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National Hero and sixth man to walk on the Moon comes clean

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posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 03:45 PM

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Tribble
reply to post by SarK0Y

! Why didn't he say that he DID walk on the Moon?
2 Where is the rest of his statement?
3 Under the feet of the lander there is 5 inches of "Moondust"
How does it get under the feet if the lander engine blast, blows everything away?
No, I don't think we went there.

Both theories are putting all missing links together
they did went close to the moon.... and were warned by somehow not to get closer ...
was it their instincts ?? who told them not to go on the moon
because they were simply afraid for their lifes...
to consider walking on the moon where we know that some huge ships and bases are located not far from where you landed ...
i would not sens confortable since i cant tell if those aliens are bad
they didnt want to take anychance ... that why the moon mission was aborted at the last moment...
it is Nasa who receive the first transmissions .. there is a space time between the transmission and a answer from Nasa
so they did remove a few statements just before the transmission LIVE to the worlds eyes .. its easy to retransfer a modified transmission to TV
so the mission was cancelled and they told the astronaults to come back to earth
while activating their plan B

but since they didnt get any real data from the real moon
it was hard to pinpoint all the correct details the real information from a real moon landing .. with no man on the moon you CANT get the real data
so their plan B was in a studio with a fake moon ground was prepared just in case something went wrong .. they add the Gov on their bumper
it was a polical race with Russia ??
when did the russian know .. maybe they had the real transmission and didnt anymore to race for the moon with the USA
letting the US win over this race
NASA couldnt afford to not land on the moon thats for sure

i saw a mythbuster show about this fake moon landing
i have debunked each of them .. even with Kari Bison

because they told it wasnt fake ....they mythbusted it

now i mythbusting the mythbuster MY TURN !!!
1) they showed if the boot print would match the old footprint pic
answer : the ground was hard under the "moon sand" for the print
when they tried to replicate it ... of course it will create a print in a none-air environment..
taking a box and putting 1-2 inch of replicated moon sand
cant be considered a real experience to replicate a real moon footprint WTF ....
on the moon the print will be different .. there is no hard ground (box containing the sand structure)
the boot would go much deeper and it will be very hard to create a print like that ... like when i walk on humide ground in my yard .. it will create a print of a few centimeter deep ..
this sand is like ash .. it is so soft and volatile especially in space
it would create a little mess around they landing craft...
2)the laser thing that contact possibly a thing they putted there to reflect any powerfull lasers coming from earth.. you just need to pinpoint it like the location number of the reflecting laser thing
answer : its like exploring mars today .. you send something on the ground
that didnt mean somebody was there to put it in the first place..
many rocket can transport a satellite to other planer

this experience was very USELESS and the foot print to lol
some time the mythbusted are deceiving me

pretty much all the time

if Kary Biron wasnt there i would not watch the show ahahaha

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday Rex

Originally posted by Overtime
For starters, Gorden Cooper. His book (cant recall title but his only book I could find) is mind blowing and what I really liked was the assortment of UFO sightings over the span of his military and Nasa career.

A UFO sighting is quite a bit different than first-hand knowledge of an alien presence on Earth. You cannot find a single quote actually from an astronaut, not hearsay or rumor, claiming to have first-hand knowledge of aliens. If you disagree, produce it.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by Doomsday Rex]

This is astronaut and national hero Gordon Cooper talking about his 1st hand knowledge of what he calls extra-terrestrial disc shaped craft.

No they didnt get out and shake his hand but I'd think he knows aircraft with more than 7,000 hours of flying time I'd say expert witness.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Overtime


As per the extensive work of myself & others on ATS.....

You must look more closely into the commentary by Cooper.

If you do that, you will also see there are huge problems with Cooper's commentary.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
reply to post by Ben81

I spent a considerable amount of time putting this info together for you. Did you read it?
Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

i didnt get to much what was YOUR real opinion on this
the moon landing is a conspiracy .. there is many reasons pointing that it was faked (read my last post before this one)

i beleive the astronault are lying about the moon .. where they suposedly walked on it ...
the story was changed ... for the billions of peoples watching
the transmission i have putted on the thread are the real one that was removed from the "LIVE" transmission
telling things like he finded a monolith on the moon
and that little alien are there with big bases and big ships
is nothing compare to the real truth about the moon
where they never actually put a boot on the ground
they just filmed and took picture while in space
the rest was filmed inside a studio because of the astronault confirmation that was removed from the public transmission
because of those big bases ..
its simply logic that they have to create a plan B in case
since many millions are looking just to see that
imagine if they transmitted the real deal .. it would be catastrophic
astronault would have not came back on earth in heroes ...
they would have failed the entire earth .. they would have NO REPUTATION today ... to gov would have no choice to act military
panic would be in the street if they do nothing about this Aliens base on the moons
so i beleive they maybe maybe not do right
hiding to the public about what was going on

why still lying ?? the lie have lived long enought
the public now is more prepare to receive the news than in 1969
thats for sure .. maybe maybe not again

let the disclosure happen BECAUSE NOW WE KNOW
why hiding it more .. you will only look like a fool and a liar
(im talking to the gov


is was not the astronaults choice .. they had to lie in the first place
and they really transmitted important data about those base
i understand the gov to have cover them up since today its now over ..
with these astronaults telling the truth about those base .. one day or another they will have to tell the truth about the moon landing

[edit on 8/30/2010 by Ben81]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by antar
Not much to add just wanted to lend my support to the entire OP.

What exactly about it do you support? The OP had less substance than a wet paper-towel.

you funny Rex

you do wear Doomsday well

read my last posts ... this is my conclusion to the thread
about the missing link between the alien bases astronaults statements and the conspiracy about the fake moon landing
i have put them all together .. and i even for you debunked the mythbuster

there is no more less substance ... theres the ultimate substance now

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
reply to post by Ben81

I spent a considerable amount of time putting this info together for you. Did you read it?
Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

i didnt get to much what was YOUR real opinion on this
the moon landing is a conspiracy .. there is many reasons pointing that it was faked (read my last post before this one)


Some might think your commentary now comprises obfuscation that could even be viewed as disingenuous.

I have shown you unequivocally that Aldrin did not state he saw "aliens" or "UFOs".

You have responded by stating the moon landing is a hoax.

It seems you may have intentionally veered your whole thread off topic because you are not willing to &/or not capable of supporting the original premise of your thread.

I welcome your response to the above.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Edit** I was kind of rude about the OP's grammar. I u2u'd him and discussed it and I would like to apologize to him for commenting publicly. Along with that I am removing the rude comment obviously. Rock on ya'll.

[edit on 8/30/2010 by sputniksteve]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:45 PM
america won't believe in ufo's until wolf blitzer and cnn tell them to.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Ok, I will check that out MMN. Thanks for the heads up and I am quite interested to see what you came up with and will get back to you

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Aldrin case is just weird for me
he once told about the UFO
and now he became a hoax conspiracy
his credibility have plunged
but what about Mitchell and Armstrong
you would beleive a single guy story over a thousand of stories ??
i will listen to the guy of course but im now carefull on his statements

about the fake moon landing .. some members talked about it
it his just a side story
we are on ATS for conspiracies like these
but its still part of the thread
since we are talking about those astronault coming clean
we have to talk about the fake moon landing theory
they will stay hero even if the moon landing have been debunked or
if they spoke the truth about the huge alien bases they saw and not only a side panel reflecting light

this need to be discussed more .. i dont have to open another thread speaking about the fake moon landing theory .. there is many threads for that ... but i wanted to share my opinion on it since to answer a member post

i want your theory in all of this not just quotes from peoples
thank you MMN ...i look forward to your reply
do you think the aliens base on the moon are real ?
do you think the moon mission was faked at the last moment ?
do you think alien exist ?

i need you to answer those questions first so i can understand your opinion with more light

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Overtime
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Ok, I will check that out MMN. Thanks for the heads up and I am quite interested to see what you came up with and will get back to you


You are very welcome.

I am in the midst of an extremely busy 3-4 days.

I will try to post the material & further commentary for you as soon as I can.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Ben 81.....

As above.....

I am in the midst of an extremely busy 3-4 days.

I will try to post the material & further commentary for you as soon as I can.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 30-8-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:07 PM
i feel lazy to correct all the mistakes i did in the thread
somebody U2U me about my word ASTRONAULTS

sorry about this obvious grammar mistake
it wasnt intentional ahaha thats the important part

no more L


posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
reply to post by Ben81

Ben 81.....

As above.....

I am in the midst of an extremely busy 3-4 days.

I will try to post more commentary & material for you today / tomorrow.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

sure take your time
this thread is the last priority on your list
compare to the list of responsabilities you have in your life
dont worry about me waiting for your reply

you have highly contributed to the thread debate/discussion

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Ben81


At least you are honest about that...unlike some "Apollo deniers" who are known to repeatedly write "Astro-NOTs".

(BTW....ANY person who achieves flight above a certain altitude IS AN ASTRONAUT. [or, 'Cosmonaut' if you prefer the Russian's out-dated term]. The criteria vary --- the US consider it to be 50 miles, and the FAI deem it to be 110 km/62 miles).

But, for Ben81, I fear you are sorely mistaken, mate, about your opinion on the Apollo missions.

Stop, drop and THINK....before you get too deep into this "denial", and start to look foolish, please.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Ben81

do you really believe bad.. bad green aliens kicked'em away from Moon??

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
Some might think your commentary now comprises obfuscation that could even be viewed as disingenuous.

You have responded by stating the moon landing is a hoax.

It seems you may have intentionally veered your whole thread off topic because you are not willing to &/or not capable of supporting the original premise of your thread.

Indeed. It seems Ben has attempted to discuss anything about the actual topic.

Those the post you are responding to does provide an interesting insight into Ben's psychology. On the one hand, he accuses the astronauts of hoaxing the moon-landing; on the other he expects us to accept every rumor, hearsay and misinterpretation regarding the astronauts and UFOs. It seems Ben will believe anything about the astronauts except what the astronauts themselves say.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Overtime

Awesome link with the Gordon Cooper interview. I was amazed that he would speak so candidly about what he saw. I get goosebumps and such a feeling of excitement when I hear stories like this. Thanks for posting it.

posted on Aug, 30 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

sure im always opened to fresh theories, speculation and others peoples opinions
i dont want to be to farfetched
tell me where you do agree and where you dont agree
im looking forward to your reply

astronots lol
at least there is no L ahahah

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