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The Evolution of Man? (to come)

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posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:01 PM
My guess is that evolutionarily, we wont change much at all. Evolution works so that mutated genes of new individuals either are negative, and the individual dies, or are positive, and the gene is passed on.

Assuming our society continues as a civilization at an equal or better level, and due to the fact that in an advanced society we care for those who are disabled/sick/dying, we tend to curb the natural selection process. Genes tend to get passed on regardless in many cases.

Of course, Earth could lapse into a thrid world state by an infinite number of reasons and if so, I think depending on the situation humans would pass on the host successful genes as any other species would.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:56 PM
Any major change in the human design is unlikely within a time frame that could probably be even remotely predictable. Aside from DNA manipulation or a serious change in environment for many generations, humans will most likely only change in very small ways. The reason is simply because humans in the form they are now are very, very well designed and well suited for life as we know it, even at the extremes. Humans already take advantage of so many of Natures Evolutionary Advances, I think under normal conditions most of Human Kinds future Generations will be about fulfilling our potential as it is now and not about gaining radical new changes.

Because of our advanced brain and logic functions and so forth our bodies have been able to change allowing less reliance on pure muscle or size. We are able to adjust to most environments, eat almost all types of substances, have hollow bones filled with marrow for better strength without being too heavy or rigid. Complex joints and maneuverability to climb rock cliffs, ski, swim, climb trees, gymnastics, karate, etc. So on and so forth, the point being we have more potential than we live up to except in individual cases. Imagine if the majority of the human race could all be athletic as Olympic Athletes, as in tune with themselves as Tibetan Monks, as Intelligent as our best Genius Minds, and so on.

Some area's we could increase would be:
Better Immune system
Wider range of Senses within each Individual Sense
More balanced use of Brain Functions and Balance of Right & Left Brain Usage

One major change I have always wondered about that may or may not be useful as well as just kinda cool too. Evolve so the Pinky on each hand descends to become another thumb and ring fingers into more independent like index fingers giving a more complex usage of each hand.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 11:52 AM
Purely in the interest of conjecture, I would be interested to see if humanity could bioengineer sensitivity to a range of energy outside the current spectrum of visible light. Imagine a creature that lives on a planet where the rotation matches the revolution, so the same side always faces the sun. On one side, creatures may evolve with normal sight, on another, they could evolve with a different sort of sight, so that microwaves emitted by all animals are visible, so that they can see their prey and predators easily, while perhaps evolving a supersonic sort of hearing for non-conflict movement and life.. Conjecture is interesting, but nearly pointless.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Viendin
Purely in the interest of conjecture, I would be interested to see if humanity could bioengineer sensitivity to a range of energy outside the current spectrum of visible light. Imagine a creature that lives on a planet where the rotation matches the revolution, so the same side always faces the sun. On one side, creatures may evolve with normal sight, on another, they could evolve with a different sort of sight, so that microwaves emitted by all animals are visible, so that they can see their prey and predators easily, while perhaps evolving a supersonic sort of hearing for non-conflict movement and life.. Conjecture is interesting, but nearly pointless.

Well, for the planet rotation you could do it by just tilting the planet on it's axis also, in the same way the moon tilts toward earth for example. That would allow for any type of rotation while keeping part of the planet pointing away from the sun all the time. The vision on the dark side of the planet that you're talking about sounds like Infrared or if you wanted to include more of the microwave scale would also include being able to see Transmission Waves like from TV or something. Another thing that would be cool would be to evolve the ability to hear and produce sound in the Infra sound range. If you're not familiar with Infra sound you should look it up cause it's really interesting what can be done with it.

Yes, this is pointless, but fun. Besides, without these kinds of ideas we'd have no cool Sci-Fi stuff to entertain us!

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 01:49 AM
Haven't we already experianced evolution? maybe even in the middle of it as we speak....

Wisdom teeth.. our jaws have gotten smaller and most people need to have them removed.

The massive amount of tech and theories that have sprung out of nowhere starting in the 20th century..

I've seen a few studies showing that the IQ's of young people are higher comparable to every generation after the next.

As far as gene manipulation it could be inevitable. I remember once seeing a movie where gene manipulation wiped out humans. We fiddled so much we became incapable of mating with eachother due to there being so many different "species" of humans. I forget the title

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 03:59 PM
ive thought for a while now that man stopped evolving a few thousand years ago. evolution is how animals adapt to changes in their environment, but for a while now humans have altered the environment to suit their needs, so it would seem to make sense that we have no need to evolve. does this make sense to anyone?

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 04:39 PM
Yes dunkleskates I see what you're saying.

Here is how I look at it, which makes it all very simple. Don't think about Evolution as anything amazing that happens in big steps like a Power Up in a Video Game or something. It's just changes from one Generation to the next, and that's all. Don't even think in terms of changes for better or worse or anything like that, especially in the short term. It's just changes.

Example: The Mixing of Pure Blood Types or Races. You take one Full Blood, Blond Hair, Blue Eyed, White Skinned Male or Female with one Full Blood Black Hair, Brown Eyed, Dark Skinned Male or Female (opposite the other) and they produce children who now have a mixture of both genes and so forth. Bang, there is Classic Evolution for ya.

Don't even bother thinking in terms of major changes or why they might happen or if it's a benefit or not in the grand scheme of things. Things don't move in a straight line like that. Yesterdays Evolutionary Step that allowed a hurdle to be overcome can just as easily become something that later on is actually holding back progress for a species. Just look at us humans. We got these cool upgraded brains that allow us to do all kinds of neat things, but what good was that upgrade if it ends up being the cause of why we destroy ourselves and wipe ourselves out? See what I mean.

Also, drop the whole Top of the Food Chain or any other chain B.S. too. There is no Top or Bottom to it. It's a cycle just like all of nature is. We are made from a sperm and egg, grow up and feed off all sorts of other animals, then die where we are then recycled as all the so called 'Bottom of the Food Chain' creatures spread us back down into particles again. Plus, another good example showing there is no top or bottom to this chain is the fact that anywhere along the chain, if a large enough hole is created the whole thing falls apart. Why? Because it's a cycle and not a line.

Example: Imagine what would happen if we killed off all the insect eating bats of the world. Basically, in a very short time there would be so many insects everywhere it would cause world wide destruction. Whats strange is that on the other hand, if humans were wiped out, it would actually benefit the normal natural cycles for the most part. Funny isn't it?

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 05:45 PM
thank, that is as simple as can be.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 06:00 PM
I think a point we are forgeting here is that our evolution need not be biological... it could be cybernetic...

a little taste of this can be found in this thread

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 08:42 PM
For some time now I�ve been of the mind that further human evolution of may be greatly influenced by 4 predominant branches of science and technology: genetic engineering, robotics, nano-technology and quantum computing. They are all currently advancing at astonishing rates, and given just a bit more time, application of these technologies could profoundly effect the manner in which our species evolves. It�s not hard to envision our kind reaching a cross roads up ahead, and regardless of the path we choose to follow, our destiny will then be written in stone. This will be a critical time in the history of our species, and depending on the choices we make at this juncture, we will either continue to move forward and evolve in strange, wonderful and mysterious ways, or we will become the victim of our own folly and will rightfully self-destruct, restoring balance once again to the natural order, without anyone, anywhere ever knowing we even existed at all.

Looking on the bright side, assuming we somehow avoid extinction by our own hand, or by some dreadful bug or parasite, and that we are not the victim of a global extinction brought about by some colossal chain of natural events, or by a visiting astroid, comet or some other demon of cosmic origin, I believe that in the near term (over the next 1,000 � 5,000 years, perhaps?) our species will branch into a variety of sub-species by our own design.

With the power of genetic engineering at our disposal, we will begin the process of creating different strains of our own species, specialized for specific tasks. It will begin slowly, but over time will manifest itself in distinctly separate, recognizeable groups of beings. For instance, as the colonization of the solar system gets underway, a branch of �humans� will be created that will be suited to the task of working and surviving in the harsh environment of deep space; beings who do not breath oxygen, who can withstand extremes in temperature, who are immune to the lethal effects of radiation exposure, who�s muscles and bones do not deteriorate in zero-gravity and who can survive quite nicely on a diet radically different from our own. Mind you, at this point colonization of the other planets/moons in the solar system is not considered a steppingstone to the exploration of interstellar space. We will learn methods of navigating the vast distances in the Universe via wormholes or superluminal space bubbles and the like. Similarly, time travel, or more accurately navigating the Multiverse, will be possible from the comfort of our own homes. Big metal ships spewing explosive propellants will become passe and only seen in exhibits in museums. The motivation behind colonizing the solar system will be due to the overpopulation of Earth, lucrative business opportunities through the exploitation of extraterrestrial mineral resources, and the simple desire for a change of scenery and/or life style.

While all this is taking place, we will also begin to appreciate the advantages of artificial limbs, organs and other body parts over the old-fashioned frail and fleshy type. Advancements in robotics will introduce mechanical counterparts to our major body components that are far superior, more durable and easily replaced when newer models come out. Additional accessory components may also be designed that our bodies never developed through natural evolution; additional limbs (just think what you could do to please your mate if you had 4 arms, or 2 whatchamacallits), eyes capable of seeing in the infrared and ultraviolet ends of the spectrum, an extra leg for better balance, etc. Over time, it�s not hard to imagine that we will gradually �evolve� into a part-human, part-machine race. Cyborgs will not only become common-place, but may be the preferred platform on which to exist.

All the above will, of course, be under the control of nanoscale, biomolecular, infinitely parallel processing, quantum-switched computers implanted, or should I say integrated, into our very own indestructible plastic body frames. We will become the thinking machines of today�s science fiction, endowed with a sense of self, capable of emotions, able to feel and reason and determine right from wrong, and last but not least, able to perform a googol ( 10100 ) calculations per second in our own synthetically fabricated heads. Natural selection will gradually phase out the flesh and blood type humans that once existed for a much fitter, smarter, more adaptable race of thinking machines. It�s a matter of survival of the fittest.

And in some far distant future (10,000 � 20,000 years?), the human species, as we know it, will surely vanish altogether, as we ourselves become the aliens that once haunted our dreams and filled the pages of our ancient literature.

Of course, the above is mere speculation. There are many other possible scenarios. It�s like trying to make a long term prediction, based on approximate initial conditions. If you put any credance in the laws/principles of chaos (Chaos Theory), then you know that a chaotic system's evolution is virtually impossible to predict.

Side Note:
Some may argue that what I�ve described is not �natural� evolution. My reply to that would be, �Explain what you mean by �natural��. To my thinking, EVERYTHING is natural. Be it good, bad or indifferent. To say that because something is produced only by human beings it is, therefore, not natural, implies to me that human activity is somehow separate and apart from all other activity in the natural world or universe. And to that I would disagree. Humans are merely a part of the nautural world, as is everything else we observe in it. And so no matter what we do or produce, be it hydrogen bombs, synthetic organs, thinking computers or MacDonald�s hamburgers, it�s just as natural as anything else. Bees make honey. Is honey natural? I think so.

posted on Jun, 19 2004 @ 10:34 PM
I completly agree with you (poster above) in fact I pretty much said the same thin in another thread on the alien board. We have much to look forward to and I believe we aren't far away from many breakthoughs that will have drastic effects in the way we live our lives.

from other post

Someone said why would aliens want us, they are so far advanced. This would cover two theories, intelligent slaves, or human destruction before we got to far. So who's to say they are far more advanced then us... we are on the verge of some great discoveries in astro as well as quantum physics (travel/wormholes/dimensional space).. human biology (genetic, neuro, cybernetic) and computers (AI, DNA, quantum, artificial life, nano) ... Any day now any of these could become a breakthrough like we've never seen before with possibilities endless and practical application boundless. Even if it isn't "any day now" we are headed in a direction that will make life as we know it today very different and boring compared to how it may turn out in just a few more generations.

[edit on 19-6-2004 by UnusualMe]

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 09:29 AM
Thanks, UnusualMe. I'll checkout your post on the alien board.

As you well know, the scenario I put forth is pretty conservative in comparison to how it may in fact play itself out.

Who knows? It could get pretty wild! Things are often stranger than we imagined them to be ...

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 01:13 PM
if humanity continues to evole we will lose our separate toes, they will become a 'flap' at the end of our feet mearly for walking or running on. We will also lose our hair as it will not be needed in the future. We will also continue to grow in both height and width. Our bone structure will also become more pronoced, it has been shown that our back bones now stick out more than a thousand years ago.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 11:24 PM
I can understand the foot theory....

But I don't understand why you think we will loose our hair... it keeps us warm and catchs impuities.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 06:37 PM
Uk Wizard, nope, toes are required for complex balance. They are not as simple as you think. The mechanics required to keep a person up right is very complex. Look at any animal that has a lot of agility it has longer toes. While animals that primarily run have pads. Ie horses, dogs etc You do not see dogs doing jumping side roundhouses in the air. Nor do you see horses pole vaulting or doing a slam dunk on the basketball court.

With both feet on the ground simply rotate you ankle outward using the pad of your feet, feel the pressure change across your toes as your foot pivots on its side. If you had a flap instead of toes you would not be able to keep the proper amount of contact pressure and be able to adjust the load to retain you balance. This kind of balance is required for complex motion of running upright. If you were on all fours with a lower center of gravity this would not be required as most four legged animals run in a an diagonally opposing fashion , meaning the front foot on one side with the rear foot of the opposite side move in unison and vise versa. Then switching to both legs (front and back) moving as one support mass ie together leaving the body of the animal in the air momentarily. While a human being only two legged can never break into that kind of running stride only having two legs. Therefore the entire weight is coming down off center at all times, thus the ankle, foot, toe balancing is required to shift the center of gravity to the balance point of the human.

As for evolving, as other posters of said we have done our selfs a dis service with respect to drugs and treating illinessess. They allow the weaker people to survive and allow the virus, bacteria, whatever to become stronger as they mutate. Humans will eventually expire due to over exposure and genetic weaking of our "base" DNA. Tampering with chemicals, the enviroments, EM exposure, radiation, growth hormones in the food, fooling with the genetic code, bio-weapons, birth control pills etc. Eventually these things will catch up to us and we will either drastically alter the reproduction cycle or make humans so weak to fending off infections or the enviroment that we wipe ourselves out.

Interesting that someone possed what would happen if makind died out, that the animals and the planet would be better off. Actually if man died by attrition or global epidemic other then war. The animals would have a pretty crappy place to live and some species would die off, due to an over abduance of predators. That and the nuclear meltdowns, rusting oil storage tanks, seeping underground gas storage tanks, food pestilence from decaying farm animals, food contamination from animals eating human goods not ment for cunsumption but ate anyway by hungrey domesticated animals, etc. Lots of problems would exists and many many animals would die by the same effects that killed off the humans. And sure some desolate remote areas might have thriving animal life, but other areas will become barren waste lands only picked over by the rodents and vulcurs of the world.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by dunkleskates
ive thought for a while now that man stopped evolving a few thousand years ago. evolution is how animals adapt to changes in their environment, but for a while now humans have altered the environment to suit their needs, so it would seem to make sense that we have no need to evolve. does this make sense to anyone?

Oh? you are thinking of an enviroment as ecosystems and geology. We are very much still evolving.

Most of our evolution now is driven by social evolution and technological evolution.

Just look at human trait evolution from ww2. Germany alone is a drastically different gene pool.

Also look at Americans of african decent. A large (not majority, but notable large) portion are very tall and strong from about a hundred years for slavery and the death/killing of the weaker and smaller men and women.

I hate to say it, but human inhumane acts are a big driving force of evolution.

War cultures, dedicated to eachother and stead fast against others, are evolving as we speak.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 06:56 PM
To answer that, one would need to assume our Earth will remain capable of sustaining human life another million or more years (an absolute minimum required for any noticeable evolutionary step.)

That seems extremely unlikely. A panel of scientists convened to study the likelihood of Earth lasting much longer. Their conclusions are grim. Go to:

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 08:16 PM
robertfenix, I agree with you to a point �

The sudden extinction of humans would definitely have an effect on the natural order, or equilibrium, of life on the planet. Surely there would be other species that would fall along with us; the ones totally dependent upon us for their survival. But, and here�s where we differ, I believe it would be a very small number compared with the whole of life on the planet. As far as animals dying from our rotting food reserves, seepage of gas from underground storage tanks, contamination from nuclear meltdowns, decaying farm animals, etc is concerned, their deaths would likely be far outnumbered by the population explosion resulting from the renewal of the rain forests, which mankind has thoughtlessly raped and destroyed over the past century, the cleaner oceans and waterways that would result from humans no longer polluting them with their sewage, food waste and petroleum products, and the cleaner air to breath, no longer polluted by fuel combustion from motor vehicles and carcinogens released into the air by power plants and other industrial processes.

Rather than animals existing only in remote, barren wastelands, they would probably thrive, and eventually give rise to a new dominant, �intelligent� life form, as the never-ending cycle of life is renewed. And who knows? Perhaps their paleontolologists will one day dig up our remains and view them in much the same light we view dinasour remains today.

To think that our extinction would throw nature so out of balance as to take all of life with us is giving us much more credit, or influence, than we deserve. Take our technology away, which is already beyond our wisdom and ability to control, and what�s left is an animal with many of the same instincts as the rest, and probably not as adaptable as most.

posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 10:13 PM
I do not think we will damage ourselves with current medical tech.. ie the pill.. etc...

It's trendy FUTURE tech I'm more worried about.. genetics and cybernetics. I also believe that either of these coming into wide spread use could hurry the evolution of man.

As far as what would happen if we poofed I do agree it would probably be bad for the animal kingdom.

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