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Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads!

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads!

Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. War preparations to attack Iran are in “an advanced state of readiness”. Hi tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads are fully deployed.
This military adventure has been on the Pentagon’s drawing board since the mid-1990s. First Iraq, then Iran according to a declassified 1995 US Central Command document.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:01 AM
I think Michel Chossudovsky very clearly described the subject in this post and I HOPE he'll release the second part of this post soon. but President Obama in July stated that Iran has until September to comply with international proposals aimed at stopping the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. That is the deadline. The US will not act alone in instigating a war against Iran nor does it looks like the United States will be the one to spur a war. Israel, having proven its unwavering support of imperialistic terrorism, will be the one to ignite the match. September is but a short time away and we shall soon witness whether or not Israel and the United States will make good on their threats.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Prof. Twister]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Prof. Twister

the axis of evil...4 wrongs do not make it right...

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Prof. Twister

why are we keeping this dinosar strategy it working so far??...we are bheading ourselves on the way to the guliteen...what happened to liberty and justice for all!! ur gaging us man...uncle sam where is the love??

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by jazabel51

this dinosour system isnt working for us the people but it is sure as hell working for those that make weapons, vaccines, harvest minerals, drill/sell oil, drug suppliers and bankers therefore nothing will change. we are but worthless eaters given the illusion of freedom.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:15 PM
The awesome thing is - everyone knows it's not about nukes. Everyone knows WHY the US will attack Iran if they do it. Even if Iran suddenly stopped their enrichening of uranium - which isn't even used for nukes - the US would still continue to threaten them "if they don't stop developing nukes", and in the end, will attack.

Which is good, because it shows, not the true face of soldiers and regular Americans, but the true faces of their corrupt government. If they attack, they'll be lighting a match that even all their trillions of dollars cannot save them from.

The same goes for the losers in charge of Israel.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Ha! It may have been planned by the pentagon since the mid 90's, but the Bible said it was going to happen 2600 years ago! It's gonna happen, plain and simple. The last throws of the american empire and the birth of a new world order. From chaos - order (control).

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:28 PM
If Obama launches a war against Iran then he can bet that he will either be eradicated in the 2012 Primaries or destroyed by a Neocon Republican in the general elections. If he attacks Iran his presidency over that is 100% guaranteed.

Even that is beside the point, do you think Iran would sit by and let their plants be attacked by Israel/USA? NO! They will retaliate with everything they got, if that means wiping Tel Aviv into ash then that will be the result. Israel will face an onslaught from three fronts and a swell of Muslim support for Iran all across the globe.

NATO won't help USA and would prefer to just stay away from any involvement, except maybe Sarkozy. Europe knows what happens when they enter an unjust war, I think they learned their lesson. America will alienate the rest of the world’s population even further than it already is.

The results of any conflict with Iran would be devastating to our troops, our economy and will ignite a massive revolt against the government.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

Even that is beside the point, do you think Iran would sit by and let their plants be attacked by Israel/USA? NO! They will retaliate with everything they got, if that means wiping Tel Aviv into ash then that will be the result. Israel will face an onslaught from three fronts and a swell of Muslim support for Iran all across the globe.

Yeah Iraq thought the same thing before the first gulf war when they had the 5th largest military in the world. It worked out well for then as you can see.

Iran is surrounded by US troops. My bet is within a week thier capabilities will be anhiled.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Iran will be broken. The repercussions will not be small for the US. It already stands on an economic knifes edge. If you want to see how a super power does after an economic collapse just look at the USSR 1989.

Send oil to $200+ a barrel and watch the dominoes fall.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by HimWhoHathAnEar]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by wantsome

Yeah Iraq thought the same thing before the first gulf war when they had the 5th largest military in the world. It worked out well for then as you can see.

Iran is surrounded by US troops. My bet is within a week thier capabilities will be anhiled.

Iraq is no Iran. That godless beast was hated by both sunnis and shias. The arabs and espacially Iran were only too happy to see him go, and american industrial complex stupidity to do the job for them that they could not do for years in its war with Iraq.

Mullahcratic Iran will claim the higher ground with religion and funds to incite religious persecution of a higher degree than any other nation is capable of.

Within days, and not even a week as you profess, Israeli cities will be decimated along with thousands of innocents dead in other capitals of the world. Iran too will be decimated, but the leaders will emerge from their protected shelters underground to rally even more religious hatred, inflaming even more death and destruction to world's humanity.

Chess game came from the Persians. They are masters at it, more so the experienced and treacherous Mullahs in control.

To win, you will need to think out of the box and never to presume in today's guerilla warfare style that might is right or power. And to win is NOT to play into their hands by initiating a war.

There are other means to explore, to keep the Iranian leadership or a new one in line, or even our masters, to the fraternity of evolved humanity with common aspirations for our world and worlds beyond ours

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:05 PM
Why is anyone acting surprised? It has been obvious for many years: the real objective is Iran. Think about it if you wanted to destroy Iran, what would you do first. If I was in charge I would first invade their neighbors on the left and right. Wait…they already did that. Regardless, I don’t really think Americans are up for another war at the moment; maybe we should give it a couple of years first. Besides the Iranian government is in dire straits with its own people at the moment, there is a good chance the sound-minded moderates in Iran may finally put an end to the extreme theocratic dictatorship in Iran. Hopefully they will do that before Ahmadinejad fires off a couple of nukes at U.S military forces and/or Israeli cities

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by jazabel51
reply to post by Prof. Twister

the axis of evil...4 wrongs do not make it right...

the axis of evil have all threatened to sell oil in euros rather than us petro dollars this is what makes them evil choosing not to subsidize the us currency

if america had to pay the same price for oil we do your economy would tank

all of the currency exchange for us pertro dollars keeps your dollar artificially high and your standard of living high

stimuls is nothing compaired to what low oil prices can do for an economy


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Nine nations have deathly nuclear weaponry: the US, Russia, the UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea. Of these, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea are not current signatories to the NPT.
Leaving India and Israel free of criticism, Zero disparages nuclear members Pakistan and North Korea.

So First US should keep in mind that invading Iran is part of the “Long War” in which the US and its allies seek control of the entire region for access to its gas, oil and minerals.
As you know In 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski he published The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Among those imperatives is the need to control Iran, a “primarily important geopolitical pivot.”
Iran stands in the way. India does not. Neither does Pakistan or Israel. Brzezinski writes of the Central Asian states:

“Moreover, they are of importance from the standpoint of security and historical ambitions to at least three of their most immediate and more powerful neighbors, namely Russia, Turkey and Iran, with China also signaling an increasing political interest in the region. But the Eurasian Balkans are infinitely more important as a potential economic prize: an enormous concentration of natural gas and oil reserves is located in the region, in addition to important minerals, including gold.”

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Prof. Twister]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Prof. Twister

Shouldn't we have some external tags on some of that? Just sayin', since I read it yesterday.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 09:48 PM
Thanks for the post. Very good essay on the US emperialist plans to continue to destroy any state that does not acquiesce to their one world plan. As soon as state level dissention for their world domination is crushed out of existence, I'm sure they will re-double their efforts to enslave all of humanity. Most likely by reducing the population, dumbing them down and sealing their fate as serfs for the world's elite. It's sickening.

We must help ourselves and do everything we can to remove the fascists/elitists that have taken over our world governments or it may be the end for humanity as we know it and certainly the end to any shot of true freedom of our mind, body and spirit..

Edit for S&G.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Redwookieaz]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:41 PM
star date: Aug 12, 2072

In an amazing show of good faith, Chinese Ambassador Houtang met with Russian Ambassador Kilenekov at the great wall of Washington today in an effort to start negotiations to bring down the great wall in Washington DC separating the east and west side of the former Capital of the US Empire which fell during WW3.

Chinese workers used pick axes to chip away mounds of concrete to create a passageway connecting the Chinese side with the Russian side while Russian counterparts used skydozers to laser lambast from their side.

This event marks the first of a series of allied trade agreements which allow the currencies of both to be used freely in the former US Territories. Federal Reserve notes were flown in by skychoppers from Beijing Street (formerly known as Wall Street) and burned as a celebration of VOA-Day (Victory over America).

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:12 AM
The US has had an axe to grind in regards to Iran since 1979 and losing their puppet and his goons when the Shah was ousted. They armed and funded Saddam Hussein to wage war on the Islamic Republic for about 10 years and costing millions of lives. Now, Iran is back on the chopping block. I am beginning to see this war with Iran as an attempt to get in their before they have the bomb. It is a race against time for both sides the US/Israel and Iran. If Iran gets the bomb, the US will have to take a step back with the threats of military aggression. Even with one in their possession, it changes everything.

Rest assured all this talk of persuading the politicians to hold-off on Iran is futile. A collision course is imminent, because the benevolent leaders want to continue carrying sway in the Middle East as they have for years. When nukes are involved it makes warfare a worthless endeavor. The US and the West is only doing what other powers in decline have done in the past and that is stack the cards in their interests for however long they can.

Case in point, North Korea has the bomb and all the US does is talk tough. They won't go in there guns blazing as they would have done before that. Then we have Pakistan and with their nukes. If they did not have nukes the US would have been in there conducting military operations. Pakistan would have been another Cambodia or Laos. The US would be involved in uncontested raids and bombings as was the case with the two countries and their role as enemy hideouts during the Vietnam War.

However, nuclear weapons gives them the opportunity to do what they wish without a military backlash from the US and NATO in Afghanistan. At present they are taking pot shots with drone attacks and special forces incursions, but nothing on the scope of a full-fledged military assault as the military planners would like to do.

In light of this interesting article presented by the OP, I hope this war never comes and people can work out their differences without turning the world into a blood bath? However, it is singing to the choir and this thing is going to happen. Times are tough now, but after hostilities begin; expect things to get a heck of a lot worse. To many major players have a lot at stake concerning Iran.

Edit: Added more material

[edit on 8-8-2010 by Jakes51]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:19 AM
somebody is going to have to get thrown under the bus. otherwise we as a species wont prosper. get on the train or get out. price of a cup of coffee enables a killing machine.

its like the idiots who died in Afg., if you are THAT stupid.....

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:39 AM
Some sort of conflict as is being described is very possible.

But a lot of the analysis falls short because it is only using the conventional political model for the cause of war. That model is not valid these days, if it ever was.

Recall, if you will, Bill Ryan's (Project Camelot) fairly recent piece on "The Anglo-Saxon Mission." Though his choice of titles mixes metaphors, the underlying data is clear: Upper-level people in the City of London (banking district in London with special rights of sovereignty over their area) have been discussing how to cause major armed conflicts and other major disasters around the world for years.

In my training it was called the "third party" mechanism. Some person or group, either itself or through agents, spreads lies to a government about some other government they want them to start a war with. If all goes "well" for the third party, war is the result.

Even though most governments have huge problems with resources and all sorts of other issues, it is difficult for relatively sane people (of which there are a few left) to commit to armed conflict. It's messy, it's costly, and it can be bad PR. But if a government can be satisfactorily convinced of the evil of another government, they are more willing to go ahead and attack.

This is the mechanism that criminal elements on earth rely on to weaken saner control structures so they may eventually take over. Though it is unlikely that criminals will ever gain full control on a planet like ours, their attempts at it have been devastating, and I am tired of analysts overlooking their role in creating armed conflicts and other disasters. If someone shoots me in the back, I would like to think that someone might someday learn the truth about who got the guy who shot me to do it. And I feel the same way about my church, my country and my planet.

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