothing in terms of building a better society. It feels like the first days of rome in 2010, have we learned nothing as a collective consciousness? are we even capable of learning from our past mistakes?

Is hope, just another myth given to us by the we can daydream through the manipulation?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Some people have suggested he took a CIA course in hynotic speaking, others have even suggested that certain words and phrases played backwards are some kind of occult spell.

Did not hear the played backwards notion, if it's true there's should be youtube videos on it, i'll check that later

But for the CIA training, I don't know but I can say one thing, once I was at a bar roundtable sitting with mostly liberals having beer and they were talking about Obama and I said "it is just me or does Obama's accent change everytime he has a speech in a different state?"
Man.. they all went crazy when I said that, like an automatic trigger I swear.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I haven't heard of Alpha Rays, can you elaborate more for us about them

My apologies, I meant Alpha Waves lol

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by strangleholder1

Any sort of rebellion is simply beyond the people now, we are already too compliant and divided.

What is your idea of rebellion? Screaming in the streets with picket posters? I think a lot of people conjur up violent scenes in association with that word.

All that is really necessary to achieve true freedom is to wash the blood from your hands, give back to Caesar the artificial person He Created, and in so doing, you will break the ties that bind.

It's that simple. And we all have the Power. Be true to your heart, follow your conscience, and you won't go wrong.

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