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Please remember not to vote!

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by MrsBlonde

I don't mean not voting as in I don't believe in voting ,or I don't care about the issues I mean not voting as a form of non-violent protest because no matter who you vote for the things as they are continue to deteriorate

OK... There are far more constructive things you can do to protest, such as raising peoples awareness of your grievances. Bringing them into the light. Create a group and fight pro-actively against those things.


That takes too much work.
They want to act like they're fighting the PTB while browsing on ATS election day.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

That takes too much work.
They want to act like they're fighting the PTB while browsing on ATS election day.

That's a sappy thing to say. You prefer the red pill?
That's cool. You just keep doing the same,thing over and over,like some agreeable insane lunatic. When a new idea comes along you cower in the corner screaming No No take it away.
Who would keep doing things the same way? Some geek?

[edit on 7-8-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by hippomchippo

That takes too much work.
They want to act like they're fighting the PTB while browsing on ATS election day.

That's a sappy thing to say. You prefer the red pill?
That's cool. You just keep doing the same,thing over and over,like some agreeable insane lunatic. When a new idea comes along you cower in the corner screaming No No take it away.
Who would keep doing things the same way? Some geek?

[edit on 7-8-2010 by randyvs]

What revolutionary new idea has been suggested here, other than 'HEY GREAT IDEA GUYS LET'S CHANGE THINGS BY NOT DOING ANYTHING!'?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by randyvs

S&F. You are absolutely correct sir. I didn't bother to read the responses on this thread at all. I'm sure plenty of them are negative but you are absolutely correct! Anybody who believes voting does anything besides prove you still have your head up your backside or worse, you're ok with what the fascists in charge are doing!

We are way beyond voting doing anything productive. The same people control both sides pf every election. It's time for action. Voting just doesnn't cut it! Wake up America!

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
reply to post by randyvs

I didn't bother to read the responses on this thread at all.


posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by LeftWingLarry
What revolutionary new idea has been suggested here, other than 'HEY GREAT IDEA GUYS LET'S CHANGE THINGS BY NOT DOING ANYTHING!'?

Yeah, lets continue to do exactly what we have always done. That will change everything.

Mass non participation IS an act. But I am sure you understand this and are just trolling or something.

Proactive non-participation (or doing nothing as you say) is an act of defience and rebellion. It is also peaceful. I agree it needs many to participate to be effective, but it would be us in control of this action.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Well voting has done a hell of a lot for us hasn't it? I don't know who I'm talking to. Maybe things are just peachy for you. So why would you agree to any of this? Believe me, I know there are a lot of rich people in the U.S.
that are fine with the way things are. For now.
Look I'm not saying this is some revolutionary idea.
Not the kind of revolution thats called for anyway.
Anybody who dosn't agree, that voting in this country is just part of a big illusion. A big facade, to make it possible for everyone to believe they have some say so. In the direction this country is going.

Quite frankly you have your head stuffed way up inside yourself.

What confidence does anyone have in the vote they cast?
Larry does your vote make a difference? Can you actually say I'm full of B.S. and just a paranoid? How can you be so blind to what I see?
Not just me, but the majority of people posts to this thread?


you're ok with what the fascists in charge are doing!

That's actually what it has to be huh. Anyone who can't see this, dosn't want to. And dosn't want us to see it either. To even consider an arguement to such a forgone conclusion is counter productive.
This is the right way to percieve what has been going on .
It's the biggest nonviolent statement Americans can make.
"The population of the U.S. today waived it's right to vote.
In a protest that calls for all of it's leaders to step down".
At that point the jig is up. They wouldn't dare try to fake the normal numbers and how would they hold the majority?

[edit on 7-8-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Well voting has done a hell of a lot for us hasn't it?

Yes. Compare the USA with nations like China, the DPRK, Cuba, Saudi Arabia (none of which have particularly strong democratic traditions) and it's obvious. Nations that don't have to account for their citizens don't care for their citizens, as a general rule. No matter how much you disagree with their policies, you must agree with me that in the USA politicians have to at least take account of the public opinion when making decisions.

Maybe things are just peachy for you.

You're joking, right?

Anybody who dosn't agree, that voting in this country is just part of a big illusion. A big facade, to make it possible for everyone to believe they have some say so. In the direction this country is going.

That depends who you vote for. If you vote for one of the big two, I'd have to agree with you; they're not going to change anything any time soon. However, third parties (the ones who are much more likely to change things) don't just suddenly rise one day; they take years (sometimes even generations) of gradually increasing support, popularity and awareness. So say you vote; you vote for a third party. They (predictably) don't win. What have you lost? You're still not changing anything, granted, but who knows just how helpful your vote (and your vocal support, too- I'm guessing you're rather politically vocal) will be to that party. In time, a growing tide of momentum makes them into a party that people actually consider.

Quite frankly you have your head stuffed way up inside yourself.

No, I just like to view things more than the next few years at a time. I'm thinking of party-building here. You don't just rise or fall in a single election day.

Larry does your vote make a difference?

Hell no, I voted for The Green Party in the 2010 elections.

Can you actually say I'm full of B.S. and just a paranoid?

You seem to be putting words in my mouth...

How can you be so blind to what I see?

I can see it, I just don't understand it.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:29 PM
perhaps not voting is the best decision,what is the chance that a new "hero" candidate will be really a hero,and not another antichrist?
not voting will atleast show that rebelion in usa is dangerous and they should stop messing with the people,its only the beggining of freedom throw power and unity

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:31 PM
Thats exactly what everyone needs to do. Vote out the incumbents. Do it a few elections in a row and the people that are running for selfish reasons rather than to serve the people will just stop running.

A non vote is cowardly at best.

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
I have a question?

What happens if no one votes? Do the incumbents stay in office?

Is it better not to vote than to vote out incumbents?

Okay that was three questions. lol

I typically vote third party or vote out incumbents but was wondering how the no vote might be better or worse?

[edit on 8/3/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:35 PM
I think what is needed is a public statement that the no vote is a protest

maybe when I have a school break I'
ll write one and run it up the ATS flagpole see if anybody salutes it

So how many of your Green Party candidates got elected Larry?

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde
I think what is needed is a public statement that the no vote is a protest

Have you not heard of the concept of a 'protest vote'?

So how many of your Green Party candidates got elected Larry?

In the entire country? One, which is one more than ever before. Baby steps.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Hell no, I voted for The Green Party in the 2010 elections.

Ok I'm understanding you a little better from a patriotic point of view.
I love my country of course. That's why the thread.
But here's a flash for you partner. YOUR VOTE IS SUPPOSED TO COUNT !
You are supposed to have confidence in that fact.
The system is broken. Nothing but crooks and traitors to vote for.
What do you do? DON'T say vote. We just established that does nothing.
So who's on first?

Baby steps

Baby steps? Larry there isn't time for baby steps. Very soon a lot of people in America are going to be hurting.
It's already begun in my world.
Baby steps won't suffice.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by randyvs]

[edit on 7-8-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical

Thats exactly what everyone needs to do. Vote out the incumbents. Do it a few elections in a row and the people that are running for selfish reasons rather than to serve the people will just stop running.

Your vote is like chit or chit with corn. Hello!

So you're a coward who thinks he's voting. Your vote means nothing..
They do not care what you think.

The Agenda is what is important. No borders is on the agenda.
No Arizona you can't enforce your borders. Are you out of your mind.
We're going to eliminate the border not enforce it.

Why? Do you have to ask?
Because nothing the people want matters. it's what the elite want that matters. They want a one world government. No borders and their working towards that everyday.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by LeftWingLarry

Ok I'm understanding you a little better from a patriotic point of view.
I love my country of course. That's why the thread.
But here's a flash for you partner. YOUR VOTE IS SUPPOSED TO COUNT !
You are supposed to have confidence in that fact.

I'm a proponent of Proportional Representation for just that reason. However, even using a system like First Past The Post, it does count. Every single vote counts, especially to a small party. One extra vote means 'they' (your opponents) need one extra vote to win. I believe it's 5% of the vote that is required to receive federal funding for a party in the US. If enough of the people who say 'I'm not voting, my vote doesn't count!' voted for a decent third party candidate, you might be well on the way to achieving that five percent mark as more people hear about you. From there, it's just a snowball effect. A social meme. "I'm voting [party]!" can be heard on street corners, or read on bumper stickers and billboards. Get the 'sheeple' on board. The masses are arguably one of the greatest sources of influence in a democratic system- even a flawed one. An idea is infectious and spreads easily. The biggest threat to democracy is when the people themselves feel that it isn't worth it anymore.

The system is broken. Nothing but crooks and traitors to vote for.
What do you do? DON'T say vote. We just established that does nothing.
So who's on first?

Campaign, be vocal, spread the message, debate, protest marches, rallies, and vote. You have rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, etc. You can spread the word online and off.

Baby steps? Larry there isn't time for baby steps. Very soon a lot of people in America are going to be hurting.
It's already begun in my world.
Baby steps won't suffice.

And, like every other crisis in Human history, life will go on. Building a better future is the way forward, and building a party that people can actually get behind with politicians they support, who aren't corrupt, who don't take bribes, who keep to their word and who have the same ideals as you- That's what democracy is all about. It's the future. Parties weren't always 'Republicans' and 'Democrats' or 'Labour and Conservative'... parties change and shift, and you need a rough long-term goal which you or your children can achieve.

If I was the PTB, and I had the power that people say they do, I'd want the people who call themselves 'awake' not to vote. I want them to feel alienated by 'the system' and by the rest of society. I'd want them to do this, because it would make it easier for me to guide the masses and keep myself in power. It makes it easier for them to portray you all as 'crazy' or 'apathetic' or 'out of touch'. Are you really going to just sit back and let that happen, without even letting your (currently tiny) voice be heard? You should be trying to plant the seed that future generations can water and grow, like the founding fathers of your nation tried to. Maybe you can pick up where they left off.

[edit on 8-8-2010 by LeftWingLarry]

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 11:52 AM
I hope everyone who reads this thread realizes that *YOU* are exactly the sort of person that one would not want to vote.

It puts people like this into the "suspect" category.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
I hope everyone who reads this thread realizes that *YOU* are exactly the sort of person that one would not want to vote.

It puts people like this into the "suspect" category.

who is 'categorizing' who? what are you talking about?

we are trying to tell you that the so called vote is a scam FOX just reported on it this morning talking about voter intimidation and caucuses
being used to confuse and dismember freedom of choice in the elections of 2008 ! They play the news stories all day I'm sure you can catch it!

Nobody on the Voting is Good side has a rebuttal to what we have said other than some kind of somatic response,' people who say voting is wrong are

and now you come and say basically nothing but I gather you disagree with the don't vote position

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

Read my post two up. I didn't say those things at all.

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by LeftWingLarry
reply to post by MrsBlonde

Read my post two up. I didn't say those things at all.

I didn't say you did Larry they have been stated by participants in this thread and I was replying to Aeon?

anyway I can't agree to the current status quo and I can't vote without agreeing with it, so I can't vote,my conscience tells me it's wrong and when that happens I can't do whatever it is that my conscience is forbidding

I had the epiphany,a clear unambiguous detailed conceptual understanding of how voting makes use slaves.

some of the readers of this post get it ,they had the epiphany too .

that certainly doesn't mean that I think people who vote are bad, no judgments just that I know what it means everytime someone does

voting was a good thing at a time in the past it will be again ,but right now it's a tool of enslavement

I know it sounds counter intuitive

posted on Aug, 8 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

I had the epiphany,a clear unambiguous detailed conceptual understanding of how voting makes use slaves.

While I think Larry has brought the best arguement there can be, for
his train of thought. I don't see how the people not showing to the polls
one time around. Could bring this country down, when it has survived
up to now, the ravages of our so called leaders. More like looters.
For the powers TPTB to see that we can organise that much alone would prolly scare the hell out of them.

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