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Racism in the gaming industry in America?

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posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53

Originally posted by Merigold
reply to post by dragnet53

You're not going to make 25K to start with!

You want in? Start by letting go of unrealistic expectations.

People that are successful in the gaming industry are NOT in it for the money generally.

Lower than that? I make mostly 10k a year sometimes less than that. 25k is average. YOu think that is high expectation? LOL My career adviser gave our class advice and stated that we should ask at least around 30-40/hr or 40k a year because that is the average salary.

[edit on 5-7-2010 by dragnet53]

No chance he was filling your head with puppy dog tales huh?

How many of the people from your class are making $30/40 per hour or 40k a year? How many of them are any good at math? There is a pretty big difference between 40K, 60K, and 80k but hey, why should you know how to put numbers together, you are working in computers.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
I am not the one who started this controversy with Resident Evil 5.

It doesn't matter if you didn't start it, a bunch of other exploitative racists and lime-lite grabbers started it, but you apparently agree with it, and apparently with no merit. You still didn't answer the question, maybe you didn't see it? Perhaps I need to make it big and bold?

Why are African zombies "racist" and Spanish zombies not?

But I have stated in this thread that no where in any of the games I have played that africa was the birth of the virus. It was born by a corporation that was started in America. This I believe was started in Codename Veronica.

And? It being in Africa makes it racist. Any who played the games knows that the T-virus's predecessor was the Progenitor virus, which Edward Ashford, Ozwell E Spencer and James Marcus. This origin is dated as early as Resident Evil 1, and it was implicit in previous games (code veronica, in fact) that they discovered it somewhere in Africa. So yes, it has been implied previously already, not that it should matter. Something taking place in Africa does not make it racist. A discovery of an ancient virus in the cradle of human civilization does not make it racist. The only thing that is racist is the people that are trying to make it racist for their own agenda. See, your fly is open and your bigotry is showing.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:38 PM
everyone wants to be able to do what they enjoy for a living. unfortunately the ratio of people living out their dreams to those stuck in a tedious occupation, is heavily uneven. i won't post a statistic or link, just ask 10 people that you know.

nobody starts life with a career. finding one can be a life-long quest all on it's own. and as stated before, some career fields are heavily screened, and usually for good reason. it keeps the hacks & quacks to a minimum.

that EOE crap falls short at my feet because i have been turned down for jobs for being white, male, and overqualified. (anyone feeling vindicated yet?) imo, no, in my experience... affirmative action does little more than throw gas on the fire of an already volatile situation. it fosters racism rather than promotes harmony. this is supposed to iron out social injustice some how? special recompense does not resemble equality. they are diametrically opposed. therein lies the conspiracy.

placing the ignorance of youth aside, how is it that people without marketable trade skills, education, or specialized professions think that the world owes them something by default? (rhetorical)

ok. nerds. lets talk about nerds. these are the people that run the gaming industry. are you one of them? do you fall in with academically elite, yet socially inept? are you dork enough to design video games for the insatiable consumer? are you good at math AND art? can you write a storyline, better yet a program? and i'm not talking about the type of nerd that it has become cool to be. those are called hipsters. what you are looking for is the mindset that time is better spent tweaking the nuances of your latest project than trying to get laid.

it will take much more imagination than playing the race card to create a game of the year winning title.

now let's talk business. any real entrepreneur DOES NOT CARE what color you are if you have the potential to bring in a profit. business exploits everyone. the only color in concern is green. paper, not skin. i say this because business is business. in the really real world of business everything plays second fiddle to making money. including issues of race. race may factor in making the money, but still isn't as important as acquiring it.

... and let's be real. right now it's hard enough for anyone to get any job, much less the dream job. it's going to be even more difficult if you have no experience, no education, and a poor work ethic.

the quickest way to NOT get hired would be walking around with a chip on your shoulder.

a good portfolio/resume will get you hired on the spot. what does yours look like?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
I am not the one who started this controversy with Resident Evil 5. But I have stated in this thread that no where in any of the games I have played that africa was the birth of the virus. It was born by a corporation that was started in America. This I believe was started in Codename Veronica.

I have thought it over and you are clearly right. Nothing but racism in the gaming industry and RE5 is a perfect example of White people treating everyone else like crap. I did you a favor and found some stuff for you. Obviously these NEO-NAZI game makers must be stopped. Since RE5 is such a big deal to you, even if you did not start it, I wanted to help you out. I waited outside a Klan rally until the culprits emerged. Go get 'em!

Capcom president Haruhiro Tsujimoto

RE5 Producer Masachika Kawata

Obviously typical White supremacists.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by evil incarnate

Easier to respond too? LOL

2nd line

Well one would think. What is it about breaking things up into smaller pieces that confuses you and makes it harder to respond to? I would really like to know because perhaps that mental challenge is what is holding you back from getting into the industry.

You have made it quite clear that the only people you are willing to take the time to really respond to are the ones that you can just argue about race with. You seem wholly unwilling to address any of the posts with real actual points. I am not sure at all why you would take the time to respond to me only to say nothing.

What are you really so angry about. Please, tell us who turned you down for being Hispanic. Maybe someone here can actually help you. Unless, you are not really looking for a way in, but a way to blame others for your failure to really try?

This thread shows you as angry, ill-informed, ignorant, and somewhat immature. You brag about how you are talented but you offer up no evidence you have any experience beyond anyone sitting in a basement with a $100 book they just bought and the new free engine they downloaded from a website. Sorry Homes but that aint gonna do it.

You basically had two choices in starting this thread.
You see racism in the gaming industry and as a minority, feel there somerhing nefarious keeping you out of a "Whites-only" type of club.

You could

1-Start a thread where you point out the problem, demonstrate the problem, address the problem, and look for solutions all while portraying yourself in a positive light that might make you wanted or at least sympathetic.

2-Start a thread making baseless accusations, attempting to portray yourself as someone of value while refusing to do anything that might actually demonstrate that. Display ignorance of the games and creators by calling Asian people white-centric because you forgot they had a black main character, make racist comments, admit you have become racist, and get GTASA completely wrong, basically insulting the black guy by assuming he was just a street thug when he was not. You can go on to lash out at strangers and use terrible grammar, do nothing to look for a way up and just complain complain complain.

I would think 1 would be the way to go if you really had anything to go on. Instead you went with 2 and we all see how that is working out. How many people have you convinced?
How many job offers have you procured here?
How much closer to finding a solution are you?
How have you demonstrated that anyone reading any of this should even consider you?
What is your real goal with this thread?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by gravykraken

you know alright I have made my decision on showing one piece. I am working on something right now and when I am done with it I will show on ATS. JFC I showed my myspace account before on a website and then later on somebody used it against me. I will NOT EVER make that mistake again. You can kiss my royal ass if anybody wants to see my website for it can incriminate me and even black ball me from the industry because of this thread. This project won't take me long maybe a week or two. I have another project helping out a friend as of currently and that takes priority.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

Seems like a lazy excuse to hide your artwork. You can surely post something that ISN'T in your art portfolio on the ats members art forum, no? I have a portfolio of work (both graphic design and illustration) from a former life, and I know out of the 20 or so pieces of my work I'd display to show my understanding of principles and style, there's 100-200 other things that I do like (and most look good) but simply just wouldn't be in my portfolio.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

Why do you have to create something new to show us? Why don't you have an old piece that maybe you do not even really like anymore? How are you prepared for a job with no portfolio? How do you not have a piece you are willing to show but in your quest for a job, you would create something new to show us? That makes no sense. Why waste time making something just for ATS? If you plan to use it for your portfolio, then why not show anything else from it?

Maybe you could just upload something to your YOUTUBE PAGE

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Sorry dude not going to budge. You want something of my work and you will get it. But not my own personal site which also has my personal information on it as well.

I might have a way to upload a demo reel via ATS. hmmm

[edit on 6-7-2010 by dragnet53]

[edit on 6-7-2010 by dragnet53]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

You don't need to post anything from your site, just post something, isolated from the site here? I'm suspecting you may not have anything at all

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Sorry dude not going to budge. You want something of my work and you will get it. But not my own personal site which also has my personal information on it as well.

I might have a way to upload a demo reel via ATS. hmmm

Dude, get real. If you do not have the talent, skills, and knowhow to just post a damn screenshot of ANYTHING you ever created, then you are a bold faced liar!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 01:45 AM
can't do any upload to ATS so I am using my old photobucket page. Slow as hell on the upload and probably be all pixelated too. I did find some old stuff on it too as well. Once I am done I will post it. My main stuff is basically focusing on Matte painting and using Terragen 2 (novice) to Photoshop (Intermediate).

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:53 AM
How similar is that work to your portfolio?

If it's even roughly close, I can't imagine you will get a job interview at a game studio. It's all rather elementary stuff. That's not the issue so much as it really doesn't bring out any style. It's just plain. You'd get looked over in a second.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by WolfofWar

No kiddin'? That is why I graduated back in late 2009 and hoping for an entry level position to enhance my skills. I am no expert just yet.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:02 AM
There is no "entry level position to enhance your skills" for game design, It's an art field. It isn't Mcdonald's where they have time to train you in rudimentary fields. They are looking for pre-honed talent, talent that should have been honed during college and in free time, and apply it quickly in their work. The time to sharpen your teeth is over, that was called college. Now you are expected to be good, show unique creativity in your work and excel in a degree that far surpasses your fellow prospective artists. I think you picked the wrong field.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by WolfofWar

Actually that is what entry level is for to sharpen your skills. It is also called internships as well. They teach you want you need to know to be successful.

But currently I am doing this right now and improving.

It is work in progress.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by dragnet53]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

Well, I will give you credit for finally coming up with the goods. I really doubted there would ever be anything at all but you shut me up.

Now just imagine if you had started with those things and then simply said that you felt that you were qualified for many jobs you did not get and you felt your work proved that there must be some other reason for your being passed over. Then, I am sure you would have actually gotten a LOT of helpful advice, encouraging remarks, and probably some answers.

Do you see how coming here and accusing Japanese companies of being too white because you did not interpret or pay attention to actual story lines? Hell, you never even mentioned "The Suffering" or "The Suffering II." You might have even gotten somewhere with those but that still would have simply been an argument. Do you think arguments get you further ahead in life? Have they worked out for you so far?

You have been shown that you say racist things without realizing it, and you admitted you were NOW a racist. In your profile, "racism" is the first thing listed under things you do not like. Imagine if you spent less time worrying about Race and Nibiru and more time learning 3D software?

Well, I will with-hold commenting on the quality of your work. I do not work for any gaming companies so who am I to judge that. Your thread has done more than enough to demonstrate the type of employee you would likely make. Relax a bit, work on your art. Keep the Anunaki in the realm of hobbies and really dig in and try.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

LOL nope not racist. I even mentioned this thread to the people I know and they laugh at people like you calling me a racist.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by WolfofWar

Actually that is what entry level is for to sharpen your skills. It is also called internships as well. They teach you want you need to know to be successful.

But currently I am doing this right now and improving.

It is work in progress.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by dragnet53]

That is kind of the problem. You are complaining that you have not gotten a fair shake because of your race and yet what you hold up as some grand master work in progress is the exact same thing I can produce with the default random setting in VUE in about 5 minutes. I am not trying to really knock you but all you have shown is that you know how to install a program and run the demos. That is not going to make you stick out much from the thousands of other people that also have that software.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by K J Gunderson]

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