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Obama backs mosque near ground zero

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posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by fooks
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

hey dude, lol. it's all jousting. but i like calling you cameltoe.

But I really hate trying to reply to posts with messed up "quote" tags and "cameltoe" seems really 6th grade to me. Jousting is fine but can you up the level? Even a witty insult I can appreciate but "cameltoe?" Sorry, but when I see that it indicates to me the level of discussion I am about to enter is precariously perched between honest conversation and giggling because someone said balls.

If you really have anything important to add on this topic, that would be great. If you want to insult me on a grade school level while you do it, fix your tags so I do not have to wade through the fingerpainting that is your post to find the relevant parts.


posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Adevoc Satanae

Originally posted by fooks
why can't people see the other side? after all this, they will still shove freedom of religion down our throat?

What happened to "This is America and if you do not like it, leave?"

Freedom of religion is America, not bigotry, fear, or hatred. Or is that what you would prefer? Any other freedoms we should do away with in order to protect our American way of life?

lol, leave or get shipped. don't even try this crap dude. it's my way of life, you are not of this earth and i can prove it, santanna.

ya you can pray to spaggehtii monster but i prefer the linguini monster.

DON'T shove that down my throat. coz if you can bleed.....

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Adevoc Satanae

Originally posted by fooks
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

hey dude, lol. it's all jousting. but i like calling you cameltoe.

But I really hate trying to reply to posts with messed up "quote" tags and "cameltoe" seems really 6th grade to me. Jousting is fine but can you up the level? Even a witty insult I can appreciate but "cameltoe?" Sorry, but when I see that it indicates to me the level of discussion I am about to enter is precariously perched between honest conversation and giggling because someone said balls.

If you really have anything important to add on this topic, that would be great. If you want to insult me on a grade school level while you do it, fix your tags so I do not have to wade through the fingerpainting that is your post to find the relevant parts.


oh common, that was clever! lets add all what we said up? how you ask.

well your 200000 posts against my 50.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by fooks
lol, leave or get shipped. don't even try this crap dude.

I guess you did not really get what I was saying. Funny how two years changes so much.

it's my way of life,

Opposing Muslims?

you are not of this earth and i can prove it, santanna.

I am an offearther guitar player? If can prove that, start a thread on that crazy junk, man.

ya you can pray to spaggehtii monster but i prefer the linguini monster.

DON'T shove that down my throat. coz if you can bleed.....

I can bleed, how does that fit in here? Is that one of those internet threats I hear so much about or another hilarious joke?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by fooks
oh common, that was clever!

Not really. lets add all what we said up? how you ask.

well your 200000 posts against my 50.

See, that was clever.

The problem is, you might have all kinds of worthwhile stuff to say but when you simply waste an entire sentence to call someone such an immature name for no reason, it makes it hard to even want to take anything else seriously. I hope you can understand that.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by iterationzero

What? Really? Well damn the "American Family Association" That i do not agree with and thank you for the link.
The AFA (a**hole fundamentalist association IMHO) can bite me.

Who is the AFA anyway? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Again thank you for pointing this out.

That just got me so heated damn people are ignorant. Are they protesting this as well? I hope they don't sway people to buy into there racist BS.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by GunzCoty]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 03:48 PM
This will be my final post in this topic, I just feel the need to point this out seeing as some in this topic seem to believe that the Republicans care about we, the people of this country and are the next coming of Christ come November that will right the wrongs of the evil Democrats and our "closet Muslim President".

Just remember the Party of "NO" who stymied American recovery and economic progress from the day Bush left office. Remember the "fiscally responsible" party who pushes for $650B added to the deficit for tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% of Americans, the ones who are all but immune to the economic turbulence and plight of the shrinking middle and growing lower classes.

Remember who voted "NO" 41-0 for Wall St. reform in the face of economic instability, ponzi schemes and the rest.

Remember the apology to BP for the economic and ecological disaster it brought unto the workers of the Gulf Coast and those precious wetlands.. by a member of the House Energy Committee! Remember who wants to ban the construction of Mosques throughout the United States of America - essentially spitting in the face of our Freedom of Religion, a great staple of American Political and Social freedoms...

Remember who brought us trillions of dollars of debt to China and thousands of dead soldiers while unilaterally starting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to protect our oil interests. Remember who voted "NO" to economic stimulus and unemployment benefits in the face of a deep recession.

Remember Rand Paul, who refused to say that business owners should not have a right to put "Whites Only" signs on the doors of their establishments. Remember Sharron Angle, who threatens Harry Reid and Americans with "2nd Amendment Remedies" if votes don't go the way of Conservatism... I guess the whole "Democratic Republic" thing is cool until the votes don't go your way, huh Sharron?? Remember how she claimed Social Security is broken and needs to be Privatized, essentially gambling our retirements away to the hands of big business. Now she sings a different tune, appealing to "Lame-stream America".

Remember the record number of filibusters in the Senate, the Health Care Reform Debate that so rudely interrupted our GOP leader's beloved Kentucky basketball game.. Remember Russell Pearce, the guy who co-wrote the AZ Immigration law, emailing his constituents via a known White Supremacy organization...

Remember Sarah Palin's ethics violations, her quitting on the people of Alaska to do a book tour and TV show, remember the inane Facebook posts and Twitter feeds.... Remember who voted to remove Thomas Jefferson from American History books because he believed in Secularism, in spite of the fact that he wrote the Declaration of Independence!!

Remember that the GOP campaigns on no policy other than Tax Cuts and "B. Hussein Nobama is a muslim, Kenyan, radical socialist, communist, Marxist, narcissistic tyrant who is hellbent on destroying America". Don't believe the charade. Don't be fooled by the Fixed News propaganda. It's entertainment, it's a sideshow.. it is NOT Journalism.

Remember all of this and so much more come November. Also remember all of this when you make ill informed and not researched reply's.

Also remember that the last time the Republicans held majorities during a recession of this magnitude it turned into The Great Depression.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by frimilden]

[edit on 15-8-2010 by frimilden]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by frimilden

Signed 100%!! People are soooo easily manipulated by "entertainment" and then totally forget to look at the facts. Anyone who ever read Palin's book and looked up how factually correct she is cannot in good conscience continue to support that woman or anyone she endorses.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by frimilden

This will be my final post in this topic

Good. I really think you should take a break, lay down and put a cool damp cloth across your fevered brow. Maybe it will bring you back to reality, instead of spouting those inaccuracies and out-of- context half truths.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by mishigas

Must not take troll bait...mehhhh I took it, lol!


*GOP's jobs ideas: Keep Bush tax cuts, freeze regulations

*Boehner (R) Tells Bankers To Fight Financial Reform: ‘Don’t Let Those Little Punk Staffers Take Advantage Of You’

*Boehner(R) disputes gravity of Wall Street crisis

*Boehner(R) Wall Street reform in Congress is like "killing an ant with a nuclear weapon.

*Paul Ryan(R) Budget Plan: Tax Cuts, Cut Medicare and Privatize Social Security.

*GOP Agenda To Be Shaped By Lobbyists

*GOP have Business Lobbyists write their “America Speaking Out” in an effort to Develop GOP Platform for the 2010 elections.

*GOP say people are unemployed because they are LAZY DRUG ADDICTS.

*Sen. Hatch (R) proposes legislation for Unemployed to face MANDATORY Drug Tests.

*Jon Kyl (R): Extend Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy Even If They Add To Deficit

*GOP: No to Helping Unemployed Americans - it would Add to the Deficit.

*GOP: vote NO to Anti-Rape Amendment.

*GOP vote NO to Equal Pay for Women Act.

*Boehner (R) told bankers, "Know that I have all of you in my trusted hands," he told the annual meeting of the Consumer Bankers Association, adding, "I've got enough rabbits up my sleeve."

*Boehner (R) Cut Social Security & Raise Retirement Age to 70.

*2007 The gap between rich and poor grows in the United States to highest level in decades

To put all the headlines would fill this topic up another 18 pages.

Now run along and read or something, take the blinders off and inform yourself. Don't just rely on 1 news source.

Could you please break it down for us how any of this or my last post is "inaccuracies and out-of- context half truths" would love to hear INFORMED discussion about it instead of ranting from a blind person.

[edit on 15-8-2010 by frimilden]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
Maybe it will bring you back to reality, instead of spouting those inaccuracies and out-of- context half truths.

Did someone order irony?

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:18 PM

'nough said

[edit on 15-8-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by frimilden

To put all the headlines would fill this topic up another 18 pages.

Headlines? I'm supposed to debate headlines?

You really should get that cool damp cloth and take a nap...

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by frimilden

To put all the headlines would fill this topic up another 18 pages.

Headlines? I'm supposed to debate headlines?

You really should get that cool damp cloth and take a nap...

You want him to post the full articles, all of them...really??? If a headline generally states someone voted one way or the other, it's generally what's being told in the article itself.

Making a "GOP votes against Wall Street reform" headline just to then type "just kiddin'" in the content doesn't happen all that often unless you're getting info from a random blog instead of news sources.

You kinda remind me of this donkey

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

You want him to post the full articles, all of them...really??? If a headline generally states someone voted one way or the other, it's generally what's being told in the article itself.

OK, genius, think about this: how about he at least use the headline as a link to the article? THAT WAY I'LL KNOW WHAT CONTEXT THEY ARE BEING USED IN!!

And I'm not a Dem - that symbol belongs to your kind.

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by mishigas

Then stop acting like that donkey! Seriously, just copy/paste the headlines into Google if you don't believe the'll get pages over pages stating EXACTLY what the headlines say. Not my fault if the information is "uncomfortable" for some people

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by frimilden

This will be my final post in this topic,

Do you mean your final post as frimilden? If I were a suspicious person, I would suspect that you have used this brand new sign-on to spread Democratic propaganda on ATS. Of course, that would only be if I were suspicious.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by SWCCFAN

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama has come out in favor of allowing a mosque to be built near ground zero.

Obama said Friday that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else. He said that includes the right to build a place of worship on private property in lower Manhattan.


Well this doesn't suprise me at all.

I Guess he is just letting his muslim roots show since he has nothing more to loose.

Obama will be a 1 term President.


What is so bad about having a Muslim or Muslim-heritage president? Far from every Muslim is a psycho just itching to get their hands on a strap-on bomb. The mosque is not being constructed with the goal of being for Al Qaeda to use, it's there for Muslims in general, for the real American Muslim community to use. It was Al Qaeda that did the 9/11 attack.

And if this mosque was being built out of sympathy with *nutters*, then why is Obama waging war *against* those nutters in Afghanistan? Remember all that stuff about "we've got to concentrate it on the real enemy, on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan"?

[edit on 16-8-2010 by mike3]

[edit on 16-8-2010 by mike3]

[edit on 16-8-2010 by mike3]

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Of course he'll back it and then other people will have to sort out the rest with his hands clean.

posted on Aug, 16 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by mishigas

I will not link them because you will not read them and actually debate them because you are set in your ways, this can be told from the posts you make. Nothing of substance just insults. Use google, those headlines are 100% accurate.

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