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Stock broker friend of mine, says all traders are buying land, gold, silver....

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
The things you'll need to survive won't come in the form of material items. It will be knowledge - survival knowledge. How to grow food, hunt, live off the land and remain unnoticed etc... There won't be commerce and no one can eat gold, cloth themselves in gold or shelter in gold.

I agree 100%!

Why to pursuit (AGAIN) the same greedy emotions, that we've been EDUCATED to follow for the past thousand of years?

Why can't we simply USE this whole eminent economic and social crash, to start to live like REAL Human beings, and start learning what really matters (survival and agriculture lessons) from now on, IF we gonna want to see the future sunsets

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Agreed, it doesn't have to "collapse". If it does, it would be because they want it so, and of course because majority of population is absolutely retarded. Although, you can safely assume that the second condition is already in place.

The best case scenario is of Soviet Union type, because they didn't want it to go ugly, people were pretty much left on their own with peacefully agreed territorial division. Smaller communities were made, each managing their own. Therefore if your federal government fails, and still tries to maintain power, it will go ugly.

It all depends. Not that I care too much, but here we've seen our entire continent collapsing to nothingness far too many times, not to mention almost regular-basis total collapse of smaller regions. You could safely say that 95% of those were elaborately orchestrated by few men in power.

[edit on 18/7/2010 by SassyCat]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:34 AM
The whole "wealth" illusion relies on rich individuals and corporations tokenising people's endevours for their own benefit.

I can guarantee that the owners of the "wealth" ( the top 1 % with 99% of the money) will not allow anything to get in the way of their profiteering.

You will still go to work
You will still consume
You will stay pay taxes

Even if it revealed that 70% of the worlds perceived "wealth" is in fact a figment of mathematical formulae they will still find a way for you to do the above.

The money men know that what the world needs now is a good World War when they can steal what they need to fill the gap created by imaginary "funds" and create a new mechanism which favours countries in which their investments reside.

Last time this happened (WW2) the money backed the winners ( UK, US and Russia).

Not sure their money will be on these coutries this time.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:57 AM
the ones who will be rich are those companies on tv that are constantly trying to buy your gold. I wondered from day one what their agenda was, and perhaps this is it. I also said to a few people that something wasn't right as all of a sudden these companies sprang up ready to buy all the gold out there. No one listened to me, (as usual lol), but perhaps i was right. Well, doesn't bother me, i have no gold to sell anyway!

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
reply to post by Rockpuck

Exactly what would a hungry man with a pile of gold do, if another man had a food for him. I would wager the whole pile of gold for one meal.

Can't eat the gold.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Realtruth]

You are assuming gold is an either/or asset.

You can't eat dollars. You can't eat Yen. You can't Euros. You can't eat oil, guns, land or ammo.

Most people who have gold choose to do so so they aren't robbed by government from the hidden tax of inflation and the very fact that fiat currencies are depreciating. In fact most people who have gold I'd wager have their other bases covered as far as land, food and survival preps or backup plans go.

There is aways going to be trade and some sort of monetary system in my opinion...sure if you think the world is going to collapse and we are all going to be hunting around in packs for food just to survive then gold may not be something you'd want. But if you think there will be extreme financial stress, global financial mayhem, and you already have your preps can either keep your surplus cash in depreciating paper, or gold.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by netwarrior
The most valuable metals in the beginning of the collapse will not be gold or silver. It will be brass, lead, and copper. Properly assembled, of course.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

You forgot Polycorbonite and Steel for the proper 'storage' of said Brass, Lead and Copper.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by bjsmi2
The US empire is collapsing slowly but surley... But isnt that part of the plan. Wait till depopulation starts. Look hard enough at the information out there. Connect the dots ! A fool could tell you its getting worse economicly and socially.

Wise words. Not only in USA, it will happen everywhere.(world wide bankruptcy,s are looming)
If you (the people)were told what is happening (you have been told already) many would not believe, and those of you that knew it were true would debunk so as not to cause panic.
For thousands of years ignorant ??? people (mayans,)who could fortell the movements of the solar system in advance, predict,20,12,2012 .
Christ who said that the end times would be worse than the times of noah.
We are slowly moving closer to this situation with everyday that passes.
Exponencially,more ,floods,earth quakes,hurricanes,forest fires,diseases,disasters, add to that a possibility of WW111,now we know the reasons for the underground shelters around the world.Those at the top know in advance,knowledge is power.
Any debunkers?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Interesting post.

I might point out a few additional items relating to the preparation for the "crash". First off, these “broker” types were the same that said Y2K would cause chaos in the streets. Didn’t happen.

This time though I feel we may indeed be headed for at least a currency collapse. The system is crumbling beyond fixing

As for the “brokers” advice on buying land, gold and silver, I have concerns. They say they buy farm land so they can grow their own food? I seriously doubt they have a clue about growing stuff. One doesn’t just throw out a few seeds and set back and wait. Farming is detailed and it is HARD WORK! I mean drop dead hard work from sunrise to sunset most every day.

As for gold and silver, I discount gold as a means of exchange when currency has lost value. How do I pay for that $10 loaf of bread the OP speaks of, with a one ounce gold coin or bar, valued now at $1,200? How do I get change? For emergency exchange, here in the US, you would do well with the pre-1965 US issued Dimes, Quarters and Halves or one ounce silver rounds/bars. The $10 loaf of bread could be purchased with 2 silver quarters and 2 silver dimes (with silver priced at $18 per ounce, as it is now).

However, the "brokers", the OP speaks of, have missed the most important preparedness items out there. Emergency water and food come first. Before land, silver and gold you need to get a 60 day emergency supply of water and one year supply of food for each family member in your pantry. Your gold and silver will not cure hunger and thirst.

Two resources on articles about food and water are listed below:



Remember, When emergency strikes, it's too late to prepare.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:25 AM
we all own lots of land......
national forests, state parks, ect....

at the moment, the enforcers are cutting back on their staffs to the point where enforcement is hampered. I am kind of betting that if things get that much worse, ain't no one gonna be worried about that crazy old lady that's moved herself onto that public land on one of these mountains, build herself a little shelter and is growing vegetables and catching fish! I am also betting they aren't gonna be worried about the people who have moved themselves into all the empty houses that are around. and the banks have already been paid for all these foreclosed homes, don't really think that they will be that concerned with them either.

the problem will be holding what you have, and what you lay claim to....
from the other guy who has the same idea....

by the way, if bread goes up to that much a boss is gonna give me a raise, or I am gonna be growing those vegatables catching those fish, living in that shack instead of printing his crap!

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by netwarrior
The most valuable metals in the beginning of the collapse will not be gold or silver. It will be brass, lead, and copper. Properly assembled, of course.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Google "Weimar" to see what's going to happen. Gold and silver will still be valuable. They will be the only form of currency.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
Your friend is spreading doom and gloom. The government has everything under control. The government is your friend. Remain calm and remember you live in the United States of America. The greatest country on earth. There are people who make sure everything remains stable. You just need to take some time to relax and watch more tv. Maybe spend some money to do your part for our economy. Have a nice glass of water and take a pill to help you relax. You will feel better once you take your mind off of things you dont need to worry about. Have a nice day.

I agree 100% about the inflation. Where I disagree is the outcome.

Rather than riotous mobs and marshall law, I have more faith in the ingenuity of american inventors.

In light of financial collapse, TPTB will lose their ability to control the disemination of new tech.

Cheap power sources are becoming ubiquitous. Soon entirely new industries will sprout up all over the country.

We are about to enter into the new industrially revolution. Advances in intuitive communication will accompany the new age.

More later

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:51 AM

who are we kidding? this is all a bunch of fear porn anyway. lets just stay positive and work together with other people. seriously, this is how we overcome

yeah damn right, i was just thinking exactly that. i think "survival" is less about one man and his castle with food, water, power and superior firepower (and paranoia!) than it is about communities and working together. come on people, it's gonna be ok!!


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by twentythreedom

who are we kidding? this is all a bunch of fear porn anyway. lets just stay positive and work together with other people. seriously, this is how we overcome

yeah damn right, i was just thinking exactly that. i think "survival" is less about one man and his castle with food, water, power and superior firepower (and paranoia!) than it is about communities and working together. come on people, it's gonna be ok!!


Let me see, you are saying...
Don't worry, be happy?

That advise and four bucks will buy you nothing after the currency crash. BIgGov will "take care" of you.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by twentythreedom

who are we kidding? this is all a bunch of fear porn anyway. lets just stay positive and work together with other people. seriously, this is how we overcome

yeah damn right, i was just thinking exactly that. i think "survival" is less about one man and his castle with food, water, power and superior firepower (and paranoia!) than it is about communities and working together. come on people, it's gonna be ok!!


Survival is indeed a group effort, the bigger the group the better the chance of success. Those with nothing form large groups readily as their need over rules their other priorities. And this is why the culture is being chopped into mincemeat where nobody trusts their neighbor. One person or one family trying to survive alone wont have anyone to bury them when they are snashed dead when the looters swarm through and gubment has appropriated whatever they want.
Creating discord by gubmint is no accident. Most preppers are afraid to form mutual aid nets for fear of opsec, and thus doomed to failure making the effort a waste of time and money.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

Precious metals aren't going to do you a bit of good, as the government has super computers taking data on all your financial transactions. If you buy anything like gold or guns, the govt that has your gps location can send it's thugs to rob you.
The open border the govt is preserving in Arizona isn't just letting in illegals, it is for exercising CIA trained druggie gangs like in Juarez. If you watch Waco, the Big Lie, mention is made of a government ATF program to smuggle untraceable weapons to distribute to juvenile criminal gangs to attack the citizenry once the shtf.

Originally posted by stmichael

Originally posted by bjsmi2
The US empire is collapsing slowly but surley... But isnt that part of the plan. Wait till depopulation starts. Look hard enough at the information out there. Connect the dots ! A fool could tell you its getting worse economicly and socially.

Wise words. Not only in USA, it will happen everywhere.(world wide bankruptcy,s are looming)
If you (the people)were told what is happening (you have been told already) many would not believe, and those of you that knew it were true would debunk so as not to cause panic.

Christ who said that the end times would be worse than the times of noah.
We are slowly moving closer to this situation with everyday that passes.
Exponencially,more ,floods,earth quakes,hurricanes,forest fires,diseases,disasters, add to that a possibility of WW111,now we know the reasons for the underground shelters around the world.Those at the top know in advance,knowledge is power.
Any debunkers?

I will happen everywhere, but chances are not the same as here. Third world countries do not have as controllable an infrastructure and there are enough people in rural areas to survive the mess. Chances are they will be nuked by the globalists. The hype over a WWIII is probably just a pretext to nuke the third world countries. These globalists have everything planned out for so many years they're not about to eliminate their own race and have the rest of the races become dominant. Or then maybe not, if they kill most of us off, and pursue English style colonialism, they could force the rest of the races into subservience, but then they would need some huge police force and a force loyal to them, or they could never control them. That was probably the idea with Nazi Germany. But then they have already turned the American military into a bunch of zombies incapable of an intelligent thought so maybe we are half way there already.

This may be the end times, it may not be. In the end-time scenario, the anti-Christ, Obama?, gets killed but comes back to life and takes the system over as the devil in a human body.

The only reason we have experienced so many earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc is that HAARP has been working overtime.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by m khan]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:21 AM
If the economy collapses it is going to be the people that make life the way it is to be.

People can act as scavangers and barbaric or they can evole into using the brains in their heads to help one another and work together to bring forth a better and even stronger land.

There are so many people that have ideas that have never been put to use and it would be more impressive to see people rallying around solving instead of more killing.

Stand together and be proud, you are being observed. Love over all else...

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by observe50
If the economy collapses it is going to be the people that make life the way it is to be.

People can act as scavangers and barbaric or they can evole into using the brains in their heads to help one another and work together to bring forth a better and even stronger land.

There are so many people that have ideas that have never been put to use and it would be more impressive to see people rallying around solving instead of more killing.

That all sounds wonderful. But I wouldn't count on it.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by liveandletlive

totally agree... couse WE are the government...
its ore choce of doeing things ...arranged by legal elections...
democraty works perfect!

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:39 AM
I am wary of this type of information.
Isnt gold priced really high right now? It seems kind of behind the bubble to buy it right now when all of wall st has had this huge head start.

What if these investors are playing off the doom and gloom conspiracy people?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by twentythreedom

who are we kidding? this is all a bunch of fear porn anyway. lets just stay positive and work together with other people. seriously, this is how we overcome

yeah damn right, i was just thinking exactly that. i think "survival" is less about one man and his castle with food, water, power and superior firepower (and paranoia!) than it is about communities and working together. come on people, it's gonna be ok!!


Let me see, you are saying...
Don't worry, be happy?

That advise and four bucks will buy you nothing after the currency crash. BIgGov will "take care" of you.

No, that's not what i'm saying. i massively over-simplified my exact tought... for me personally, i wold cover both bases, make sure i have everything i need to srvive in a worst-case-scenario, but then also building alliances and communities with other folk (starting now!) so we can all help each other and rebuild.. but then if the stormtroopers of the nwo come to town, be prepared for that too...

i'm saying "worry a bit, but stay positive and we can get through anything"! or something like that...


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