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They Want the President Dead?

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posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

So I am here for the link you posted from another site,.
To add a comment . Yes I would say that the general opinion is that many want him out of office..
All of the people I know and talk to , and I travel the states allot,.. say the same thing.. Some of course are a bit more aggravated than others.. However I am sure the population of people he has "benefited" since HE has been in office wouldnt want it any other way..
But yeah I'd say about 75%of the populace wish him removed

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

What link on what site? I've only posted this here? I don't go to any other sites.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by jeffbagpiper

But see, they were getting GREAT healthcare from what I gathered. These docs are pretty expensive and pretty cutting edge. And from what I understand, their benefits are not getting cut or affected?

Maybe I have that wrong or they do. That's a whole other topic, I guess, and one that I'm not totally up to speed on yet as far as the real or purported impact on the elderly.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by mishigas

Yes, I've considered that.

Fact is, people my age are more affected. I've lost pretty much ALL of mine...pension, 401K, and my other investments and home value. I probably won't get SS either.

At least a lot of the elderly did get away with their pensions and SS, and as a rule were past the losses that occurred from the mortgage fiascos.

Not saying all of them, mind you, but the bulk of them really were RELATIVELY unaffected. It may not be the best, and it may not be keeping up with the cost of living, but it can be argued they are far better off than the boomers coming will be as a rule.

The elderly today may be the last generation to actually have gotten what they worked for all their lives.

Just another way to look at it.

reply to post by bommer09

Yeah...that's my gut feel's at a whole different level...faster, deeper, more violent. and more REAL.

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:50 AM
your link was on the "How the crisis will play out" link you didn't actually post that, My bad

[edit on 28-7-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

Oh...okay, thanks. I didn't realize someone had posted it in that thread.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:51 AM
Rewriting history indeed. Did I wake up in Bizzaro world?When did ATS start thinking the Iraq war was justified? And I'm quite sure there will be dozens of people asking me to prove it. I'm not going to. Too many good people have wasted years of their lives trying to convince the ignorant populace of this. Seems it's still a widely held belief. I know people who think Saddam did 9/11.

ATS has just gone completely down the crapper. Used to be the majority of people thought 9/11 was an inside job, the government was putting fluoride in the water to dumb us down, the bilderberg group called all the shots, etc. etc. Now it seems everyone wants defend the Shrub. Seems people who genuinely believe in a conspiracy are few and far between around here.

I want to congratulate the Powers that Be in this world, you've done your job quite well. How do I know? Look how many stars are given to those who seems to justify the dumb behavior the OP mentions. Hypocrites, this site is just overrun with it. At one moment you'll say the left-right paradigm is all false, all the parties are the same, they are all just puppets then you are screaming at the puppets. If they are puppets why do you care about them? Why do you waste your breath talking about them? Because that is how the world is framed for you and you will never outgrow it.

What is the damn point? Really, you think you are going to change anything this way? Yea, the Tea Party/Neo-Con alliance is gonna get in soon and you know what they are gonna do? NOTHING. They aren't gonna repeal anything. They are probably gonna jump right behind anyone who says "Let's bomb Iran".

I'm gonna write Rockefeller and i'm gonna see if I join in the club. Looks like they are gonna win. Ya'll would rather fight about meaningless crap. "Obama is a racist"! "Obama was born in Kenya!" "Obama this!" "Obama that".

And now people act like Obama started the Afghan war. The tagline should be changed: Ignorance, it abounds here.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by antonia
It is a bit unfair to generalize the ATS members,.
Not all think alike

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
reply to post by antonia
It is a bit unfair to generalize the ATS members,.
Not all think alike

I know that, I'm just getting really annoyed by all the stupidity i'm seeing these days.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by antonia]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by antonia

I couldn't agree more. The good news is TPTB have chinks in their armor. Really. They do. There are lesser evils and greater evils. Sometimes I think we don't spend enough time acknowledging that and using it to our advantage.

For example, today I sit here puzzling over the most recent chess moves. It seems the Afghanistan/Pakistan/India situation is now the hottest spot. I need to figure out how that figures in to the grander scheme of things. Who made what move and why. At least in my head.

As for rewriting history, we all witness both Bush and Cheney doing that right before our eyes in their latter years. I remember posting a blog chock full of examples. Hope it's not one of the ones I lost. I need to dig that out.

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by antonia

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
reply to post by antonia
It is a bit unfair to generalize the ATS members,.
Not all think alike

I know that, I'm just getting really annoyed by all the stupidity i'm seeing these days.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by antonia]
That is very understandable
I have many frustrations with this site also,.. however it ATS still has many benefits

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Who really knows what is actually going to happen. All I'm saying is from my observations, the entire subject was so poorly articulated, the process was muddled and confusion leads to fear of the unknown and anger.

I really hope for the best. My grandfather is a veteran of the second world war, and some of the stories he tells about the pacific theatre are absolutely horrifying. I just hope that that generation isn't sold down the river is all.

As much as my younger generation is fuming about the debt burden placed on our doorstep, it's not as if we're not all in the same mess together.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Amen and well stated. I don't want to get into the whole, "when I was a kid..." thing (I'm only 49) but values really have changed. They don't teach history in schools any longer (at least not an accurate representation) and they (the state run schools) demonize America rather than celebrate and respect it.

The old folks with gray hair have the best perspective. If I could offer one piece of advice to anybody at any age, it would be to heed the advise and wisdom of your elders. Whether you're 18 or 58, our elders have wisdom that only time can offer.

In regards to this president, I am a Christian so I don't condone killing anybody but don't think for a minute that I don't pray to God to "do what needs to be done according to his will".


posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by jeffbagpiper

I so agree. We have to protect them in their final years and get all the wisdom we can from them. Keep at least SS/Medicare in place for them.

But I do think they are for the most part better off than following generations. Mine and one or two after are probably the most screwed.

Generations after that are too, but on different levels...with the debt you mentioned...but at least they're coming up aware of this mess and know more or less what to expect and most importantly have the time to build some sort of security on their own and not put so much trust or faith into either corporations or governments.

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM
It seems to me that the post in this thread are drifting away from the original topic which was people making public threats against the POTUS. I could be wrong but I believe that making death threats against the president is a federal crime.

I think that had I been in the waiting room, I may have entered the conversation with the other people, introduced myself and interact with them to the point that I acquired their names and then turn them into the FBI for further investigation. At the very least they would learn to keep their mouths shut when it comes to making death/assassination threats in public.

I believe that it is the direct intention of Fox News to continue to make false reports and to incite violence against the POTUS as well as against minorities in general. It is quite obvious what their intentions are, even to those of us not in the racial minority.

This also exposes the truth about the republican/tea party with respect to their loyalty to the democratic processes that this country was founded upon. They only believe in democracy when they win and their party is in power. When they lose, they immediately resort to violence and threats of violence, or should I call them "2nd amendment remedies."

Who knows, there may be a useful purpose for those FEMA camps that Alex Jones keeps ranting about after all. Lock these nuts up!

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by DCPatriot

sorry for the late reply, packing for a move, got sidetracked.
You seem to have misread my point, which means I didn't make it clear.
I wasn't trying to say that Bush or Palin ARE uneducated rubes, i was making a comment that that's how they package themselves for the population. A population that would rather vote for the person they'd most like to have a beer with. A population that gets angry and shouts 'elitist!' when a politician uses words with more than two syllables (and canada is just as guilty of this mindset).

To me this is offensive because through the way they present themselves to the population they show their hand regarding how they VIEW the population. When a politician uses the 'aww shucks y'all' personality it's because they view the population as idiot children that can only understand things if they are treated as such.

Of course Bush is educated. Although, degrees and doctorates and paper from fancy schools doesn't count for much. Who hasn't met well read/papered individuals with little to no actual real world intelligence.

I should also out my personal views pertaining to my statement: the lowest common denominator should NOT be catered to as they currently are. Our society and education system should be constantly CHALLENGING people to do their own research, form their own opinions and increase their level of intelligence and understanding. Instead we dumb everything down because god forbid we make the people who are limited to stupidity feel stupid. We REWARD people for shutting off and/or doing *just* what's needed to get by and no more.
Some people aren't attractive enough to be models. Some people don't have an IQ to do anything but pump gas or run a cash register. (not all people with those jobs are idiots, but some people... are).

apologies if that last bit was off topic. Just trying to explain where the above statements were coming from.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

Yep. Believe me I'm still wrestling with this. It disturbed me at the time, and stayed with me. You're right. No one should be saying these kinds of things in public. We can't control what they do in private. If it's starting to be said in public, we can only imagine the deeper trend.

I don't have the qualifications to judge if it's a serious threat or not, and I'm still considering reporting this and letting the SS figure out who they are. Maybe posting this here was a cowardly attempt to do just that. Get the attention of people who might actually need to know this. We know they come here

[edit on 7/28/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 10:28 AM
I'm over 50, but I still have my memory. Mr. Obama is doing everything he can to clear up the mess left by EIGHT (8) years of the previous administration, which took a surplus and turned it into the greatest deficit in American history. As an economist, I know sometimes it's important and useful to run a deficit economy. But at the end, when the deficit is no longer needed, there'd better be SOMETHING to show for it. Mr. Bush and his administration had nothing to show for running a deficit economy except two wars and helping the very rich people.

It is TREASON to threaten the President of the United States. I disagreed with Mr. Bush on most things, but I would have taken a bullet to protect him and the office of the President. And I still would. I voted for Mr. Obama and I will again. The deficit economy he's running will have something to show for it--if the very wealthy and their representatives (Republicans) don't screw it up, as they so desperately want to do.

It is illogical for a family of four with an income of less than $50,000 a year to vote Republican. It is NOT in their best interests.

I agree with the poster of this thread: The experience he or she had is extremely disturbing and an example of HIGH TREASON. I do not agree with capital punishment (for one thing it's too expensive--much more costly than keeping a prisoner for life), but in the case of HIGH TREASON to MY United States, I'd stand them against a wall. That's Constitutional, by the way.

I hope the Secret Service is working at high efficiency. They haven't lost a President since Jack Kennedy (and I remember that awful day, too!), and they'd better NOT lose this one.

One poster was right about most people not voting for Mr. Obama (or any other President for some decades). The people who don't vote, in my humble opinion, do not care about the United States, are ignorant of their duties as citizens and DISRESPECT the men and women who gave their lives so we have the right to vote. They should hang their heads in shame.

Those same men and women who paid the untimate sacrifice for our freedom also paid for the security of the President of the United States. They paid for all of us. The "media" is so fixated on twentysomething "celebrities" who can't handle their drugs or alcohol or mind their manners. But the real celebrities in this Nation are the men and women who put themselves in harm's way on a daily basis. These are our heroes. These are the people the media needs to remind us exist for our safety and our rights. AND the safety of the President of the United States.

Threatening the President, whether you agree with him or not is TREASON and those who do it NEED to be investigated by the Secret Service post haste. Now. Get the TRAITORS off our streets.

And this post's serious examination of TREASON in America--Remember: "...ALL enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC..." (emphasis mine), angers me and frightens me.

This post's thread disturbs me to the point of reminding citizens of their duty to our Constitution to identify TRAITORS and report them so they can executed as provided in the Constitution. Well, calmer thoughts would force me to warn them first of their mistaken thinking.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by wli192s

Very well put and I couldn't agree with you more!

I too voted for Obama and will do so again. It is the obstructionist republican party that is keeping this country from moving forward and it is ludicrous that it now take 60 votes to pass anything in the senate. I mean, after all, their motto is "We Want To Take Our Country Back."

I am surprised that Obama and the democrats have been able to accomplish anything at all over the past year and a half. What happened to majority rules? Or have we redefined the word "majority?"

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by wli192s

I partially agree with your statements concerning not voting. However, it seems to me that getting to the voting booth is a more difficult task for the poor and working class than it is for the upper-middle class and upper class. No doubt apathy plays a big part.
I've always had this boneheaded idea that election day should be a paid holiday. The caveat being that if you fail to vote, not only do you lose the money you would have received for the day, but you also face a fine (perhaps the fine would be the equivalent of an average days work). This would eliminate any excuses for not getting to a voting station, as well as any underhanded trickery to prevent the lower class from fulfilling their right/responsibility of voting. Heck, if you were on the ball you could vote first thing in the morning and then enjoy a day with your family and/or friends (which we could ALL use more of).

I unfortunately don't have any links for examples of the trickery I made mention of, but I do recall hearing during the last election that in certain areas large numbers of (primarily black) voters were given incorrect information as to where they had to go to vote, and in some cases eligible voters received phone calls or letters in the mail saying they weren't eligible. Can anyone support or refute that?

I would also say that in my opinion your citing of Treason is very dangerous, especially when allegations of treason (or threats thereof) could/can/will/are used by the government to silence dissent. Political dissent is important to a healthy democracy, and the people have a responsibility to not allow their government to go unchallenged. Perhaps I'm 100% wrong on this, but doesn't your Constitution grant the people the right to destroy and dismantle the current government when it ceases to represent and work with the interest of the people in mind?

Finally: I was wondering your thoughts on the economic viability of socialized medicine/healthcare in the states, as an economist. Through personal experience, it seems to be working just fine in Canada, and it also seems to be working in many of the European countries that have this benefit. However, I feel like perhaps the population of the States, being that it is many times that of the countries I mentioned, makes it unworkable? Add to that the level of obesity rates in America, compared to many other countries...

*edit to change 'silent' to 'silence'. my bad.

[edit on 28-7-2010 by FuzzyDunlop]

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