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What is ATS Submissions

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posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:31 PM
We waited until all submissions were in, so that those who were creating these essays didn't get inspiration from early submissions. Submission One Score: 2806

**ATS is a Collective Divining Rod** I have been involved with online BBS's and discussion boards for several years now, but ATS is absolutely NOT one those.� The ATS appeal comes in its dynamics.� It moves according to the trends it senses.� This comes about through not only the fluctuating membership profile, but through the proactive and reactive efforts of the administration of the board.� ATS is constantly striving to stay ahead of the user's curve.� It seeks the community and visitors' next desire.� It loathes stagnation almost as much as it loathes ignorance. But always within these movements to be new and exciting and appealing is an underlying intent that doesn't change.� An everlasting effort, rightly stated in the motto "Deny Ignorance", to seek the truth through the collective conscience of the board.� The wonderful thing is this conscience is not one voice, or even a common voice, but hundreds of unique voices and viewpoints.� Mixing skepticism and conspiracy, both targeted at finding what is REALLY going on, the board exudes an almost balanced approach to this truth-seeking.� There is always the opposite voice coming into play when the board starts swaying in one direction.� And mixed into this balancing act is the wealth of analytical skills that come from the various members that bring their individual talents and experiences to the community.� Logic tends to rule the day at ATS.� Deny Ignorance is more than lip-service.� It is my opinion that the world, in general, really does loathe ignorance and is attracted to efforts to abolish it. Built upon this symbiosis is the innovative concept of ATSNN and� A news network consisting of reporting staff that enjoy what they do, and try to do it well, and backed up with the comments and articles from the very membership of ATS as a whole.� The news network is a global structure bringing international events and views into one area and allowing the reader of an article to participate in the reporting of that news real-time. Are we a community?� Yes.� Does that appeal to the lurkers?� I think it may.� There may be long-standing personalities that certain visitors return to read.� But the dynamics and innovations of the board (the news network, the hunt for the rings, etc.) have created an environment that is exciting and fluid enough that it brings people in, and back, just to keep up with what the great minds behind this board have come up with next.� And maybe the community of members itself is attractive to the guest as a whole.� What are they discussing now?� Who has presented the strongest case in this discussion?� Have they found new evidence on this thread?� Through the innovations that attempt to divine the desires of the community and guests, and the symbiotic analytical approach to attempts to divine the truth in events, ATS has evolved into a great Divining Rod, supported by the collective hands of the staff and members, but moved through the invisible forces of desire and truth.
Submission Two Score: 2918

What is ATS? Change, it is said, is the only constant - and in our 24-hour consumer-driven society, packed with rolling news channels and soundbite politicians, change comes ever faster.� Spin doctors and media bias turn every event into a conflict between perceived truth and official fictions.� Urban myths and scare stories can be spread around the globe at the click of a mouse, and truth has become a commodity in the global information marketplace. But high above the chaotic maelstrom of half-truth and spin, there is a place, a citadel against who�s mighty walls the tides of ignorance and bias crash impotently; a place in which darkness is illuminated and ignorance is forever denied.� That place is What began long ago as a simply resource for conspiracy theorists, has also become a victim of change.� It has become a resting place for the world-weary cynic and the wide-eyed warrior, an arena in which the most important events of our times can be passionately debated alongside the philosophies which underpin our existence, the skeleton-filled closets of those who preceded us, and the secrets deliberately buried by the those with power. But it can also be so much more.� The endless host of visitors who trawl the boards and blogs of ATS may not leave with a peaceful mind and a glib answer to their question, but they will leave with a new understanding of rational debate.� They will, no matter how long or short their stay, read things they would never have read anywhere else.� A casual observer will hear opinions and arguments on matters mundane and esoteric, and they will take those experiences with them when they leave.� ATS is no longer merely concerned with denying ignorance within it�s own walls, but is responsible for spreading that message, that viewpoint, that rationalism, out across the wide open plains of the internet and finally, perhaps, even into private exchanges and public life.� In the battle to reclaim truth, honesty, integrity and passion and make them worth something, ATS is leading by example. But the true beauty of ATS, the prime reason it has grown at such astonishing speed while maintaining it�s impressive editorial rigour and friendly style, is this: the forums play no favourites.� Left or right, liberal or authoritarian, believer or sceptic, every shade of opinion is present, armed with nothing more than the intellectual capacity to understand the subject, and the desire to debate it.� This, then, is the fundamental message of ATS � that when all else is stripped away, when the status quo is questioned and ignorance is truly denied, then only the truth will remain.� No matter how large ATS grows, or how powerful it�s influence becomes, at it�s heart will always be the sharpest, best-informed and best-expressed debates to be found anywhere. ATS is a community which rejects the easy consolations of conformity and commonplace apathy.� ATS is a community which offers solace to the disillusioned, impassioned seekers of certainty, to those who crusade in the name of truth.� ATS is a beacon of integrity and honesty in an increasingly benighted world. What is ATS?� Put simply, ATS is a place where knowing�how to ask the question�can be more important than knowing the answer. Change is good.
Submission Three Score: 2626

Personal Meaning When I became a member of ATS in April I was awe struck for days... I could not believe the wide variety of content available here. Having came from another discussion forum, just to check things out, I was held captive by the quality and vastness of this site.. and I admit it I became addicted... who hasn't? I was most impressed with the news and current events discussions and the intellect available in the many MANY posts I found. I admit it I am a news junkie. I have been able to post in many forums on many topics here.. and each time I've posted anything it was a great RUSH seeing my words in text and to see others interact with it... It is like communication on a whole new level. I want you to know what ATS has really meant to me... I have been dealing with a lot of stress and heartache, and for me ATS has saved me in many ways... saved me from the hours I was spending contemplating the loss in my life.. despair over the future, and just deep emotions that have wrecked me in so many ways. I have been able to form a new outlook on life by interacting with others here... In fact I even went out for a dinner date tonight.. The first time I have really done anything like that in 4 years. I am starting to feel alive again.. and as hard as it may seem to believe ATS has helped me find that feeling again. I know it is just a web site.. But to me it has been so much more. Through interaction and hours of reading here I was able to break the grip depression and despair had on me... I was truly living in my own prison. I was so full of my self loathing and self pity that I had forgotten there was a whole world out there.. I never thought the first steps back to that world would be on the internet, and though a web site such as this.. But that is the way it happened. For me has been really good medicine. I hope this site is available to me for the rest of my natural life... Because I am addicted.. And the medication for now is free.
Thank you ATS... for existing in such grand form. And thank you all for letting me be a part of it.
Submission Four Score: 2708

What is ATS. It started out as a small conspiracy board but no longer. It has grown to a large community board, fueled with a constant stream of new members by a first rate news department, ATSNN. People that Google news items find articles written by our news staff and members and those that are interested in any topic from the Paranormal to Weaponry become intruiged by other forums. People that find ATS notice that there is something for everyone here. News, information, entertainment, debate, etc. If everything was listed this essay would be over 1000 words. It give people a forum for discusion on any topic. If you need information on something specific, chances are that you will find members that can fill you in, or point you in the right direction. Want to kick back, relax, share an opinion on a movie or get an opinion on one, it's a short jump over to BTS. Members here are as varied in age as they are in culture, from pre-teen up, from Christian to Hindu to Athiest. All these have converged to create a unique board. One that can take us outside of our perceptions, to reality as it is in other parts of the world. There are many types of people here as well. Writers sharing their work, politically minded members, those choosing to expand their knowledge of the world and current events. We also have the occasional jokester to make us laugh when we need one. With so many members, it is easy to get advice on anything. Younger members can get advice from peers and older members, the same can be said of any member. We have friends here as well as those that we use to challenge our own beliefs, together we hone each other. ATS is a second family to many. Had something happen and you want to share it, your extended family is only a few clicks away. In fact, if members are absent for a period of time, it is noticable. People look forward to talking to you and miss you when you aren't there. The future of ATS is bright. With constant growth, new members, more opinion coming to the board, it is difficult to gauge exactly how large ATS will become. What new forums are left to be explored? If the recent explosion in membership continues exponentially, the skies the limit. It is going to be interesting in the coming months and years to see where this once "small" board is going to go. Always forward and with the goal to "Deny Ignorance."
Submission Five Score: 2688

I haven't seen any entries as of yet, but I figured as usual, it only takes one entry to start the flow, so here's mine, wasn't quite sure where to go with the thought, but after a week of thinking, this is what came out when i sat down to type......, the brainchild of mysterious young man who calls himself Simon Gray has become an enigma to the internet world. This outstanding message board which is was only a feature in a multitude of features in the matrix of a world wide web, is now featuring its members. Members from all walks of life and from locations near and far, are now the focus of curious onlookers. In a world of news, politics, conspiracy, tall tales, and urban legends, you will find a quest to deny ignorance. ATS has become a hub for those seeking to learn the alternative and hidden realities of the world. While the quest for hidden knowledge allowed the dedicated to become members of this strange community, the nature of the topics discussed scares other from the commitment of crossing the border into the unknown. There is also the fear as with most conspiracies that ATS is a tool used by government agencies monitoring members every moves and all aspects of their lives in exchange for free speech. Fear of the Patriot Act, war on terrorism and social changes within our society is the key reason for the change in trends in this warped web world. A future where only a minority is willing to be scrutinized in exchange for sharing their opinions and ideology. The unknown, the top secret hidden from all of us, is the driving force behind this community, those who are members seek it, they take the chance of loosening their grip on the paranoia that could be warranted, that �they� are watching us. So what is ATS and what has it become since it�s birth as a message board? ATS is the future of the Free Speech on the net, and a microcosm of the world as it exists since September 11, 2001, where the price of speaking your mind, comes with the knowledge that you�re being monitored. But as with every conspiracy, there is another conspiracy within, where the motives of this possibility could take many turns and twists leading in various paths, where members can lose themselves in alternative realities. Where doomsday, N.W.O., and aliens become real, where science and technology crosses paths, where psychology takes over and runs amok. ATS has become a magnet, a beacon, for those who think outside of the box, so why should statistics show otherwise.
Submission Six Score: 3209

WHAT IS ATS? or IGNORANCE AND ITS DENIAL Deny- To refuse to believe; reject. Ignorance- The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed. The motto of ATS is �Deny Ignorance�. Two very simple words with simple meanings, yet when combined, a most powerful paradigm is established. How is ignorance denied? Information. Where does information come from? People. Who can you trust? No one! So what can you do? It�s simple. If you can�t trust anybody, perhaps you can trust everybody! ATS is where you go to put an ear to the ground. It is a most valuable resource. It is a growing global community of freethinking, open-minded people who share a sense of urgency about current events and their effects on the future of mankind. It is the denial of ignorance that binds us together. As the world becomes increasingly chaotic and as the nature of things to come unfolds, it can be more and more difficult to gain true insight into what is really happening at times. In an information age dominated by politically clouded seas of media driven opinion, ATS is a pool of knowledge that can be drawn upon to extrapolate a sometimes general, but a more often startlingly vivid picture of what is actually taking place. It is the denial of ignorance that paints the picture. Regarding opinion, in most discussion forums one sees both extremes and little in between when a topic arises. However, due to the unique cross-section of knowledgeable participants found at ATS, and their voracious appetite for truth and fact coupled with an unmatched ability to collaborate, track down, locate, expose, and share information, one finds a virtual bell curve of opinion here. With this �bell�, one can easily ignore the extremes and average the remainder, thus generating the aforementioned vivid picture. This explains the inverted nature of ATS�s member to traffic ratio. Perhaps you can trust everybody�collectively! It is the denial of ignorance that draws the crowds. Revolution- A sudden or momentous change in a situation. With the denial of ignorance comes great responsibility. ATS is receiving a lot of new attention lately, as can be seen in recent statistics. This will undoubtedly draw even more attention. The proverbial genie is �out of the bottle� and can�t be put back. This will displease some. Some will seek her downfall, as ATS has, intentionally or not, become a target. She must remain vigilant and not allow �the powers that be� thwart her mission. Some will seek to discredit her, they will cry �conspiracy theorists� or �nut jobs� but they are ignorant. Deny them. Some will try to remove her, they will shout �security threat� or �indecent�, but they are narrow minded and motivated by greed and they are ignorant. Deny them. It is the denial of ignorance that will allow her continued existence. She should encourage membership growth, from all corners of the globe, and from all walks of life for there is safety in numbers. ATS should also grow and develop even greater collaborative skills, for her community is a resource of unimaginable capability. Working together we have and will continue to make a difference. The truth must be told. Ignorance MUST be denied. It is the denial of ignorance that will save the world!
[edit on 21-6-2004 by SkepticOverlord] [edit on 30-6-2004 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:35 PM
eh...whats this for?

random mumbling?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Gryffen eh...whats this for?
We have a new competition that offers a chance for our creative writers to pen a 500-1,000 word essay on what is the discussion board community. Show us your vision for what ATS has become, and is about to be.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:37 PM
Hey...wasnt the deadline June 25th?? Its the 21st....

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:39 PM
Due to the slow pace of submissions, I bumped it up and kept the ball rolling.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:56 PM
So we don't get to see who they are by? Good though whoever did them

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:02 PM
all very good, so how do people vote on this, basically who picks a winner?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Due to the slow pace of submissions, I bumped it up and kept the ball rolling.

Ohh...thats cheap.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 01:00 PM
Its actually a good idea not to post the names of the writers. In this way the votes are not affected in case some members dislike one of the writers or vote for one just because they are friends, or like their regular posts.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by dreamlandmafia
Hey...wasnt the deadline June 25th?? Its the 21st....


Tres confusing when it says "We waited until all submissions were in" ???

What's the go?

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 07:48 PM
Well, the submissions were so slow, and we hadn't had any in a while, I thought it time to get to it. If anyone submits additional submissions before the 25th, I'll include them here.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Well, the submissions were so slow, and we hadn't had any in a while, I thought it time to get to it.

If anyone submits additional submissions before the 25th, I'll include them here.

Oh NOW you say that...[grumbles and searches for Undelete]

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 08:20 PM
Well done!
I applaud all of you for accepting the challenge to define ATS. Bravo!

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 10:03 AM
today is the deadline for this right?
what happens next?

posted on Jun, 27 2004 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
what happens next?


There is an ominous silence.



I don't want to persecute the mods, but I'm curious how the contest is decided. Is it a public vote, a decision taken by the mods, a all-in wrestling contest, or will John Titor himself pluck a name from a hat?

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:00 AM
[size=10]We Have Our Winner! With 425 members voting and a final score of 3209 in a very close race among six great submissions, the sixth submission from tjack is our final winner. Excellent work from all involved.

Deny- To refuse to believe; reject. Ignorance- The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed. The motto of ATS is �Deny Ignorance�. Two very simple words with simple meanings, yet when combined, a most powerful paradigm is established. How is ignorance denied? Information. Where does information come from? People. Who can you trust? No one! So what can you do? It�s simple. If you can�t trust anybody, perhaps you can trust everybody! ATS is where you go to put an ear to the ground. It is a most valuable resource. It is a growing global community of freethinking, open-minded people who share a sense of urgency about current events and their effects on the future of mankind. It is the denial of ignorance that binds us together. As the world becomes increasingly chaotic and as the nature of things to come unfolds, it can be more and more difficult to gain true insight into what is really happening at times. In an information age dominated by politically clouded seas of media driven opinion, ATS is a pool of knowledge that can be drawn upon to extrapolate a sometimes general, but a more often startlingly vivid picture of what is actually taking place. It is the denial of ignorance that paints the picture. Regarding opinion, in most discussion forums one sees both extremes and little in between when a topic arises. However, due to the unique cross-section of knowledgeable participants found at ATS, and their voracious appetite for truth and fact coupled with an unmatched ability to collaborate, track down, locate, expose, and share information, one finds a virtual bell curve of opinion here. With this �bell�, one can easily ignore the extremes and average the remainder, thus generating the aforementioned vivid picture. This explains the inverted nature of ATS�s member to traffic ratio. Perhaps you can trust everybody�collectively! It is the denial of ignorance that draws the crowds. Revolution- A sudden or momentous change in a situation. With the denial of ignorance comes great responsibility. ATS is receiving a lot of new attention lately, as can be seen in recent statistics. This will undoubtedly draw even more attention. The proverbial genie is �out of the bottle� and can�t be put back. This will displease some. Some will seek her downfall, as ATS has, intentionally or not, become a target. She must remain vigilant and not allow �the powers that be� thwart her mission. Some will seek to discredit her, they will cry �conspiracy theorists� or �nut jobs� but they are ignorant. Deny them. Some will try to remove her, they will shout �security threat� or �indecent�, but they are narrow minded and motivated by greed and they are ignorant. Deny them. It is the denial of ignorance that will allow her continued existence. She should encourage membership growth, from all corners of the globe, and from all walks of life for there is safety in numbers. ATS should also grow and develop even greater collaborative skills, for her community is a resource of unimaginable capability. Working together we have and will continue to make a difference. The truth must be told. Ignorance MUST be denied. It is the denial of ignorance that will save the world!
[edit on 30-6-2004 by SkepticOverlord]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:06 AM
Congratulations, tjack! -Well done, indeed.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:10 AM
Hurray!!! Congratulations on a fine piece of writing!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:15 AM
Congratulations, tjack, excellent work!

I'm pretty pleased with second place - thanks to everyone who voted for entry number two!

Hey, SkepticOverlord, any chance of you editting the first post so we can see who wrote the others? Pleeeeeeeease?

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:50 AM
Congrats Tjack
Enjoyed this very much.

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