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The NY Mosque Controversy. Summed Up In One Picture.

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posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 11:35 PM
If they were building the mosque ON ground zero, that would be a completely different issue- which is what I thought when all of this first began. Then when I found out the facts, everything changed. I am a libertarian. Live and let live. I am also a born-again Christian. I agree that this is pretty much a non-issue. And if anything, allowing the mosque will just piss off the extremists because it will show who is the 'bigger man' in all of this. Kill them with kindness is a rule I have followed my entire life. And to this day, it has never failed. Love thy neighbor- even if it is your 'enemy'...and love the sinner, hate the sin.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 11:35 PM

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by LarryLove

People weren't bothered by Islam, until Islam started bothering people.

People who choose to belong to a religion responsible for wide spread terrorism around the planet, have no one but themselves to blame for the growing resentment around the planet, against their religion, and so against those who continue to embrace a religion so closely tied to continuous horrendous acts against humanity.

I have no more sympathy for them than I do members of the KKK.

So you blame the religion for actions of people who aren't, even though I bet you would love them to be, regarded as heroes or as real Muslims for that matter?

This doesn't make you sound stupid, does it?

By your logic I can blame you, if you are christian, for the actions of the kkk.


posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Acid_Burn2009

So, emotions override the First Amendment in your opinion. Is this what I read in your post?

I mean, if building the mosque is a bad idea and wrong, as you say, then suppressing Freedom of Religion must be good and the right thing to do... Right?

[edit on 9/3/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

Yeah because hoping people make a morally valid choice over a nebulous and insensitive one, is all about your first amendment.

Oh wait, sorry, I forgot, it's only the MSM that twist the facts to get something going.

I obviously misread you.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:20 AM
I understand, from a report I saw online, that the owner of the property next door to where the new Mosque is to be located has said he intends to open a gay bar there. Ain't freedom grand?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
I understand, from a report I saw online, that the owner of the property next door to where the new Mosque is to be located has said he intends to open a gay bar there. Ain't freedom grand?

But that's just insensitive. Why would anyone want to do that?

I mean, they know it would offend muslims! Only a fool would want to inflame such discontent and cause disharmony.


You and I both know no one will get the real point of it.

But what's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:49 AM
I love how the statue of liberty is feeling "jeez not this crap again" haha
Says it all.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:51 AM
Strippers didn't fly planes into the WTC. Porn peddlers didn't fly planes into the WTC. Drug dealers didn't fly planes into the WTC.

Whether there's credence to the theory or no, in the minds of many a New Yorker, Muslims did fly planes into the WTC.

Simply put, if New Yorkers who lost loved ones in the attack don't want a mosque built that close to ground zero, fine. If New Yorkers who lost loved ones don't care if a mosque is built that close to ground zero, fine. Either way, everyone with no stake in the argument save moral superiority IMO should STFU.

It's not a question of whether or not it's a constitutional thing to do... it clearly is. It's a question of whether it's a jackass thing to do.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Legion2112
Strippers didn't fly planes into the WTC. Porn peddlers didn't fly planes into the WTC. Drug dealers didn't fly planes into the WTC.

Whether there's credence to the theory or no, in the minds of many a New Yorker, Muslims did fly planes into the WTC.

Simply put, if New Yorkers who lost loved ones in the attack don't want a mosque built that close to ground zero, fine. If New Yorkers who lost loved ones don't care if a mosque is built that close to ground zero, fine. Either way, everyone with no stake in the argument save moral superiority IMO should STFU.

A black guy kills a bunch of people.

Another black guy totally unrelated to the murders, comes to live near the scene.

"Strippers didn't kill those guys. Porn peddlers didn't kill those guys. Drug dealers didn't kill those guys.

Whether there's credence to the theory or no, in the minds of many a New Yorker, A black guy killed those guys."

Do you see how stupid that sounds? Why should the black guy be punished for what someone totally unrelated to him did?

Also many muslims are new yorkers too, born and raised. And I bet many don't really give a crap about the mosque anyway.
Anyway I heard that it is actually a huge building, with gym's, resturants, etc etc, the mosque is just part of it.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:38 AM
I think sometimes we as people need to look to the root cause of things sometimes when discussing such topics.

Terrorism is really a home sprung concept.

People want their own soveriegnty and will lash out at those they consider to be the very ones hindering it.People don't just wake up one morning and decide i want to be a has been fueled over long terms and many times through generations of suppression by an oppressor.

SO lets think about this...this is a general thing...It is not ABOUT America.

when an outside force spends years suprressing anothers right and can only lead to people wanting to fight back with any means possible.

i will use the palestines and Isrealis as a neutral Example.

Isreal is set up by the UN after the second world is set into palestine and everyone expects that it will just be accepted. but things over time brew.Now the palestines are used the same methods to fight back and become terrorists.

Now alot of of this is over a mosque...and each side thinks that where the mosques sits should be theirs.

so lets lets try something out is a have a Jew Silverman who owns the twin towers. IT is now(possibly)destroyed by muslims.

this war has now moved onto American soil has it not?

now you have Americans fighting muslims over the placement of a Mosque.

It is quite interesting to say the least to me.

I am not going with the emotional bit sorry, as to me one human life is just as valuble as another human life no matter what their beliefs or religion.

point being is that if America wants to follow the Jewish/Palestinian example then be prepared for many more lives to be lost.

To me personally it is just a will only harm if people allow it to be harmful.The world has more than enough hate in it,Mostly brought on by western societies insatible greed by stepping on third world nations and using them for our own pleasure that we hold dear to us.

these nations are fighting back in the same way each of us have fought for our ways of life.

NOT all muslims are extremists....but it is the Extremists being seen.

so dont fall into the mold of bashing each other.....we all as a human race need to learn to understand what the bigger picture is.

these emotional issues are actually being used against us.

be thankful for having a fulfilling life...and also think of all the BILLIONS of people who do not have even a say in what happens in their own countries at the expense of the western world.

to live our comfortable lives we literally abuse BILLIONS of people in foriegn countries by keeping them poor so they can make our products for cheap, So we can have cheap oil, so we can have cheap food,so we can put a cheap value on their lives.

SO let the Mosque be built with peace and that will show the way.

[edit on 023030p://f45Saturday by plube]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 04:04 AM


posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I want to state that this picture was posted by EFGuy first on Above Top Secret here. Just giving due credit. The message is simple, precise and accurate.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
Perhaps this should sum up the controversy in ONE picture


Sorry its just too big to fit the page.This is only about half.

The whole picture contains photos of all but 92 of the victims.

[edit on 3-9-2010 by jibeho]

[edit on 3-9-2010 by jibeho]

... so you shouldnt build a swimming pool there because they would be as dead as they are if they drowned?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by iterationzero

Originally posted by saabacura
I can careless if mosque is built or not. But because more than 70 percent of Americans don't want it there, Then build that mosque somewhere else

If a majority of Americans believed you should kill yourself, would you?

If we as citizens deny our fellow citizens the right to use their private property as they see fit, within all city ordinances, and furthermore deny them the right to practice their religion as they see fit - then it is most certainly suicide for this country and the values it was founded upon.

Another portrait of "Hallowed Ground". (Sorry if it's been posted, it's a long thread.) The only thing that seems sacred in those pics is Capitalism.

[edit on 4/9/2010 by kosmicjack]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:48 AM
Well, the problem with the cartoon is that it is stupid, simpleminded and has no actual bearing on the issue at hand.

Throughout history, muslim cultists have built mosques wherever they have "won" significant battle. Building a huge mosque in that location is symbolic of the "victory" they perceive in killing all of those people at the WTC.

Additionally, that entire area is for all intents and purposes, a huge graveyard. Property owners are still fining remains all over the area...bone fragments, teeth, artifacts, etc. turn up all the time.

The muslims know this. They know exactly what they are doing, and treasure you people falling in line with their propaganda. After all, to them you guys are stupid infidel trash.

What is most surprising (and a little frightening) is that so many of you people have missed the symbolic meaning of the construction.

You need to grow up.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by MMPI2

If you really believe this is a victory mosque, you've been brainwashed by the media

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:26 AM
The mosque and other mosques have already been there for years and years! I do not understand why this is making news. Is the mosque like maybe 30 feet too close to the site of the towers? If they moved the mosque 12 feet to the left would it make everyone happy and shut them up? Just because the alleged hijackers were muslim makes everyone freak out.

The bad muslims can feel they have won or are victorious over us all they want. Big deal it's just a building. Until the muslim religion can be proven real, or any other religion for that matter, we should just let them do what the constitution allows them to do. The only problem with this is that if they get to large and get too many followers, people will change. I think the US government fears this change.

For those of you who do not like muslims, just remember that they have to use money just like everyone else. On that money, it says "in God we trust" so we are kinda giving them the middle finger all the time.

For those of you who are relgious, please prove your religion is real. This has not yet happened and this is why we have seperation of church and state. If a particular religion or why we are here on earth was proven, then seperation of church and state could obviously be thrown in the trash.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:26 AM
Only a fool cannot see that building the mosque at ground zero is
equivalent to the Marines raising the Flag at Iow Jima

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by type0civ

While i think that argument is silly and do not believe for a second that this is some sort of 'victory' mosque
Even if the person was building it there for such a reason they still have every right to build it, the constitution allows them as American citizens to do so.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:41 AM
This is nothing but a media supported paranoid angry cry from the Christian right...and since they are pretty much the village idiot in this country, we should just ignore them.

One fact remains: The constitution guarantees everyone's right of freedom of religion! If you want to throw freedom/liberties over board, and spit on the constitution, then by all means...oppose the mosque. But you're definitely not a patriot in doing so. Ironically, a lot of the people against it are the same people who use the "against the constitution" phrase all the time...but I guess that only works if it's something in you don't like

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