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Matt Simmons says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away

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posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by tommyb0y

Here is a link for you

Hope it works for you, although it should just be common sense. The oil well doesnt peak just where they drill... its large, and with millions of gallons of water pressing down on the ground... removal of oil should in theory atleast alter the structure that the oil is holding up/residing in.

edit to add

not to mention the fact that oil itself is very important for the surivival of our planet. Filling the void with water wont do the trick. I personally wonder if THE EARTHS ATMOSPHERE COLLAPSE had any correlation to it... and I honestly do believe it did.

[edit on 16-7-2010 by rjmelter]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by tommyb0y
The hole has been fixed (hopefully).

Now the banter about BP has to end! But not for the downers who instead of congratulating the feat decide to invent another imaginary hole so they have some more impending doom to talk about! Zzz.

How ironic that your screen name epitomizes the ignorance of your post, as your response is pretty much right in line with what the character, Tommy Boy, would also say in regards to this matter.

The hole has not been fixed and as you are apparently not aware, this latest procedure is not designed to stop the leak but rather contain it. That is a far cry from permanently capping the leak.

We are far far away from any type of permanent solution to this crisis!

Lastly, since it is apparent that your location is nowhere near the gulf, by all means feel free to cease and desist all BP banter, however, gulf coast residents like myself will continue to monitor, discuss and analyze this gulf disaster as much as we damn well please.

Thank you very much.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Some forty or fifty years ago, some believed that all of the oil under the Gulf of Mexico was connected in a formation called Thunder Horse and was believed to stretch all the way to northern Brazil. Over the years 'new' geologists have revised all of that into smaller separate fields based on 'new' information.

I have the suspicion that my late husband and his geologist friends were correct all those years ago and all of the oil is connected from the Gulf through the Caribbean at the depth that the Deepwater well breached the bounds of Hell.

I would love to be wrong about all of my suspicions regarding the Gulf of Mexico.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:02 AM
so is this like an undersea caldara?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by tommyb0y

Wow could you just stop trolling already? PROVE WHAT? Aren't you the same guy who said to me in a thread 2 months ago about the BP disaster "Where are the pictures?? Show me the pictures to prove how bad it is!" Have you seen enough pictures yet, have you seen enough destruction?

Instead of randomly attacking people in a thread asking them to prove things, do your own research instead of trolling under the thread bridge latching onto anything that comes by.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by billyjack
AS long as ya'll continue to post comments by Matt Simmons, I will continue to point out that at best he's a banker and at worst a journalist. He has all of the technical knowledge of a gerbil, but not enough sense to shut up. Not one thing he has stated about the blow out has been correct to date.
1)The well couldn't be shut in and the relief wells couldn't work because the casing was compromised-Wrong!
2)The bottomhole pressure was 70,000 to 100,00 psi-Wrong!
3)It was blowing out of the sea floor-Wrong!

I am sure most on this thread do not believe in "Peak Oil" and Matt is a big proponent of Peak Oil. I do not understand why you want to believe his nonsense because he is spouting hysteria that is proven false and physically impossible.

Billyjack, first of all, this disaster is not over yet, so we don't know if Matt Simmons is wrong about everything. Secondly, Matt Simmons is NOT alone in his assessment that there's more than one leak near the well bore site.

The Peak oil theory is another issue. I'm sure I've seen another thread on this issue of Peak oil vs abiotic oil, etc.


posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

As a fellow gulf resident I agree. I still haven't found the info I've been told, but I'm still searching. A Capt. out there mentioned it was a H2S field they hit, near the fault line or it could've effected the faultline, hence the seeping from the seabed. Faultline 6 miles from the DH well? Still looking into that. H2S field confirmation in GOM? Search continues.

So far he's mentioned the H2S levels are nothing to worry about at this time and to avoid the information regarding the methane issue. He also mentioned, and I've personally spoken with alot of oil field veterans that confirm, they've hit one of the largest reserves the gulf has seen.

I pass on to others that while the rest of the world continues to wonder "why the hell haven't they evacuated yet", it is because we have trusted sources out in the gulf, although we don't have the proof of their information. Maybe it will be 10.5 Apocalypse come to life - but until then, I'll trust who I know is out there right now. The video itself may be a piece of the puzzle along with all of the other info. Peace all!

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt
tommy can you hear me?.
what about the hole in your head? mi dios!
all your sense has been depleted and replaced with corexit!

[edit on 16-7-2010 by p51mustang]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

reply to post by DHSreallybugsme

reply to post by snowspirit

James Cameron offered to Congress that he would take his gear and document what was going on down there....they told him to "get lost". He probably could have done a credible survey of a pretty large area.

Either they don't like Canadians, or they don't like the truth....
(or both)

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by tommyb0y
reply to post by Astroved

Prove it! Bet you can't!




posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by LookingIn
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

reply to post by DHSreallybugsme

reply to post by snowspirit

James Cameron offered to Congress that he would take his gear and document what was going on down there....they told him to "get lost". He probably could have done a credible survey of a pretty large area.

Either they don't like Canadians, or they don't like the truth....
(or both)

They most definately have a problem with truth, and there is no doubt that they are witholding, managing and shaping the information they do give us.

It is this that allows all sorts of room for people like Matt Simmons to incite fear, primarily to lessen BP's standing, which in turn would increase his big oil clients standings. It is ALWAYS about profit, just follow the money.

The poor folks on here who believe this do not profit from this spreading of fear, they are just very concerned. However I believe they may be unknowingly ( I hope) making some folks very rich.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by OnTheFelt

I know the hole is not permanently fixed so don't make assumptions! The cap is temporary but i believe this will lead to a fix and so do all the PROFESSIONALS.

Secondly i am not saying stop discussing the problem, who would i be to say so anyway! I was poking fun at the people that listen to others like Matt Simmons (ho knows nothing about what is happening under the gulf!

His THEORIES are taken literally and its a bit silly really because people like you who live in and around the area get all worried and shaken over nothing!

I have seen countless doom mongering threads on here and they all come and go without a trace of what was claimed happening so we will see.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Nomad451
Thanks for posting this Lupin.

Here is a link to an article that may explain where Simmons has gotten his info from regarding the ruptured sea-floor

Quite scary. If this is an any way true MSM and BP need to be dragged into the streets and lynched. It angers me so much to see on my nightly news "HOORAY BP have finally PLUGGED THE WELL....!!!!! It's all over!"

No. It's NOT all over. Get to the bottom of these reports of ruptures in the sea floor NOW

that article in your link sources to Sorcha Faal among the other more reputable sources. As I understand Sorcha is a pen name of someone writing political fiction.


is hyperlinked from:

"May 23rd report titled “Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America”"

from your article.

That is not to completely discount the remainder of the subject; but it does NOT lend credibility.

Sri Oracle

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:35 AM
Now they may have outward cracking or fractures around all three wells and longated cracks joing all three wells from the explosion generated by the last well they drilled, a sonic boom will generate resonating waves and fracure anything that is weakened along with extream pressures forcing ruptures. Quarry mining works the same way drill a bunch of holes at depth and exploded them, fractures and drops a section of rock away.

More than likely the sea floor has been fracture badly, maybe the only thing holding it toegther is upward pressure and dowward pressure and the cold

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by nite owl

There was a thread a little while back on here, that mentioned the second (and possibly third) hole(s).

The general tone was that the second hole was caused by another drilling platform that was sinking a well when it discovered that the well head was unstable or the pressure was wrong and was causing problems.

Apparently they poured mud and concrete and capped it off a moved along.

Maybe they didn't cap this one off properly either.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Astroved

Sorry to be a party pooper but thats not proof!!!

Give me proof that Sagalevich was allowed to survey the damage in the area!

Last i was heard it was off limits to anyone but BP and officials from the US. I really don't think the US would let any Russians know the real issues let alone allowing them anywhere near the problem.


[edit on 16-7-2010 by tommyb0y]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by tommyb0y

"Welcome to iReport, where people take part in the news with CNN. Your voice, together with other iReporters, helps shape how and what CNN covers everyday.

So you know: iReport is the way people like you report the news. The stories in this section are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. Only ones marked 'CNN iReport' have been vetted by CNN."

I agree... it's not proof. It's like me writing an article for CNN saying Blackjack was real and citing a thread on here as proof.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Ok, this is crazy. There are even private submarines that can go down to 1500 feet. Military submarines can go down far below the 5000 feet nessesary. Are you telling me, NOBODY is actually looking? and that all we have is vague sonar images of the surrounding area? Does anybody else find it PHENOMENALLY WRONG, that no subs, whether they be military, scientific, or for that matter private, have even looked around the general area of the Horizon, to look for pressure leaks? Has everybody gone completely mad? This is a cover up on such a massive level it should have already fallen apart, YET NOBODY IS ASKING THE QUESTIONS! Where are the subs? Where are the scientific researchers? Where is the media? Where the $%$^ is everybody? To me this almost feels like a dream, because the reaction to this is SO WRONG it is hard to believe.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

What good are the media going to do interrupting with boats and helicopters. The people there need to concentrate on the task at hand this does not mean its a big conspiracy at all.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by tommyb0y

Are you telling me that Geraldo Rivera, with the financial support of FOX NEWS would not be willing to go down in a scientific research sub to actually get a first hand report of the surrounding area? Are you telling me that if this in-fact did happen that eyes araound the country would not be glued to the screen? Are you telling me their ratings wouldn't spike overnight. Are you telling me that NO NETWORK NEWS GROUP HAS EVEN CONSIDERED THIS? Come on.

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