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Stephen Hawkings is urging humanity to leave earth!!!

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posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Thought I should post this, you know we have problems when the most intelligent man on earth is telling us to leave Earth from an impending disaster.

Although I don't believe its as bad as he states, still.... why say it unless you mean it.


famed physicist says in the centuries ahead, it will be hard for Earthlings to avoid a disaster of biblical proportion on their home turf, and he recommends they avoid putting all their eggs in one basket – or planet.

Please take at the link below
Stephen Hawking urges humans to leave Earth to avoid disaster


posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by FoxStriker

I don't need to hear Hawking tell me this. Odds are yes, that a disaster will happen. Lot's of crackpots say the same thing. And guess what? They're already planning to leave. tptb, that is. I have trouble with Hawking because he bought the man made global warming ruse. There's no telling where he'll go after that choice.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by davidmann

From all the information he's gotten regarding Global Warming, he was correct, in fact all the solar system is warming with higher temperatures continueing....

And thats great that you don't need Stephen Hawking to tell you this information.... thank you for mentioning this.

Although be it he is the most intelligent man on Earth.


[edit on 8/10/2010 by FoxStriker]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 04:58 PM
I think its a bit too late if he's scared of 2012.

Even then, it would take some baby steps(lack of a better term?) to go colonize on another planet.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by platipus]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 05:01 PM
Well I think the elite should save themselves. Lets pack them all into a rocket and ship them out. That way, if they find a planet made of gold, they can claim it all and be the richest people in the universe! Bwahahaha!

But seriously, does Hawking have a map to the habitable planet we need to go to, or a propulsion system hidden in his bedroom capable of getting us there? Or some idea how we are going to either develop faster than light travel or produce the food we will need for such a long trip in a closed environment when we cannot even do that on Earth yet?

Why would someone so intelligent be insisting we try to flee when we have no where to flee to, and no way to flee, when it would be so much more reasonable to propose that we get our # together here on Earth first, and once we get ourselves living at sustainable levels, to then seek the stars for the eventual destruction of the planet by whatever other means?

I get annoyed because his strategy is the one we have been using all along. Use it up, and move on. Management is so much more difficult. But we may not be able to move on. It may not happen before it is "too late." It is much more reasonable to try and figure out a way to make living here more viable first.

And granted he does say we need to manage to avoid extinction for 200 years, but really, what is wrong with just addressing the problems we have in a more permanent way?

[edit on 10-8-2010 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 05:01 PM
Frankly this guy has been bothering me lately. I get that he is smarter than
me. And big whoop he can add funny symbols then divided them by letters,
but his comments lately are just ridiculous. If this guy thinks we should get
outa here then I say we start with him. Put him on a ship and get him the hell
out of here.

Even the smartest guy on earth can be wrong.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by keepureye2thesky]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:25 PM
if Jesus Christ can save us from the downhill acceleration of our sins, can't he help us help Earth?

[edit on 10-8-2010 by thaknobodi]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Why do people have so much against Stephen Hawkin? Isn't this site dedicated to looking for truth and denying ignorance.... why the cold shoulder?

I would take his word over most politicians and government officials any day.

Does anyone find it wierd that high ranking government officials and service men have come forward about these subjects

Quotes about UFO's and Aliens from Gov't Service Men and Officials

Does anyone find it odd that the United States government along with a lot of the Western World has started building underground bases for the 2012 event.... or is to much?

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 1 of 6


[edit on 8/10/2010 by FoxStriker]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:16 PM
it's no secret that he loves outer space.
could this be his attempt to increase budgets for the space program.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 07:34 PM
I have toyed with the idea that he is saying these sorts of things lately just to try and light a fire under the decelerating space programs of the world.
In a way similar to JFK pushing the USA to get to the moon to out-do the Russians that had put Sputnik into space.

It's just that the climate today isn't about trying to "beat the Russians" anymore. It is more about fear and hysteria--just looks at ATS if you disagree.

I really don't think he is saying that there is anymore chance of Earth annihilation than there ever has been. Just that he is appealing to a motivation that he thinks may work on todays people for further space exploration.

To feed our fears to "scare us" into advancing the space programs of the world.

[edit on 10/8/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by FoxStriker

Why do people have so much against Stephen Hawkin? Isn't this site dedicated to looking for truth and denying ignorance.... why the cold shoulder?

I have wondered that too. People latch on to ideas about 2012, Nibiru, and their parents being reptilians, but they bash Stephen Hawking. LOL

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 10:22 PM
I am not saying stephen hawking is right. However, doesn't it make you wonder why one of the greatest minds on the planet would say something like this.....Now think about it. Where will this planet be in 50 years...... Look back to 50 years ago, and compare it to now..... See the difference? Look back 100 years ago and compare it to today...... Now try to visualize the future......Is there a future to visualize? Do we have enough resources to last another 100 years? How many more years of resources do we have? The planet is only growing in population, and that sure isn't going to change anytime soon.

Stephen hawking sees this, and he is trying to warn us NOW, because in 50 years it will be too late, and he knows it.

Can anyone honestly say, with good cause, that we will still be here in 100 years time? I'd like to hear your argument.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

Well if what you say is true, why would he not be warning us to cut our population and consumption of resources?

Because that is much more doable than finding and getting to a habitable planet and setting up all over again.

Thats my problem with what Hawking is saying. He is advocating MORE burning of resources to try to develop the technology needed to leave, and leaving the population problem unaddressed. Even if we develop the technology to fly, what if we dont find any where to go? Then we have spent more resources, and have nowhere to go. We are in the same boat.

It just makes good sense to get the problem of living within our means under control first, then addressing long term possibilities like asteroid strikes or suns going nova, or burning out, or whatever the scientific doomsday scenario is this week.

I dont hate the guy. I just am so tired of everyone talking around the population problem. Its the 6 billion elephants in the room that no one wants to talk about because making babies is sacred.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:19 PM
If there is one man on the planet that people should listen to S.H is it! I would put money on him knowing exactly what it is that we have coming our way, but as usual he is not allowed to tell.

He holds one of the most important position in British Science and has access to everything that is known by any society in Britain, including the ones most people do not even know exist.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:31 PM
Come on guys

First off, he isn't saying leave earth today, he is talking about the futur. He is stating that the human race to succeed as a species must leave this planet and we should start taking this into our consideration for the futur. This is obviously true, humans are a parasidic species, we expand and grow,utilizing the resources of the planet we abide on with no respect for futur consequences.

Secondly, as it were the timing of his *announcement* is funny, because him and his daughter have a publication to be released soon, and this will certainly generate futur sales. (I dont blame him, he is helping his daughter succeed)

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:33 PM
Hawking can take a permanent vacation and never come back in my opinion. He pissed me off plenty when he made THIS specific comment.

"We don't appear to have been visited by aliens," Hawking said, adding that he discounts reports of UFOs. "Why would they only appear to cranks and weirdoes?"

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:36 PM
I think Agent Smith says it best.

Agent Smith

[edit on 10-8-2010 by superluminal11]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

Well if what you say is true, why would he not be warning us to cut our population and consumption of resources?

Because that is much more doable than finding and getting to a habitable planet and setting up all over again.

Thats my problem with what Hawking is saying. He is advocating MORE burning of resources to try to develop the technology needed to leave, and leaving the population problem unaddressed. Even if we develop the technology to fly, what if we dont find any where to go? Then we have spent more resources, and have nowhere to go. We are in the same boat.

It just makes good sense to get the problem of living within our means under control first, then addressing long term possibilities like asteroid strikes or suns going nova, or burning out, or whatever the scientific doomsday scenario is this week.

I dont hate the guy. I just am so tired of everyone talking around the population problem. Its the 6 billion elephants in the room that no one wants to talk about because making babies is sacred.

Have you not figured out that it is completely pointless to tell people to smarten up? If stephen hawking told the world to stop having babies, everyone would have 10 more just to spite him. It is impossible to get people to work together in this world. We are a lost cause when it comes to solving problems.

Hawking wants us to use resources, even if they are limited, to possibly survive in the future, rather than using the same resources and not trying to have a future at all. We can use our resources til they run out, but if we didn't use them wisely, then our time is limited. But if we try to use them to have a future, even if we fail, we at least tried. that is all that hawking is asking of us. And we even argue about that. So much for working together. Humanity is doomed, because we are all too selfish to work together. We all think we are right, so there will always be arguements, working together is impossible.

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:46 PM
There is no news in this entire article... Nothing revealing at all.
Just an old mans suggestion.

What? human race is angry? Wait, we're gluttonous and growing too fast?
hold on a sec.. We're also depleting the planets resources and there are
threats of nuclear war? All things we can change, but the system won't let us.

So what's our option? Colonize space and spread our love for power, greed
and war through out the galaxy. Brilliant!!!

Anyone with half a brain can state the obvious that SH has in this article.

If SH told us we should think about building the largest quantum air conditioner
and colonize the sun, I bet some of you would agree.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by keepureye2thesky]

posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

Yeah, I like that scene. Obviously we are NOT viruses. But what if the reason we are so different from other mammals is because a virus hijacked our species long ago? Kind of like how some other bacteria and viruses can change behavior?

Studies have been conducted that show the toxoplasmosis parasite may affect behavior and may present as or be a causative or contributory factor in various psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.[9][10][11] In 11 of 19 scientific studies, T. gondii antibody levels were found to be significantly higher in individuals affected by first-incidence schizophrenia than in unaffected persons. Individuals with schizophrenia are also more likely to report a clinical history of toxoplasmosis than those in the general population.[12] Recent work at the University of Leeds has found that the parasite produces an enzyme with tyrosine hydroxylase and phenylalanine hydroxylase activity. This enzyme may contribute to the behavioral changes observed in toxoplasmosis by altering the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in mood, sociability, attention, motivation and sleep patterns. Schizophrenia has long been linked to dopamine dysregulation.[13

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