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They won't build it! Hardhats vow not to work on controversial mosque near Ground Zero

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posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 04:46 PM
I said it before and I'll say it bigoted do you have to be to protest the idea of an Islamic Culture Center being built in New York City?

I knew this country was sometimes racist, hypocritical and severely judgmental when it comes to to human rights and the constitution ....but this is downright disgusting AND unconstitutional.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by SeventhSeal]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
In this economy...someone will build it.

Somebody got the point before me.

Im just concerned about some of these hardhats as to where they will find work. They may get the tea partiers and Republican voters to celebrate them on but as for them getting work afterwards? hmmmm.

I certainly do not have the luxury to drop a job for political purposes. I know that if I did somebody would come in and replace me in a second.

Yes, they are still waiting for O bama ' s shovel ready jobs.

Let's refrain from the political thug fest that you all are searching for.

I said it before and I'll repeat again, many of these hardhats are the very ones who have pulling body parts and bones of the VICTIMS since the clean up began and throughout the existing construction projects. Imagine having yhay reminder pop up every now and again.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 04:55 PM
I posted this on another thread as well

Rima Fakih, Muslim Miss USA, Questions 'Ground Zero Mosque' Location
Rima Fakih, the first Muslim Miss USA,

Rima Fakih, the first Muslim Miss USA, has come out against the location of the so-called "Ground Zero mosque."

Fakih, whose faith caused a bit of an uproar when she was first crowned, told Inside Edition on Monday that while she concurs with President Obama on the need for the protection of religious freedom, she also feels that the placement of the Park51 center is a little too close for comfort.

"I totally agree with President Obama with the statement on Constitutional rights of freedom of religion," Fakih tells the show. "I also agree that it shouldn't be so close to the World Trade Center. We should be more concerned with the tragedy than religion."

NEW YORK – American Muslims who support the proposed mosque and Islamic center near ground zero are facing skeptics within their own faith — those who argue that the project is insensitive to Sept. 11 victims and needlessly provocative at a time when Muslims are pressing for wider acceptance in the U.S.

Akbar Ahmed, professor of Islamic studies at American University

"For most Americans, 9/11 remains as an open wound, and anything associated with Islam, even for Americans who want to understand Islam — to have an Islamic center with so much publicity is like rubbing salt in open wounds," said Akbar Ahmed, professor of Islamic studies at American University, a former Pakistani ambassador to Britain and author of "Journey Into America, The Challenge of Islam." He said the space should include a synagogue and a church so it will truly be interfaith.

He says the space should include a synagogue and a church so it will truly be interfaith.

Asra Nomani, author of "Standing Alone:

Asra Nomani, author of "Standing Alone: An American Woman's Struggle for the Soul of Islam," said she backs the idea of the mosque in principle but believes the feelings of families who lost loved ones in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks should trump the plan.

"I haven't been able to support the building of the mosque right there in the location they've got," said Nomani, an advocate for women's rights and tolerance in the Muslim world

Tawfik Hamid, an Egyptian scholar and reformer

Tawfik Hamid, an Egyptian scholar and reformer who said he was once a member of a terrorist group, said he had a "conditional objection" to the proposed Islamic center.

He said it was not enough for Park51 leaders to call themselves moderate. Instead, they should "clearly and unambiguously" reject radicalization by opposing specific extremist practices, such as killing apostates, stoning women for adultery, calling Jews "pigs and monkeys" and "declaring war" on non-Muslims who refuse to convert.

Neda Bolourchi of Los Angeles, a native of Iran whose mother was on one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center, opposes the plan.

"To the supporters of this new Islamic cultural center, I must ask: Build your ideological monument somewhere else, far from my mother's grave, and let her rest."

Neda Bolourchi

WOW what a powerful statement, from Neda, there is always a Neda somewhere.

remembering, Neda Agha-Soltan.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Outstanding same copy and paste job you did on my thread!

This thread is about whether the Unions will object to building the site!

Topical discussion of specific thread issues must be a thing of the past?

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:04 PM
Stupid americans, after awhile they believe to thing they have a culture, its not "sacred" ground, its empty ground.

I say BUILD IT ALREADY, the only people who dont want it built are secretly racist and Obama has shown it to everyone that americans are racist.

Personally i like muslisms, they have a rich culture and history and time and tim again have been mistreated, we are all human, there is no master race, if i shattered your little dream then oh well get use to it

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:06 PM
In my humble opinion, it would be the boldest show of support for the fundamental ideals of the US if they helped build the mosque. Working together and supporting each other despite the vast differences in perspective. What an unbelievable display of humility it would be to just accept each other and not blame an entire people, an entire culture for the actions of a few. To show reason, as opposed to fear. A very important gap may be bridged here. Or grow even larger. I guess that depends on what it is that people want for their world.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Why the **** is the mosque so controversial and this isn't?

Is this the sacred sex shop of ground zero or what? What the bull****ery is wrong with everyone? There is a Burlington coat factory just as close as the Mosque for christ sake.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Mythic Chris

Actually, the (abandoned) Burlington Coat Factory is the building they will tear down to build this community center and mosque.

But your point stands. Yes, there are discount stores, bars, sex shops, churches, synagogues, off-track-betting parlors, and just about everything else a NYC neighborhood needs closer to "Ground Zero" than this project.

[edit on 8/20/2010 by americandingbat]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:12 PM
I say let's buy the properties on both sides of the "community" mosque and put in a strip club and maybe a Delicatessen on the other side. Let's see how tolerant and peace loving their religion is.

How willing would they be of us building a christian church next to meccas? Would they be as tolerant?

Just saying.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by silo13

Liberals are so totally clueless. Do you actually go through dumb training to ignore the obvious ploy of the muslim takeover of the West? Do you know that victory mosques have been constructed the world over at the holy sites of conquered peoples?

Just to name a few:
Al Aqsa mosque (Dome of the Rock) in Israel, on the site of the Jewish temple.
The mosque at Hagia Sophia, which was the largest and most ornate christian church for a thousand years and the primary site of the eastern orthodox church,
then there was a mosque in Cordoba when Spain was conquered, and one in India at a holy site to the Hindus etc. etc.

Since America's God has been money for quite some time it's only fitting they build one in Manhattan. By the way a Greek Orthodox church was destroyed by the 911 attacks. They've been trying to get permits to rebuild there and have been refused! Why were the Muslims able to get permission?

Does it bother you at all that the funding my come from Saudi Arabia or Iran? It's time to jettison the multiculturalist brainwashing. Multi-culturalism is bad, if the other cultures are death worshipping violent extremists.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
By the way a Greek Orthodox church was destroyed by the 911 attacks. They've been trying to get permits to rebuild there and have been refused! Why were the Muslims able to get permission?

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox hasn't had trouble getting permits, they have come to an impasse with the Port Authority, who owns the land they want to build on.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:33 PM
All this "sacred" talk is really disturbing to me.

It doesn't scare anybody that religious terminology is being applied to a political and economic situation.

Metaphorical conceptualization is VERY powerful. Once you open the flood gates with one metaphor (in this case 'sacred' or 'hallow' - the two I've heard so far), you allow the whole extent of connected terminology to be applicable.

It's not like the World Trade Center was the site of a holy vision. If anything it was an alter to the gods of "world trade," free market capitalism...

...oh yeah, I forgot, that is our de facto state religion.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Anthony1138

I say BUILD IT ALREADY, the only people who dont want it built are secretly racist and Obama has shown it to everyone that americans are racist.

First off, not liking someones RELIGION isnt RACIST, buy a book and learn some terminology. If you want to use the race card fine, its your right, but at least learn when something is racist and when it is NOT.

2nd, you contributed NOTHING to the thread but to sling more slander and pull the race card.........again.......happening more and more these days in America..

3rd. I agree with the OP , I think these guys are going to have a real hard time finding people to build this Mosque.

There may be mob rule there, but thats not to say that they want the damn thing built either lol, you just never can tell these days....

Look the Gov is the Lapdog of the unions right now, not the other way around, they are both playing each other for whatever they can get, and if the unions say they wont do it, then the gentleman thats building this thing is gonna hve to outsource EVERYTHING.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 05:56 PM
THEY SHOULD DEFINITELY BUILD THIS MOSQUE. No doubt about it. In fact they should include military grade thermate right in the steel I-beams.

Of course I'm only joking. But it just makes me laugh at some of the libtards who post on ATS. It seems there are more and more of them everyday instead of level headed people. What happened? Did Nancy Pelosi lead a charge to invade and take over ATS?

On a serious note. Let me reply to the same old tired libtard logic I see over and over and over again.

1. Muslims weren't involved in 9/11, so who cares about building the victory mosque

It doesn't matter if Muslims actually did 9/11 or not! The perception is that they did it. In fact, Muslims the world over rejoiced on that day. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw this first hand. I don't know of any radical Muslims, but I saw long time U.S. Muslims residents, respected throughout the community, ones I knew personally, very happy on that day. You'd be surprised. You would think you know someone after a decade of regular interaction with them. Until an event like 9/11... the glow from the burning buildings cast people in an entirely different light. A revealing light into their soul.

These same folks who came to this country from Muslim countries to better their lives and did just that. Became wealthy through the American dream of hardwork and perseverance. Integrated into American society with many Christian friends actually showing delight over 9/11. And no this wasn't an isolated incident. Folks don't like to talk about this uglyness but this sentiment was widespread throughout the so called 'MODERATE muslim world'

I've always wondered... If you muslims hate this country so much, why did you move here?

2. It is a community center and these are moderate muslims. This has nothing to do with 9/11, they are here to build better relationships amongst the worlds cultures and peoples

This is actually dead wrong. Look at the name of the mosque. THE CORDOBA House!!!! Now go look up the history of Cordoba Spain. It is a known fact that Muslims build mosques at the sites of battle victories! Such as the victory in Cordoba Spain where muslims were successful in invading Europe! If this mosque is for peace, why name it after their greatest conquest over western civilization.

AND THE KICKER if that isn't a slap in the face enough. Is they want to open and dedicate this Mosque on 9/11/2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really, if this doesn't ring bells for you liberal mosque supporters, nothing will!

Also do a little research into the imam character in charge of the project. a real savory guy. blue jeans and apple pie all the way. he loves his country. NOT

As far as the moderate muslims go... my biggest problem with them is that they don't reign in the radical muslims to keep islam from having a bad name. This could be due to the fact that a lot of them... their hearts are with the radicals. I dont' think all muslims are. But as I stated in part 1, there are more moderates that support jihad then you think.

3. The victory mosque is two blocks away, not on sacred ground

Close enough for government work as they say! And close enough for them to mark their victory spot, like a dog does to a fire hydrant.

4. It is there constitutional right to build the mosque, so we must let them build it

Yes it certainly is. But this isn't a question of legality. And just because something is legal, certainly doesn't make it right. Worshipping Satan, while legal, probably isn't a good idea either.

5. If this was a church this wouldn't even be an issue

There was a church that was destroyed in 9/11 yet they don't have the permission to rebuild. But this victory mosque, no problemo, full steam ahead! Yes maybe it wouldn't be an issue, but we have to look at this in context, it was percieved muslims carried out the 9/11 attack, not christians. We must look at the islamic religion itself and how they practice it. Yes we can find violence in the Bible, but world wide christian terror doesn't seem to be the problem world wide muslim terror does.

Some muslims such as wahhabi flavor, see it like this. islam will conquer the world. either you are a muslim or you are an infidel. if you don't convert you will be killed. And we can clearly see this agenda is gaining momentum world wide.

So if my family member was a victim, I sure as hell would feel offended that a victory mosque was built where my was wife killed for example.
So i find it pretty insensitive of some folks here on ATS who think they have such an idealistic view on this topic. I know for a fact that these same folks wouldn't feel this way if they were the ones who lost someone dear. And they wouldn't care if the muslims did it or it was false flag, MIB, ETs, big-foot or whatever whack conspiracy they also think is correct.

I'd also like to send some of these folks to say, Iran or Pakistan for a short vacation. Where they can see first hand how women are stoned for no reason at all. Hell maybe they could even participate! Where the women have to cover up from head to toe in 100+ degree weather.
Where you can get your hand chopped off if you are starving and steal a candy bar.

So easy for you folks to defend this, sitting in your comfy AC enjoying your western rights. I see a lot of ignorance on this site. People who just have no clue how the world really works, but they are so proclaimed experts who will tell you they should build the mosque and why. I've been all over the world. And not on vacation. I've seen some pretty nasty things in these islamic countries. Trust me, you don't want sharia law here.

Yes, how bigoted indeed. Hmmm lets see, what if your immediate family member was killed in the attacks. My co-worker's sister was killed. Why don't you go tell the 9/11 families how bigoted you think they are.

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
I said it before and I'll say it bigoted do you have to be to protest the idea of an Islamic Culture Center being built in New York City?

I knew this country was sometimes racist, hypocritical and severely judgmental when it comes to to human rights and the constitution ....but this is downright disgusting AND unconstitutional.

[edit on 20-8-2010 by SeventhSeal]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by JunoJive
In my humble opinion, it would be the boldest show of support for the fundamental ideals of the US if they helped build the mosque. Working together and supporting each other despite the vast differences in perspective. What an unbelievable display of humility it would be to just accept each other and not blame an entire people, an entire culture for the actions of a few. To show reason, as opposed to fear. A very important gap may be bridged here. Or grow even larger. I guess that depends on what it is that people want for their world.

That'd require Americans to man up and act their age. Then again, the one's opposing this project aren't exactly the smartest bunch, so don't hold your breath.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 06:08 PM
Haha kudo's for the hardhats
, now they'll probably fly in Filipino's and Pakistani, cause they're to friggin' lazy to do the work themselves. I hope the same unions can prevent that for happening too, or they'd stay and take over the jobs there and build more of these hidious buildings...
The same reason, if the mosque ever catches any fire, i hope the firemen will stand by and watch the scene...

Just like somebody said here earlier, they have a legal right to build the mosque, however doesn't make it a rightfull thing to do, same story for these hardhats.They may build it but can refrain from doing so because they feel it ain't right..

[edit on 20-8-2010 by Foppezao]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by JunoJive

Like the thoughts, I don't like any of the three religions, though I'm happy for them to live and believe however they choose.

Being anti Muslim because they are terrorists is as absurd as hating all Jews because they're plotting to take over the world.

I will happily admit that when I first heard about the cultural centre project being "on" "ground zero" I thought it was provocative, once I learned that there were 2 actual Mosques closer to the site I thought meh not even an issue.

I'm trying to remember if there have ever been any happy outcomes when a society went down the slippy road of mob rule and their notoriously capricious nature.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 06:21 PM
This whole issue is weird...

Who owns the property? They can build whatever they want. But who owns it? Seriously, who? And what's their purpose? And who do they have political links to?

That will explain what this is all about.

It doesn't matter if NYC construction workers refuse to work on the site - whoever owns this site is rich enough and has enough social ties to get the work done.

edit for language

[edit on 20-8-2010 by againuntodust]

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Ever heard of outsourcing?? Regardless if they won't work on it they'll find people who will. They'll fly them in, they'll sail them over, or they'll offer enough money that you'd be crazy not to take the job. People are fickle and they'll fold quite easily... you'll see. Also if someones trying to build a mosque in the center of NY, wouldn't that make you think that they probably have just about infinite funds anyway??? I mean you do realize how much the trump hotel and the hilton costs to build right? This is a dead matter and an issue that American's should be ashamed for supporting... I mean free speech and free rights to all doesn't mean # right? Not to most American's it seems.

posted on Aug, 20 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by againuntodust

The owner is the same owner that owns a mosque directly accross the street that is already located at ground zero... That's why this is a retarded issue.

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