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Prove you're not a slave. Quit.

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posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Hmm, let’s see be a slave and work 30 hours per week with a lot of time off for fun, OR be a slave to survival and work 12 to 16 hours per day everyday to raise, make, kill, grow etc everything I need to live on...

Hmmm no

There has been no other time in the history of mankind where we have so much free time to do nothing at all if we so wish…I like my slave life thank you very much.

I think your perspective is a bit off...

try that link and then get back to us.

oh... for what it's worth, I already did quit...

Taxes, mortgage, insurance, taxes, mortgage, insurance, taxes, mortgage, insurance, fines, fees, licenses.


Peace out. I'm on dirt road now and I ain't leaving

zen gypsy,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by ANOK

Well It is not my system.

I did not personally set it up.

I just live here.

So I am supposed to feel bad for people that can not help themselves?

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

Everyone has the ability to change their situation.

Am I any less ungrateful for Farmers? No. I want to farm my own food, but I can't.

So I am stuck with the system I was born into. Which has been around for a long time.

Some people say if you look far enough back into history, you can see the future.

Edited to add:

Which the system was created by Zionist Jew's from Israel. And how long has Israel been around?

And there are no countries really, just corporations.

So you see my point? There is a thing called being grateful for what you have, because people have it worse in other areas, thanks for boosting my original point for being grateful.

[edit on 13-7-2010 by Quickfix]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 10:04 PM
Id did,.. I quit my job and now I am self employed,.
how liberating,..
too bad my new boss is such a jacka**'

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Quickfix
So I am supposed to feel bad for people that can not help themselves?

I didn't say that.

Just putting blame where it should be, not where it shouldn't.

Those who are oppressed are always blamed for their own plight, but most often it is out of their hands. It's easy to just dismiss it as their problem.

I don't expect you to feel anything other than maybe humbling yourself and stop with the it's-their-fault-ain't-it attitudes, when obviously history shows that to be far from the truth. History shouldn't be re-written due to ignorance, even if it does make people feel better.

Africa become poor because of capitalist desire to control resources, and kept poor because through colonization and capitalist greed they were stopped from developing and building an infrastructure capable of competing with other nations. They lose something like $300 million a year because America can produce and sell cotton cheaper, and it's government subsidized. They simply can not compete in the world market.

It's back to the old capitalist fallacy about 'hard work', makes you believe if someone is poor they must not be working hard enough.
Everything the capitalist says is to make you believe they are blameless and it's all the fault of the people. You can not believe anything that they say when it's not in their best interest to be honest to those they oppress.

There is no morality in capitalism, only the private ownership of the means of production. That makes them your master...You don't work for yourself, you work to maintain their system, the very dangerous and very expensive system of capitalism.

The world owned and controlled by the few, whoever controls the economy controls the politics...

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 04:05 AM

I'd rather be at the question.

Ah! I hope the pictures justify the thread title!

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by XsameXoneXotherX
You only become initiated as a slave when you have children.

Very well said.

The reason I choose to continue to be a slave is because my daughter "needs" to go to school.

If it was just me, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this. I'd be wherever I wanted to be.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by zroth

Today everything has a value placed on it that ties back to some form of currency.

And this even makes barter impossible to servive on. Bank wont take chickens on a house payment.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 10:28 AM
i quit. back in april. i worked at my job for 13 years making 3d maps of the planet.....was making tons of money...had benefits....the only reason i stayed there that long was because i have a son....he's almost 14 now and lives with his mom....but we are close...i stayed at my job because it was really close to where he and his mom lived..had me a little apt. close to him...i got him thru his little years....been a great dad
but i decided that im not working anymore just so the reptillians at the top can take my check and use it to enslave us and our children. i know my quitting wont stop it but at least my mind is clear. my son knows the deal with the NWO from the music that it pushes on us to the fluoride they put in our water.....he knows the deal and he may have a fighting chance. my divers license expired back in april to and im not renewing it....i still drive..just do the speed limit. how am i surviving? i had my 401k for 12 years....i took it all out...quite a bit mom has a little house out behind her house and im staying there....about 20 min from my son.....its amazing...we do a lot of camping out by the a garden......and a little money in my pocket....just gonna wait till 2012 and see what happens....

oh yeah this whole time everyone was trying to get me to buy a house and a new car..but i knew in the back of my mind that if i got into debt that it would be really hard to quit work....yeah i have known about the nwo for quit some time...and have made almost all my decisions based on not being in debt.....if i had a house and a bunch of nonsense garbage to pay for there would be no way i could have quit.....well i guess i could have...just let em come get everything...and also my mother god love her...if it wasnt for her i wouldnt have a place to go....but if this place wasnt here i do have the 401k advice is to think ahead people.....

[edit on 14-7-2010 by Funkydung]

[edit on 14-7-2010 by Funkydung]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 10:33 AM
I've been working on makeing my online business for a while now, if you want to help out go here:

and vote on my products! or buy some of them

anyways i would love to have my own little self sufficant farm, but I haven't enough money to get one until I do *shrugs*

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth

I do hope that you don't get too many Gen X, Gen Y folks that miss your points. Once you ID yourself as a Boomer, it seems that a whole lot of folks are ready to read you the Riot Act. It is generally held that Boomers have enjoyed a disproportionate amount of opportunity, in comparison to younger generations.

I had a bad divorce at the age of 38 so I had a serious reroll, but what I still had was 20 years of exponential personal growth that allowed me to overcome that mistake (any many others I might add).

But you're right about those who want it all, and don't see that the generation ahead of them paid their dues, and often made sacrifices to get there, and if that's the source of their bitching, then they just need to grow up.

The 80s were good and the 90s really sucked for me. I find the ups and downs of the 2000s as very workable. They need to just never stop growing and one day they will say wow life is good.

But then, there is something to the argument that Boomers have had some great opportunity, that is no longer available. And while not all Boomers did good with what they had, many did, and that, with a bit of luck, we would think many "should" retire fairly well.

Opportunities never end.... shhhh....a secret I know....

Just look back in each decade and you will see that many happened, the fun is to find the future ones as they are happening. Like dump everything you got into BP when they hit $25 per share…
New millionaires will be made by that one move alone…mark my words…hehe

But then, the economy melted down! You seem to feel a rare sense of security, but I seldom hear that with all that is going on. Of course, in my business, selling precious metals, I often am dealing with a very conservative element, who refuse to "trust" the stock market, or even the government and their worthless paper anymore.

I don’t care who is president or if the economy is good or bad for I’m bullet proof in that area. Bad luck would be my only threat at this point in my life, but I could live good without working and healthcare coverage will never be an issue for me.

Stocks make you rich (once you actually have a savings), living a good life and initial saving is created by personal growth while always improving your living standards.

I wonder what advantages the younger generation has that the Boomers did not have? Certainly, the internet was a late-comer, and it's power is something I would have loved to have all those years ago. But many have taken good advantage of it.

To be honest, I thought I missed the computer boat back in the 80s...boy was I wrong. Opportunities will always happen no matter what, but a person needs to be prepared when they come. As example when that better job opportunity comes along you need to already be prepared or it will pass on by. I started a whole new career at the age of 44, but my foundation way good and I was successful.

Well, I wish I had more optimism concerning the global economy, but I don't. I do see that my children have a tough row to hoe with this economy, but not necessarily due to the lack of quality jobs, it seems to go beyond that. It's almost as if there is so little "hope" today, in general.

I see your point and at my age I have a 7 and 10 year old, so I feel your pain, but just look around and in your area most likely you will see 1000s of businesses someone will own 10 years from now, you see 1000s of houses you can’t afford right now, and you see a lot of cars you wish you could be driving, might as well be you and not someone else for it
WILL be someone….my point is life still goes on and it is not “old money” buying all that stuff.

I remember a nation that was literally on the MOON with pride, with nothing but hope ahead. We had made it to the Moon, the stars lay ahead. And then the Wall fell, peace seemed to be breaking out. Yeah, there were some decades of hope there, for sure.

What like the 50s when people were building fallout shelters in their back yards and a really nasty Korea war...the 40s with WWII, 30s great depression, the 70s with 3.50 per gallon and 18% car/house loans, 80s huge militay build up stagenated ecomony, and crappy music, 90s with huge gains then huge losses and wars and as we see again in the 2000s?

Not much different I would say

Maybe we should all be looking into South America too!

Naw it is all still good...fear of the unknown is not there when you are ready...but South America looks good (some parts that is)

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Xtrozero]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

"I don’t care who is president or if the economy is good or bad for I’m bullet proof in that area. Bad luck would be my only threat at this point in my life, but I could live good without working and healthcare coverage will never be an issue for me.

Stocks make you rich (once you actually have a savings), living a good life and initial saving is created by personal growth while always improving your living standards."


I've noticed a number of people responding to your posts, you must be touching something people are experiencing. I personally don't hear of anyone expressing a "bullet-proof" confidence these days. Other than the uber-wealthy, I'm trying to see how anyone can enjoy that kind of security, in the face of the worst financial situation the world has ever faced (depending upon who you listen to).

You feel secure with healthcare too? Very rare these days! And you still feel good about the stock market?? Well, I hope you're OK, but again, I never hear anyone quite so confident in their security. Perhaps you have been modest about your wealth, that's fine, I realize this is ATS, and some really do seem to be very irritated at those who are doing well. It's not right, but it is getting more common it seems.

Anyway. good to hear someone is OK out there in this insane economy! Good luck to you.


posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I'm not a slave, but I don't want to quit.

I like the system.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by president
Prove it ATS. Prove to me that you are not a slave. Quit.
Do it however you like.

I don't work to support "the system," I work because I love what I do and to bring hope to others in trying times.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by president
Prove it ATS. Prove to me that you are not a slave. Quit.
You are a slave. Prove you're not. Quit.

What about the people who are self employed? How do they prove to you they are not slaves? Take a day off?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by president

Oh I know I am a slave to the system. I sometimes think this recession we are having is cause of my luck being bad and something doesn't want me to have a good life after I got my degree. I sometimes wonder if my boss is fabricating my reference just to keep me here. it cost him money to train another person to do my work. It is a deliver driver position but I know the area damn well. A new driver would get lost and the customer would get the pizza basically free.

Plus the dead end job and the only time I get a raise is when the government gives me one.

Now ain't that some crazy donkey poo.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by ..5..

every time I hear self employed for some reason I think of a drug dealer or ebay seller.....

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:07 AM
I must be missing out on my slave rights.

How does one go about getting court fines?


posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
I must be missing out on my slave rights.

How does one go about getting court fines?


Traffic fines. don't come to a complete stop one day. or overlook a sign that says a particular speed limit. or something like that. A 35 in a fifteen mph school zone can be a full rent payment. That's devistating for someone who is not as financially secure as you. That's all I meant really, just traffic fines.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by ~Vixen~

Originally posted by president
Prove it ATS. Prove to me that you are not a slave. Quit.
Do it however you like.

I don't work to support "the system," I work because I love what I do and to bring hope to others in trying times.

Then work for free.

Just wait. in a couple of months of "bringing hope to others," you would be standing in line to pick some cotton just to sleep on a cot in the barn. Unless you like the snow.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:25 AM
It recently occoured to me that while if you quit your job, you would probably eventually be arrested, chained, and caged, and maybe even tasered for loitering, tresspassing, or vagrency; if you were acctually a slave and even considered quitting, your "Owner" would beat you nearly to death. And then, the next time it happened, you would be hanged.

So for the act of taking the term "slavery" so lightly and comparing my problems to those of a true slave, I am sorry.

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