posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:17 AM
First off, welcome, MagesticEsoteric. Glad you had finally decided to come onboard like many others after years of visiting this site and decides to
contribute as a member.
Right or wrong perceptions doesn't matter,nor do deceptive trinklets such as stars and flags . What matters is that each speaks up and be heard. And
if the effort is made for discussion instead of mudslinging, then it would have served several purposes to illuminate others minds.
And with such illuminations for considerations, the next step would be to go out into the real world and test out such ruminations upon others and
watch their effect on them, espacially to those whom you care and love - your family, your relatives and friends.
There is no need to convince anyone here, more so members, for most here would have already made up their minds and would only continually regurgitate
and repeat their point of views. This is not a cast of aspersion on them, but a compliment, for they have strong convictions on their beliefs, and
stand by it.
It would take more than petty arguments to convince them. It takes rationality and logic, and even then, they must be given the choice to consider,
for it is their freedom of speech and beliefs no man has the right to deny. Only they alone can choose for they have to live with the consequences of
such convictions.
Many debates and discussions will be put across here, and you will be able to see and must discern the truth for yourself, double check on info if you
are late to join in and not in the loop to comprehend.
At the end of the day, whatever you discern, you must SHARE those perceptions with those whom you care, as each and everyone of us will do. You and I,
along with our families, relatives and friends, makes up society and civilisation. Change for better begins with you and I.
We are one, aspire and hopes the same, based upon the gift of life and love given when we were born.
Cheers! :-)