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CNN (Headline News) is covering the BP/Mustang Story!

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posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by HeinousOne
Alright, I will take back harsh words. They are tackling this issue head on.

You bet they are, sometimes we get great surprises, well not that's it's over I can turn off my TV, often wonder how anyone can watch these so called news shows, they are usually entertainment on hard news.

Good job

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM
That was it? It's already done? Was I expecting too much?

I guess that barefoot dude and Mel Gibson are far more important than, oh, the earth we live on.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Yeah, sounds like BP gets a pass on this one. They may indeed be applying some pressure to go with the cheaper pipeline but in the end BLM and the company building the pipeline will bear the brunt of responsibility in this, they are the ones committing the Actions.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:43 PM
Well that was disappointing. I was hoping for more information to make it to the main stream. It put awareness out there but there are some really important points that where mentioned in the ATS interview that weren't even touched.

It was a good step in the right direction but we really needed a leap compared to what we got.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

whats with the hype

they're been wild horses 'processed' from the N.C. coast and the American 'west' for decades now...

some are 'adopted' by qualified requesters, others are put-to-sleep

ATS didn't discover or uncover diddle...
about every 5-7 years the MSM does a show...about the situation,
of wild horses on government lands...& how humanely the situation is addressed...

I think you strutting like court-clowns, with all the feathers your putting in the 'above' bonnet....shame on the display....
?What- you all think that there is/was no history here, ATS is/are latecommers trying to inflate iots' value to the larger community :


So because its been going on for a long time no one is supposed to get active with this issue or get fired up over it?

Talk about a self-defeating attitude.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Great segment, I have to admit I was worried that it would be more pro Gov, but that was not the case...

Hopefully this story will be followed up on the show, and more importantly, by our elected...

Folks are definitely watching to see how they respond

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:47 PM
This is a pleasant surprise! I had no idea they were having other folks on there in support of this as well.

The more people that see this, hear this, and are exposed to this issue, the better.

I'm proud that ATS made a contribution to getting this issue noticed.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:48 PM
Watched the segment on Shaw (available in Canada) and it will, no doubt, have an impact, especially in the west where wild horses are as American as apple pie. That's good, because it will quicken the hearts of both sides of the political landscape.

It ALWAYS boils down to profitability, doesn't it? George Knapp nailed it when he said that the pipeline didn't HAVE to go through the 'protected' grazing lands of the wild horses. A few millions more and this potential public relations bombshell could have been averted.

Typical that the government 'Land Management' is only interested in the dirt itself... not anything that lives or grows there. Pathetic.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:51 PM
I have been reading the last two pages with baited breath. Hopefully someone will get a copy of the show and post a video of the segment soon so folks like me can see it.

After seeing the original story here I'd really like to comment on this.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:52 PM
Well then, it turns out maybe not all of the MSM is as evil as we thought? At least not this Jane-Valez character. Just an attention craving drama queen

Good work ATS, seems people are getting pretty angry at this!

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:52 PM
Every once in a while, I give this site, the staff, especially the members, some attitude. I can't help myself and I don't do it often. I do harbour altruistic motives. I don't think I've been wrong too often and when I am I apologize.

I enjoy being a member of this community, quiet as I am.

Also every once in a while, ATS proves it's worth in action, which is something I'm always harping on members to provide.
Sure we can talk and talk and talk
Or we can do.

As the staff here know, or at least know if they know me, I'm well aware of the limitations of organization on sites like ATS, at least in a public fashion.

Nevertheless, sometimes through the action of breaking the story, action begats action. Getting this story out is one of those cases.

Great bit on CNN George, good work. Mentioned Mark, got the story out, that's it's reward, I get it. I think it will change a couple of things, but you'll not stop that pipeline.

Helping the horses is a good thing. But really, you could just see 30000 penned up horses as a hell of a lot of dog food.

I see a pipeline as delivering death to all of us.

I'm not down on horses, at least, not anymore down on horses than I am on people. I guess I just have different priorities.

Still, you have to admire those involved for doing something.


Bravo, ATS.
Sorry that your kudos always have to come internally.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:56 PM
Well I found it educational. I never knew T. Boone Picken's wife had interest in the wild mustangs nor that she had made offers of sanctuary.

Why a news station would dedicate a full 30 minutes to a speculative story supported with maybe 55 seconds of archived clips when this story had far, far more that could have been shown (yet was not shown) and deeper criminal activity (again, not shown nor mentioned) is amazing. I guess they don't want to ruffle too many feathers. But alowing BP to write their own free pass was the most appalling part.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:57 PM
......................."and we're going to analysis Mel Gibson next. Stay tuned!"


BOMB SHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya know what? I listened to 2 minutes of Jane's 'Issues" because I really wanted to hear ATS mentioned but...couldn't even get through that much so I switched to Family Guy!


What's this world coming to?

A bunch of idiots looking for guidance and news from another bunch of idiots!


posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:57 PM
I emailed all the people in the story right after it aired. Thanks for letting us know about it. People should at least do this much. hell, the woman on there has given millions and is willing to give millions more to save these horses. So we can at least use a few mins of our time and email these killers....Thanks....

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by DaMod
Well that was disappointing. I was hoping for more information to make it to the main stream. It put awareness out there but there are some really important points that where mentioned in the ATS interview that weren't even touched.

That's my analysis also.

The ATS story was not only first, it was better and more informative. But we also have to consider the format, HLN simply didn't have enough time allotted to the story to present all the good info in the ATS coverage.

One thing they could have done in the time allotted was to show the horses who supposedly didn't have enough water, just on the other side of a fenced off supply of water. Of all the images they showed, that would have been a good one to include.

But at least there is some awareness generated via HLN now too.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Agree, and well said Arbitrageur. I hope (yes, and pray) this story is not forgotten amongst the swell of wrath for Mel Gibson.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Seems to me that the coverage was lacking. The text of her diatribe was peppered with speech which minimized the more outrageous aspects of the connections between the players, and the attending legal commenter had to throw in an unexpanded rhetorical gem "Why is our government not accountable to us?" only to be stepped on by the host and have the question diminish in impact.

I'm glad for those poor horses, at least now any who persist defending this practice must face the potential demon of public embarrassment.

This does not diminish the efforts of Mr. Knapp, who as a guest was gracious succinct and as effective as possible given the venue. Unfortunately the format of this show seems emotionally all over the place, as soon as logic reason or curiosity begins to mount, an emotional plea is declared by the host, effectively marginalizing the content behind confused half-formed thoughts.

I was foolishly hoping for some acknowledgment of the Internet community's contribution to bringing this "news" forward (preferably I guess that was a bit self-centered to expect. Needless to say, I am not so mature as to be beyond vicarious pride. I am happy that Springer was acknowledged.

I "stayed for the show" afterward and was treated to enough material to understand this CNN anchor's 'formula' for news. I will not likely revisit the show....

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
I "stayed for the show" afterward and was treated to enough material to understand this CNN anchor's 'formula' for news. I will not likely revisit the show.... offense to biggest complaint?

Too much emphasis on the wild life heart strings and not enough focus on corporate influence upon our government practice...

That's the story...

Edit for spelling.

[edit on Tue, 13 Jul 2010 19:16:32 -0500 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Originally posted by Maxmars
I "stayed for the show" afterward and was treated to enough material to understand this CNN anchor's 'formula' for news. I will not likely revisit the show.... offense to biggest complaint?

Too much emphasis on the wild life heart strings and not enough focus on corporate influence upon our government practice...

That's the story...

Edit for spelling.

[edit on Tue, 13 Jul 2010 19:16:32 -0500 by MemoryShock]

Very well said, then again, if it was mentioned otherwise then some cell phone's would have rang that one would not want to answer.

[edit on 13-7-2010 by tristar]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by tristar
Very well said, then again, if it was mentioned otherwise then some cell phone's would have rang that one would not want to answer.

One day...and I think of all people, you know it will happen...

Patience is key...

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