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You know you are a terrorist when..........

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posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:53 PM
yep im a terrorist and if you look at the founding fathers by todays defintion so were they puts me in good company in my opinion.

label me all you want i wear them like badges of honor--honor that thing that this country doesnt have anymore.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Sorry JPZ, I am not going through this with you again. I won't have you twist what I say into a divisive narrative.

Uh-huh. This is coming from the member who joined this thread simply to malign conservatives by equating them to Timothy McVeigh. As to the charge that I am twisting what you say into a divisive narrative, you chose to be divisive the moment you singled out what you call "the right wing nuts" before I entered this thread, and as to twisting what you say, my last post took precisely what you said, and put it to the test, and showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that your accusations were baseless, and that is what you refuse to acknowledge, because...well, to acknowledge the baseless charges that the Unabomber's manifesto is just like the TEA Party platform, would mean to abandon your desire for divisiveness and agree that there is no comparison between the Unabomber's ideals, and the TEA Party's ideals.

I did not say the left did NOT engage in some of this behavior. What I said was that the modern conservative (especially some posters on ATS) mirror the words of Timothy McVeigh often.

You did not say anything regarding the left what-so-ever, and instead entered this thread and attacked the right's behavior.

I am not going to get into a long drawn out debate with you on this subject, especially in a thread authored by endisnighe's latest incarnation of himself.

This may be true, we shall see, but thus far, you have chosen to "debate" the issue by using fallacious arguments.

But on the subject, You know you are a terrorist when..... You plan to kill your fellow Americans, you want a violent revolution, you want to destroy the Government, rip up the Constitution and want to instill a Conservative/Fascist government that would make Hitler's Nazi Germany look like a PTA Assembly.

I suppose you won't have me take what you said and twist it into a divisive narrative, since obviously the quote above is all about unity and fairness. I suppose you think there is nothing at all divisive about what you have said in this quote above.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I still say that the TPM extremists could take the Unibombers manifesto as their platform.

After all didn't an offshoot of the TPM send out letters to governors demanding they resign or be removed?

Guardians of the free Republics wants to "restore America"

Hey! Isn't that what Glenn Beck wants too? to "restore America"

Hmm, sounds to me like the Unibomber and the TPM have a lot in common.

"Do what I say or you will get violence"

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by whatukno


You know you are a terrorist when you want to use the power of the Central/Federal/Imperialistic Government to impose your views upon the world onto us peons because we are unenlightened....

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by whatukno

I would much rather 'restore' than 'fundamentally change' case you don't know where that later quote comes from, it comes from just as divisive figure as Beck....

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

Oohhh I got one...

You know you are a terrorist when..........

You pull out the Declaration of Independence and use it as your excuse to want to start blowing away your fellow countrymen as if it's some supreme license to kill!

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by whatukno the blanket statement...who has held the declaration of independence in their hands while blowing away their fellow countrymen?

You are reaching and I am trying to find out why you have become so used to have your views, yet were reasonable in debate. Now you are crass and all over the place spouting pure vitriol towards those that espouse different views than your own...

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy the blanket statement...who has held the declaration of independence in their hands while blowing away their fellow countrymen?

Try reading my post a little more carefully. I said "want to", not "goes out and".

I know, I used to be reasonable, and found out that I was trying to debate people that aren't reasonable at all. So, I figure, if you can't beat them, join them and so, screw it, I won't be reasonable either.

I mean most of the time I am debating people who take things out of context, outright lie, or otherwise warp reality to the point that they don't know what reality is anymore. I figure, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Doesn't matter anyway, I guess eventually the right wingers are just going to start going around en masse and blowing away everyone who is anywhere from centrist to left politically. Why should I care what they think?

[edit on 9/3/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by ownbestenemy

You might be right about that.

I am right about this one.....

Damn decorum or rules....I can't stand by while you perpetuate this nonsense.

That is right, politicians aren't supposed to be idealists with their own convictions but representatives of the people, and do what the people want.

Representatives, within a republic are among the people. Even under pre-17th Amendment terms, ultimately the senators were amongst the people. Unless you deem those that own a business or have accomplished something in life as nothing more than puppets.

This being, you have claimed that representatives should just forget their own ideals, their own beliefs and become serfs of the People. This is a far cry than what was ever intended under the Constitution or even a Republic.

While our representatives should listen to their constituents, they are not required to follow mob or even majority rule when they are administering their duties at a federal level. The idea of having representatives, voted locally amongst the people as they will be accountable or hold a generally similar point of view of those that voted in office.

Obviously such has gone astray, but not out of the reach of reigning in. The more voters are engaged with politics and educated on the issues, it is shown that people will either vote a person out of office, or that person will retire. Knowing they no longer either have the support of the base or they can no longer fool the fool.

Under your understanding, you wish to push up mindless drones that perpetuate a pure democracy under the guise of a representative republic. It is a very populist sentiment nowadays and quite understandable, but will only lead to more destruction of the country and the ideals in which it stands for.

Already, we have 40-50% of the general population basically receicing money from the treasury just to be a citizen....under your idea of government and representation, how many more will realize that they can vote themselves onto the dole? How many will realize that they should receive a piece of the pie?

Give up your dream. You are delusional and have fallen into some vortex of logic....still trying to figure it out though.

What happens when 49% of the will of people do not get heard under your idea of how a representative should be? Since he/she is supposed to adhere to the will of the people, how will they ever find middle ground? Between you and I, if we had the same representative, who would get what they desire? You see the failed logic of your reasoning now?

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Show me, with direct quotes where I misread your statement. I inferred by your wording that you yet again, have just damned a whole group of people because you dislike their ideals.

I am not defending the actions of those that wish to go out and impose their own vision of the world, unless it is that of what the Consittution states. Which, in spite of the few things we have sense corrected, is probably the only document in the world that attempted to find a balance between individualism and the State.

I do not condone those that wish to push anything beyond the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, as long as it does not infringe upon another.

You have already lost if you have diminished yourself to the level of those posters. If you have noticed, there is a strong group of posters here that condone those that have called for armed action because of the state of things or even who is president. We typically ignore or quickly shutdown, either through logic or simple nonresponse of those posters.

Yet, in your eyes, we are all the same. Grow up.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

This isn't exactly a Republic, it's a Representative Democracy or a Democratic Republic. You are thinking of a Republic in the strictest sense of the word.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 03:14 AM
God forbid you should have a camera. Automatic terrorist/pedofile and a cop harrasser.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by whatukno

You can play semantics all you want. A representative or democratic republic is all the same. What you have been perpetuating is something that the founding fathers pushed against, which is direct democracy. It is just that you are trying to push it through under the guise of a representative.

You still did not answer the question and I have different ideas, but have the same representative, whom does he adhere to? Under your precept, he is supposed to follow the will of the people, but the will is split. Hence our system today, in which educated and knowledge persons are supposed to be in the position to make decisions with foresight and understanding. Granted, we have failed miserably at putting people in that position, that is the most democratic way the People will ever continue their existence among the State.

We elect people to be leaders. Maybe you have a misunderstanding what a 'leader' is. A leader is one who, while listens to those under them, understand that they are in a position, being placed there by their peers, to make decisions. Sometimes those decisions will piss off a group. That comes with being a leader. It comes with being in a position in which you must make choices that will best effect those that put you in that position.

A good leader does not question their decisions, but rather embrace what they have chosen, listen to their peers and subordinates and figure out where they went wrong. We have not had leaders in this country in a long time. That is a fact.

You failed to realize that I am with you on the fact we have politicians today that are nothing but empty suits and are practically using their positions to fatten their wallets either with tax payer money or influence.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy

So what you are saying is that our representatives have the consent of the governed? Then why all the hyperbole about how there should be a violent revolution?

I mean if the governed gave their consent by voting for these people people shouldn't be all pissed off to the point where every other day there's a thread on here with someone rewriting the Declaration of Independence or copying it out completely and calling for an armed revolution.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by whatukno

See my U2U....I do not wish any type of armed revolution as that would just destroy us more.

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