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Why America is all about Control/Conformity, not Truth/Freedom

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posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:08 PM
Check out this awesome great essay. It's so truthful and spot on!

Why America is all about Control and Conformity, not Truth or Freedom


America is one of the most mind controlled countries on the planet. Hypocritically, Americans chant with religious fervor about how they have freedom and democracy, while at the same time ACT like the "Borg Collective" from Star Trek that tries to assimilate everyone, both domestic and abroad. It's the ultimate lie and as they say "Actions speak louder than words". So we will look at the "actions" of control and conformity in America as opposed to the false rhetoric that the automaton populace chant as their religion.

In America, truth is not the highest ideal or passion. Neither is freedom, contrary to the myth. (See my essay Debunking Freedom and Democracy in America) The country is governed by a sense of "moral authoritarianism" or the concept of "might makes right", which basically teaches that authority = truth rather than the actual truth itself. It's all about conformity and obedience to authority and the manufactured consensus.

Basically, you are taught to believe whatever you are told by authority, the media, and the consensus, even if it doesn't make sense and those sources have been proven to be pathological liars in the past and agenda-driven. In other words, you are not supposed to "think for yourself" in the "land of the free" protected by the First Amendment. Such is the irony and hypocrisy.

You might like this one too:

Debunking the Myth of Freedom and Democracy in America

[edit on 27-7-2010 by WWu777]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Unfortunately, there isnt much I can find to disagree with.

I do wonder what happened, however, because we sure didnt start off this way. How did we go so far down the wrong path, so relatively quickly?

(Although I will say that anyone who thinks the UK is much different is mistaken. Much of what America is, is just the UK on steroids, with less manners.)

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by WWu777

Unfortunately, there isnt much I can find to disagree with.

I do wonder what happened, however, because we sure didnt start off this way. How did we go so far down the wrong path, so relatively quickly?

(Although I will say that anyone who thinks the UK is much different is mistaken. Much of what America is, is just the UK on steroids, with less manners.)

Isn't it cause of the Illuminati and Secret Societies, as David Icke says?

The Masons were in control of this country from day one, remember? Most US Presidents, including Obama, were Masons.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 07:19 PM
Reminds me of the Ron Paul: 'What IF?' speech.

There is a lot of hypocrisy inside America. Where truth is spun on it's head, and the population largely supports the exact opposite of what it claims to enjoy. Start wars in the name of Peace. Go after illegal immigrants when it was the government who let them in and allows them to stay. We preach freedom and at every turn, attempt to take freedom from others.

Great post OP.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:58 PM
Bro- love the passion, but bottom line this was a rant. I can't help but think you are projecting pain and disillusionment of your life throughout the first essay. It honestly comes off...basically I'm just going to say I am not shooting any flames here, but would like to offer my perspective. Point by point:
1) You are all but describing communism, not capitalism. And the are 2 basic beliefs of what the American dream is. A) if you work hard enough (workaholic) you can achieve anything; B) we are entitled to freedom from oppression. The right to pursue happiness. It's up to the individual to pursue it.
2) Junk, or validation/realization of your dream. I hate camping. Hate it. So I do buy xbox and itouch and have a DVR to record bear grills and watch do stuff I would never do. But say I LOVED camping, is a 3 room tent' junk'? 1 room? What about a thermal sleeping bag. Can I buy night vision goggles to look @ wildlife. Or is all this 'junk' to validate me being a 'workaholic'
3) To quote: "Now, if you didn't establish any lifelong friends or cliques early on in life, then you're basically F***ed and a loser, so you'd better not draw attention to it or complain about it, lest you be seen as a loser and told that "you're the only one". I don't know what to say about this except that your paradigm might be jaded to the extreme, and I'm sorry people made you feel this way. But feelings are truth and past is not present. Seek new friends, risk rejection, you can only go up if you are 'basically F***ed and a loser'.
4) You said 'might makes right', authority=truth, consensus=truth'. Consensus; def. General agreement or concord. Harmony. Authority; def. The power to determine, adjudicate or settle issues and disputes. Truth; def. the true or actual state of a matter, conformity with fact or reality. The truth is determined by Authority and accepted by the Consensus. This is a fairly basic understanding of the Social Contract. The other choice is 'to be condemned to freedom';, i.e. live on your own in the woods.
5) Avoiding Taboo's. You can only be politically correct in YOUR political realm, otherwise you would be politically incorrect. It's why blacks can say Ni**er and whites can't. We are not in their political community. It's really that simple.

You ended with a comment mentioning slavery, how we assume a slave identity. Read this Wiki page, it will take 5 minutes of your time, it's on Nietzsche's Master/Slave identity.

I wish you the best and hope you find some comfort in realizing that the world wins the 'you against the world' fight every-single-round. By knock out. Tyson style. As in you will lose a piece of your ear.


posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by WWu777

I unfortunately cannot disagree either.

I just wish people realized this is the way we are now, but not how we were founded. What this added realization will show is up to interpretation; it could be that dominant civilizations have a life span as history would suggest, or it could be that the founding principles had fatal flaws based on human nature, or anything else plausible.

But the first European settlers to the New World were, in their day, the most hardcore of all European stock. They completely gave up civilization to come over, on a long and perilous voyage in cramped wooden ships, and take a stab at living on their own in small communities.

This of course grew organically until a civilization appeared that started producing economic value.

At this point their English mother decided she wanted her cut, but the colonists still had retained much of that original free, adventurous spirit, and resented the imposition to the point of violence, at which point they prevailed.

They then founded a civilization based on their cavalier values of freedom and self-reliance.

Owing to the thentofore untapped virtues of liberty, the civilization became the most prosperous in the world. But prosperity made their descendants spoiled, alienated from the original self-reliant spirit. This paved the way for the most economically successful to solidify their position by exploiting the spoiled, complacent dependence of the common people and turn it into conformity and slavery. Thus the birth of the modern elite.

At this point, I totally agree with your OP. The original civilization has evolved (or degenerated depending on your preferred connotation). It is not what it used to be and the key values seem to be conformity and arrogance.

It's the same thing that happens any time you rest on your laurels for too long.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by NewlyAwakened]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by WWu777
Isn't it cause of the Illuminati and Secret Societies, as David Icke says?

The Masons were in control of this country from day one, remember? Most US Presidents, including Obama, were Masons.

Whatever they call themselves it's actually capitalism, the private ownership if the means of production that drives this.

The only goal of the capitalists is to make money from his capital assets, there is no morality, decisions are made purely based on the protection of capitalism as it is in constant threat.

A compliant population is easier to control. If you can convince people, through conditioning, that as the article says, capitalism equals freedom and there is no alternative, then jack-boots and firing squads are no longer needed to keep the workers from taking over the system as they tried to do before and after WWI. WWII just about destroyed the working class into subservience.

In 1905 the Industrial Workers of the World was formed after a speech in Chicago by Bill Hayward. In 1936 the workers in Spain collectivized industry and farms, and ran them themselves increasing production by 20%, whilst at the same time fighting off the fascist invasion by Italy (Mussolini) and Germany (Hitler) that ended up with the fascist dictator Franco. People from all over the world were going to Spain to help fight the fascists and join the worker revolution, including nurses and doctors from the US.

Do you think the capitalists were shaking in their boots? Of course they were. If they hadn't financed Hitler and Mussolini, which led to full war, then history might have been so different. Why did Britain wait so long to declare war with Germany? Because they really didn't want to, When Hitler invaded Poland against British wishes and broke the agreement to not invade (Britain had promised to protect Poland) they had no choice but to stop Hitler. So the capitalists essentially joined the fight against the fascists, but in reality it was just Hitler they needed to stop not fascism itself, that was just to make the people believe they were doing the right thing. The reality is the people were duped into fighting to maintain the fascist system they HAD been fighting against in Spain, whilst stopping a megalomaniac who the capitalists propped up in the first place, doing the dirty work of capitalist political dealings.

The capitalists won, they destroyed the working class that was getting much too powerful, and they installed a world wide fascist system using a state controlled system of conditioning, and national pride, instead of jack-boots and guns.

Oh yeah nothing to do with Masons, per se, but of course capitalists can essentially be members of any secret society and use it's secrecy to hide their 'works' so to speak. Nothing in a free society should be secret imo, if they don't want me to know then why should I trust them?

[edit on 7/27/2010 by ANOK]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Had something I spend an hour or so writing today, didn't begin writing about it, but it ended up running toward that slave identity you mentioned. I don't know if you'll like it or agree with it, but I know that aside from it being my experience, I had thought of you and your essay/you are not your Ikea lamp essay. It more centers on Slave Identity and Slave Culture in the African American sense. I was wondering if Black people within this model fit into this paradigm of yours (cause it seemed a little suburban america, a little to dotcom/soccermom, not to insult, i am genuinely interested to hear your thoughts.

I am only the loving zen that I am because I came across Nietzsche's slave morality concept and it was my catalyst for change. Please read, discuss, is this country holding blacks down, and u2u me

All the aggression blacks have towards whites, all the 'he's keeping me down' that’s real. And all the suspicion whites have of blacks, that they will steal, that they feel they are owed something, they are looking for a hand out, that’s real too. I'm not going to spew any Aryan BS at you and promote illegitimacy and call it Yankee doodle either.
[a caveat here, to avoid confusion, I am speaking of slavery, a slave identity, a slave society and African Americans in particular with regard to slave society here, but these are all distinct concepts]
It goes back to the slavery thing. It makes a lot of sense really. To quote Nietzsche: “Slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it villainizes its oppressors… slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master”. A slave has no desire to be free, This is the most important concept to understand when discussing slave identity in a slave society. It is in the slaves best interest (he believes) to convince the Master that everything is copacetic, it keeps dinner coming and a roof over your head (there is your hand out), so that the status quo remains.

Nietzsche again: “the slave does not operate openly but through subversion”. That’s why you have option 1)the underground railroad ("behind our back") vs. option 2) a more Bolshevik revolution route. Of course the civil war occurred, but that is another example of subversion, now slaves (which is confusing because they are all Blacks) are fighting each other (aggression at the loss of identity, a slave forced to be free), some want to be free, others want to be slaves. The slaves have convinced the Masters in the South that slavery is in the best interest of everyone. They did this through subversion, by serving the confederate army in a support capacity, unless anyone is to believe that is in the nature of all Blacks everywhere to be cowards, even after the war started. They would have risen up.

See here is where White guilt comes from. We were the Masters. The master is the only one in the situation, of the two involved who has a choice to do the right thing. And we didn't. We wrote the damn thing into the constitution, 'all men are created equal' and yet continued to keep slaves for 100 years. Guess what? The Civil War happened.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by WWu777

to continue mi amigo....

Slaves are free. SLAVES are FREE. These words do not belong together. The identity isn't gone, just the chains. That’s why handouts are accepted (expected?) and why there is aggression. Remember in the movies the one Slave who would shoot another slave if he tried to escape, if he tried to be free? There is your [Aggression]. And you know what, we promote this slave identity on them just as much. Reparations? It was centuries ago. Let’s look at the actions. [ignoring the kidnapping/beating/inhumanity of it all, we are all very clear on the ethics of that]. The white man provided a place to live, and a job, and food, and in exchange you do all the work. The spoils are ours. So too repay Blacks maybe we should give them a job - nope, did that with slavery. How about education, you can get a better job - darn, same issue. Ok, how about land - slavery again.

See you can't make reparations to the slave, the sad truth is the slave received what he wanted. The free man has a hard time grasping this, or even the concept of a slave identity. Who would fight freedom? But I’ll give you an easy question. For those of us in the free world, how easily would you give up democracy for communism?

I'll go you one better, even easier, even closer to identity. For those of us in the free world, in a democracy, who here is willing to trade their Identity for their Neighbors? Not I? But we are both free me. Surely a slave to a free man would brook not a moment’s hesitation...

And thats it... So how does this fit with your world views of capitalist domination? Where is the 'Junk' reward for the 'workaholic' slave?

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 04:51 PM

I wish you the best and hope you find some comfort in realizing that the world wins the 'you against the world' fight every-single-round. By knock out. Tyson style. As in you will lose a piece of your ear.


Not if the world self-destructs or the masses start waking up, or something big happens

Btw, Why is the posting body of this forum grey now, rather than black? Did they change the color or am I at a different status?

posted on Jul, 31 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by WWu777

I think that control and conformity are good for a nation as a whole. Freedom is good for a person. (obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule)

There has to be something to be said for slavery. Without it, we wouldn't have the Great Wall of China or the pyramids or any number of other amazing things. Unfortunately, it probably wasn't all that good for the slaves.

At least with economic slavery we can have a relatively happy populace as well as all the benefits of slavery.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:43 AM
Check out what this Russian woman wrote me after she moved to the US. It's very telling:


I by chance (looking actually at a completely different forum) encountered your site, and decided I simply HAVE to add my story/point of view...have to say it is all within the lines of what I've read (how immigrants view America/Americans...

I moved here 13 years ago, never planned, but that man met me in my home city, and couldn't leave alone for 2 years, which eventually ended up in marriage (me being very young, unaware of life, without life's wisdom)...we first lived in Texas...boondocks. I ma from Russia, country of soul, of mystics, of rich inner world, of great culture, literature, etc....What striked me to the point of not possible to put in words there: IGNORANCE (enough was said in your page there. same things, ppl not knowing the map of the world, geography, their own culture not talking about other cultures...back in Russia I did not even KNOW such things, this level of ignorance, is possible in the world...

2. Fakeness...again, ppl are not real, all wear masks, all pretend, a huge fake hypocritical, cold, indifferent, spiritless world. I felt I was communicating with lunatics or imbeciles. In Russia, no matter what profession or education one has, such thing as common sense is always present in a person, in every plummer, every peasant, every cleaner, etc. Here, even ppl with college degrees have no common sense in them. The very few OK Americans I met were from university from the Languages Dep, those who were deeply in touch with European cultures, people, mentality...

Anyway, then arn 9 years ago we moved to Arizona; Arizona is MUCH better than TX I have to admit, but the general American tendencies are no less ever present here, too.

Coldness, indifference, hypocrisy, lack of refinement, of culture, of common sense, of spirituality, of compassion are the most horrible characteristics of this country and its ppl. I would agree also to call it "insane asylum". This inner emptiness drives them to horde malls on the weekends, to look for their "bargains" and "specials", and to pass by others of their own kind that are in need.

I feel it is a Devil's place, a Devil's Kingdom on Earth par excellence. This world sucks on the whole, but in other places of this dark planet there is some soul lives on, some Spirit dwells in people's hearts still, and that soothes the trials of our every day existence. Here, in the US, the cruelty of their empty human hearts, which they call "individualism" is beyond belief. They are empty, cruel, soulless, spiritless, fake, dead ppl, automatons, biorobots. What else one can say...

Thank you for creating and bringing to the world your site, for the honesty and sincerity. Blessings “

I can certainly relate to how she feels. I spent a lot of time in Russia and it is definitely more soulful and passionate than in the US, which resonated with me instantly because I am a very soulful passionate person myself. Thus I can see where’s coming from in her perspective. But of course, if you’ve never left the US and been immersed in a more passionate liberated culture, you wouldn’t understand.

I get a lot of letters like that from immigrants, due to this webpage I put up of uncensored opinions from immigrants in the US:

Look at this article from Little India magazine about how isolated and lonely Indian immigrants feel in the US. It's very telling and goes against the "all immigrants are happy in America cause of freedom and a better life" propaganda that the media gives us.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by WWu777]

[edit on 1-8-2010 by WWu777]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by Mayson
reply to post by WWu777

I think that control and conformity are good for a nation as a whole. Freedom is good for a person. (obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule)

There has to be something to be said for slavery. Without it, we wouldn't have the Great Wall of China or the pyramids or any number of other amazing things. Unfortunately, it probably wasn't all that good for the slaves.

At least with economic slavery we can have a relatively happy populace as well as all the benefits of slavery.

So in other words, freedom is a selfish thing? Does that mean I'm selfish if I want freedom? Life is always a tradeoff isn't it?

Yet the US lies. It's all about collectivism, not individuality.

Isn't conformity only good for the elite?

Money is all about control and enslavement. It is not natural at all. Nothing else in the universe or the natural world uses it except us. ET contactees have said that other civilizations in the galaxy do not use money.

Have you seen the film Zeitgeist Addendum?

[edit on 1-8-2010 by WWu777]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:04 AM
Its also possible to view things like this. America is now what the world doesnt want. It has gone from being a role model to being a bad guy. Humans need those kinds of examples to be able to not repeat the same mistakes.

Remember how the World Wars have made most people in the world hesitant going out killing people to get peace? We learned quite a lot from that experience.

The American government regime and its control structures needs to go, and it will. Humans are waking up now and we just dont want that kind of system to live in for our kids. When everybody wants change, it will happen one way or the other. Step one is to become aware of the buttons they push to make us react a certain way. Thats what we are learning now.

You are a smart guy, WWu777, and clearly awake of what is going on.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by Copernicus]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by NewlyAwakened

Self reliant spirit? Don't make me laugh.

America has always been a country of thieves both literally and figuratively.

The same self reliant people that killed off the native Americans and stole their homeland.

The same self reliant people that sat on their porch drinking lemonade while their SLAVES toiled in the field. As they raped their female slaves.

Founding fathers this, great people that. Nope these were rapists and thieves of the same ilk that have spread imperialism across the globe, our leaders. This was not everyone, despite the common excuse that it was "the norm" there were plenty who never owned a slave an understood the hippocracy of spouting grandiose tripe while denying other humans those same basic rights, but those people were not the founding fathers. The founding fathers were similar to the elite today keeping everything for themselves and denying rights to anyone that doesn't own land. The people who helped build the underground railroad were similar to the middle class worker today, the heart of the country. Yet this heart of the country now defends the previous elite as something special.

For all the Thomas Jefferson quotes thrown around people tend to forget he along with Ben Franklin and the majority of the founding fathers were slave owners who did not see blacks as human. Hell, we were 3/5 even after Lincoln, segregated till the 70's, and didn't become fully American till after 9/11.

Please stop romanticizing these people. They would not role over in their graves or any other such nonsense, they'd probably be proud because most of their relatives are still in power!

Don't get me wrong I believe in the constitution and bill of rights wholeheartedly, but only we now really have the ability to implement those bueatiful words as they were written, intentions aside. This country has never been free, Democratic, etc. The closest we came was the 70's yet most 'patriotic' Americans will decry that decade as a bunch of hippies, and Carter the worst president ever.

Why do you think those in power laugh at the tea party, liberitarians, and the like, its because they can't see the context of what I'm saying.

We have the ability for the first time in American history to implement a constitutional government and they are scared, its just a shame that most who fight for it don't realize the truth of history.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by ISHAMAGI]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Deeds203

"The slave received what he wanted"


My God you are deluded.

So the slave wanted to be taken from his home, where he had land a family a community a hut etc.

He wanted to be thrown in the bowels of a boat and watch 60% of his friends die from disease before he even got here.

The slave wanted his family split up, wife and kids taken, he wanted slatered up on that auction block in chains.

The slave wanted to eat table scraps, innards, tounges and the skin of animals.

The slave wanted to work 14-16 hour days with nothing to show for it, except the scars from whips in his back!

The slave wanted to give up his name,culture, religion.

The slave wanted all this that's why revolts, lynching of runaways and the underground railroad were all what? Figments of our imagination.

The slave wanted none of this, he had everything he needed back home in Africa.

Please refrain from ever making comments that woefully ignorant again, its beyond comprehension the idiocy of that remark.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Deeds203

I don't know what it was but your posts got progressively nuttier. Whatever it is you're smoking don't pass it here bro.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by WWu777

So in other words, freedom is a selfish thing? Does that mean I'm selfish if I want freedom? Life is always a tradeoff isn't it?

I suppose it depends on what you do with your freedom.

I think that people need a common goal or vision to work towards. If everyone is "free" and only work toward their own interests, then nothing can get accomplished.

It's why I brought up the Great wall. Imagine one person trying to build it without other people following his vision.

Isn't conformity only good for the elite?

Again, it depends. What if everyone decided to be anti-government? That certainly wouldn't be good for the elites.

For the most part "conforming" provides the safety of the herd; which is good for you.

Money is all about control and enslavement. It is not natural at all. Nothing else in the universe or the natural world uses it except us.

I think money is all about the division of labor. It's what allows a civilization to function. Someone can farm all day and someone can make shoes all day, yet both can eat.

Money isn't natural. Is that a bad thing? Nothing in nature uses a computer, but there you are happily typing away.

Money is all about control. You betcha it is. If everything were free, what would stop you from hoarding everything to the detriment of your neighbors. Altruism isn't exactly a natural thing either. Greed is. (I'm sure you can find some exceptions)

I hate to throw out a comic book quote, but "with great power comes great responsibility". Conforming to the norm and following the elite isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I get that you don't like the direction that your leaders are taking your country. You want the world to follow your vision instead. It's a story that's existed in history and nature since the invention of leadership.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:43 AM
Have you seen the film Zeitgeist Addendum? If not, it's a must see. Google it or watch it on YouTube.

Freedom is not destructive. That's the propaganda of the system in your head. All the great spiritual leaders, including David Icke and Michael Tsarion, who are spiritually oriented, will tell you that as long as we are in touch with our TRUE self, not the pseudo self created by society, we do not need leaders. As long as we are attuned to higher consciousness, we do not need to be controlled.

Our slave masters cut us off from our right brain awareness, keep us in limited left brained mode, making us dependent and weak, so that we need to be governed. That's all part of the control.

The reason we consume and advertisers use symbols and manipulation to get us to buy things, is not just to make money. It's to keep us enslaved, so that we seek happiness outside by buying things, instead of inside of ourselves.

Watch these last few parts of Tsarion's lecture "Age of Manipulation". It explains what I mean. It's very intense and mind blowing. Here is part 68 to 70:

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Copernicus
Its also possible to view things like this. America is now what the world doesnt want. It has gone from being a role model to being a bad guy. Humans need those kinds of examples to be able to not repeat the same mistakes.

Remember how the World Wars have made most people in the world hesitant going out killing people to get peace? We learned quite a lot from that experience.

The American government regime and its control structures needs to go, and it will. Humans are waking up now and we just dont want that kind of system to live in for our kids. When everybody wants change, it will happen one way or the other. Step one is to become aware of the buttons they push to make us react a certain way. Thats what we are learning now.

You are a smart guy, WWu777, and clearly awake of what is going on.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by Copernicus]

Thanks. You might also enjoy these other new essays of mine too then:

Four Catch-22's in America you aren't supposed to see

Fragmentation vs. Wholeness in America

Interconnectedness vs. Separateness in America

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