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Judge Blocks Parts Of Arizona Immigration Law

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posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by jam321

Is there a database that has the names of all the people who come here and become citizens? Wouldn`t the department of imigration have such records? if they do, how would it encroach on their liberty to have their name ran through it to see if they are here legally? It`s no different than having my drivers license checked to see if I am a valid driver or not. Would it bother me? No, not in the least.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Sri Oracle

But then you said this and IMO is in conflict with the above.

Why can't we offer a simple $5000 reward for information leading to the deportation of an illegal alien?

Does offering a reward leading to the arrest of a murderer inflict upon liberty?

Is it not better that the LEO focus on individuals that the public have offered evidence of being a "LIKELY" suspects, after getting a LAWFUL warrant; rather than being given a blank check to focus on anybody and everybody that that he sees fit to harass?

I'm a believer in the meme:

The police should come when they're called like the fire department.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 29-7-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

Is there a database that has the names of all the people who come here and become citizens? Wouldn`t the department of imigration have such records? if they do, how would it encroach on their liberty to have their name ran through it to see if they are here legally?

I assume this is in reference to my post to another member.

Yes, there is some kind of database that keeps track of who has legal permission to be here. However, many Americans who are Hispanics are full blooded Americans and would not and should not be in such a database.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Does offering a reward leading to the arrest of a murderer inflict upon liberty?

Depends. If I call the cops and tell them that my neighbor is the murderer based on an assumption and they investigate and harass him to the hilt, is my neighborhood liberty not inflicted upon?

If this was a perfect world maybe your reward would work out. But in this world, people pimp out others just for the hell of it.

Now I ask you this, merely being an illegal immigrant itself is a misdemeanor.

Which other misdemeanor would you offer a 5,000 dollar reward for?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by FiatLux

I guess it is enough to describe it.

But define your version of border security. Right now we have about 16-17,000 border patrol on the southern border on top of many alphabet agencies on top of many law enforcement backing them up.

How much more is needed to secure the border ?

My point in this is that many of you rather see a fortified border and spend unlimited money to keep illegals out when in reality it would be easier just to ensure that these illegals can't get a job.

If Illegals can't get jobs, they go home or no longer come. No cost for detention, no cost for deportation, no big cost on heavily securing the border.

This in return frees up Border patrol and law enforcement to deal with the criminal elements that are bringing in the drugs.

This is going to cost the tax payer a bundle in the end no matter what. Any dollar spent on this comes from the tax payers does it not? Yes, and thanks to the lax work our government has put into this over the years, it is now at a head ready to bust open. All I can hope for, is that Arizona can show the rest of the country, just how lax the Feds have been with this, and how much it has cost, and will cost the tax payers in this country.

I find it strange, we can fund a war for how many years with lives and money and the government puts so much effort into this, but we can`t even take care of the immigration problems we have here at home.

Where in the H is the logic in this? To me, this is nothing more than the misplaced prioritiies of our government. Fix our problems at home first before you go stick your nose into others affairs. This problem should have been delt with long before we went off to fight overseas.

To me, this shows how lax our Homeland Security department really is. If illegals can cross the border this easy, what about the so called terrorists? What is to stop them? Another item for Arizona to throw at the government in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by FiatLux

Is there a database that has the names of all the people who come here and become citizens? Wouldn`t the department of imigration have such records? if they do, how would it encroach on their liberty to have their name ran through it to see if they are here legally?

I assume this is in reference to my post to another member.

Yes, there is some kind of database that keeps track of who has legal permission to be here. However, many Americans who are Hispanics are full blooded Americans and would not and should not be in such a database.

And that should bother the legal Hispanics how? Every year around the holidays, I get stopped at DUI check points, sometimes twice each holiday so they can check me out. They check my license, and i`m on my way. Does it bother me? No, why should it, they are doing what they have to, to stop drunks from killing others. I just happened to be on the road at that time, so it`s no big deal to me, and i`m not in that database either. If it helps to stop a big problem, then more power to it. If it only costs me a little of my time, then it is worth it in the end.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Now I'm pissed!!!

When will people stop all this feel good garbage when it comes to law and order.

If Arizona wants to enforce their border with a foreign country and their law is the same as the USA, Arizona go get'em. After Katrina, we had an influx of illegals and now the crime rate is serious. I for one do not visit New Orleans anymore. Hispanic gangs versus Black (sorry, there it goes again feel good) African American gangs fighting for turf.

The key word in all this chit is ILLEGAL, if you get my drift.

Therefore from this point on, if anyone comes to Cajun country in south Louisiana, please have your Cajun passport (2 bottles of Tabasco) and address us as Cajun Native Americans. The reason for addressing us this way is our heritage is Acadian, and born in America.

Bayou Bullet

PS: On second thought, call us anything you like and we will all have a good old laugh.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Bayou Bullet

Recently from Louisiana here, now in Mississippi.

I gotta say, having worked in a hospital in Amite, LA, there is also a huge immigration problem in LA.

We had lots of workers come into that hospital from nurseries around the area, who got injured on the job.

Surprisingly, they always had an interpreter with them, who put money down on whatever bill right away, so as not to question the injured persons legal status.

We also had a lot of non English speaking Moms bring babies in, always on medicaid.

If people don't think the way things are set up now cost us much, I've seen it.

Arizona has lead the way, and everyone needs to follow suit.

Since I have been in Mississippi, I have noticed the illegal population here, too! Like I said on another thread, all that needs to be done to arrest some of the illegals, is to show up at Wal-Mart any day of the week, and see who is sending wads of cash out of the country!

Illegals need to feel more comfortable at home, than they do in the US, no way around that.

Oh, I lived in Phoenix for 7 years before Louisiana, and one of the reasons I left AZ was because of the crime, and drugs that come over the border.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:55 PM
Hey Mississippi:

I agree with you 100 %. I now live close to Amite in a town to the east and it starts with a "L" sounding like lone Ranger.

I could not believe what is happening to this great republic (USA). If all the people who do not like our great country would just jump on the next available flights out, all there would be left is peace loving good American
(with an emphasis on A M E R I C A N and only A M E R I C A N) citizens.

However, we know that will not happen. At the rate we are going, this nation is head for a reset back to our founding fathers original plans.

In God and My Guns I Do Trust,

Bayou Bullet

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Bayou Bullet

Ya, Loranger is very close. LOL, so you know exactly what I am talking about!

Next time your in Wal-Mart in Amite, check out the money center...LOL, every one of those should have an immigration check point!

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 01:37 PM
IMO the Federal Government of the United States has overstepped its bounds. The states agreed to be overseen by the Federal Government not made into a Hitler type regime under them. Federal judges need term limits-not lifetime appointment. When someone has a lifetime appointment they forget who they "work" for. The American people need to stand up and support Arizona.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by nocensorshipplease

Federal judges need term limits-not lifetime appointment. When someone has a lifetime appointment they forget who they "work" for.

True. The Judicial Branch of the US government has become the most corrupt of the three branches, which is quite amazing, given how corrupt Congress has become. Federal Judges answer only to their partisan masters, and not to the Constitution.
Since most of them were lawyers, Shakespeare's King Henry VI, Act 4, scene 1, may have had the right idea.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:12 PM
Who needs to be taken to task over this? Let`s see, the first that comes to mind is our Homeland Security office. Are they making sure out borders are under control, and that nobody gets in or out without them knowing about it? I have yet to see that they are. Next would be our Immigration Department, they are there to oversee all immigration into this country. So, are they getting the job taken care of? Again, I have yet to see that they are. Next(but should be first), is our good old companies. Are they doing their part to make sure that illegals are not being let into the workforce? Some are, but also, many are not. Those that are not, should be caught, fined and have a few years of jail time for this. Don`t close the company, but take all money that does not go back into the place for operations, and put it towards the bill that this is causing the tax payers. Then, I would question the stock holders of such companies, to see if they are tied into this or not. To me, this is all about company profits, is`t it?

Oh, and not to forget those who hire illegals to take care of their properties. How about you take care of your own place? Better yet, if you can afford such a large place, that you need to hire outside help to take care of it......then you can afford to go the extra mile and hire contractors who don`t use illegals to do their dirty work at a cheap, under the table, cash paid and tax free wage. THIS is why we have the problems we are now facing with illegal immigration.

[edit on 29-7-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
Your right this judge just removed all drug charges pending by any state against anyone.You can bet every attorney will be filing motions by the end of the week. I don't think they realize the mess they just created.

It's funny how the federal government can tell states to enforce federal highway laws to get federal highway funds but then tell the states that it's not the states job to enforce federal laws when it comes to Mexicans crossing the border illegally to smuggle drugs and have their babies born here so they can sponge off American taxpayers.

Kidnappings, as well as other federal crimes, should be left up to the feds and not the states and let's see how the federal government reacts when a state releases a known federal fugitive when the fugitive pays for any state crimes he or she may have commited.

Good point. Star.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Crimson_King

I've got a question about this "racist law" and "racial profiling" everyone who is against this law seems to be embracing.

Since when did "Mexican" become a race? This law is not about race. It's about citixen from one nation coming into this nation illegally and undocumented. When I say undocumented I mean without a passport and proper paperwork necessary to enter not only the US but any nation.

Let's put a spin on things. If by chance that a majority of Americans were dark skinned with black hair and spoke Spanish and the English-speaking light skinned people with blonde, red or brown hair were coming from Mexico to take advantage of the dole here it wouldn't be racial profiling if the dark-skinned, black haired Spanish-speaking Americans stopped them to see if they were Amercan or not. IT WOULD BE OBVIOUS.

The Arizona law doesn't stop people and ask questions about if they're Americans or not. It asks questions of the people that are here ILLEGALLY.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
The Arizona law doesn't stop people and ask questions about if they're Americans or not. It asks questions of the people that are here ILLEGALLY.

AZ police have psychic powers now?

When did that happen?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 02:47 PM
Let's start at the beginning:

1) The Border Patrol is responsible to enforce border security. What part of government does the Border Patrol belongs to? Federal or State

2) Immigration Service to handle illegals with deportation. What part of government does the Immigration Service belong to? Federal or State

3) Homeland Security: To ensure the safety of all American citizens which includes our borders. What part of government does Homeland Security belong to? National or State

4) The Justice Department: To ensure court cases are prosecuted fairly and justly including terrorists and illegals. What part of government does the Justice Department belongs to? National or State

5) Federal Judges where states must fill their cases: Who appoints them? National or State

Are we not in a hell of a fix. In God and My Guns I Do Trust!!


posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 03:51 PM
I have a solution to this problem:

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Where did psychic powers come from? I meant to express that Americans or legal immigrants shouldn't be alarmed about this law since they're not the targets.

Why should an American or legal immigrant care if they're stopped and questioned unless they're doing something illegal themselves?

Maybe the ones who are protesting this law are the very ones carrying in the drugs and making an illegal income smuggling humans.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by Bayou Bullet

Since I have been in Mississippi, I have noticed the illegal population here, too! Like I said on another thread, all that needs to be done to arrest some of the illegals, is to show up at Wal-Mart any day of the week, and see who is sending wads of cash out of the country!

Illegals need to feel more comfortable at home, than they do in the US, no way around that.

People sending money out of the country are not always illegals. I am related too and know several people that are permanent resident aliens. They send money back home to help with things like their parent's medical bills, and their nephew's college tuition.

I do agree that they need to feel more comfortable at home than here. That means making it a class A felony punishable by 2 - 5 years in prison and deportation.

Make it a $75,000 fine (per employee) if a company knowingly hires illegals. If the continue the practice fine them $100,000 per employee. If that doesn't fix them then dissolve the company.

Cut off Medicaid, and other freebies for anyone that can not prove their legal status. This also means no government funded college scholarships, grants, or loans.

If an illegal gets caught in the act of idenity theft they should get five years and deported. If a person is knowingly letting an illegal use their id to get a job or benifits they should have to serve a minimum of one year probation. They should also be held responsible for paying back the moneys they helped to defraud from the government. If the amount is over $10,000 it should be treated as grand larceny.

If they get caught drinking and driving w/out license and insurance then they should get six months and shipped home.

If you are here illegally and commit a violent crime or felony you should get the maximum sentence (if found guilty) and then a free ride home.

If you get caught coming across a fourth or fifth time then it should be a 5 year minimum and up to 25 years at the judge's discretion.

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