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Antigravity and Lightwave Photon Synthesis

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posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 11:16 AM
ok folkies in the olekies of dead wood reaf forests to rise now who cometh the one of the galokies for the monay moonsday for doomsday malonies cheap-o-creepy kronies for the stick-ems of come meet my master of Grim Reaper's phony meat disasters baloney and for the crod like Roy meet Bob the Tiger to the pit tied to your keep for sakes of the hills to the gallow ways bring now cometh forth the one to come of the chosen of the future to bring the Cup to be filled of our blood and to the Queen of Babylon's Creeds of sorrow, death reaps and shame, come now like the witches put to flame now cometh by a solitare phasing of the Moon, the Queen of Babylon by her creeds will soon know of us who are The Enlightened Ones, i am the one who was to come and now i whom am the one to the Chosen of the Enlightened must make my "Mark" to the Gods (7 Spirits) to rise the final 5th Ascension of man.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:50 PM
Here is more on the Seven Seals of the Seven Archangels:

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 04:19 PM
now that you who are man of earth know of our coming into the world. I began this thread with a series of what I have been shown by aliens to be able to time travel and traverse the universe at ultra-warp dimensions reaching beyond the speed of light and dwarfing Albert Einstine's Theory of Relativity stating man cannot go beyond the speed of light; but never taking to accounts the higher dimensions of space and time, space-time continuim, parallel universes and stargates portaled and channelled through time and space to see a distant past now in ancient ruins and to know those of the Enlightened chose the "Golden Dawn's" tranquil universe paralleled in alignments to the higher 4th dimension (Infinite Space and Time) This 26,000 year Galactic Alignment of earth and Sun galaxy into the center of the celestial equator. This 2012 Galactic Alignment has been forseen and predicted from Ancient Mayon and Hopi Native Tribes to Ancient Egypt to India and China, Urania and Lydia proving to say the least that aliens helped and assisted man in the ancient past-- but look out you who are of earth; comes now the final 5th Ascension for man and see how the ancient past is gained: (Magnetic Pole Shifts of earth's axis) (The Oracle of the Ring of Fire [Abyss] and underground supervolcanoes similar to Yellowstone)

Behold, I saw a Fire in the Sky..., it has a long tail curving away from its path creating a curtain rings of fire extending over some 200 miles long. This comet trail contains meteors, fire, water, ice, crystal, and C02 mineralized oxygen cells in which will for the 26,000 year cycle of events bring on (Kryon's Death Star) or Planet X comet planet syste.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 09:36 PM
Stargates are portals or channels that connect through linear parallel universes that connect nine other worlds in a 4th dimensional space-time continuim. These Stargates channel through Time Portals that are directly parallel to the space-time continuim. It has been said another secret society of underworlds exist inside the 4th dimension of a inner-hollow earth containing multiple alien races.


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:41 AM
To earth leaders, administration staff of ATS:

It seems another negative entity is against my coming back into the world. They have always tried to stop us. But, they will not stop the force of Orion "Death Star" and God's archangels of Kryon Jan. It seems as if i am another Bob Lazar and is why i have requested to the NSA and NASA to keep my identity a secret. I am a secret weapon. You can also read about us in Revelation ch. 11 of two witnesses who are resurrected from the dead. I am the one chosen to come and they will not stop us from freeing the children of earth and leading them into a future of promise backed by the Father of the Heavens.

One asked me to prove myself online at this thread and I quickly responded. Why did i say Lucifer is my good friend? and before that asked everyone not to think of me as Antichrist because I support the NWO (New World Order) given to the Whitehouse in an exchange for world peace and stable global economies. The future is here and now. If you do not want peace, or a future then please be my guest and take a flying hike off the deep end of a cliff now. I do not support Yucca Mountain's project to hall nuclear waste through freight carriages and pollute your world. Have you even once bothered to think I just m may be who I say I am and what my final mission is about will bring global peace and earth to be joined with the Federation of Worlds. Now that i am being tested again i sense fragmentation and distortions from all accounts and is probably the reason for being so skeptical and non-interested in this thread.

Yeah, Lucefer i know who you are but you are not the one to bring us backed by the Heavens. So to earth and to all this notice should concern, the time has come for final fulfillment, either join us or lead yourselves away back into eternal darkness. The choice is yours to make, and let it be known to man of the earth; if you should fail the NWO and world peace to bring on God's wrath and Armageddon, God has another plan to free the children. You see, i am chosen and sent by the Gods of the Heavens who made me, raised me, and taught me. What I am giving you is huge and make no mistake about it! It is for free in an exchange for peace. We who are of the chosen Enlightened Ones have been called to take man into his 5th and final ascension. If were you who are NSA and NASA I would want to back Dr. Stephen Greer and his network associates for UFO disclosure act and would seriously take what is been laid out on this post will decide the earth's future and the children whom we arer about to free.

For private companies and engineers: I am looking for a lost lamb. He has designed a single warp drive UFO he gained through alien contacts where again the ET technologies are freely given to you in exchange for peace. Do not attempt to build any of this in your homes or garage. There is much danger involved with UFOs and deep spaced travel! I cannot stress it enough and need Greer's support to take this offering of peace to the NWO for full Disclosure of extraterrestrials, The Federation of Worlds and UFO/USOs.

To admins: I support your website here and this is my last stop, i again apologize if i have offended anyone or wrongfully used outside resources to back my topic of ET/UFO and Lightwave Photon Synthesis. I in the future will try to be more careful about this than explicit as to solve a problem of confusiion or mystery. The future is in your hands and your time is now.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 12:42 AM
Oh my god newbie! Since youve only been on ATS for about a month- registered anyways- you probably dont know that posting threads like this will get you crucified by 99% of all ATS members, and yelling at people to shut up or leave your thread (not that I dont get where you coming from) doesent help you either.

Id you do believe everything you are saying, then I feel for you. As an abductee I know how it is. But claiming that you are the chosen one and an archangel is really a stretch. If you were, for real, you would not be claiming it on a website such as ATS for the threat you would know it would pose.

If you have ideas that you need to get across, I suggest trying to find other methods of disclosing your ideas. I encourage all who like me have experienced "other realms and worlds" but you need to give people likemyself a break and not sound like a nut disclosing your ideas. Even if you believe them with 100% of your soul.... ATS is a lions chamber, and I like you at first began sharing wayyy too much on ATS. You should hold back some- because the more you share the less you are taken credible. Just My opinion.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

That's partially what I don't get.

OP is saying his heritage is of "aliens", that he IS an "alien". But then he also talks like they are alien to HIM also, and that he has been "abducted".

I am not saying that people have or have not been abducted--that is not what I am questioning.

Can aliens (his family) really be considered different and the same as him at the same time?
Then add to it he is not only at the same time alien and human, but then also an archangel AND the chosen one from the bible??????

Surely this is just hoaxing/trolling OR a confused individual.

[edit on 6/9/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:40 PM
you people have no hope or future without our guidance and enlightenments. You just don't get it now do you by a misreable fate. and hey yelling at people to get off my thread because they want not to believe even when the truth sits and walks with each and every day. But you will know of my coming into your world very soon and believe me now for certain by Orion "Death Star" that marks your fate. I thought you would be delighted to know we have come again just like we have stated we would in the past. You think you can be your own gods for the takings and choosings and you can save your wolrld of little hope by your own doubts will only carry you further out to sea. So, i will gladfully go andby the way you are wrong by stating 99% disaprove or disbelive me. You see, there are others just like me out there whom you also distrust by your unwillingness to step forward with us. So, i would have to retract the 99% and say by the end of 2012 roughly 80%-90% of the world's population will meet its fate. And we certainly will not be missing your trashy polluted ill-forgotten sakes! I am who i say and the children will be freed with or without you your world is about to be severely changed!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Celestian Falcon

OMG I was just being nice! You sound like a complete wackjob. You cant go around sprouting threads like this one and the other one you started and expect people to bow down to you. You will get viciously attacked and its not that people are not receptive to the ideas you bring forth- it is the method in which you do it. Sure 80-90 percent of people on ATS might be open to the 2012 changes but they will never buy what you are selling if you get my drift.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

RE: "You will get viciously attacked"

So then, you are saying i have no right to tell the truth and if i do i will neither be believed and if attempt to defend an attack that would make me out to be some sort of attention getting troll? Or to you i suppose you have not considered some other credible elements such as blood type B- and remote viewing, OBEs, astral projections, and flash backs and dream recalls? you say you are nice but so quick to judge? Just who the hell are? Some Al Gore who created the Internet yesterday afternoon?

Look people, please stop with your selfish ways and stubborness because if you do not, you may be subject to your own reflective evil ways. I for one do not see one credible person with a PHD in parapsychpology or
one Ufologist credible enough to evaluate or judge me on this site. Nor do i see one collegiate operating in a professional manner as to strike a argumentive debate here with me. So, sure it makes med mad, mad to know i spent 4 years of my life in police sciences, 8 years of research on my family tree, and 8 years of reading text book materials to master the gift tgo astral project and remote view + 4 years of computer school just so i could communicate my findings to any one credible source to document my case enough to be acceptable by Dr. Stephen Greer's UFO Disclosure Act just so i could testify before Congress and have all such accredited cases as mine open documentation for the public (doctors and scientists) to utilize for any help we may need or anything we may have to offer. No, i'm not going to be nice about it to you because you know what it feels like being tormented by aliens, watching your friends get almost killed by being hooked up to machines that drill into the brain stem? A mother virgin who gives birth to a child in a second sack? A lifetime of pain and suffering only to be laughed off a stage just so you can stiff neck your so called "nice" ways and you call that nice? Who the hell are you and who made who?

You may find these additional readings for clarification on MILABs:

Look, i really don't care if you are nice or not; I really don't care if you believe or not; and i really don't care to hear your own personal perceptions like wanting to believe is like seeing or no professional past so you go with the majority conext of those who haved been ill-informed. And when i do find such poor debunking tactics, naturally i get mad. Why do i get mad? Because I had a FBI/SERPO agent who assigned me after his last mission where aliens kidnapped him and killed him. Because I knew an innocent young couple i had seen being abducted on a space craft where one of them was killed by MIBs and the other scarred both physically and mentally for life! This has been no easy task for me to come forth and the only reason i did was the aliens gave me a revelation and said when it was safe for me to come forth to openly speak! So you can go ****** your God ^^^^^^ selves! if you wish to squable over things you know nothing about! And yes, we are loosing precious time here, should i stay to guide you into a future of promise for your children to be free or should i just let you all drown?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Celestian Falcon

What help are you claiming to be giving us here on ATS?
I don't know what you think you are doing besides claiming to be an alien,
then saying you were abducted,
then saying you are a telepathic "secret weapon",
and that you walk in the clouds with angels,
that you have flown a UFO,
it goes on and on.....
But what is this help you are saying you are giving us lowly plebes?

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

RE: Chamber=6: "What help are you claiming to be giving us here on ATS?" 1: To validate the credible claims of alien abducttion victims and get them the proper medical help they might need--[ This depends on the subject(s) response as some alien abduction encounters have terrifying experiences while others have enlightening encounters] Betty Hill's alien encounters involved both but i feel she or her husband never got proper medical help.

2: To bring those credible witness testimonies before Congressional Hearings and take them on public record for public access

3: The help we have brought in the past brought you to where you are today, but you have blocked us out and retained only what you say is comprehendable only to come back to see how you have destroyed your own selves and to reinstate world hope.

4: bring NWO into Act
a- to instate global peace
b- to unite the New World into our Federation of Worlds

5: To free the children of the world
a- the children of the future will have hope
b- the children of the future will have new technologies and advancements to strengthen world economy and stabilize world peace

6: Deep space exploration
a- Space colonizations
b- Terraforming other inhabitable worlds and balance world population
c- NASA space exploration to find other inhabitable worlds
d- Privatization of military space colonies and national security
e: Commercializtion of NASA Supershuttles for airtraffic control

7: Within these accomplishments will complete my final mission to bring man into deep space, unite earth into the Federation of Worlds and fullfill my revelation to free the world

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by Celestian Falcon

What help are you claiming to be giving us here on ATS?
I don't know what you think you are doing besides claiming to be an alien,
then saying you were abducted,
then saying you are a telepathic "secret weapon",
and that you walk in the clouds with angels,
that you have flown a UFO,
it goes on and on.....
But what is this help you are saying you are giving us lowly plebes?

and on and on we go... "Stranger in a strange land" on and on we go

Do you realize i have had all sorts of alien contacts from simple messages to the complex designs of the universe. From dream recalls to astralprojection and OBEs? I have been to your future and then returned. I am not looking for fame or fortune, I just wanted people in the UFO community to know we are here and we have come to fullfill and prepare man's final ascension

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Warp Drive Synopsis for Warping Lightspeed:

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:07 PM
ok, someone asked me to prove i am alien/human hybrid by giving some examples of complex mathmatical equations. The post above this one came originally from an unknown source of Gypsies or alien/human hybrids near Area 51 some 18-19 years ago where they gave a private engineer the instructions for singe-warp drive UFO saucer craft engines. Again, the link above this post ONLY describes a single-thrust warp drive formula through hydrogen atoms for fuel and is the NWO technology approved by the George W. Bush Administration for planning the manned missions to Mars beginning in 2014. Now the private engineer and myself compared many notes as we both agreed my idea of a futuristic deep space craft to travel beyond lightspeed would be theoretically impossible for his private engineering company but we able to validate through each other's research we were on a mission sent from ET and you have to start somewhere. Now that hopefully you are aware of single-warp drive capabilty and this newer technology came from either alien/human hybrids or secret engineers working on UFO reverse engineering at Area 51.

Let's make a simple explanation for a double-warp drive through lightspeed accellerating beyond the speed of light. In single warp drive theory when you draw a vertical line down a sheet of paper you can use that for one linear lightyear trajcectory going from A - B. But when you fold the paper in half you are warping the linear lightyear distance in half by folding and bringing one half over to the other. Nowthen, you have just travelled one linear lightyear in say 40 years instead of 80. When you fold the two folded halves again you cut the original distance in half again bringing 80 years of lightspeed travel to only 20.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Celestian Falcon
I for one do not see one credible person with a PHD in parapsychpology or
one Ufologist credible enough to evaluate or judge me on this site. Nor do i see one collegiate operating in a professional manner as to strike a argumentive debate here with me.

So, sure it makes med mad, mad to know i spent
4 years of my life in police sciences,
8 years of research on my family tree, and
8 years of reading text book materials to master the gift tgo astral project and remote view +
4 years of computer school

I've changed the format of your post slightly so I can ask a further question. You're clearly proud of your level of education - and rightly so, they are impressive credentials. You seem to have missed something out, however, as you stated in another thread that you also have a Masters degree in Ancient History. Where did this fit into your busy academic schedule?

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:09 PM
RE: "as you stated in another thread that you also have a Masters degree in Ancient History. Where did this fit into your busy academic schedule?"

1st of all let's take a 800,000 9 level mellenium into consideration and say I am one of the fallen who was resurrected by aliens and who gave the chance to regain my soul in this lifetime by taling me into the future and back into the Age of Enlightenments. That would make me a astral projecting alien like that of the angels. Now, ine private conference i had with another alien contactee is that His described alien contacts were not human but were supernatural types of aliens who can do what he calls "multibreed" I believed his testimony was credible to his experiences and contacts but that maybe he only had a misperception about the aliens ;he had contacts with because of two conflicting issues..., 1- The aliens whom were angelic in nature had different means to supernaturally evolve and Time Travel through their spirits to other higher worlds. Now when I say other higher worlds, all that i am saying is that man in Geneis is created from these aliens from higher worlds so that man would evolve to a higher level. This means that man and angels and aliens all carry a supernatural gene trait carried from the angels/aliens and is how come man is evolved natural to the ascends of his own evolvement by his own ways of adaptation or survival.
2. The other conflicting issue is that these angelic alien beings were not the beings described by most credible sources or other victims of alien abductions such as Betty/Barney Hill and myself. These alien beings though they have supernatural powers as humans/Nordic, are physical by nature or benevolent species who are Eben Greys. The Ebens also have a multidimensional stargate system to go into the higher 5th parallel of space and time continuims. This is because the Ebens who are on the 4th parallel, though a smaller dimension of the universal equate, is in relation to the higher 5th dimesnional species of angelic creatures.

After our conversation and after he showed me evidence of the angelic aliens being the Ebens who contacted him, it was startling new evidence i could no longer resist; so i took up another channeling event of summoning angels and aliens whom camje to me and told me i was their chosen Enlightened One to come and bring earth either to its knees or back to the universal dimension at the 4th gate to become a future of enlightened events. This is when i knew for sure there is but one God of all and this God has communed through the Enlightened Path or doorway or stargates by bringing his hosts of angels to the Enlightened Beings of the different enlightened species of other enlightened worlds.

So, i did all my research only to find these few words from Christ in the Bible to hold true when Christ told some Pharasees how they were elohim or gods which in Hebrew reflects back to the hosts of the heavens or angels and consistancies between the Ancient Hebrew language and Ancient Sumerian language and the universal language of the gods who are also elohim.

How am I such a scholar and master's degree in ancient history. Again, when I was only 7 going on 8, some govt. MIBs possibly from SERPO or FBI, came to my public school and took me from class. We went downstairs into a secret room where they said how i was one of their's to be chosen for the SERPO experimentations and they wanted to conduct tests on me. They hooked me up to some wires plugged in a machine where they discovered at a very young age my IQ was that of a college scholar at a resound 193 . Now i am not trying to brag over my own intelligence but doesn't it sort of fit with me? In highschool i took Ancient History class on a college level and made straight As! Probably because I also am one of them (the elohim, Ancient Sumerian) and hybrid of the alien greys who first raised me into this world and brought me back to perform the tgranquil Age of Enlightenments we are chosen of the gods of the heavens, Ancient Hebrew for angels and aliens, and we have been assigned specific missions just as the elohim and/or angels....

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Celestian Falcon
They hooked me up to some wires plugged in a machine where they discovered at a very young age my IQ was that of a college scholar at a resound 193 . Now i am not trying to brag over my own intelligence but doesn't it sort of fit with me? In highschool i took Ancient History class on a college level and made straight As!

All I'll say as someone who has both studied and taught at Masters level is... no. You're doing a pretty good job of hiding that little light deep under a bushel somewhere. That satement is also pretty much nailing the lid on the coffin of your remaining credibility. I admire you for your dedication to imaginative trolling.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 10:55 AM

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 01:19 PM
I'm actually being very nice to you and trying to find ways for you to validate your statements. If I wanted to attack you (in terms of your statements, not actually attack you as a person) then it would be a figurative bloodbath. I do it for a living and I'm good at it. I'm also not very modest.

My belief is that we improve through challenge. I challenge my beliefs and opinions all the time as part of my self development. I'm trying to share that process with you. If it makes you angry, perhaps you've not quite reached the enlightened stage you think you're at. Maybe it's good that you're being challenged.

I might not believe you, but I'm happy to give you the opportunity to prove me wrong. Quoting "facts" from M.U.D games online does not help your cause. Getting angry in the face of polite and genuine questioning does not support your case for being an enlightened person.

I know that I'm most likely feeding the troll now, but I am open to providing you an opportunity for redemption.

Looking forward to your next installment

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