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UPDATE: Obama Warns America The (OIL) Cap May Be Removed

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posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 07:53 PM
Boy it sucks to be right at times. Any other takers on still believing what your seeing on TEE VEE is truth? The next moron that says people are being paranoid about this need to eat some more toilet paper.

[edit on 16-7-2010 by Bonified Ween]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:22 PM
This is the first time I feel Obama is telling the truth.
But I could be wrong.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:22 PM
I watched that speech.. they misunderstood him.. He meant that they would have to open up the cap and collect at the surface.

You can watch it here at CSPAN.. plus listen to Thad Allen:

This is misinformation! That is MSM for ya!

[edit on 7/16/2010 by Morpheas]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Chance321

Originally posted by StarTraveller
Just to add as there was mention of low pressure:
Pressure continues to rise and is currently above 6700 psi.
also all feeds from all linked websites are currently down as of 00.10GMT

[edit on 16-7-2010 by StarTraveller]

Just curious. Now, I'm assumeing that the increasing pressure is a bad thing. Just wondering how much pressure it would take to pop this new cover off. And just wondering what is causing all this pressure, you'd think with the leak plugged that the pressure should be leveling off.

Rising pressure is a GOOD thing. The goal is to see 8000 psi. This will mean the well-bore pipe casing is intact and the cap can be 100% effective, and the relief wells have a very, very high chance of working.

The reason it takes awhile for the pressure to level off is that they are slowly closing the "choke" valve. One of 4 valves on the cap. Also, 18,000 feet of pipe under tremendous pressure will surely expand, bend, buckle, etc., and the Gas component of the leak will compress. This is why they said it would take up to 48 hours to know whether it was successful or not.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:43 PM
This SOB continues to piss me off. It's obvious by now he wants to intentionally pollute the world, which explains why he refused help from other countries early on.
Seems to me he is preparing for his next move, which will be to hold the country hostage in order to pass cap 'n trade.
I can already hear him:
"Let me be clear, if I don't get my cap 'n trade, I will uncap the leak."

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Thank you for that as I have had a hard time trying to imagine why it would take so long for the pressure to build up and not have maximum pressure reading straight away.

Cheers for making it clearer for me. Ok, lets just say that pressure fails to rise to the desired result, and that would be a sure indication that there is damage downhole.

Would this drastically reduce the relief wells success? I have read that it would almost mean an inevitable failure for the relief wells, however I can't say that the source of this is credible.

The other thing I have been thinking about, is are BP REALLY going to be aiming to "kill" this well? I can rightly so imagine them scratching their heads trying to figure out a way to keep this well alive so to produce from the reservoir.

Sounds like there is a lot of oil down there, a lot of $$ to at least cover their asses partially from this monumental blunder for the last 80 days. Are they really going to kill it off, or come up with some scheme the public will accept to keep it alive as to produce from it?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Okey, thanks.
Second line.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
This SOB continues to piss me off. It's obvious by now he wants to intentionally pollute the world, which explains why he refused help from other countries early on.
Seems to me he is preparing for his next move, which will be to hold the country hostage in order to pass cap 'n trade.
I can already hear him:
"Let me be clear, if I don't get my cap 'n trade, I will uncap the leak."

why not just claim Obama swam down there and caused the leak himself? It would be as logical.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
This SOB continues to piss me off. It's obvious by now he wants to intentionally pollute the world, which explains why he refused help from other countries early on.
Seems to me he is preparing for his next move, which will be to hold the country hostage in order to pass cap 'n trade.
I can already hear him:
"Let me be clear, if I don't get my cap 'n trade, I will uncap the leak."

Well, you can see how concerned he is by the need for yet another vacation and probably some more golf. This doesn't surprise me, so far he hasn't done anything to help this country. Actually I'm surprised he didn't take credit for plugging the hole.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Nomad451

Yes, if the pressure doesn't build, it would be very bad news. A rupture in the pipe near the sea floor is not so bad, the relief wells could still work. BUT a rupture deep below the sea floor, or near to the reservoir would mean the relief wells have zero chance of success. Worse news would be if the pressure builds to a point and then causes a new blow out!

As for BP still profiting from this well, I think they will drill into it as soon as possible. This well-bore has suffered too much erosion and damage and problems, but after drilling the original and 2 relief wells, they would have very little time or expense in using that experience and strata mapping and drilling a new well to produce oil.

As a matter of fact, i think BP will drill a massive producing well and spin it as insurance to relieve pressure in the reservoir and ensure the continued success of the caps and plugs on the bad well.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Chance321

Actually, I'm surprised you didnt claim he did so, regardless of all actual evidence to the contrary.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
We already know that oil is seeping up through the sea bed. There have been videos posted from the ROVs.

Or am I missing something 'bigger' than the sporadic 'puffs' of oil streaming out of the cracks?

I'm with you. Capping the well doesn't mean it stopped. I mean, were those 2 sections of drill pipe that popped out of the BOP just extras?? Nah, it's leaking into the seabed alright, and more than likely in 2 different places, going by this Floridao ilspilllaw link

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:48 AM
You know something is terribly wrong when even the president, this puppet for the corporations, is pessimistic.

Assuming they have alway been hiding the truth since the beginning (they knew it before the explosion, lied about the number of barrrels etc), it means the oil is leaking from the ocean floor.

But I would like to hear from the relief wells. Where are they ? Weren't they supposed to fix it this week ?

[edit on 17-7-2010 by ickylevel]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by ickylevel

My understanding is this was only intended to be a test from the outset with a new more accessable cap that more oil can be brought to the surface with. It is supposed to be easier to remove in the event of a hurricane in the gulf. It was never intended to be the "final capping" of the well for good. The results of the testing they are doing now will help them plan for the next stages that are forthcoming. It is helping them to figure out the integrity of the casing. If they are able to get the leak stopped via a relief well BP can still return to the Macondo well (estimated to have 50 million barrels of oil) to try to produce oil from it. If unable to revist the Macondo well due to damage one of the relief wells can be turned into a producing well which I have assumed from day one would eventually happen. I don’t believe BP has any intention of closing off this oil for good any time in the future. Too much money is involved.

As for the time it is taking for the relief wells, please keep in mind that the Macondo well was 2.4 miles into the seafloor and these wells are now at a point where they have very tedious and precise work to do. They are using electromagnetic sensors to detect the blown-out well and move closer towards it. These people working on the relief wells are under extreme pressure to get this done while at the same time realizing they have to put safety at an utmost priority.

I find it a bit of a paradox that people are encouraging they hurry for the relief wells to be drilled and completed (while condemning BP that they hurried to get Deepwater Horizon drilled) and that the company BP that caused all the other deepwater drilling to come to a halt for 6 months is the only company that is now being allowed to drill.

What a crazy world we are living in!

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 08:55 AM
duplicate post


[edit on 17-7-2010 by LAinhabitant]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 08:57 AM
I later went on to see this story on a couple of different news sites, and just offer this observation. The headline and tone of the story makes all the difference in the way we might interpret it.

The use of the word "warns" in this particular headline made me use the word "ominous" in my first post on this topic. I got subconsciously sucked in. Ugh.

I do still think he's just keeping it real. And I do still think we're not out of the woods yet, which is the only logical and factual way to both interpret what he said and view the entire situation. It was a warning of sorts, yes. But maybe not a dire one. As much as we all want this part of this multipart disaster to be over, just don't get too full of hope yet.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:36 AM
Never waste a good crisis! Isn't that right Hillary?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Darkrunner

wow, not only is your partisan showing,

but you got the catch phrase wrong.

partisan fail

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by justadood

The point remains.

This administration hasn't done much but blame Bush for everything. From the economy to the oil leak to the collapse of the housing market.

Make no mistake, Bush was a moron, but sooner or later you have to step up and do something. That is the difference between presidents who will be remembered and those who are forgotten in the pages of history.

I just came back from Mobile, Alabama. I don't like seeing tarballs on the beach. So instead of blaming Bush's lack of regulatory oversight on oil rigs, CAP THE #ING LEAK.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 06:21 PM
In a recent interview with Matt Simmons, he is implying that all the ROV activity is being dispensed on an object that is not the real gusher. In lieu of this video, he is stating that there is a hole in the seabed that is gushing 120,000 barrels a day. He also states that the relief wells won't work (beyond the fact that it has to hit a 7" pipe at 35,000' deep and at an angle).

It's a bit glitchy but still good.

In retrospect of his info, capping the well is causing a back pressure to the hole he is referring to (that BP will not divulge or allow access to), as well as creating seepage and leaks in cracks in other areas from this video that was saved by a user before the footage was removed.

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