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Palestine - The greatest lie in history

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posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

LoL ok, so according to your logic, and what you just said........the Jews created WWII by helping the US take over Europe during WWII, how the hell does that time line work?

If that is what you thought I said, then you are a 6 year old who just learned how to read and write. Then again, if you are trying to make me look stupid by claiming that is what I said, you are an evil man

America never took sides until the destruction was so severe that it could easily take control over Europe.

The Zionist Jews harbored by the US already helped start WWII..
it was later on that US came in.

What I'm saying is obvious, that Zionist Jews helped US take over Europe by starting an European civil war. Not to mention Russia, because Russia was also involved. That is why the US gave Palestine, which was under British mandate, to Zionist Jews..

Then US and USSR had a long struggle in Europe, both trying to take over, what do you think the cold war was about?

As the map showed, Europe had huge control, so who ever took over Europe basically would have inherited most of Africa, and the middle east, which was partly British controlled, at least the most resource rich parts.

I can go on, but what is the point, you need to learn your history..

[edit on 4-9-2010 by oozyism]

Judea ?? Was Judea a geographic \ political entity at that time? How many brigades did it have, how many tanks? What was the color of their uniform? No, really, I'm curious.

One newspaper. This breaking sensational news and only one newspaper publish it. Read what it says: Boycott of (Nazi) German goods.

Who were the Jews that gathered and decided on that boycott. Name one in that article.
No wonder this article is so popular in almost every white power and anti Semite website.

The Jews started ww2....pffffff

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by gravitational
Oh boy, some of you are really talented in twisting reality.

Did you even bother reading anything I linked to?
The name Palestine has no connection what so ever with the present Muslims who call themselves Palestinians. Jeeezzz, have some decency and read before trying to twist everything to your liking.
Ever heard a palestinian saying he came from the Mediterranean sea and that he is not Arab Muslim? Show me one.
You can't have it both ways. Either they immigrated from The med or Arabia.

If you believe there were once prior to 48 a Palestinian state \ kingdom \ something than answer me this:

when was it created?
what type of government did it have?
Who was the head of this government?
where did the "Palestinians" come from?
what was it's currency
why is there no record of this country not even in Arab newspapers?

More questions to add:

How come both Palestinian leaders and Arab leaders said time and time again “There is no such thing as Palestine” ? Look at the video if you haven't already before answering.

So.....if the people living in a territory can't answer the above questions, it's ok to kill them, take their property and drive them out by making it impossible to stay there due to terrorist attacks against innocents? Even though the inhabitants (in 1948) had lived there for hundreds of years?

Is that what you're saying?

Because that's what it sounds like.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by gravitational

A shame it was mentioned in League of Nations documents, when the British Eempire was given a legal mandate to the administration of Palestine. Oh, and it is even mentioned in the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

It was referred as the province of Palaestina, under the Byzantine empire (Eastern Roman) (330–640 CE). For historical purposes, that's where the word "Palestine" comes from. It was Judea under the Roman Empire, but changed after the split between East and West. However, the Arabic word Filastin is reconigsed as the modern origin of the Palestinian nation.

Christian Zionists are wrong to suggest "Transjordan" is Palestine. Using that term, deliberately (for religious reasons) ignores the fact - under League of Nations decelerations - Transjordan and Palestine were two different regions. Not one entity.

This was covered in basic history, in the British education system. I thought, or assumed, this was common teaching in the Western World. Obviously not...

[edit on 4-9-2010 by infinite]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by sezsue

If they can't answer these simple questions, it's either because they suffer acute dementia, or history prove it is a one big lie.

You must have missed the part that Jewish people lived in Judea and Sumeria for thousands of years. You also missed the part that in the partition agreement, it was the Arabs that rejected it and started a war against the newly one day born Israel.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by infinite

And you missed this part:

and this:

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:43 PM
I like people that think THEIR information is correct, and nobody elses is. How about own up to the fact that none of the information we are looking at is 100% credible. Oh wait, we're not here to spread truth, we're here to inflame peoples emotions for shiites and giggles.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by gravitational
reply to post by sezsue

If they can't answer these simple questions, it's either because they suffer acute dementia, or history prove it is a one big lie.

You must have missed the part that Jewish people lived in Judea and Sumeria for thousands of years. You also missed the part that in the partition agreement, it was the Arabs that rejected it and started a war against the newly one day born Israel.

No, I got your drift, but you didn't answer my questions.

Why should the people already living in the area agree to an agreement they didn't create, and who gave any outside power the right to make decisions for those people?

That would be like the Russians deciding to give California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska to the Chinese. If you lived in one of those states would you calmly go along with that, or would you fight against the Chinese that were trying to take your property?

I guess you are telling us that people calling themselves Jews currently living in that area (since 1948) are the same ones that lived in Judea and Sumeria for thousands of years?

So, if you own a house that was built 200 years ago, and people who say they are related to the original owners tried to force you to leave, that would be ok?

(I guess I had to dumb it down, or would you prefer to answer my original questions?)

So.....if the people living in a territory can't answer the above questions, it's ok to kill them, take their property and drive them out by making it impossible to stay there due to terrorist attacks against innocents? Even though the inhabitants (in 1948) had lived there for hundreds of years?

Is that what you're saying?

Because that's what it sounds like.

Point is, it's not OK to force people to leave a place in which they have lived for hundreds of years, just because another person or people lived there first.

Heck, you probably wouldn't even think it was fair if you were waiting in line to ride on a roller coaster, and someone came up and said, I was ahead of you until I left to get some food, but that's still my place, so I'm going in front of you.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by gravitational

My point was that Zionist Jews helped start European civil war.

If you disagree you have to do more than just small talk, you have to provide evidence that Zionist Jews had nothing to do with the European civil war.

I provided my evidence, now your turn, even though that post wasn't directed at you.

Over all my point was that British promised the aborigines of Palestine a national state for helping them in WWI against the Ottoman empire, then in WWII Europe collapsed therefore Britain wasn't able to hold on to that promise to Palestinian people, because the US gave Palestine to the Zionists, for helping the US take down Europe (hence helping start the European civil war).

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Politicians on both sides can pontificate all they like about names, dates, borders, Gods promises etc... But logic can not be denied.

So a simple question for the Zionist on here should clear it up ....

If the Palestinians as a people did not really exist. Then who the hell was the Stern Gang going on about driving out. The camels, ghosts, who ?

Why would they make such a fuss, if the place was as empty as Zionist claim now ?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Yeah, no one was living there previous to those "Israeli's" colonizing it. Right. Sure, Israel isnt just a glorified Western military base meant to keep the middle east at war and the weapons contracts flowing.

yeah, sure, i'll believe that.

And then we should probably get China to force US residents out of the Pacific NorthWest (with military aid) so the native folks can 'recreate' their homeland. I mean, those people in Washington and Idaho arent really a 'people', right?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Is this an attempt to justify gassing and burning Jews?
If so, it's pathetic. Moreover, the article of that tabloid clearly says: boycott of goods, not a deployment of armies or militia against Germany.

Next line.

In the partition resolution, no Arab was to be forced to leave his land, This is just a deliberate smoke screen you keep repeating. You want proof? How many Arabs, be it Christians or Muslims are living in Israel at the present time ? Do you think they just poped out of thin air? How many live in Judea and Sumeria? Why is it that general Moshe Dayan plead those people that escaped – be it because of fear or request by their leaders – to return to their homes? That they will receive health care and other civil services?

The settlements were created on barren wasteland. No one lived on those specific lands, and they belong to no private Arab owner. Also, there was no state or political entity what so ever at those territories, there for by law, it was taken from no one and no Arab can claim ownership over it.
And yes, I'm fully aware of UN resolutions. When was the last time they voted anything in favor of Israel. When was the last time and how many times have they voted against a power like China?
Look up and see who are the members of it's Security council. Lebanon? Uganda? Nigeria?
In fact, the land was conquered form Jordan in 67' After Jordan conquered it in 48'. It was not conquered from a state called “Palestine”.

Now here is a problem. How many countries do “Palestinians” want? Jordan has a Palestinian majority of about 70% of the population, some say it's close to 84%. Than we have the west bank governed by Fatah, than Gaza governed by Hamas that will settle for no less than the whole of Israel, and lastly we have the Israeli Arabs that declare themselves as Palestinians.

Still, so many comments on this thread, and none refute the fact that there is no such thing as Palestinian people. These are the words of their own people, not mine.
Do you chose to believe a lie and live in an alternate universe?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:27 AM
l have a question for you. lf for some reason lsrael had a disaster of some kind, nuclear, biological, flood or plague of locusts even, and became the "victims" again. What country in the world would would give you a piece of their land to live in? Just wondering. Peace starchild.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by gravitational


Did you bother to read the links you posted, to support "your claim"? It made reference to the Eastern Roman name for the region. So, how can you call it a "lie" when your link makes historical reference to it?

Also interesting, if you think Romans invented Palestine - then you are ignoring their biggest creation. Christianity. Christian Zionists tend to forget, Constantine the Great merged Christianity with the Pagan traditions of Rome - using religion to repress dissidents in the provinces. The Roman Church is nothing like the religion preached by Jesus (who was a Palestinian btw).

The Bible was commissioned and constructed by the Roman Empire. So, if you are using Christianity to justify your beliefs - then Christianity is the biggest lie in history

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:29 AM
Are you trying to exhaust me by going in endless circles?

The Romans didn't invent anything. They named the land Syria- Palestina.
The origin of the Phlistin (Pleshet) people is from the Mediterranean sea. Not Arabs.

About the LIE. You really need to ask Arafat why he said there is no such thing as Palestinian people.

The Bible was commissioned and constructed by the Roman Empire ? Really?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by gravitational
The Bible was commissioned and constructed by the Roman Empire ? Really?

Yes. A council drafted a list of books to be included in what became the Bible. Councils of Carthage, on 28 August 397, issued a canon of the Bible - which became the only authorised text of the Holy Bible. All other texts, like the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, were deemed heresy. Fifty Bibles of Constantine were believed to be the predecessor of the Bible - which Constantine I ordered to be given to numerous churches throughout the empire.

The Middle East probably would've have been a much more prosperous and peaceful region if religion never entered it's sphere. But hey, that's what happens when three religions claim ownership of one area....

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:00 PM
Originally posted by gravitational
reply to post by oozyism

What can I say?? I will repeat myself.. Kindov getting boring at this point because I know you are gonna repeat yourself also.. That being said, this is my last respond to you


Overall point again, since you keep avoiding it..

1. Palestine was a piece of land (proven with maps).

2. WWI Palestinian people helped the British empire, and created an insurgency against the Ottoman empire, in return the British empire promised the aborigines of Palestine a nation (Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, read Wikipedia)
3. America and USSR had their eyes on Europe and how they could take down Europe and therefore inherit resource rich Africa and Middle East (proven with map).

4. Zionist organization harbored by the US helped orchestrate the European civil war therefore lead to the collapse of European (also proven).

5. The US comes from the left, and USSR comes from the right in the hope of conquering the whole of Europe (hence the cold war, also proven, read Wikipedia).

6. Since part of Europe was under American control (including Britain), America scrapped the deal between the British empire and aborigines of Palestine and instead promised Palestine to the Zionist organization.

7. Britain tried to protest and tried to stop the forceful migration of world wide Jews to Palestine, didn't work because they faced Zionist terrorism funded by the US. Britain became silenced and realized America had control (Read Wikipedia).

Try refuting one of the 7 points..

My dear friend, if you still didn't get the point you are
They were not from Palestine, they were European/American/USSR... Jews..

[edit on 5-9-2010 by oozyism]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Honestly, you sound like a paid teenager that fill this thread with dozens of inaccuracies, just to derail it, and make the readers lose focus on the issues at hand.
Find someone else to play that game.

1- Mars is also a piece of land

2- Wrong. It was Hussein Ben Ali, the ruler of Hijaz (a part of Saudi Arabia) and his two sons Abbdala and Ali who took part in the revolt.

3 – Irrelevant to the subject

4 – Incorrect and irrelevant

5 – Irrelevant

6- Irrelevant

7- Multilayer of lies, inaccuracies and relevancy.

8- Why did Arafat, the leader of “Palestine” said there is no such thing as Palestinian people ?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:40 AM
Originally posted by gravitational

Somehow I thought you were smart, or something along those lines .. Sorry for making that assumption..

I will post some threads in regards to this subject, it has already been proven that land was called Palestine, it has already been proven World Wide Jews (not aborigine Jews) forcefully migrated to Palestine and it has already been proven you are an idiot.

Good day to you sir, this thread is dead

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:36 AM
Thank you for calling me an idiot.
Now I know I'm in good company.

I'm so not surprised that when ever you are proven wrong, you go to your usual rhetoric..Jews this..Jews that. Yawn.

Good luck with your new thread. Bye.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:43 PM

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