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WHO are the Disinformationists ?

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posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:00 PM
It's Time to End the Idea of the "Either" and The "Or"

This Is a bit different thread ( I think) than most other Dis-info Threads. Due to the Fact that I will NOT point the finger at a particular group of People or researchers. In Fact I'm Starting to Believe that Those who Cry Disinfo Might be part of a Bigger Problem.

The C.I.A. has used Disinfo Tactics for years, This We Know. What we forget is the Actual Method for doing so. It's all in the Mix! Give Real info to those who No one will believe, and give Bad info to those who are believable.

Yet, on this site we have People who are ready to scream HOAXER at someone depending on the type of info they are Giving us, or even associations with other People. So no matter how compelling there evidence is, It will never be Taken Seriously. THIS is a classic Disinfo tactic. Mix it SOOO much that NO One is Believable when it comes to Alternative Subjects.

Example 1: Jose Escamillia - Sure "the Biggest story ever Denied" was kind of Anti-climatic, and the Interstellar Movie has a good Bit of Controversy to it (and Rightfully So, Even to Mr. Escamillia ) But I noticed in almost Every thread about the man NO ONE mention "Moon Rising". It Gave you a GOVERNMENT web sight to confirm the findings and everything he presented could be checked on the website (which the Government moved a short time after the film came out) I collected almost 100 pics from this site of anomalies MY SELF!
You can Find Anomalies for yourself, they moved the site here

Example 2 : DR.Greer - This guy Takes A LOT of Flack from People, and has actually done nothing but present MILITARY PERSONNEL Experiences. Now Why would Military put there careers, Pensions, or Personal Lives at stake just to "Trick Everyone"?
If they were not in the military, would that not be simple to find out? And If it did not happen, would not the Government scorn them for Lying instead of ignoring everything? do these People Gain anything besides ridicule? yet they still feel the need to say "This happened, and i need to do what I think I s right and tell the world, despite the consequences "

Back to The "Either" and the "Or"
We are very segregated in this country (USA) And Media Helps Promote this. To the popular belief, It's only 1 or the other : Democrat, Or a Republican (They Take Orders from the same people in truth). Climate Change Can ONLY be from us or the Liberals are Lying (NO ONE in media considers that It's Actually The Sun , and the Solar System is actually in charge). UFOs are aliens, OR the Government (Why can't it be both? plus Time-Travelers, Multidimensionals, and whatever else might be around). They are a Disinfo agent, or all the information they give is COMPLETELY true.

Example 3 : Jaime Maussan - Do I believe Every Story He gives is unquestionably True? Of course not, but he Does Have Pieces to the Bigger Puzzle? Perhaps As Most Ufologist do, but no one has the whole thing figured out. He makes Good points about REAL Crop Circles, and the Man-made Variety (if you actually Look Into It, there are HUGE differences to be noticed), This is another HUGE "either or" Problem.

It's As if we assume there can only be 1 Peg to fit in the hole, and if you say otherwise, your spreading lies

Everyone that contributes to this site should be looked at skeptically, but that does not mean we should rule out ones ENTIRE volume of Work!

Those who try to Lure us into the "Either OR" should be considered Disinfo, as they have Decided to Ignore how Good info and Bad Info are distributed in these Cases.

Ignorance Denied


MOD EDIT: Fix link skewing page

[edit on August 29th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:02 PM
Alright Well I think That was My First Non-Sucky Post, That actually Came From The Heart....Lets See where it goes!

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:05 PM
I think There Might Be A Better Category For this Post

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:07 PM
What gets me most is the people who had just registered that day or a few days before just to refute a post. It screams conspiracy but there is no real evidence to support it. Not until later on that you see that same account not having posted again at all is there evidence of interesting activity.

I have seen it happen many times and I find it quite strange. It is very easy to remember people on ATS with our odd names and fun avatars. usually these users do not ever have avatars and just sign up to post one or few times.

Thanks for this thread, sure some things sound off but it is a good thing to think about.

(plus wouldn't this be better posted in the General Conspiracies section than the board help section??)

EDIT: Ah yes, thank you mod. Forgot about that category. DD section works just as fine too!

[edit on 8/29/2010 by TheBloodRed]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:08 PM
These agents are taught how to write and direct conversations. Their nature is to establish trust and credibility and then lead the reader to a conclusion, appealing to specific "target markets" of people.

Like a virus, they infect all they can. Be careful when you post such topics near the hierarchy of a site. You may find yourself sniffing around a little too closely.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by rajaten

What I have seen is mostly ones who love to derail a topic or enflame instead of actually talking about the direct subject at hand. But once again it is difficult to make a direct decision until you truly know the user.

There are many on here who love pointing fingers at political parties or figure heads and forget the real topic at hand(even on their own topics). So it is possible it might just be regular users who are misguided, just a thought.

But I do believe disinfo agents are in here all the time just to ruin conversations or to steer them in the wrong direction. Luckily we have some really good mods who are super great at laying the smackdown(so to speak) on users who seem to be derailing topics.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by ReturnOfGoukilock

You've grasped it. The way you put it together is a lil sloppy, but you've definitely got the most important point!

We are all part of the disinfo game! Yin and Yang, Good contains Evil and Evil contains Good. There is no such thing as an absolute in this reality ruled by duality. Either/or is a misconception by people who haven't looked on both sides. This is what the 'elites' have been trying to get across to us. But we still don't get it. No matter how many restraints they push in our faces, we continue to bind ourselves to the thoughts of an absolute world.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by TheBloodRed

YES, Thank You for Putting this in a WAY more Fitting Category!

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Yeah, It is A bit sloppy, but I plan on Refining My Statements the more I post, and I will Be Posting A lot more now that I have the Time!

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 12:52 AM
Clear chemtrail skies

Throw out what the teacher said.

By the way, leave the CIA out of it. Their having a Massive party
right now. Their not after you. Hey? You want to crash it?

I'm Game,,,
That crew rocks!

Intelligence Matters.

Cold Beer helps.
We could have a keg party in Langly! Owned.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by ReturnOfGoukilock


Back to The "Either" and the "Or"
We are very segregated in this country (USA) And Media Helps Promote this. To the popular belief, It's only 1 or the other : Democrat, Or a Republican (They Take Orders from the same people in truth). Climate Change Can ONLY be from us or the Liberals are Lying (NO ONE in media considers that It's Actually The Sun , and the Solar System is actually in charge). UFOs are aliens, OR the Government (Why can't it be both? plus Time-Travelers, Multidimensionals, and whatever else might be around). They are a Disinfo agent, or all the information they give is COMPLETELY true.


I agree that Democrats and Republicans are more or less two sides of the same coin.

HOWEVER, I have to HEAVILY disagree with you that global warming is caused by the sun. Studies show that the scientific world agrees over 90% that global warming is real, man-made, and a serious problem. But studies of the media and public opinion show that the media only says global warming is man-made roughly half the time... and the public's opinion is a reflection of this- about half believe it's real/caused by man.

So the reality is... the media is actually NOT covering global warming correctly because they give deniers a fair shake when time after time it's shown that public deniers are either liars, know nothing about the actual science, take things out of context, and/or are paid off by oil companies.

The conspiracy for the past couple decades has been to DISCREDIT anthropogenic global warming as an issue, and it's been pushed by right-wing think-tanks and industry money. It's actually quite disgusting/insidious too...

Please check out these links!

Also, check out my thread:

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:09 AM
the ones disinforming - mostly newly registered that are blatantly taking sides , but only in topics where the subject is the same.
the irony is that they are doing more harm to their purpose or to the ones that hired them, as their ability to provide facts and to resists an intelligent debate is very reduced due to their limited power of understanding and to the incompetence of thinking on their own , of having their own thoughts.

the sad part is that most those guys are paid from honest citizens money, after working 5 days per week and 8 hours per day.

you may want to check this article : , the world wide web is something of a serious threat when it comes to forming opinions and beliefs , and the tactics used in that articles can apply to the ones that disinform, more or less

[edit on 30-8-2010 by charlie_the_loafer]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by rajaten

That sounds more like a MO for a charlatan to me.

The likes of a Sitchin or Greer or Hoagland type person chasing money and glory, not the truth.

[edit on 30/8/10 by Chadwickus]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

HOWEVER, I have to HEAVILY disagree with you that global warming is caused by the sun. Studies show that the scientific world agrees over 90% that global warming is real, man-made, and a serious problem. But studies of the media and public opinion show that the media only says global warming is man-made roughly half the time... and the public's opinion is a reflection of this- about half believe it's real/caused by man

Actually, I thought it was Just Obvious, after much review i personally think that Its ignorant to consider that the Sun would NOT be a Reason

Do we understand the Sun?
Solar Scientists Say Sun Behaving Strangely
Is the Sun Doing stuff we didn't think it would ?
Solar Scientists Agree That the Sun's Recent Behavior Is Odd, but the Explanation Remains Elusive
Is Similar Heating effecting other Planets at the same time?
Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
is it moving toward dangerous Solor Maximum?
signs that the sun is waking up and heading toward another solar maximum
oh and
Sun Blamed for Warming of Earth and Other Worlds

Now Really it Comes down to Who you trust . I could pull up a bunch of Links that say your Ill-informed, just as you did me, so who is lying?

they can't all be right, or all be wrong.

and it was really just a small point to a bigger Debate

So I know where My money is Going, Obviously you made your choice

now stay on subject

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

That sounds more like a MO for a charlatan to me. The likes of a Sitchin or Greer or Hoagland type person chasing money and glory, not the truth.

Your totally being that guy

inform don't just add some negative comment about people you in particular don't like

and if your gonna make that statement , Back it up

What would Logan Do ?

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by ReturnOfGoukilock

It's my opinion, not too sure how I could back up my opinion besides stating it...

But for the record, there are plenty of threads right here at ATS that would back up my opinion, a good place to start is the HOAX forum.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

You could Have linked these Threads, or skipped that and go right to whatever source they refer to as "Proof", and Posted that,

and when it comes to Greer, Are you gonna prove that all these Military People he gives an avenue to be Hoaxers as Well??

Quick It's A HOAXER!! look out before you hear a different view!!!

Did you Totally Not get what was Said in the Topic of this Thread?

Pieces of the Puzzle are scattered Everywhere, You Need to actually Read Everything whether you Buy idea initially or not. How else Are you gonna Figure out who is trying to do right, and who is trying to start crap for there own agenda

But Instead you Make a Vague Scorn at People and Expect everyone to just say "oh Sure, I'll Buy That"

Well I don't

Please, Try to get the point of this thread

or are you gonna wait till I log of to try and justify your Vague ideas of these guys being Hoaxers, again?

I'm not gonna look up these Threads due to you not getting my point

you have to prove it to me

and not with a bunch of threads full of people simply with your same opinion but no actual proof

I'm Sure you enjoyed Mr. Masks' little tirade on all those people too

but once again, nothing was actually presented, just a random person with an opinion, and too Lazy to learn to actually draw (yes ,I'll Say it Because I actually know how to Draw, No cheating with Photo Shop And Pictures From Google, And I will Throw Down With Art Anytime Asked!I'm Even Getting A New Scanner on Friday , which will lead to a post about Mr.Mask and Opinion Pushing with artistic flair).

So your Move

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

And Yea, I'm Just a Random Guy Too, But I'm an observer, and the only people I'm condemning are other Random People who think they are too good to try to observe as much as possible before condemning someone with way more EXP. Points on that subject than them.

If I'm Going to condemn someone, expect a bunch of Links and Videos of People in Higher positions than me to back up my claim, and that's only if i think they have absolutely nothing to Offer

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by ReturnOfGoukilock

What the hell are you on about?

I wasn't even addressing your OP if you hadn't noticed, I was addressing Rajaten's comments on disinfomationists. (not a word by the way)

What does Mr Masks comic have to do with me? Or even this thread??

As for your OP, well it comes off like the ramblings of a mad man and your subsequent postings don't do much to alleviate my suspicions of this.

But let me say, the likes of Maussan, Greer and Escamillia have been shown to be repeat liars, why shouldn't people be wary of these charlatans?

Do you remember the story of the boy who cried wolf? Clearly the above mentioned haven't, otherwise we wouldn't have these 'experts' trying to tell us that a moth is an inter-dimensional being, or that a dead monkey is an alien or that bugs are alien space ships known as rods.

I have to wonder who the disinformationists really are, if you ask me the Greer's, Maussan's and Escamillia's of the world are the ones spreading disinfo, destroying whatever little credibility UFOlogy has left, one lie at a time.

But please, continue supporting these charlatans, they need as much money and as many non critical minded people to support them as possible.

Just don't cry foul when the wolf finally turns up.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Awesome, Now I'm the Disifno Guy for Questioning Your Logic

and i realize who you were talking to


you still have yet to back anything up with specifics

and your making Vague cookie cutter Metaphors only show your lack of originality

In Fact , you did nothing of much worth at all

Why did you even post?

Who is Rambling?

anything to actually offer to the conversation other than trying to make everyone as narrow minded as yourself?

or are you just gonna keep copy and pasting charlatans after you write there names?

your so awesome and smart

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