reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX
You see back when “Government” was HUGE almost Omnipotent!
They were everywhere and knew everything; they had super secret agents IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD!
When a person told a story it was lucky if it got outside of the town limits.
Nowadays people realize the Gumment is actually puny and quite impotent.
We tell a story online and 3 minutes later a kid halfway around the world knows what we know.
The idea that something is to big to keep a secret used to be somewhat true.
That is why they would bring individual soldiers in for a debriefing and tell them,
“you realize this is top secret and problems will happen to and for your family if this is ever spoke of again”?
That plus compartmentalization kept pretty tight ships afloat.
Now the idea that something is too big to keep secret is true.
We continually find shady areas where we question what the Gumment does.
But, the only reason we don’t hang these traitors is, by the time we can drag something into the light and prove it, a commission has already ruled
on said activity and found it to be what the PTB want it to be. And their word is final.
That and the brainwashed masses that can simply not comprehend that these United States of America, The Shining Beacon for the World! Could ever do an
evil thing.
But there is hope, we are waking up at a breakneck pace.
The human spirit is naturally curious it is in our DNA we can not deny this fact!
So we do a web search and find a grey area in our study that leads to a black area.
And then said researcher looks at another online story and sometimes suddenly wakes up that not all is as it seems.
The truth shall not set us free, the web will.
And that is the only thing that is too big to hide.