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The energies of the cosmos, on your birth-

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posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Darwin47

Having gone through my whole life thinking I was a Capricorn, I now find out that I am a Sagitarius. I am really curious about this change. There were always things that just didn't fit. Please try 12-28-56 6am when you get a chance. Thank you for bringing this information to this site.

Hi there!

The Sun sat in Sagittarius at your birth, right above Sags head. Mercury also in Sagittarius.

Before the Sun rose on this day, the Moon was in the East in Libra....then came Saturn and Venus in Ophiuchus.

Mars in Pisces (our current age).

Uranus in Cancer.

Pluto in Leo.

Jupiter and Neptune in Virgo.

Sagittarius is a protector...for Sagittarius sits pointing the direction to the center of our galaxy. Mars, I feel as a great ability or need for healing...and it being in the 'present age' may offer you such or show you its needed in your life or that you will be a part of a healing to others around you. If we dont adhere to Mars call, it can represent 'war or trouble' in this age for you as well. Many see Mars as 'war or trouble'....but everything comes with an opposite.

Saturn and Venus, being in Ophiuchus, can also be a call for may be something your life needs in this life or something that you have to offer others. Venus, right now, can be seen in the early morning hours. If you get the chance, wake up before the Sun rises...and look to the southeast. A bright light will be there, this is Venus, in the gateway it was at on your birth. This is a great start to observing and realigning.

Your Moon is close to ending a phase...enter your month and year below...

Here is an image of the Sun at your birth...

My best

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by TSOM87
Hi LeoVirgo,

Say someone is born with their sun in Aquarius but sidereal tell us that they where actually born with is in Capricorn, why still relate them with Aquarius if they weren't born under it?


Here is my personal thoughts on this.

I feel we are all born in cycles...through the 'ages'...taking many experiences of life to learn and grow in what we really are.

If you take your month and day of birth...and go back to the last would of been born under Aquarius. During this age and may have carried those traits, experiences, with you...them being more of a natural nature to you now. Your 'sign' for this not so much what forms your traits and personality...but offers you what you can work on, what will help you 'grow' in a inner way. It may show you a deeper path that within you , you know you need....but it may not be an easy path. Many like to use the cosmos for horoscopes and predictions...but I believe we are makers of our path. Though I also believe, the Universe gives us nudges, reminders...and sometimes puts things in our face...of what we need to work on.

So as one might be more of a natural nature with a past sign...their 'true sign' for this life is something to 'face when ready'. Looking at true signs can often bring catalysts for people...making them recognize something they have chosen to ignore for much of their life. If one has followed their true inner 'pulling' of what they need to work on for this life...they may then recognize their 'true sign' as reflection of that.

I think assigning certain traits to certain signs can often be misleading. For I think its more personal...that what a 'sign' means for your inner being may not be the same thing it means for another. I think any path of spiritual something one should seek alone...without another man to tell them what it means for them. I think much deeper wisdom will come on the true path of seeking within.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Passafist

5-Sep-1993 Kentucky Midnight Male Eastern Time

Hi there!

Sun is in Leo at your birth along with Mercury also in Leo.

Before the Sun rose on this day, Venus was in the East in Cancer.

Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction together in Virgo (do you have a hard time taking no as an answer....are you confident in your decision? Jupiter being King planet...conjuncting the 'trouble or healer' of mars...may be offering you a complicated path. Even though your sure footed in your choices, they may bring 'trouble or a need, for healing'.)

Pluto in Libra.

Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius.

Saturn in Capricorn (Capricorn is the protector of sacred things..and I see Saturn as a councilor).

Moon in Aries (I see Aries as the offering/offeror).

Here is a place where you can calculate your moon phase...

And a image of the Sun at your birth...

My best

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:06 AM
Hi LV,
Would really appreciate if you could do mine. I've tried myself over the years and never managed to get anywhere! The new star sign info says I'm now a Capricorn but I have always felt like an Aquarian.

6th February 1969 between 9am and 11am (My Mum says she can't remember!)
I'm in West Yorkshire, UK

Thanks for your time

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Natterjax

6th February 1969 between 9am and 11am

The signs are ways to remind us things we are of and things we can become. Aquarius may very well be a past sign to you, offering you more of your natural nature...while Capricorn can offer you a deeper path to find, things to work on in this life. I see Capricorn as 'protector of sacred things'.

I dont use the signs so much for traits, but for purpose and need.

The Sun at your birth sits in Capricorn....but there is a funny border to Capricorn. After the Sun moves half way through rides again very close to Aquarius because Aquarius has a outstretched arm that is over Capricorn. The Sun at your birth sits right on the edge of Aquarius border, right under this outstretched arm. Mercury is also in Capricorn.

Venus and Saturn are in Pisces (Pisces is our current age). Your 'light bringer and your councilor are both sitting in 'this age'.

Uranus, Jupiter, and the Moon are in Virgo.

Pluto sits outside the wheel in Coma Berenices. This is a sign outside of the wheel, outside the path of the Sun.

Mars and Neptune in Libra. Mars in 'balance' can suggest there will be trouble with balance and there will need to be a healing for it. Bringing, balance.

For your moon phase...

And a image of the Sun....

My best

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:45 PM
Hello again my friend, and may Peace be with you

I have another one for you, my brand new nephew ^_^

March 1, 2011

Thanks in advance!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Hi Leo Virgo

i was told if you knew someone's Sun, Moon and Rising you had a pretty good idea of who they were -
so Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Lynda101
Hi Leo Virgo

i was told if you knew someone's Sun, Moon and Rising you had a pretty good idea of who they were -
so Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini.


What is it you are wanting me to do? Are you wanting me to tell you who you are? Are you wanting me to give your b-day from your Sun, Moon, and rising sign information? Are you using astronomy or astrology for your 'signs' of sun, moon, and rising?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Hello again my friend, and may Peace be with you

I have another one for you, my brand new nephew ^_^

March 1, 2011

Thanks in advance!

Congrats on the new gift of life in your family!

The cosmos are beautiful right now!

You can see in the much energy is surrounding the direction of the Sun right now (this image is of yesterday March 1 at 10:13pm)

In this image the Sun has already set being we are looking late evening. As I read the signs of the spheres I will read them as they are 'rising' so to compare the reading with the image just look backwards if you will. I read them as 'rising' because I think its important to see how the spheres 'rise' together on the day of birth. As I say 'pluto rose first in the east on this day' you can translate that as also 'pluto set first, on this day'. Your nephew has his Sun in Aquarius (our coming age).

Pluto leads the spheres on March 1st of rising before the Sun in the East and comes in the sign of Sagittarius.

Venus then rises in the East on the cusp of Aquarius and Sagittarius.

Moon follows Venus rising and comes on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Neptune rises next in the east on this day in Aquarius. Then comes Mars in the East also in Aquarius. Next rises the Sun, in Aquarius, right where the water flows. Mercury rises after the Sun, also in Aquarius.

Uranus then rises in Pisces.

Jupiter rises on the cusp of Cetus and Pisces.

Saturn in Virgo.

Here is a calculator for the moon phase (enter month and year).

Now looking at this 'time' of birth from a different perspective then my 'list of rising/order' could take a look out into the night sky since the child is born in the evening and the only sphere you would see at the time of the childs birth is 'saturn' which would be in Virgo which is on the eastern horizon at your nephews birth. This can be just as meaningful as anything for it is what can 'be observed' with true eyes. All the other spheres are below the horizon and has already set before your nephew was born. His rising sign would be Virgo with Saturn in Virgo. I call Saturn the 'guide or counsel and consider it the strongest of all the planets. But everyone needs to determine on their own what they 'feel' is their 'strongest' so I cant say that is for 'all' that Saturn is their strong energy. Never the less...I would be very content to see Virgo on the eastern horizon with Saturn at the time of a loved ones birth.

My best to you!

edit on 2-3-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Hi LV,
I always thought I was a Capricorn being borne 27th December 1956 at around 10.30 am.I have most traits a associated with a capricornian.What would my new birth sign be?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:13 PM
Great thread OP. I have attached a screen-shot of the positions of the stars and planets when I was born. Anything you'd like to comment on would be welcome.

Here is the screen-shot.

All this time I have thought I had been born a Taurus; and guess now this shows I am an Aries?

Try these dates: Apr 24 / Apr 25 of 1965 at 3:00AM
edit on 2-3-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Capricornia

Hello there!

Hi LV, I always thought I was a Capricorn being borne 27th December 1956 at around 10.30 am.I have most traits a associated with a capricornian.What would my new birth sign be?

According to what could be perceived in the true night sky at your birth (or day sky through astronomy programs) the Sun would of sat with Sagittarius in its background. The Sun would sit seemingly atop the head of Sagittarius.

Before the Sun rises on this day, Jupiter is in the East in Virgo. Neptune also rises in the east in Virgo.

Then the Moon rises in the east in Libra sitting atop the scales.

Saturn and Venus rise in the East side by side (close enough that they can be considered to be in conjunction) in a place where Scorpio and Ophiuchus overlap each other.

Then rises the Sun in Sagittarius. Mercury also in Sagittarius.

Mars comes after the Sun rises in Pisces (our current age).

Uranus in Cancer.

Pluto in Leo.

Here is an image of the Sun in the eastern sky at your time of birth.

I can suggest that Capricorn is rightfully a natural nature to you (attribute of protecting what you love or having very strong feelings towards things you consider important/sacred?). It may be that Sagittarius is more of what you need to work on in this life, offering you the part of yourself you dont wish to face, the part that when you face it, will offer you much inner growth. Sagittarius points to the center of our galaxy and you may be needing to focus more on the center of your being in this life. This usually does not come easy and through experiences in this life you will notice that there are opportunities that keep pointing you to do not only be the protector but to also be the guardian of the sacred light within you and others.

Sagittarius is a time of testing the human control over the impulsive animal side of us. Learning how to be that a not so impulsive way but more in a wise subtle way. Your next cycle may be Ophiuchus and looking to that makes sense for a 'next life' in that you have learned to 'control the animal' and are a 'being' in your own right, holding the snake (who has tamed the snake). You can take leaps in such a place....with understanding your powers as a conscious being. The reason I note you should look ahead in your due to Saturn and Venus in conjunction where Scorpio over laps Ophiuchus which is the sign next in line for you.

Saturn (guide/counsel) sits with the light coming cycle/sign. Mars being in Pisces (our current age) suggests healing in this life is needed (forgiveness to yourself or to others or to life itself).

Your Moon is bringing balance or begs for balance. Depending on what you have accomplished through observing your experiences in this life.

I would also make a small suggestion that you could be in the last phase of a cycle being that if you were to be born into another age...the Sun would have to cross the galactic center to rise in the sign that is next in line (Ophiuchus). This may be why there is a beckoning for healing and balance (your moon) and for your guide and light bringer to be sitting on the 'other side' of the galactic sun showing that the healing and growth is much needed to 'end this cycle' and move forward to another.

Also, your moon is 'closing' a cycle as well, its in its last few days in its monthly cycle and in a few days after your birth you have a dark moon (while it conjunct the Sun) and then it will pop out and start a new cycle.

Take all my suggestive thoughts about any meanings as only 'suggestions'....for it is really up to you to seek within you what resonates and what offers you growth and purpose. What things mean for one, is not necessarily what they mean for another.

My best to you!

Edit to add another image to show Venus with Saturn. In the first pic it did not label Saturn since its so close to Venus. I had to move the screen shot around a little to find a shot where it would show the label of Saturn.

edit on 3-3-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

Hello there! Thank you for your post and bringing a image. Im likely only going to confirm what you are finding yourself on the program you are using.

When you are born, we can look to the east and see Neptune in Libra (some say the outer planets represent a 'global' meaning for a person and not so much a individual meaning) and from that perspective you could be born with a sphere shining the way in the East that is linked to 'balance for the world' more so then just balance for yourself.

After you are born, the Moon rises after Neptune, in the East, in Capricorn (the protector of sacred things).

Then rises Saturn in the East shining in Aquarius (the coming age).

Then rises Mercury on the cusp of Cetus and Pisces (our current age).

Then rises the Sun with Venus the light bringer by its side, in Aries but I would note they both are very close to Cetus. Technically you do have a Aries Sun sign. Aries is known to me, as the 'offering' or 'offeror'. The one that learns to live for others more then the self. If this is something you have not accomplished yet, then look back on life experiences and see if this has been a test for you to learn how to offer yourself to others. Aries may not be natural to you as of yet for its more of what this life is about, to learn, face parts of you that are harder to come about. But it also may be that you have payed attention in this life and followed the path that has been set, allowing the Aries (offeror) to become in you with work and being observant.

Jupiter comes in Taurus.

Mars, Uranus, and Pluto in Leo.

When you are born, Sagittarius is the sign that sits on the eastern horizon...being you 'rising sign'.

For your moon phase you can look here and enter your month and year...

Here is another image which shows the same thing you posted in your image...Venus by your Sun.

My best to you!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:29 AM
Hi Leo Virgo

I just wondered if you concurred with the idea of Sun, Moon and Rising as giving a pretty good indicator of a personality. I have heard this view on several occasions and still haven't made up my mind about it.

I use Solarfire for my needs. Today is typical my Piscean son has an absolute talent for melting away when needed and the Genimian son manages to chat so forcefully (Moon Aries) that I usually end up doing whatever I wanted a hand with, myself - Moon Virgo. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts ..

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:35 AM
Hi LV, could you check mine? 06.26.1974 @ 8:30pm

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Lynda101
Hi Leo Virgo

I just wondered if you concurred with the idea of Sun, Moon and Rising as giving a pretty good indicator of a personality. I have heard this view on several occasions and still haven't made up my mind about it.

I use Solarfire for my needs. Today is typical my Piscean son has an absolute talent for melting away when needed and the Genimian son manages to chat so forcefully (Moon Aries) that I usually end up doing whatever I wanted a hand with, myself - Moon Virgo. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts ..

I think one needs to look at the whole cosmic print to really see a 'path' for their life. As I pointed out in one of the last replys I did...the Sun, Moon, and rising signs say alot....but on that persons birth, the only sphere that could be seen in the sky at the time of birth was Saturn which was in Virgo and this, may mean more to that persons path then anything.

Its likely that if you are using astrology sites for your 'signs' that the info I would give you would be different. If you care to try it can give me your b-day and we can see what you think about the info.

I use the cosmos more for a path then traits but some do find use in seeing what traits are more natural for them and what traits would help them become a better person (what they need to work on).

Edit to add...thanks for your feedback

edit on 3-3-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by kite74

Hi LV, could you check mine? 06.26.1974 @ 8:30pm Thanks!


At your birth, the Sun had just set in the west in Gemini. But let me give you the 'order' of the cosmos for this day and their 'rising' in the east.

Venus comes before the Sun on this day, being in the east in Taurus. Orion then rises in the east and then Gemini rises.

The Sun comes up with Gemini and Saturn and Mercury also in Gemini. Gemini is a '2 in 1' sign and ironically is opposite in the sky to the other sign that is a '2 in 1' which is Ophiuchus. To me, Gemini i is about discernment between things of flesh and things of spirit. Finding the balance of living more for things of worth eternally then things outwardly (like material possessions). It may simply be a life that you will discover a spiritual side of life and purpose. Saturn being with your Sun in Gemini shows a guide to help you in this path. It may even show that there will be catalysts in this life to test your will to let go of things of flesh to get you to see the things that hold more value in a eternal way. Maybe constant loses of things that you felt had worth only to find out they were of temporary joy or satisfaction.

Mars is in Cancer.

Pluto on cusp of Virgo and Coma Berenices (a sign outside the suns path).

Moon and Uranus in Virgo.

Neptune on cusp of Scorpio and Ophiuchus.

Jupiter in Aquarius (the coming age). To me this shows....there is a strong hold (being the king sits in the coming age) that the experiences and opportunities in this life will lead you to what you are in need of.

Here is an image of the Sun in Gemini and what it would look like as it sat below the horizon at your birth. Note that Mercury is not labeled in the image in Gemini but it is just sits too close to Saturn and the software sometimes wont label it if they are too close together. This image is a 'setting' position' so as you see Venus and Orion setting before the can know that as the Sun rose on this day, Venus and Orion rose before the Sun. I mention Orion for some find it important of its location at their birth. The Sun just got done riding the cusp of Orion several days before your birth. So I feel its worth mentioning for you.

Your moon phase can be calculated here...

Our next full moon will be in this would be a good time for your to face the direction your moon was in, at your birth.

You can also easily find the direction that the Sun was in (your solar gateway) by finding Orion in the sky right now. As you see Orion in the sky, notice to the upper left of Orion would be Gemini. As you look to the top of Orion you are facing also the anti galactic center of our galaxy. If you get the change to observe Orion above you, then know that below your feet if you went straight through the Earth and outward into the other side of the would reach the galactic center. Some call the gateway of the top of Orion the 'gateway of man' which is where the Sun was traveling through a week before you came into the world.

My best to you!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Hi Leo Virgo

Your perspective of looking at the sky and the information that gives you makes your approach not only link into the ancient astrologers but also makes it 'real'.

I don't know how much I can really see when looking out because of the lights from the area I live in, but I wil certainly give it a try. My date is 29/1/48 Brighton, UK. 12 20 pm. Thank you.


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Lynda101
Hi Leo Virgo

Your perspective of looking at the sky and the information that gives you makes your approach not only link into the ancient astrologers but also makes it 'real'.

I don't know how much I can really see when looking out because of the lights from the area I live in, but I wil certainly give it a try. My date is 29/1/48 Brighton, UK. 12 20 pm. Thank you.


Hello again!

As I said earlier..this is going to be different then what you have been told. Its likely that Aquarius is very natural to you being a past sign of you (possibly). And that where the Sun really was at your birth (Capricorn) has things to offer you in inner growth and purpose for this life and may not be natural to you since it offers what needs to be faced and worked on. But...if you have payed attention in this life and observed the opportunities it has brought you, you may of well adapted to your Capricorn solar path and may have developed working well on your self discipline, patients, and embraced the importance of sacred and divine things in life.

Capricorn, to me, stands for 'things that are sacred'. It is the one that learns to 'protect the sacred mountains'. It also represents 'rising' up. Capricorn can be stubborn but also very stable in thoughts and feelings.

Here is an image of the Sun at your birth....

Before the Sun rose on this day, Jupiter (the king of spheres) leads the way rising up in Ophiuchus.

Sun then rises after Jupiter, coming in Capricorn.

Mercury is on the cusp of Aquarius and Capricorn (cusping your past and present sign).

Venus is in Aquarius (our coming age).

Uranus in Taurus.

Pluto in Cancer.

Saturn and Mars in Leo.

Moon and Neptune in Virgo.

Some would see your rising as Aries...I would say it be Cetus, a sign that is outside the wheel of the Suns path. If you like to use only the signs that are on the suns path then I would call Aries your Rising. But you might want to look into Cetus for it was on the eastern horizon at your birth.

Here is an image of the east at your birth...(I took the daylight out of the image so it would be more clear)...

It is my thoughts that once one learns the importance of protecting what is sacred...they are then born into Sagittarius, which is what I call a guardian. Course, this is all personal understanding and can limit another for seeking their own importance with certain signs and spheres so know I only offer things as suggestions.

Has life challenged you in your self discipline and patients? Have you been given many opportunities that have over time made you look at what things in life are sacred, like love, compassion, empathy, selfishness, giving ect? I would love to hear some feedback from you if you care to share any thoughts. Even if none of this agrees with the 'inner you' your welcome to share that as well.

All my best!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thank you LV!

What amazed me was the "linear" line the planets made on the time of birth. Is this just how it looks in Stellarium or were they lined-up like that? I am not sure how to read this, but yes, some realization of what my path is to be or is now was very relevant.

I looked at the moon-phase and on the 24th, was half full but on the 25th it started to wane.

I bet you are wondering why I gave you two dates? Well, I am adopted and my "official" date was Apr. 25th, but when I met my biological mother a few years back, before she died, she said I was born on the 24th of Apr.

I assume my biological mother would remember what day it was and she was adamant that the 25th was wrong. So I include it as a reference.

I really don't want to delve into astrology, but I also agree the stars are there for us to notice and for signs, as was intended for all time and peoples, Astronomy and Astrology are both meant to be used in gaining knowledge about our universe and God, but we must be careful not to "interpret" wrongly. I agree with your reasoning about using the stars and planets as a guide or path.

Thank you so much for helping me figure these things out. I would like to learn more "deeply," about the stars and planets, but would love to know more since my "path" points to offering-up of self to serve mankind.

Does this mean I should study theological subjects? There is so much "information" which has been designed to "veil" information and true knowledge and it gets hard to see through to the truth. But it is there. I do know this, as confirmed by higher spiritual sources, that the knowledge we are to seek as the truth is a combination of all things; and we must not discard or separate a discipline if it doesn't tie-in to another when looked-at from the surface.

I'd love to know more and how the stars relate to the journey I am currently on.

Additional Information:

Both my biological and adopted (at birth) parents named me the same first name, which I liken to Timothy I and Timothy II, and how they both resenble an "11," when viewed together (same can be said of Apr 24, and Apr 25.)

Sometime I feel as if I were a "changeling" left in the place of a human child, I was born 3 months premature (in the 7th month, weighed 3lbs and 6 ounces.) They didn't expect a premature baby to live back in 1965.

Thank you for everything you do and for being YOU!

Many Blessings,
edit on 3-3-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

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