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unconscionable ....

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:43 AM
It's been 10 years now and I have yet to hear:
- Bin Laden make a TV announcement saying "Hey, I'm tired of living in a cave, I had nothing to do with 9/11"

- 1 person of the 1000s that would have had to be involved, develop a conscience, and come forward and admit that it was an inside job, and they played a role in it. They would be the wealthiest person on the planet from the book deals and interviews...

- Never seen a demolition company's receipts of suppling an ungodly amount of explosives (enough to bring down the towers)

- explanation to what happened to the people on the plane the hit the pentagon (remember the plane vanished cause it was really a missile???)

but who cares, most of you think aliens exist because you see unidentified objects, or we are related to monkeys because we both have eyes and asses, or even better babies aren't humans until they are born... Im with the OP on this one. Evidence to a lot of you doesn't matter, you simply want a venue to spew your backwards worldview

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:43 AM
It's been 10 years now and I have yet to hear:
- Bin Laden make a TV announcement saying "Hey, I'm tired of living in a cave, I had nothing to do with 9/11"

- 1 person of the 1000s that would have had to be involved, develop a conscience, and come forward and admit that it was an inside job, and they played a role in it. They would be the wealthiest person on the planet from the book deals and interviews...

- Never seen a demolition company's receipts of suppling an ungodly amount of explosives (enough to bring down the towers)

- explanation to what happened to the people on the plane the hit the pentagon (remember the plane vanished cause it was really a missile???)

but who cares, most of you think aliens exist because you see unidentified objects, or we are related to monkeys because we both have eyes and asses, or even better babies aren't humans until they are born... Im with the OP on this one. Evidence to a lot of you doesn't matter, you simply want a venue to spew your backwards worldview

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by jeddun

Give me a break.

Your whole post smacks of "America is Great and Mighty HOW DARE YOU SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT US".

A wise man once said.....

"Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong." ~Dandemis

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by kingofmd
It's been 10 years now and I have yet to hear:
- Bin Laden make a TV announcement saying "Hey, I'm tired of living in a cave, I had nothing to do with 9/11"

- 1 person of the 1000s that would have had to be involved, develop a conscience, and come forward and admit that it was an inside job, and they played a role in it. They would be the wealthiest person on the planet from the book deals and interviews...

- Never seen a demolition company's receipts of suppling an ungodly amount of explosives (enough to bring down the towers)

- explanation to what happened to the people on the plane the hit the pentagon (remember the plane vanished cause it was really a missile???)

but who cares, most of you think aliens exist because you see unidentified objects, or we are related to monkeys because we both have eyes and asses, or even better babies aren't humans until they are born... Im with the OP on this one. Evidence to a lot of you doesn't matter, you simply want a venue to spew your backwards worldview

Oh come on! That's some pretty poor logic.
1) Bin Laden DID deny doing 9/11. In the very first interview he gave after the events, Bin Laden claimed innocence. He was probably killed shortly after. That's why literally every videotape or audiotape of him since then has been found to be heavily edited.

2) Compartmentalization. Look it up. No need for thousands, that's a straw man.

3) You're assuming there IS a receipt. You know what they say about people who make 'ass'umptions.

4) A cabal of people willing and able to murder 3000 people in broad daylight would have no moral apprehension for killing those passengers after landing at a nearby airport.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by jeddun
reply to post by impressme

....rather than spank those responsible let's all search for that Easter egg in parts unknown...

The only thing that needs to be spanked is your self-righteous attitude along with your blinded patriotism.

Has there not been enough innocent people who have died through your unjust wars???? Besides, even if you choose to believe the official story that Bin Laden was responsible, who do you think funded and trained him?

If questioning your government and trying to hold them accountable is now unpatriotic, then you can have your patriotism. You're proof that patriotism can make one blind and full of hate.

BTW, I personally do think that Islamic fundamentalists are an issue of concern. However, American foreign policy not only adds fuel to their fundamentalist agenda but it also makes them look less guilty in comparison.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by kingofmd

I read an interview from some arab newspaper, who interviewd Bin Ladin, and he claimed he didn't do it. So... yes he didn't say hes tired of living in a cave, well because hes not living in a cave, but he did say he wasn't behind it. supposedly. Though since it has been speculated that the videos were fake, and some experts say they were fake, I guess everything is supposedly.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:31 AM
My final post in regards to the OP.

I am sorry for your pain. I wish none of us had to experience this atrocity. We must not allow our emotions to get the better of us. I understand there aren't many places to express your emotions in regards to that day. People outside of the forums, tend to frown upon the conversation, as if its taboo. To some extent, I sense that in your posts, that you feel its taboo. I too have felt that way, but we must move on, we must control our emotions, because they want us to lose control. The less control we have over our emotions, the more we are cornered.

Please, clear your head, relax, and remember, we all just want understanding. We shall prevail, and live on!

Good luck OP and enjoy for now.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by jeddun

You were kind of ranting even though there are many valid points in your rant. A less emotional post might be better accepted. You'll never convince those that think the US is thegreat satan otherwise so why even try. What do you expect in a country that agreed with obama about the US and elected him? There is plenty wrong with this country but to paraphrase churchill, this country sucks but every other one sucks worse.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:05 AM
debunkers always accept the explanation of incompetence for the government's failures, and they accept incompetence as a acceptable reason why no recourse was taken against any of those who failed to perform their duties that day. That simply doesn't cut it.

So, why don't they have a problem with no one being fired, or brought up on charges (yes, a level of competence below what is expected of civil servants and military personnel constitutes a violation of law)? Have you debunkers ever heard the terms "dereliction of duty", "civil negligence" or "breach of duty"? Dereliction of duty is specific to the military, but similar to breach of duty on the civilian side. Acts which define being derelict in the military include noncompliance with procedural rules. On breach of duty, failure to realize the risk of loss that a reasonable person would have realized is enough to constitute guilt. Civil negligence is conduct that is culpable because it falls below what a reasonable person would do to protect another individual from foreseeable risks of harm. Again, incompetence may be used as a defense, but it does not excuse the behavior. So, based on the actions perfomred by the FAA, NORAD and other such agencies and companies on that day, I don't think anyone can make the case that there was no one guilty of dereliction of duty, civil negligence or breach of duty....yet no one was charged. No one was even fired. With the massive failures in following procedural rules alone that occured that day, that is despicable.

Oh...and don't give me the "didn't want to add insult to injury", because that's crap. The government doesn't give a rat's posterior about how you, or anyone else, feels. If things happened the way they told us they happened, there should have been multiple firings and a few criminal suits filed. The defense of incompetence, even if true, doesn't excuse anything.

If you really believe the government is as incompetent as they portrayed themselves on 9/11, try not paying your taxes.'ll find out just how competent they are.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by FreeSafety]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by jeddun
reply to post by erumisato

whoa're telling me that YOU know for a fact that these 'people' exist? POOOOOOSSSSIBLY maaaaybe in 1950's cold war Russia...are you seriously trying to convince yourself that they would actually bother typing this web address and spending any of Uncle Sam's money on posting ANYTHING on this site....DUDE this site is an ENTERTAINMENT vehicle...get over it man. Then to insult my opinion like i missed some nationally televised swearing in ceremony for disinfo agents?! What do YOU know no one Else's need to plagiarize someone Else's POV....where do YOU get the proof these people exist? You came at me like you know something so lets hear it think-tank.

[edit on 4-9-2010 by jeddun]

[edit on 4-9-2010 by jeddun]

If you had been here longer than 5 minutes you'd know that it has been proven on more than one occasion that Uncle Sam's finest actually do get paid to frequent this site. There have been times when the site has been forced to remove sensitive information. Do your research BEFORE you start taking a condescending attitude towards other members. Some of us have been here researching for the better part of a decade! In the words of Einstein, "condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance".

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:39 PM
To the OP- I will echo SpiritualZombie and say that I also got very angry when I started hearing people talking about the "inside job" aspect of 9/11. "How dare they?!" I would say to myself."That's disrespectful, un-patriotic, and just plain loony!"
Well, then I started to look into things a little deeper, and although I do not have all the answers as to what happened on that horrible day, it became quickly evident that many,many things about that day to not "jive" with the "official" version of events.
We may never know the answers.....

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by jeddun

OK...after years of having to be reminded of this day over and over, having seen the carnage on tv...I've resigned myself to writing this post.

I'm on this 'site' quite often and normally don't put much more than a casual grin into any of the usually far-fetched, reaching, preposterous hyperbole i read within these pages.

But quite frankly I've HAD it with the theorists that go ON and ON about official story this and official story that whilst the real danger lurks globally....I for the life of me do not understand how we can NOT see what happened is actually what happened? Why do some insist on pointing the blame externally when we have reels upon reels of questionable video of be-headings, understandable verbal proof of nations hating the west, documented accounts of torture, raping, murder and genocidal behavior by our own country...yet, my 'fellow Americans", ya the ones that will try to convince the casual reader that 'they' are the 'real Americans' looking to uncover some nebulous 'truth' about the saintliness of big government and how that same government is very very busy trying to prevent the next death and/or exciting new political conspiracy, try REAL hard to bash into the heads of level headed thinkers that they are 'wrong' or are 'truthers', that's the best one right such thing freaking exists! Like there is a job detail that actually permits people to be paid to go on sites like this one just to argue an intelligent point of view (trust me this site would be categorized as ENTERTAINMENT for chissake, don't go getting all full of yourselves!? And anyone that DOES offer an intelligent POV is immediately labeled a kool-aid drinker...unreal. For such Democracy trailblazers i don't see a lot of Democracy or diplomacy in your writings(those that post such things and fight tooth and nail to disprove anything contrary to their POV) or how you treat those that disagree, quite the opposite...but of course none of you see it that way...oh no...You would MUCH rather embrace the enemy, like true punk ass's kissin the bullies ass, namely the elite PTB that KILLED these Americans (not to mention people of other nationalities) right on freakin TV and blame Muslims!!! Unreal!! fiction can't even be written this unbelievably ridiculous...i mean what?!.

To see MY fellow Americans FALLING to their deaths to the street below THEN to come here TIME AND AGAIN and read some jerk-off armchair fatty rant on about how wicked the Muslims are and how it was 'planned by Osama Bin Laden' blah blah is unconscionable...i am thoroughly embarrassed by most things written HERE regarding this awful awful event...and please take as many shots as you want at me guys...please...fact is you are all hiding from the truth and should wake up...bunch up your skirts and be men for God sake...wanna write up some impactful texts here? wanna write up something WORTH something..then write about the dangers of Capitalism, overzealous religious nations like the USA that foster a culture of violence at a grade school level, write about the horrors perpetrated upon the women and children and minority groups of the USA, let's all sit around and chat about a monotheistic faith that ADVOCATES wanton murder (Catholicism, Zionism.) That being said, keep an open mind and look in the right direction....the irony here is that the very people that attacked us have us fighting amongst ourselves. ...and you don't even see it.

Just makes me sick to my stomach to think i reside within the same planet with people whom would say and write such unsupported in fact drivel.........10 YEARS and counting guys.....come on where are the geniuses to find the "truth"?!!! Apparently only on sites that want to uncover the real truth about 9/11 and are calling for an independent investigation.

PS: Why is it that almost everyday we get an OS believer posting a rant that really says nothing other than "I don't want to know the truth! Please quit attacking me with it?"

It would be funny if it weren't for all the people who died making the joke possible.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by jeddun

First of all, you are on a conspiracy website so that majust be the odd reason that people talk about... I don't know... conspiracies? Who would have ever thought?

Furthermore, you have to ask yourself why these things are happening and often, how they are happening. People don't hate the west because they are jealous of our freedoms or their god is different. McFly? Anyone home? McFly???


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:42 PM
"yet, my 'fellow Americans", ya the ones that will try to convince the casual reader that 'they' are the 'real Americans' looking to uncover some nebulous 'truth' abotry REAL hard to bash into the heads of level headed thinkers that they are 'wrong' or are 'disinfo agents", that's the best one right such thing freaking exists! Like there is a job detail that actually permits people to be paid to go on sites like this one just to argue a different point of view (trust me this site would be categorized as ENTERTAINMENT for chissake, don't go getting all full of yourselves!? And anyone that DOES offer a different POV is immediately labeled a disinfo type...unreal."

Ok man, here's your proof.

Why would they want to do this if they aren't working against people trying to figure out another POV. Why waist our money tryin to infiltrate conspiracy websites to discredit...?

If your serious? (I was just like yourself super confused tilting on angry why people would even say OUR government or Isreali Gov. knew and possibly carried 911 out) but after sitting down and hearing both sides and then doing research I'm forced (by my own truth) to beleive that the OS is crapola.

Good luck man, It's not an easy subject.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by jeddun

First, what I really find more interesting is why you would subject yourself to a site that is primarily built on theories that apparently drive you up the wall with madness and rage? You call the site at most "entertainment" yet it apparently has a very adverse and negative effect on your emotional state, so it might actually be more than mere "entertainment" and even at that, do you punch yourself in the face for entertainment? I guess I don't understand.

Secondly, your approach at venting or putting us all in our places or correcting our misunderstanding or whatever your point of this post was, is in all actually hypocritical.

You claim as much if not more knowledge on the issue than the people you are accusing of doing. The knowledge you claim just happens to be in the opposite direction. You seem to be a fact checker and that is all fine and dandy and honestly encouraged however you have presented no facts, just emotional venting. Still you hold your view and knowledge to be "truth" without presenting any facts, again...very hypocritical considering your judgment of the information presented opposite your "knowledge".

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by jeddun

So you blame people who question what we have been told?

What was very clear to me is the fact that the 9/11 aftermath was exploited to
extract a trillion plus in tax payer money out of the economy, into the hands of
enterprises that our leaders had very strong ties to.

You seem to think that being American impedes people from being evil or manipulative,
this is what is magical about your reason for being angry.

Our government funded the people we went to war with in the past, same leaders were involved in this process of support before hand. Wether or not the government directed
the event or employed people to do so, I do not know.

9/11 justified the war + the expense

Is it too far fetched to think that men can capitalize on others anger and frustration?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by jeddun

You seem to be a rational person that can recognize logical causes when given enough information. Since you obviously accept the 19 hijacker explanation for the events of 911, would you consider rethinking your position if you had access to more information than you have now?

Here are two questions that anybody who thinks they know what happened that day should be able to answer with confidence.

Which building was destroyed first at the WTC?

What time was it?

The time does not have to be to the second. Write your answer down on paper.

Google When you get to the search page click on the link and check your answer.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:03 PM
The beheadings were most likely done by US and Mossad agents, as are most terrorist bombings (See Operation Gladio). See, what is evidence of one thing to you, is evidence to myself and others of something entirely different. The fact is, and it has been established by the mainstream media, that the US funds many of the radical Islamist "madrass" schools around the world, and helped to create them with the help of our buddies in Saudi Arabia and our former ISI buddies in Pakistan under our guy, General Zia and Pervez Musharaff. Haven't you read the CIA Red Cell Report on wikileaks? You simply need to spend more time at

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:21 AM
"...for chissake, don't go getting all full of yourselves!?"

2nd line

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by jeddun

jerk-off armchair fatty

If I wasn't laughing so hard at this attempted insult I might report it.

Take a look in the mirror mate - you're descibing yourself too.

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