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Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb

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posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by Namzer0

some ways to avoid some damages to your device: WRAP IT WHOLE WITH ALUMINUM FOIL!!! I MEAN WHOLE!!!

I am thinking of a device that looks handheld(like your car's remote)
& I think its disposable bcoz it has some circuits.
hmm... maybe a lighter battery might be able to power it up...

and i think it can destroy everything in a 5m radius (since its low power & small)
if not destroy, disables for a certain time/moment

This is a great project to develop!!!

makes you feel like IRON MAN

look how destructive you can be! You can hack your school campus!!!

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:11 AM
I have read about EMP for years. I don't believe they can be made for as cheaply as suggested. The research,testing for the proper results would still add lots of cost to each device. Then you have delivery problems.
I do understand the operations of such a weapon and believe maybe with some fine tuning a smaller hand held device could be made to effect a very small area with the same results.
That kind of device could be used by our very own police to stop police car chases by frying the computers with high frequency microwave.
Would be great to silence the noise from those loud audio systems I have passing my home every evening...Ha Ha.

Been fun reading these post.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Ghost01

yeah it can do that its scary to


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Indy

this EMP bomb may cause the death of hundreds or even thousands of people if used with bad intentions

nice post

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:20 AM

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:44 PM
i was looking at solar storms and emps seem to do the same thing... solar storms predicted 2012/2015 nasa scientists claim, nobody knows exact date and for all they know it may never happen...

and thats a huge thread, couldn't manage to read all

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Has it occurred to anyone else that all the hype about incoming solar storms might be a cover for something else -- like a planned electromagnetic assault on the grid? I'm not saying that's true, but it is a disconcerting thought to me.

That said, the CME pulses of the last week seem to have knocked my cell phone out -- twice. The phone has gone partially dead... the display off, the power alternating on and off... and then gone back to normal. Both of these have corresponded with the supposed arrival of the CME pulses.

I was following that topic pretty closely on another forum before I was inexplicably banned from it.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by sockmonkeywrench
Has it occurred to anyone else that all the hype about incoming solar storms might be a cover for something else

Only if every solar scientist in the world (and anyone with a decent telescope) is in on the conpsiracy.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 03:06 AM
Solar flares do pose a grave and very real risk to our infrastructure. One bad solar flare and we've lost all or most of our satellites and (at least temporarily) our electrical power delivery infrastructure.

With the satellites down we'd lose critical things like telecommunication capacity and GPS. We've just recently shut down the precursor to GPS (which was also acting as a backup), the LORAN system (it's been mothballed for some years before it'll ultimately be dismantled). It would take years to build and deploy enough satellites to restore our current capabilities.

We've always been aware of our vulnerability; there are plenty of studies, journal articles, and research papers on the topic. But from the engineers up through the project managers up through the administrators, no one wants to be the crank who is insisting we spend 3x more on a vehicle to sufficiently harden it while everyone else is fine with things the way they are. Hardening means extra design, extra testing, and extra weight. Either we significantly reduce the functionality of what we're putting in orbit or we account for the extra weight by getting a launch vehicle with a greater lifting capacity (and that ain't going to happen). Everyone is praying the big one doesn't come on their watch. But even if it does, no one's going to blame them, they'll just shrug their shoulders and say (lying), "We couldn't have anticipated this. Don't blame us."


posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 03:22 AM
Just to dispel a few myths, this technology has been around since the 1950's, although today it is much more sophisticated in implementation, there is nothing really new about any of the basic principles involved.

What is in that paper by Carlo, deals mainly with the effects of what it does, not how to actually build one. There is far more to it than is immediately obvious.

These weapons are completely harmless to people and all living things, but lethal to anything electrical or electronic.

The exact opposite of a neutron bomb, which kills living things but creates no physical damage to structures or "things".

An EMP attack upon America wold be absolutely devastating, far more so than a similar attack on third world country.

As a matter of interest EMP weapons fitted to cruse missiles were used in the initial attack on Saddam's air defense system, and the Iraqi power grid during Gulf War One.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
As a matter of interest EMP weapons fitted to cruse missiles were used in the initial attack on Saddam's air defense system, and the Iraqi power grid during Gulf War One.

Unless you know something I don't, this is not correct. I believe you are confusing the effect of the BLU-114/B "Soft-Bomb" with an EMP. The BLU-114/B short circuits power infrastructure by depositing coated graphite filaments onto powerlines; no EMP involved.


posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
The exact opposite of a neutron bomb, which kills living things but creates no physical damage to structures or "things".

I'm not sure this is exactly correct - as I understand a neutron bomb is still a nuke and therefore will still cause a certain amount of destruction on detonation.

The important difference is the way the casing contains the neutrons on the 2 different types of bomb - a 'normal' nuke will want to retain as much of the neutrons as possible to maximise the reaction (explosion) - the neutrons are crucial to this cascade reaction.

The neutron bomb on the other hand will have a casing designed to release as many of these neutrons as possible while still retaining the minimum for the cascade reaction... This results in a much much smaller blast, but still a blast none the less, maybe a blast in the order of something that would make a 20 story building go away as opposed to making a whole city centre go away.

The neutrons then stream on at the speed of light and yes killing all living life not shielded but causing no further damage to infrastructure - but you will still have a rather large creator at ground zero.

BTW that's just the way I understand it, I could of course be wrong.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by AstroEngineer

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
As a matter of interest EMP weapons fitted to cruse missiles were used in the initial attack on Saddam's air defense system, and the Iraqi power grid during Gulf War One.

Unless you know something I don't, this is not correct. I believe you are confusing the effect of the BLU-114/B "Soft-Bomb" with an EMP. The BLU-114/B short circuits power infrastructure by depositing coated graphite filaments onto powerlines; no EMP involved.


Thanks John.

I read something about those multi coated filaments that shoot out in several directions simultaneously, being the radiating antenna of an EMP device.
I know the power grid in Iraq was deliberately disabled, and those filaments were found hanging from, and near a great many high voltage transmission towers.

Not sure what to think.
If the US have deployed EMP weapons in Iraq, they might just choose to keep it quiet with disinformation. The US itself is extremely vulnerable to similar weapons, so it would be understandable to downplay their existence and usage.

Shooting thin filaments of anything across high power transmission lines, would just result in the filaments themselves instantly frying.
The available short circuit fault current is enormous.

If it is that simple, and that is all there is to a seemingly rather primitive munition, why all the secrecy surrounding the BLU-114B ?

Overvoltage from an EMP weapon will kill the insulators and especially the transformers at each end, and require some very expensive rebuilding and repairs to get going again.

A far more effective weapon than just a bunch of dumb wires to throw over things..

[edit on 28/3/2010 by Silver Shadow]

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:12 PM
Being a newbie I have been reading the posts concerning EMP (Electo magnetic pulse) and in particular the Electro Nuclear Pulse - a fast rise time pulse with a high voltage spike that has a very fast leading edge to it. First of all I would sugest that many important potential targets both in the UK and the USA - such as military/government and other sensitive areas - will be nuclear hardened i.e. not only will the equipment have conductive elastomer gaskets fitted around service apertures (field operational equipment such as radio etc) - these gaskets are elastomeric in order to stop ingress of moisture and because they are elastomeric they are conductively loaded to give continuity etc. Don't forget ENP is a fast rise time pulse not unlike a lightening strike and also has an electro magnetic content (EMI) so the way to sheild against such interference is by using a farady cage. The shorter the distance betwen screw fixings does not answer the problem because that idea produces slots - a wonderful slotted aerial the shorter the slots the higher the frequency it will pass. So the slots have to be blocked or filled hence a loaded elastomer that stops moisture and kills any potential interference as the metal conductivity between panel and case is now a completed circuit. Should the equipment have a screen - such as a monitor whether it is LED, LCD or CRT glass is no barrier, so again it has to be screened. For this a form of lamination is used where a fine wire mesh is incorporated. The mesh is once again terminated by means of a conductive elastomer gasket and bonded by a conductive adhesive. Even the power cables into the device will have EMP/ENP RFI filters incorporated within the plug/socket conector. Finally for ultra secure sites the whole is then placed within a screened facility which is tantamount to a metal box with doors that would have berylium copper spring fingers fixed around the aperture - this would offer continuity once the door was closed.

However regardles of all these precautions there is another aspect to all of this and that is security. I do not mean having someone guard the equipment I mean security of the information being transmitted or received by the equipment. It does not matter how nuclear pulse proofed, or EMI/RFI/EMV proofed the quipment is if a third party can make sense of the secure information or read it then all the other expense may well be in vain. For example, if you were to be submitting or reading information via your monitor, one thing you do not want if you are a secure area is for me to park my caravan in the vicinity, turn on a relatively low cost monitor and sweep your presence and display everything you are sending or receiving on my basic equipment. This type of espionage can have devasting impact on everyone from lawyers, governments to commercial environments especially with the current Data Protection Laws and Privacy laws. So in order to help in this field another set of rules need to be met and TEMPEST was introduced around about the cold war era and this is a whole new ball game.

posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 11:10 PM
I think that an EMP could still go off any day, and it may not be from a bomb or a missle, it could be a group of nerds in a garage or a university that set it off or something. This kind of technology I think wouldnt be effective against alot of military bases but the public would get the worst of it!

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 01:32 AM
OMG- you people READ that OP??

I wanted to, really, but it was just impossible.

Kudos to you with the good eyes!

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 08:16 PM
your Flashlights don’t even work.
where did you get this information.

EMP works on antenna area and spark gap.

The longer the wires in a system the more likely the damage.
this is why the grid will go down but a unconnected battery may not be damaged at all.
spark gap is where the voltage spike becomes so high that it jumps gaps in computer type boards.

Your non nuke EMP bomb landing next to a interstate power line can also take out anything connected to the grid a 1000 miles away but not take out a car a half mile away.

A flash light has maybe a antenna area of 5 inches.
The grid has a antenna area of 1000s of miles.
Many flashlight now have LED bulbs that can take higher power spikes then the old incandescent bulbs that act like fuses.

Power lines or phone lines will not melt but transformers will short out.
electrical switches will not burn out but the electronic control pannels in the switch will short out.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: ANNED
your Flashlights don’t even work.
where did you get this information.

EMP works on antenna area and spark gap.

The longer the wires in a system the more likely the damage.
this is why the grid will go down but a unconnected battery may not be damaged at all.
spark gap is where the voltage spike becomes so high that it jumps gaps in computer type boards.

Your non nuke EMP bomb landing next to a interstate power line can also take out anything connected to the grid a 1000 miles away but not take out a car a half mile away.

A flash light has maybe a antenna area of 5 inches.
The grid has a antenna area of 1000s of miles.
Many flashlight now have LED bulbs that can take higher power spikes then the old incandescent bulbs that act like fuses.

Power lines or phone lines will not melt but transformers will short out.
electrical switches will not burn out but the electronic control pannels in the switch will short out.

I fi am not mistaken this is why electrical codes have changed over the years? Built in EMP protection so to speak. Except on the transformers. Usualy anything dealing with tons of electricity is already hardened against EMP attack du eto being soaked in EM fields all day long already.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 05:44 AM

edit on 2/11/2024 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

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