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Facebook Founders Charged With Death Penalty

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Why not kill everyone with those extreme beliefs?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Archirvion

That might be an extreme belief right there. Don't you think?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity
I am glad to see that you are laughing. I starred your post(8:18am), I liked that one.

I am kind of a sticks and stones person, as in those items will 'break your bones', but words will never hurt you.

If someone calls me the 'n' word, I don't have any right to physically abuse them in any way. Now, if they hit me and call me that, they are guilty of a hate crime, and I wouldn't have any worries of being arrested for defending myself.

I believe that Islam needs to be more tolerant when it comes to some scribbles done by someone who is trying to insult them. Think about it, they will issue a fatwah against someone over a cartoon, threatening their deaths?

What are they defending themselves against, a crayon???

BTW- I did not call you an Islamofascist. I just was making an illustration of a huge assumption. And it was a huge assumption. I don't know your background, you may be wearing a burka or you may be Johnny Whitebread, reeking of mayo.

I said Islamoterrorist, and I surely don't believe that you are one.

Peace to You my friend.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Not really. Considering that in the old days, people were killed off for being like that. The greatest gift of the Roman Empire is the extermination of extremism from Europe. Too bad nationalism stirred its ugly head a thousand years later.

As to you lucidity, you are in the closet. Little details in your writing make it obvious that in your heart you are with them. And for that, you are being railed against. It is far better to admit it and life life than deny it and live ignorantly. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can fight your own Jihad against the hatred in your soul. Muhammad would want you to.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

Um okay..,you say I'm in the closet so I must be. Actually, I'm with humans, so technically, you might even be right.

reply to post by butcherguy


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity
Well, I won't rail anymore.

You have your beliefs and that is who you are, and I am fine with that. I have agreed with you many times on other matters.

I just friended you, your heart is in the right place.

On a previous post, I said Johnny Whitebread, I guess it should have been Joanie?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:57 AM
I dont know if someones already addressed this or not. I went to bed with 6 pgs of posts and woke up with 14! Do you think these guys are in danger? Obviously some are calling for their heads, but do you think they'd be targeted individually? We do have extremists here as well. Thinking about this possibility makes this scary. I'd hate if anyone were truly hurt over this crazy ass stuff.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:57 AM
I pick no sides when it comes to gender either
and it's a total myth that I have a heart.

[edit on 7/21/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:01 AM
Utterly pointless piece of legal BS. Lets face it, regardless of how nice it would be to kick those guys in the face, they cannot be held responsible for any user generated content on the site, because censorship would probably be illegal in some circumstances, and because , as with any site with a majority of user generated content, they have a disclaimer on the site which ought to cover everything from intellectual property to legal ramifications of the display of content.
Further more, there are countless facebook pages in support of terror factions, extremism on both sides of the faith war, and every manner of sin and hate in between... Are we to assume that this pakistani lawyer fellow, is also opposed to those pages which support extremist muslim agendas? If not, how is he in a moral position to comment on the content of a site which , lets face it, doesnt kill people ? And if he is opposed to them, why hasnt he let it be known? Why hasnt he started litigation against the founders for allowing extremist veiws to be expressed? I can assure you that they are expressed on that, and every other social networking tool on the web... I wonder at his lack of comment on that, since he is so interested in the page concerned with his faith. Perhaps if he is not prepared to defend EVERYONES right not to put up with hate, that he not be allowed to comment on ANYTHING facebook does, since he is obviously incapable of impartiality .

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
We're the ones who tangled with them and not vice versa. Bomb more of their homelands and see how many more refugees you get. Reap what you sow. I never said it was all anyone's "fault." Try reading a little more carefully before you jump.

Calling my stance a PC "safety" zone is hilarious though

[edit on 7/21/2010 by ~Lucidity]

What are we talking about here, the shameful stupidity thrust upon all our soldiers and the disgusting waste of human life all both sides over the spoils of wars?

Do you think I support that?

What I don't support is that people tend to turn on the troops and not the government controlled Armies etc who send these poor men and women out to do often horrendous tasks which in most they don't agree with.

Military suicides are up 40% I believe, I want our lot HOME...

Do I want some poor family blown to shreds over there, no, they for the most are as innocent as the soldiers sent there.

What I am talking about is the slow but sure process of the removal of yours and our culture, people who could go to neighboring MUSLIM countries who support the extreme way of life, but no, they travel thousands of miles and then start beavering away at our freedoms. Now keep in context that I'm talking about the extreme version and not a Muslim in general.

Unless your eyesight is off or you refuse to look around you then you should have seen things like cab drivers and bus drivers refusing to take guide dogs on their vehicles because they say the animal is unclean. What should happen is that the person is warned that picking up a guide dog that is not behaving badly is part of THEIR JOB and if they don't want to do it then get a different job. The same goes to checkout people who don't want to handle wines or lottery tickets.

But do these people get asked to get another job, NO, these spineless corporations allow a different set of rules for these people leaving other paying customers to be inconvenienced by a person who SHOULD be doing their job.

This extreme thing of covering their face, it's not religious, it's some bearded cleric in Saudi who hates women making orders, the same ones that allow stoning of wives and genital mutilations etc etc.

These things are now creeping into the country and I didn't bring them here, it's PC people who try and blame innocent people with their politically based choices that come back to bite OUR backsides.

It's so bad that if you use the word Muslim you are called a racist.....Amazing, how IQ's have fallen just to please a locust.

So good sir, laugh, make comment and watch from your tower but by pure mathematical logic in 20yrs YOU won't be able to call the shots. I hope you like that life, it will be yours to cherish.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:34 AM
How could you have possibly deduced that I support these wars of choice from any of my posts here? Clearly your reading comprehension in diving in in the middle of an ongoing discussion sufferes. You're stretching it, bud. Big time.

As for the rest, I think I've been pretty clear about non-interventionalism about what you don't have all the facts on too.

But rant away. I'm still not drawing Jesus or Muhammad.

And with that, there's really not much more to say. I'm out of this thread. Save some bytes and time, if you think you need to reply to me, or reply. There won't be another answer because as I said, there's nothing more I have to cover that I haven't.

[edit on 7/21/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

While I understand your attitude toward errosion of liberty I must say that I do not believe that the presence of Muslims, extremist or otherwise, is the cause of that errosion.
Police and government agencies were complaining for YEARS before the terror wave (or should I say, before the east got framed for grand criminal damage on the wests home turf) broke against the WTC and the london transport network, about how they wanted more power to observe and investigate people. Thats both UK and US authorities, clamouring for more power, more control, backed by figures in the parliments of both countries, well before the Taliban was a phrase we in the west had even heard.
With that in mind, saying that the presence of extremist muslims creates a situation where our liberties can be erroded is nonsensical. It would be quite simple for the governments of the UK and the US to have installed unarguable laws preventing any changes being made to law, which dissolve the rights of long standing residents of those nations. Those laws however, would prevent the governments of the US and UK from gaining more control over thier citizens. In short, do not blame the extremist, blame those who pander to them. Do not rile against a fascist minority, instead petition your local representative to have the laws preventing honest critique, and your normal life from happening, repealled , removed from the statute book. Campaign to have EQUAL rights for all, that is, the same rights regardless of creed or faith. Make your voice heard, by all means, but never forget that the real enemy is government, is and always will be.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
What I am talking about is the slow but sure process of the removal of yours and our culture, people who could go to neighboring MUSLIM countries who support the extreme way of life, but no, they travel thousands of miles and then start beavering away at our freedoms. Now keep in context that I'm talking about the extreme version and not a Muslim in general.

Unless your eyesight is off or you refuse to look around you then you should have seen things like cab drivers and bus drivers refusing to take guide dogs on their vehicles because they say the animal is unclean. What should happen is that the person is warned that picking up a guide dog that is not behaving badly is part of THEIR JOB and if they don't want to do it then get a different job. The same goes to checkout people who don't want to handle wines or lottery tickets.

But do these people get asked to get another job, NO, these spineless corporations allow a different set of rules for these people leaving other paying customers to be inconvenienced by a person who SHOULD be doing their job.

This extreme thing of covering their face, it's not religious, it's some bearded cleric in Saudi who hates women making orders, the same ones that allow stoning of wives and genital mutilations etc etc.

These things are now creeping into the country and I didn't bring them here, it's PC people who try and blame innocent people with their politically based choices that come back to bite OUR backsides.

It's so bad that if you use the word Muslim you are called a racist.....Amazing, how IQ's have fallen just to please a locust.

So good sir, laugh, make comment and watch from your tower but by pure mathematical logic in 20yrs YOU won't be able to call the shots. I hope you like that life, it will be yours to cherish.

Protesting and voicing out is part of the rights of citizens, regardless if they held such for centuries or just became one yesterday. It guaranteed for any and every citizen, so too is another's right to practice their religion.

Everyday on the streets and in various forms of media, you see all kinds of protests - workers rights, abortion rights, white rights, black rights, latino rights, religious rights, etc.

You see often too indiscrimination against such groups everywhere - within corporations, within public spaces, within govt complexes. And there are fights as well where people do get hurt and harmed when things get out of hand.

But just because one group happened to be Muslims, who have their peculiar habits akin to the Mormons or the Amish, and happened that there were radicals who turn beasts and murdered innocents, they get targeted for bigger prominence over their protests for their rights.

If this is not discrimination again, then what is?

Ultimately, it is society that decides how they want their civilisation to be. You and I do alone do not make up that majority. The larger community speaks through the vote and when the hustings are removed, the decision made, we MUST ALL respect the larger community regardless of our views and stand behind it, for good or for bad for the next 4 years, or we will destroy our very own social fabric. Thus voting is vitally critical.

As for the protestors, what do you intend to do to them? Will you only protect those protests that agree with you, support them while stifle other protests that does not agree with you? Fundamentally, it is about freedom that you support.

Either you support it or you don't. There are no gray areas. And protesting or voicing out opinions does not mean a society will toe the protestors line. It still needs the majority vote to approve.

One man may be selfish, greedy, indulgent, racist, absolute evil, but I doubt the entire nation is made up of such men. You had allowed your hate to corrupt your mind through severe generalization of a group to cloud your rational judgement as your post showed, proving your fears.

We will do better by eradicating discriminations in all forms - discrimination against women, workers, blacks, asians, latinos, the religious minded, etc, etc, by helping others to make informed and better choices, and that begins with what you and I will have to do with our families, relatives and friends, not by fear and hate which will only lead to murders and death, but by patient logic and reason which will lead to our eventual evolution as one human race.

This is the only choice. The other choice expired centuries ago, when killing others is not the solution, but will only end up making our planet uninhabitated.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:15 AM
not getting into the whole debate here but what would of happened if the "muslim's" had just laughed and said yeah he was a bit crazy

the way i have approached life is if someone takes a pop at me i just laugh it of, if someone calls me spotty i reply my god your right i look like a pizza

what i am trying to say even if someone insults you or your beliefs, shrug it off and they will stop and you will have gained more respect in the long run, trust me it works

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
For those who still INSIST it is their freedom of artistic expression, to do anything even causing mentall hurt and harm to other, then be prepared to listen to the freedom of retaliation by others to do anything, even causing physical hurt and harm to other.
That's not what freedom is. Freedom is being to do what you want without infringing upon the rights of others. Drawing a picture does not infringe on the rights of others; However, retaliating with violence to a person who does so, is infringing on their rights. Religions (Or in your case only Islam) are not exempt from ridicule. If you react to a picture with violence, you are mentally ill, and as such, should be isolated from society.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by OTTOKARMA
reply to post by mryanbrown

LMAO zionism provocateur, good one

Seriougly go read some books, read the Qran and tell me if im wrong

Ok, you're still wrong.
2nd line pointing out the Qur'an has no bearing on your opinionated baseless facts which spread fear mongering.

*yawn* @ you

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:27 PM
You can't charge people for a crime in another country than the people are living at. And they live in the US and here it's not a crime. Yeah, karma sucks don't it MUAHAHAHA! :-D

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 06:26 PM
To be honest, I think this whole case is ridiculous. Whilst I think that Facebook putting the competition up there in the first case, was extremely ignorant, I don't think it was hate-fuelled, or meant as an attack on Islam.

The thing is, I think the world takes itself far too seriously these days, some worse than others, Muslims or not. If something like this deserves the death penalty, then why do people like murderers get away with more lenient sentences?

Society needs to take a look at itself in a big way, before everyone starts to implode at what people perceive to be this hidden hate for each other.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Well, looks like real law got ahold of that moron.

Oh well.

No Jihadidad for him.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Jimbowsk
reply to post by ~Lucidity

This entire planet would be a lot better if only one thing would stop. Religion.

It's getting out of control and unless some major world-changing event happens to take the emphasis off religion, this madness is only going to get worse.

Just my 2 pennies worth of course

If it wasnt religion that was the problem it would be something else.

Humans are insane that way.

On another note not related to the quote above...
I do think though that anyone who makes a mockery of anothers religion should expect a negative response. Its distasteful and not classy at all. Doesn't matter if you think the religion is FUBAR, have respect for another culture and people. You will gain respect because of it.

Seriously, its very childish. If it was Jesus that was mocked, this would be enitrely different. Christians and the Vatican would demand apologies. Since its a group that is, in the west, considered low on the echelon of life its ok to make fun of their religious beliefs.

Stinks of Ignorance, Hatred, and Intolerance.

Seems to me were going back to the ways of the old testament, on both sides of the fence. On one hand you have muslims calling for the death of these clowns who drew stupid pictures mocking their faith, and on the other side a group of people who are intolerant of another religion and its people to the point of allowing them to be ridiculed and scoff at their reaction.

Lovely world isnt it?

[edit on 21-7-2010 by EspyderMan]

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