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Stock broker friend of mine, says all traders are buying land, gold, silver....

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by dominicus

It's always been about smoke and mirrors. Always just an illusion, so no big deal it's just that most people bought into the BS and now they are seeing the light.

What will happen, I don't think it will be war.

Gold and Silver are useless because you can't eat it.

I would say land is good if you can farm it, but other than that people still need to deal with other people.

Chaos is only for the ignorant and fearful.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by spurge
I still think the best bartering items of value will be Tobacco and Alcohol.

When people are down, they tend to want one of the above and do anything for them.

Tobacco maybe... But it won't be on the top of the list.
People do have habits and addictions, but the need for food and water will rise above all.

Its these people you should fear as they will do anything to get what they need.
So when the time comes, keep a close eye on every movement they make, and don't take your hand away from your gun.

The only way to ensure your safety is to ensure they believe theirs is in jeopardy.

Its the way the Governments have operated for years and it has worked out pretty well for them.

When the SHTF, the best thing you can do to ensure your own survival is to form a group of people you can trust!
Safety in numbers.
And arm yourself to the teeth. I'm not just talking guns. I am also talking explosives, armour, electronic counter measures (radio jammers) etc
When the enemy comes a knocking, ensure he cannot call for backup and ensure you get them all.

Misdirection is always a good form of defense. Have a nice "open" door to make them believe you are an easy target, tho not too open to make them think it is a trap.
Likely to be over confident in their assault, ensure your counter-measures are in place and that you have some people covering the entrance.
Once the provocateurs enter your range, close the loop and spring the trap.

This will all take vigilance, training and dedication.
If you don't have the skills to pull this off... Learn now while you can.
Download all the information while you can.
Print out hard copies of the most vital information and save the rest in a portable digital format. PDF, DOC, TXT etc and ensure you either have a laptop or smartphone to read them. As these can be easily powered by replacement batteries or via Solar chargers. Smartphones are a better choice as they are easier to carry.

As to the aforementioned tactic of staying mobile. I whole heartedly disagree as this puts you at a great disadvantage when it comes to long term survival.
Constantly on the move without knowledge of where your next meal or drink will come from. And this can lead to your own death if you don't come across a viable water source in 3 days of having none.

At least if you have property and the skills. You can defend it to your last breathe. Hopefully you won't have to and if you don't, you will have safe shelter, warmth, food and water.

From here, with local communities around you, should be able to build a resource network and start again.

With that, the only thing I have to say to those who are in doubt.
Don't hold the belief that the Government is on your side when they come knocking. The first goal they will try and attain is the survivability of their infrastructure. And that survival has greater precedence over your survival.
This is not the Government you are looking for.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:35 AM
The US empire is collapsing slowly but surley... But isnt that part of the plan. Wait till depopulation starts. Look hard enough at the information out there. Connect the dots ! A fool could tell you its getting worse economicly and socially.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:39 AM
I read these threads and I liked the term "fear Porn". It seems to fit the definition of what we are all feeling, what we are all focused on so intently. We seem consumed by an end-of-days mentality.

Gold, I can't take a handful of gold to the store and purchase anything with it. This sort of thinking is antiquated and won't work in today's world. To continue this end-times fantasy, consider the following. If my family is starving,cold and frightened, do you think gold will help in any regard? Do you really believe we would come across some outpost/person with supplies/provisions that would care about gold at all? No, of course not. Skills, supplies and anything that could be bartered would be the currency of the day, not gold or silver or any shiny strand of jewelry.

Yeah, I think times are bad and when those that were previously on unemployment are worse off, times are going to become more difficult. What does this mean exactly. If I read these forums I would be lead to believe I need to stockpile food and hire armed guards to sit on my roof with rifles to shoot anyone with the mind to trespass. Is this ever going to happen, it wont.

When Russia fell apart, it did occur like a flash of lightning. It was nearly over night. The U.S. Dollar is still the leading world currency. This is why the G8, G20, world banks and international commerce can not get away from it. As the U.S. Dollar weakens so does other currencies around the world. All but China that is. Many people believe the Yuan is very much undervalued. What threat does this pose on U.S. hegemonic power?

If the Dollar collapses so does the world markets.

I read mention of depopulation and chemtrail conspiracy. Although I think there is something unknown and very questionable about these chemtrails, I want to mention something that has seemed so obvious to me. If the powers that be wanted to bring about a culling of sorts, would it not be much easier to have another world war? The elites need underlings or they would lose their positions of power right? Without servants the masters would be no more. Another world war would greatly reduce the worlds population. There is one insurmountable problem with world war though. The world we live in today is based off of and entirely dependent on international commerce and global trade. We wouldn't want to nuke China, everything in our homes is manufactured there. "So what you might say" - but the industries that profit from this are chaired by the power brokers of the world. They don't want to spoil the system that's been so diligently crafted. Microsoft, Nike, Dell, everything you find in HomeDepot and Walmart is made in some other country and if we destroy them we would be destroying our way of life. This world economy was founded and put into place after World War Two to prevent any future world wars from taking place. Perhaps the economy is something a new world war can not circumvent and that's why we have fluoride in our water and manufactured illnesses such as Swine and Bird flu. To control world population and consumption.

Gold wont help you, silver wont save you. Bullets will make you a killer and will only postpone the inevitable as eventually you'll run out of ammo or be overtaken by someone with more skill and less hesitation in taking lives. If the SHTF our only option is to do as the last nation to fall did. Stand in food lines and scheme for food/water and shelter as best we can. We as a people no longer have the skill sets required to survive. Do without electricity, running water, a football season or two, their internet lost and most people will lose their grasp of reality and most likely commit suicide just to escape the pressure of loosing it all.

Lets all go to bed tonight with hope and less fear. Fearing that the sky is falling will not help you, it will not save you and it wont prepare you for anything. If you see someone in need, help them because it could be you someday with an empty belly and a dry mouth.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr.Hyde] spelling

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by dominicus

It's no coincidence that gold has been the best performing asset over the past ten years, and there is every reason to believe it will again be the best performing asset over the next ten years.

Ignore anyone who says you can't eat gold. Gold is money, and is the only true universal currency that will keep your head above water, fed, and with the means to trade internationally, which will be of the utmost importance when the debt-based fiat system is stretched to breaking point.

Land is of course good too, but the world is not going to collapse mad-max style unilaterally. There will be some countries that still produce and do relatively well, while others will strain under hyperinflation or severe currency revaluation/debt issues as leaders crank up the paper printing presses in a bid to stay afloat.

The reason why central banks hoard gold, or trade gold, is for one reason only - and that is is that gold IS money. It is a currency, universally recognized and accepted.

Below is the best performing funds over the past ten years, and the theme within is fairly evident.

Decade's Top-Performing Funds 10-Year Return

USAA Precious Metals & Mining 24.4%

ING Russia (LETRX) 23.8%

Black Rock Energy & Resources (SSGRX) 23.1%

Evergreen Precious Metals (EKWAX) 22.7%

Tocqueville Gold (TGLDX) 21.7%

First Eagle Gold (SGGDX) 21.4%

Van Eck International Investors Gold (INIVX)21.4%

GAMCO Gold (GLDAX) 20.3%

OCM Gold (OCMGX) 19.7%

Oppenheimer Gold & Special Minerals (OPGSX) 19.6%

[edit on 18-7-2010 by cloudbreak]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by cloudbreak

So if I have gold and the SHTF I'll be okay? How can you confirm this? With what set of facts or experience can you draw on to sustain your "trust in gold" comments?

What would keep the money changers from being looted of their gold? Gold is the only answer? If paper money if worthless how will people go about getting gold? With the price of gold so high, so unaffordable for most people, how would having gold mean anything to those who can't get it to begin with. You assume too much - as if the entire economic system we as a nation have in place would be reformatted to accept gold as legal tender.

There are too few of us that have gold to give any value to your claims. You seem to believe that one night we go to sleep and wake up with gold reserves ready to be spent and exchanged at stores and businesses.

Yeah, we see gold as a real currency - but with reserve banking and fiat currencies the world over the system we have established is not capable of tendering gold in place of the paper we use.

I respectfuly disagree - gold wont save you ... there are too few of us for this gold replacement plan, this gold will save you plan, this gold will put food on your table plan to be real. People don't have it and the system we have in place wont accept it. An economic fallout wont awake the morning after with a hunger for gold but with a sense of shock and panic.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by anubis9311
Well its all nice and good for people to buy gold and land and silver. However land can be seized at any time if the government really wants to. and no don't go telling me that you will shoot anyone trying to come on the land. why do you think they are trying to take away the guns? besides you might get off a couple of shots before the army that was sent gets you. but it wont be enough cause those 2 or 3 people you kill will be replaced by 100 others when the government does a crack down and says you want to eat? you work for us.

As for gold and silver, didn't anyone learn from history. the Germans grabbed all the gold and precious stuff when they took over every country. including their own. So yeah go ahead and buy that gold coin. better put it under your bed and pray your neighbor didn't see you walk in with it. He will probably be the rat that informs to the government on you. Or better yet when his family is starving and he goes over the edge, your bed might be easier to rob then the bank he was thinking of.

Everyone is an expert on when TSHTF...
So what is your plan? To work for the government?

Well here is something to think about so how is the government going to pay that army they are supposedly sending after little ole me on my acreage out in podunk township? Financial and economic collapse is also collapse of that military's supply train also. Soldiers don't kill for free and someone has to grow the food and build the shelter that feeds and houses them how will they be paid? If they force them to work as slaves they will just create more insurgents.

It seems to me that people think the collapse is just for the peasants and the military industrial complex has unlimited resources manufacturing and food... Oh wait a minute it is the peasants who do all the work that supports all that.

No military on earth can control the entire land mass of America it is logistically impossible, especially with a rifle behind every blade of grass. They will have cut off thier own supply lines. They can't control Iraq or Afghanistan how they going to control the U S of A?

Gold and silver have been a stable store of value for thousands of years and they will continue to be. Sure there are times when food is more valuable because you can't eat gold and silver and we might see that for a short time but eventually society will reform to some degree and begin to trade and gold and silver will be the medium they turn to.

People will band together and form local militias for mutual protection and trade it is the basis of all society.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by hawkiye]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Mr.Hyde
reply to post by cloudbreak

So if I have gold and the SHTF I'll be okay? How can you confirm this? With what set of facts or experience can you draw on to sustain your "trust in gold" comments?

What would keep the money changers from being looted of their gold? Gold is the only answer? If paper money if worthless how will people go about getting gold? With the price of gold so high, so unaffordable for most people, how would having gold mean anything to those who can't get it to begin with. You assume too much - as if the entire economic system we as a nation have in place would be reformatted to accept gold as legal tender.

There are too few of us that have gold to give any value to your claims. You seem to believe that one night we go to sleep and wake up with gold reserves ready to be spent and exchanged at stores and businesses.

Yeah, we see gold as a real currency - but with reserve banking and fiat currencies the world over the system we have established is not capable of tendering gold in place of the paper we use.

I respectfuly disagree - gold wont save you ... there are too few of us for this gold replacement plan, this gold will save you plan, this gold will put food on your table plan to be real. People don't have it and the system we have in place wont accept it. An economic fallout wont awake the morning after with a hunger for gold but with a sense of shock and panic.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

I think that in the event the SHTF, the idea that having some gold or silver is relevant. My wifes parents were children in Singapore during WW2 under occupation, where the old currency became worthless. What kept them going was the undergound black market trading of food and necessities, and gues what the currency was to buy those vital extras? Gold & Silver... their parents melted down whatever jewlery and other silver items to use to trade with. Even to this day, my father-in-law always ensures he has a portion of physical gold and silver stashed away for as he calls "a rainy day"

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by netwarrior
The most valuable metals in the beginning of the collapse will not be gold or silver. It will be brass, lead, and copper. Properly assembled, of course.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

How do you get your family to eat ammo? Mine will not touch it even with ketchup.

[edit on 7/18/10 by evil incarnate]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by bjsmi2
The US empire is collapsing slowly but surley... But isnt that part of the plan. Wait till depopulation starts. Look hard enough at the information out there. Connect the dots ! A fool could tell you its getting worse economicly and socially.

Obviously you're not American... What American would laugh hardily at the depopulation of their own people. There's a war goin on... all you REAL Americans on ATS better recognize the enemy... if a soul from Canada can you's sure as hell should.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:52 AM
I've been homeless for several years, after deciding to quit my job and focus on making art. I haven't tried to get another job because I don't care about money. I care about art. It's great, I don't buy # I don't need and I've pared down my material possessions to mainly clothes, books and art supplies. I've learned to survive on very little, sometimes without shelter or food (and I've never asked anyone for money.) and sure it's not easy, life never is, but I'm happy that I've chosen to live this way, because it's made me strong and I'm ready, no matter what happens, to continue existing the way I do. Remember your thoughts create reality, not the other way around. You are the creator of your own universe, if you think things are gonna end badly, then they will. If you think the TPTB have any control over your future, then they do. Keep your fear in check. There's no guarantee any of us will be here to see tomorrow so why worry about next week? Enjoy today, because really that's all we have. and if you really think you need a gun to protect yourself then you're holding on to physicality too much. Let go, induce an OBE and explore the unlimited spectrum of existence.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Mr.Hyde

That is ok, you may respectfully disagree - many people do. But I am of 100% conviction you will change your views over the coming months or years as increasingly more people wake up to the fact that gold is money, always has been, always will be.

The facts I draw some of my views from is the reality that gold has 6000 years of history behind it as being the primary form of currency. Gold satisfies every single criteria that is required for money. That cannot, and will not change, particuarly in opposition to many people's mistaken belief that somehow paper money has more inherent value than gold. The elite, the central banks, and governments know this: that is why they hoard gold.

Gold is not priced too high, nor will it ever be. Not being rude or condescending, but you have it back to front. It's paper currencies which are devaluing and losing puchasing power against the only true universal yardstick and currency, gold. As time goes on, your paper will buy less physical amounts of gold, but it will never be too expensive - people will likely be thinking in terms of grams rather than ounces, that is all. Have you got $100? If so, then you can afford gold. It will never be too expensive, just that people will have to settle for less of it when converting depreciating paper as time goes on.

There have been rumours afoot that the IMF's special drawing rights issues may be backed in part by gold. Gold is collateral, because it is money. Similarly, talk of emerging alternative reserve currencies for various trading blocs has mention time-to-time of potential backing of commodities, including gold. Time will tell, but it is a fact that trust on an international basis in fiat currencies is withering, and only gold can really restore this trust, hence why reserve banks/governments hoard gold.

I am not saying fiat will dissapear altogether, but it is a fact every fiat based system has collapsed throughout history. Any emerging fiat system will have to be backed by something tangible, in an effort to reinstore trust. Gold is the natural choice due to its history, universal recognition, and role as the ultimate currency.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:04 AM
Actually a monetary collapse is good for the people in debt because instead of owing 100K in 2010 dollars if the value collapse you will owe back less in there haha, and most Americans are in debt so a collapse would open their eyes

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:08 AM

Buy land not likely. i will buy a used motor home with a diesel engine.
put solar panels across the roof for power so i am off the grid.

There are a lot of areas in the western US you can park free for days, weeks, months,
If all else fails i can file mining claims to park on while mining. about $125 a year.

Buy gold and silver not likely.
I am a retired/disabled gold miner. 30 + years.
Why buy gold or silver.
Your only profit is from a increase in gold or silver prices. minus the taxes on the profit.

I will buy metal detectors, gold pans, gold dredge, and other mining equipment.
Then my gold profits the price of the gold i find minus what ever it cost to run the equipment.
and i know where i can find at least a ounce a month at minimum.
and likely 2 to 5 ounces a month.(been there done that got the gold)

I can then travel around the southwest in the old mining country and with the motor home i will have a place to live while gold mining.

Plus if the cost of everything goes up my veteran pension goes up with the cost of living index.

And since i am not working a regular job i have no income that is taxable. The veterans pension is not taxable.
And i know many places i can sell the gold with no paperwork and no reporting of income to the government.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:08 AM
Let the traders choke on it.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
Your friend is spreading doom and gloom. The government has everything under control. The government is your friend. Remain calm and remember you live in the United States of America. The greatest country on earth. There are people who make sure everything remains stable. You just need to take some time to relax and watch more tv. Maybe spend some money to do your part for our economy. Have a nice glass of water and take a pill to help you relax. You will feel better once you take your mind off of things you dont need to worry about. Have a nice day.

the government is our friend? never heard such tripe in all my life

how did so many people star u? cant believe that many people on ATS actually believe that

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:24 AM
Of course they are buying these things thats why the price is going up , then they will bet the profits on the price going is this news?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:32 AM
no offense but i heard it all before on here the US economy is a joke true. they were supposed to crash years ago again true. Will they let it crash NOPE.

look i would love nothing better than to see this farce of a democracy crumble beneath the hypocrisy and lies that they have heaped over the steaming pile of garbage they call freedom. But alas it wont happen. so relax your Burgers and supersized cokes are safe. the world as you know it isnt going to end. and even if it does you should be celebrating because after raping the world for decades if the US implodes at least it will serve as a warning to other nations where the path of greed and power will lead eventually.

but nobody will pay attention.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by spurge
I still think the best bartering items of value will be Tobacco and Alcohol.

When people are down, they tend to want one of the above and do anything for them.

Excellent news for me then.. my apple trees give me enough fruit to make a years supply of tastey hard cider. Only thing id be missing is honey (don't use sulfates) and sugar.. I'm sure someone would barter a liter for a pound of sugar

But you are def right.. foods, tools, ammo, fire wood even, clothes (who knows how to knows how to knit and sow anymore?) Tobaco or other herbs to smoke, medical supplies.. list goes on and on.. and id take all of it over a shiney gold coin.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Exactly, what would a starving man with a pile of gold do if another man has food.

I would wager the whole pile of gold for one meal.

Can't eat the gold.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Realtruth]

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Realtruth]

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