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They Want the President Dead?

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:35 PM
[edit on 26-7-2010 by Melissa101]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Wow. According to this thread and what I also hear in public people are very angry. I had not really thought of it untill I read this post and some of the replys. Scary for sure. I did not vote for Obama and I do not agree with much of what he has done or plans to do but my goodness, violence never solves anything. I feel sorry for anyone who would have taken the office this term, well any term but this one is the worst (in my life time). I mean I am sure it would be a horrible position to be in. No matter what you do or why it does not seem that anything is going to fix this mess. But Obama did not do all this alone by himself. Christians have dropped the ball, we have allowed much of this insanity and the evil is boiling over. All I can say is God please help this country; well for that matter God please help this world we live in today. Christ name, Amen.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by Melissa101]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by beansanmash

I'm actually considering removing my membership from this website after reading some of the responses. I do not want to be associated with so much hate hot headed lust for violence.

Are you serious? Grow up. Quit being such a wimpy baby. Come back from fantasy land. Where are you seeing all this lust for violence? People don't like Obama end of story. Lust for violence... give me a break. This is why I said the OP was on the left... this whole thread is like something you would see on Keith Olberman. People don't like what Obama is doing and that has then been twisted into a plot to assasinate the president. The message here is start liking Obama. Don't disagree with him or his polocies... If you do then you will be a hatefull racist murderer.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I thought it was a crime to make such threats? Yet people seem to make them often and nothing occurs, but in the Bush days if you made such comments you were a traitor.

Seems odd.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by beansanmash

I'm sorry. That was not my intent. But better we're aware of it than not aware, I suppose? What gets ME the most these days is all the griping and so little concrete ACTION. We all know somethings wrong, but....

Maybe that's a huge part of the frustration so many people are feeling, and it's just manifesting in different ways. It's almost like everyone's lost. No leadership really. Just bickering, emotion, and hate.

reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

It is.

[edit on 7/26/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:43 PM
Totally, I am ashamed of my fellow Americans that would even hint at the hurting of our President. Very "UnAmerican". Truely, I feel ashamed of you that feel such vehement hatred towards our President. Obama INHERITED our fiscal disasterous calamity. What the heck do you expect? Go back to "W" for blame. Dang, get a grip. For you youngsters, do some history, jeesh!

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by brilab45
Totally, I am ashamed of my fellow Americans that would even hint at the hurting of our President. Very "UnAmerican". Truely, I feel ashamed of you that feel such vehement hatred towards our President. Obama INHERITED our fiscal disasterous calamity. What the heck do you expect? Go back to "W" for blame. Dang, get a grip. For you youngsters, do some history, jeesh! some history, jeesh!

John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George Bush all LOWERED TAXES, which created enormous revenue to fill the government coffers....because it CREATED JOBS!

Name ONE business that will hire more people as a result of Obama's plan to raise taxes.

You DON"T raise taxes on small businesses when you're supposed to get more Americans working.

All you have to do is go back 50 years. The facts can't be denied.

[edit on 7/27/2010 by DCPatriot]

[edit on 7/27/2010 by DCPatriot]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I know a few fox news watchers here in Canada...there seems to be NO reasoning with them.
Saddam did 911 with OBLand had WMDs, Russia invaded Georgia, There is no such thing as Palistinians, The Indians were starving when the white Christians got here, we did them a favor by putting them on reservations and feeding them...The US is a Christian country. God hates homosexuals. Jesus tells me how to vote, Muslims are of the devil...Faux is fair and balanced news....What I choose to beleive is the way it is...I'm gonna be raptured out of here...It doesn't matter what crimes I commit, I'm going to heaven 'cause I believe in the bible word for word...(except where faux tells me what I choose to believe, and it contradicts the bible...Some times I'd rather be told what to do, it's easier....

You can't make this stuff up....

[edit on 26-7-2010 by Danbones]

Really? I havent heard anyone say saddam caused 911 ever! Not even when it might have been popular in late 2002. Never heard it once!

[edit on 27-7-2010 by Interfacer]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:29 AM

So a bunch of "old" citizens, were able as a conglomerate to condemn the current administration. This is odd why? As far as the death threats, this isn't expected? Unfortunately the old and wise won't be able to save us. It will be our problem, and our children's problem if we don't deal with it now.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Don't forget Obama gave himself the power to have American's assassinated. His whole campaign was a fraud. And for a so called constitutional law professor, he has no clue what the constitution say's. He's a war criminal, Muslim, disrespects the flag, and those that died for this nation, he's Kenyan, and a Mossad operative. Those are some pretty good reasons.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

.... Are you going to say the same thing about CNN?... and MSNBC?... We have had several members, even members from outside the U.S. also make similar threats against Bush...but of course...don't tell are a lefty and according to you and CNN/MSNBC "rightwingers are radical terrorists"...

BTW, your father is right, Obama and his goons are turning/changing this country into some form of Socialism dictatorship...but it didn't begin with him... It began with another Democrat Progressive known as Woodrow Wilson who founded the IRS, and signed into law the Federal Reserve Act giving power over the economy to rich elite bankers who are the same ones who slowly have been indoctrinating this country, and people like you, into accepting "Socialism"....

I would not go to the extreme these people went. But inpeachment of Obama and his goons is a must.

The same should happen to every aholes that try to "change" the REPUBLIC of the United States into something it was never meant to be...

BTW to the op... you even said those people had medical issues and could not even go to Washington...but you are already thinking of turning them in for speaking up their minds against your "savior"?....

[edit on 27-7-2010 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Common Good

This man promised people SOOOOO much, yet took the other road because he is a sell out, YET, you STILL continue to back the man that smacked you upside your head after you gave him YOUR ALL.

You are STILL buying into his BS.


All you can do is call out the previous administration for mistakes that THIS ADMINISTRATION has made, and blame THEM because OBAMA cant deliver on the promises HE made. You call out the American people as Racists, fear mongers, haters, and puppy killers because you have no LOGICAL stance on WHY this president has screwed you over(Along with the rest of the people in this nation).
-Instead, You go after the people WHO DIDNT vote for him, LIKE THEY are the ones who let this POS in office.

Face it. You have been punked.


Thank you very much.

A breath of fresh air.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by joebanana


After the Sept. 11 attacks, Bush gave the CIA, and later the military, authority to kill U.S. citizens abroad if strong evidence existed that an American was involved in organizing or carrying out terrorist actions against the United States or U.S. interests, military and intelligence officials said. The evidence has to meet a certain, defined threshold. The person, for instance, has to pose "a continuing and imminent threat to U.S. persons and interests," said one former intelligence official.


But yes, this is a very bad thing no matter who thought of it or thinks its okay.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by brilab45

How's that "change" workin' for ya? All that TARP debt, caused zero jobs, and we already had one war criminal for a president, and for Obama to continue the carnage is as bad as starting it. None of the people we're killing in foreign countries had nothing to do with 911. What Obama "inherited" he had an obligation to end, to rectify, to correct, instead he continues the killing of innocent people. The USA's main export under Obama is death, and destruction, the number one import are drugs and Mexican's. And Obama REFUSES to protect our borders.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

I'm pretty sure that 1.) I haven't turned them in and 2.) I've stated that I decided not to, for the very reasons you stated, even though it may not be the right call by some standards. We never really know what the butterfly effect might be, do we?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by DCPatriot

Originally posted by brilab45
Totally, I am ashamed of my fellow Americans that would even hint at the hurting of our President. Very "UnAmerican". Truely, I feel ashamed of you that feel such vehement hatred towards our President. Obama INHERITED our fiscal disasterous calamity. What the heck do you expect? Go back to "W" for blame. Dang, get a grip. For you youngsters, do some history, jeesh! some history, jeesh!

John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George Bush all LOWERED TAXES, which created enormous revenue to fill the government coffers....because it CREATED JOBS!

Name ONE business that will hire more people as a result of Obama's plan to raise taxes.

You DON"T raise taxes on small businesses when you're supposed to get more Americans working.

All you have to do is go back 50 years. The facts can't be denied.

[edit on 7/27/2010 by DCPatriot]

[edit on 7/27/2010 by DCPatriot]

This is a different time. All those post presidents did was deny the inveitable. Higher taxes. We can not sustain this society, infrastructure and social programs without higher taxes. These past presidents are the ones who created the bubble we are in. No taxes = no growth.

Further, we should tax the hell out of businesses that are American operating oversea's. Come back home or we will criminalize your abroad capitalism.

Really, people want us to continue to outsource our jobs to India and China for a few tax dollars.

The average American CEO makes 500 times the wage of their own executives. Turn that money back into to the employee's and the government and we just might become a sovereign nation again.

Repuplicans are all about hide and seek. Lets make a few individuals rich and wipe out the middle class. That is exactly what the republicans have done. Effectively wiped out middle class.

Your logic in entrenched in your age.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by brilab45]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by joebanana

Lets be honest here, okay? This is clearly not a Bush vs Obama pissing contest.

Bush "refused" to protect our borders as well. After 9/11 the best we got was lip service. If the terrorist threat was so real then, why didn't they protect the borders? Ask yourself that. Does it make ANY sense?

And by the way, Clinton, Bush-43, and Reagan also refused to protect the borders. Reagan even signed an amnesty bill, and Reagan lovers will no doubt be screaming bloody murder if Obama should do the same.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by DCPatriot

People are in denial right now.

They dont want to believe they made the wrong choice. They are still grasping onto that whole 'hope' thing.

They will hold him accountable for his Accomplishments, but not his failures. What does that tell you ?

Sad state of affairs right now, very sad.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by brilab45

NO- You are wrong.

Lower taxes-Create Jobs-People Pay Into the system. Not TAKE out of it.

You keep taxing people money they DONT have, then they are not going to be able to Hire workers to make their companies succeed and be able to hire MORE workers.

You attract bees with Honey, not by taking their honey away.

The more people are out working, the more this country brings in revenue.

The more we produce, the more we earn.

The more we earn, the more we make.

The more we make, the more we can get out of this mess we are in.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:09 AM
Wow. So much venom in this thread! Sadly, this is a sort of snapshot of what the PTB want - division and infighting amongst the people. If people are going to get angry and want someone to blame, how about directing that dissatisfaction at the rich bastards who basically pay in order to mold government policy? Or the big corporations who trash the planet? Or the rich elites who are so far disconnected from the common person, and so caught up in their own greed and selfishness that they look at us not as fellow human beings, but as lowly cattle with no purpose but to serve and empower?

Obama is merely a puppet, spokesman, and a punching bag, put in place to take the brunt of the ridicule and angst that the American public throw at the government. If he were somehow removed from office by way of a tragic event (something which I cannot condone), it wouldn't do squat to the big picture. He'd just get replaced by more of the same.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by John_Q_Llama]

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