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God Doesn't Have a Religion

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

simple truths are the most beautiful. good stuff. s+f


posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by heartsome

The crusades and inquisitions were for economic purposes. Notice how Spain caused most if not all of them. Helps to have a few thousand Spanish soldiers int eh Holy See. Eventually Spain gave up and went the other way, finding America and doing the same thing all over again. Religion was just their cover. Though seldom they did do the right thing under a select few.

Astrology is a bunch of bullcrap, considering the stars have no effect on Earth other than th occasional gamma wave radiation to kill us all off every hear and there. The galaxy controls stars, stars do not control other planets millions of light years away. The only thing we gained from astrology was knowing when the seasons began and pretty pictures to look at from points in the sky.

Also they did not teach astrology was wrong. They taught astronomy was bad based on a poorly understood part of the bible which they did not know correctly, what with only a few people knowing how to read.

Rome has nothing to do with any of this because they studied the skies and were the complete opposite of the Vatican. In fact, the Romans built some pretty swell buildings to study it. The Egyptians even used it as laser in their constructions. That's how they got so accurate with their buildings.

The Vatican is a bunch of old men who occasionally had a few thousand soldiers up their butts telling them what to do.

So do I have to keep pointing out you are wrong?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
I didn't figure this out myself. I heard Stewart Swerdlow say it a few years ago. When I heard it, a light bulb went off in my head. I thought to myself, "That's it! That makes sense."

God also does not have gender. God is an "it."

Coming to these conclusions has liberated me quite a bit. Life loses much of its complexity after eliminating the confusion and division and hierarchy created by organized religion.

Would you be more liberated if "Religion doesn't have a God" or to cut to the chase, if "You don't have a God"?

There are two truths we are all born with. One, we are all only human. Two, we are all in this together. Anyone disagree?
Not much confusion and division if people accept those two things. That's not enough for most though because no one is special or "chosen".

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Section31

Oh if you want to tread down that path, you should PM me and we'll talk.

IE, The 7th day never ended. 6.5 years = 65 million years. That is when our world, or current era, began, and the last one ended. The beginning of our world is literally the beginning of our world in the sense that the old order fell and the new one rose. 5 million years ago, or the end of the 6th day, Mankind started evolving it's own branch. The fall is what scientists call "behavioral modernity" that occurred 50,000 years ago.

Both science and Bible teach that mankind's body evolved before mankind's mind.

PM me. I've got loads I can tell you about. I don't exactly believe it. i just point out interesting connections.

I'd much sooner believe that science is right, then the Toba catastrophe occurred, then from the abyss and dust, genesis happened. God, if you will, bailed out earth.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Gorman91]

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

What if we are all the Creator learning about itself?

What if we chose to incarnate here down to the details and forgot what we know before incarnation so that the life is effective?

These are rhetorical questions of course, I feel that my opinion answers these questions - for only myself of course.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by 11118]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by 11118

Because any common sense would teach you that it would be easier simply to run a program to look up things rather than breed intelligence to do it for you.

It's the same reason we don't make robots as smart as us. That would be dumb.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
now, people hear me...i know it seems worldly is the best view but....
someone created all this that we see. does that sink in? otherwise, you're saying we are a figment of our own mind and we are not really here the beginning (ie before there was "something", or "anything") there was nothing - no "someone" or "something" to be in a position to then create what exists. we are a figment of our own mind and we aren't really here. what IS is God. and that's all there is to it...

peace! we are all one... "God is."


posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:48 PM
Hello all. New member to ATS. Live from Albuquerque, New Mexico.

2 cents -

Simple/Complexity Complex/Simplity = two sides of the same coin.

I feel Creation is ALL encompasing. All that YOU see and ALL that sees YOU. ALL that is.

Have a good day all.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Godz Enigma

Gender is specialization. That's really all it is. And consciousness is basically electrons in the brain. It too does not exist.

What makes up quarks? Imaginary particles. They don't exist. They are just how we view what cannot be viewed by photon. So we make it up.

"observation" is a new age mumbo jumbo. More accurately, when we try to shoot a photon to look at it, the photon knocks the thing we are trying to look at, so we cannot view it in a non-interference method. IE, we need to develop something that can hit the thing without changing its behavior, than convert that data to a photon to be able to see it. It does not mean consciousness affects it. Unless, of course, an electron from our brain hits it. lol.

reply to post by Unity_99

Bruxfinn is an idiot who things stars impregnate planets. Please do not even bother to respond to him.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Gorman91]

Yeeeahhh....about that.... i'll just let Brux sit there with his Elite intelligence that's "above my head" and continue to school everyone. heh... Some people's NEED to be RIGHT, Exceeds my Need to Care...especially when they talk down to me.

Sorry my last post got a little sloppy towards the end, got a phone call and had to wrap that last post up.

I can see your point, with the laws of physics and Matter....having negative and positive aspects. I suppose that is a universal Truth. I'm just "thinking out loud here"... i will assume when people refer to "GOD" they are talking about ALL life force, creation...this dimension, ( for Brux) and others as well...

So your saying, scientists are unable to Hit the smaller particle...unable to interact with it... what i am asking is... okay... what is driving that FORCE behind that situation? Would it be female? Male? ( i'll go with Male, seeing as it's actions are Avoiding being detected...heheh *joke*)

Personally, I've always felt when speaking of "God" it is the driving force behind all movement. Life= Movement. I've also always felt a truth in the thought that God is Darkness and light. You would not know one without the other.

Does go have a gender?
Does Love have a gender? Is it Male / female specific?
Are there male or female math equations?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by 11118

Because any common sense would teach you that it would be easier simply to run a program to look up things rather than breed intelligence to do it for you.

It's the same reason we don't make robots as smart as us. That would be dumb.

The Creator/God cannot be a separate entity that has no beginning or end because for something to not begin, nor end, that something would have to be infinite. An infinite 'Something' cannot be anything other then everything, there cannot be two infinite something's or everything's; therefor, we the Creator, and all else that exists, must be "god" (a word I don't really use).

The Creator is not some bearded man in the sky that created the cosmos separate of himself, no it is living aware Infinity creating OF itself.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by 11118]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by twentythreedom

Actually new mathematical calculations show that there is a kind of "loop" of universes that collapse and expand onto each other, like a universe creation machine. Maybe God made that.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:52 PM
God has always had a Religion.

Obedience was the first rule.
Adam and Eve broke that rule.

Then lots of other rules to bring the people into obedience.

The jewish religion is the oldest on earth.

From the Jewish religion came Jesus who begot the Catholic/Christian religion.

Jesus was a factual person.
He fulfilled several hundred prphesies from the Old Testament.

He created a religion which everyone could attend.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Godz Enigma

Pretty much, The driving force of all things in the universe is interaction between these made up particles. We create them because we cannot see what is actually there. But we can use math and indirect observation to know. We haver also observed what can be called the "pixel" of the universe. The smallest dividable space.

There is absolutely no proof directly that God exists in this universe, and nothing observed can prove it. However, when we look, we see a machine. When the universe was born, different forces were turned on and off at different times to allow the universe to form this way. This could only have happened from a sort of "matrix controller". Like the architect you saw in the matrix.

A great video to explain all this is here. Enjoy!.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Gorman91]

[edit on 5-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by 11118
The Creator is not some bearded man in the sky that created the cosmos separate of himself, no it is living aware Infinity creating OF itself.

I like your definition. It feels right.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by slugger9787
God has always had a Religion.

Obedience was the first rule.
Adam and Eve broke that rule.

Then lots of other rules to bring the people into obedience.

The jewish religion is the oldest on earth.

From the Jewish religion came Jesus who begot the Catholic/Christian religion.

Jesus was a factual person.
He fulfilled several hundred prphesies from the Old Testament.

He created a religion which everyone could attend.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Jesus of Nazareth taught to Love, forgive, and balance yourself.

He never created a religion, but yes he was used spuriously in a book that has a core of truth drowning in a sea a perversions called the bible.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Those in power manipulated belief systems to have people worshipping a god from the "apparent place" where the SUN was at (precession). The place of the Sun was used to control the form of worship man offered and religious worship veiled itself with the symbol and nature of the Sign of the equinox Sun and the other corner positions of the cross creating the structure used in worship. Religion is responsible for a great deal of bloodshed and division, and for power and greed, political and religious leaders used and abused people who lacked a universal awareness of a God who manifested throughout humanity and all time as one, undivided God in the constant flow of change.

Universe comes from "uni" meaning one and "verse" meaning to turn. The Universe is the turning of the One, the Eternal Creator. God cannot be created or destroyed, can only be transformed into other forms of God.

The Piscean Age has humanity in its grip, the lower energies of Pisces has created a world market with money as its God; but it is giving way to Aquarian qualities (scientific thought and freedom). Know one really knows the hour or time when the energies of Aquarius, the Man waterbearer, will fully take over. The end of one Age slowly fades while the New Age is incoming. By Earth's precession, the stage for the AGE of PISCES ends, and a far-in-the-future-time (AGE of AQUARIUS) arrives to begin the start of a new Age. Jesus sent forth 2 disciples to "go to the town and there shall meet a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him".
Aquarius follows Pisces in the backward clockwise precession movement, and Aquarius is symbolized by a man, the waterbearer. Jesus said his time was a preparation for the Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Aquarius, symbolized by the cosmic man bearing a pitcher of "living waters", pouring it throughout the universe. The deception and illusions of the Piscean Age must now be faced by all religions to learn some truths about themselves and their beliefs.

Holy Bible = Helios Biblos in Greek. Helios means SUN and Biblos is derived from the Kemetic word for papyrus, meaning paper. Holy Bible = Sun Book or Sun Papers (papers made into a book). The English language is derived from German and in German, the word "Sun" is spelled Sonne and both words have been used interchangeably. The Latin "religio" and "religare" mean obligation, reverence, to bind. The Divine intelligence of the Universe giving us life is obligating us to bind back together with the Divine as we are an extension of the eternal.

The Bible is an astro-god (theological) text reflecting the cycles of Precession. Investigation of organized religion starting with the Age of Pisces, then Age of Aries, Age of Taurus, Age of Gemini etc. along with Precession is key to realizing how the Bible became a tool to manipulating the masses ignorant of the lights to be used for Signs.

The last 2000+ yrs of the Piscean Age depict our spiritual predicament -- two fish together by their tails, swimming apart. The Vatican kept the veil over people's eyes and the religion correlated their special days with natural cycles, in effect cloaking the power of the natural universe. Their power was not its own and it used this power to have dominance and control over world populations. The Piscean Age is coming to an end and the door is open to the new Astrological Age of Aquarius. A period of upheaval is accompanying this change of Ages. Will the new Age be light or dark? That depends on knowledge or ignorance. When the source of information or education is controlled, chances are entires lives are controlled. What existed before (religion) is now no longer relevant and what is has already been mapped out for all by the "elite" who always got their ideas from "the Greatest Story ever T(s)old". The power is in the universe, and the stories come from the universe, and it is senseless to get worked up over the machinations of man.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by slugger9787
God has always had a Religion.

Obedience was the first rule.
Adam and Eve broke that rule.

Then lots of other rules to bring the people into obedience.

The jewish religion is the oldest on earth.

From the Jewish religion came Jesus who begot the Catholic/Christian religion.

Jesus was a factual person.
He fulfilled several hundred prphesies from the Old Testament.

He created a religion which everyone could attend.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Actually Hinduism is the oldest religion. but bruxfinn is an idiot.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
reply to post by lapi7

I take it by your exercise in absurdity that you are infering that because be extremely absurd things all possible variations or concepts associated with it must be false. How illogical if you are.

It was meant tongue-in-cheek Watcher.
The last line about the Mother Theresa Show should have given you a clue.

However, not to start a fight or anything, but I really wish people would write their posts in the same manner that they would actually speak if talking personally to somebody else.

"I take it by your exercise in absurdity that you are infering..."

I mean c'mon. Who are you trying to impress. I could dance with the best of them a while back.

I used to pull and post all that "waxing eloquently" stuff myself until I realized that I was just trying to make folks believe that "sequestering reason within my own academic spheres was simply a futile attempt to scratch my own proverbial cerebral itch."

I mean get real !!!

I used to correct everybody's grammatical errors too. What a joke I was.

In other words I WANTED folks to think of me as an intellectual which was simply a sad reflection of my own lack of self esteem.

When I realized this I stopped with all of the flowery rhetoric and just started to talk and post like a normal person. I learned to be myself. What a huge weight off of my ego THAT was. You might want to try sometime Watcher (and others). It really frees you up from having to put on the "I'm an intellectual" show.

But if it's still important to you I might point out to you that you misspelled the word "infering"

Love you Watcher...really.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by lapi7]

[edit on 5-8-2010 by lapi7]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by 11118
The Creator is not some bearded man in the sky that created the cosmos separate of himself, no it is living aware Infinity creating OF itself.

I like your definition. It feels right.
I also agree with it.. And also, creation didn't just happen once in the beginning, creation is still happening now.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Godz Enigma

Gender is specialization. That's really all it is. And consciousness is basically electrons in the brain. It too does not exist.

What makes up quarks? Imaginary particles. They don't exist. They are just how we view what cannot be viewed by photon. So we make it up.

When we make things up, we call that "imagination" But some would say that due to imagination, mankind had progressed. Ya know... If you can dream it, you can do it...kinda philosophies.

The neuron's in the brain do not exist? Do you mean scientifically, or metaphorically? ( i ask due to the fact we were discussing Quantum physics) I don't follow you there... When the body dies...those neuron's stop working... so they do, on this plane, exist i would say.

Analogy is in order here! YAY! Meh

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