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Interfaith Group to Run Apology Ads for Abu Ghraib Torture Scandal

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posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 02:21 PM
An American interfaith group is going to run ads on Arab stations in the mid-east to clearly apologize for the atrocities committed by our forces at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. Since BushCo. doesn't know how to say "We're sorry," or "we were wrong," these men and women of faith have taken the responsibility upon themselves - on behalf of those of us who are outraged and horrified by this monstrous behavior.

This administration makes me beyond sick. Damn warmongering cretins.

Inter-faith group to apologize on Arab TV for torture

By Julia Malone, Palm Beach Post-Cox News Service
Monday, June 14, 2004

WASHINGTON -- A new arm of the National Council of Churches plans to launch a TV ad on Arabic television Tuesday to apologize for the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners by Americans.

"We condemn the sinful and systemic abuses committed in our name," says the TV spot, set to air on the Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya networks. o/epaper/editions/today/news_04dc21f1f6a722ea0036.html

These are the true men and women of God.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 02:35 PM
Somehow I find this very distrubing.

Prisoner abuse is bad yes, but so is dragging burning bodies through the streets and hanging them from a bridge.

I don't think they have the right to apologize on behalf of Americans. They do not represent any majority in this country and I believe this could hurt more than help. Remember the radical muslim culture feeds on the weakness of others. Lets just give them more.

Best to let the government speak to the world. If we don't like the message, change those sending it.

Also that truemajority group is about a militant as you can get anyway. I know they sent email out about this very thing and I saw about 50 people flaming them for trying to speak without permission on Americas behalf.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 02:47 PM
Well, if George W. "I've never made any mistakes" Bush had the simple ability to understand how incredibly injurious the abuse scandal is to our foreign policy and to the Arab world, he might have offered an adequate apology. Instead, he only made things worse with his brain-dead, half-hearted and meaningless "apology." Somebody's gotta speak up on behalf of the majority of right-minded American's who are thoroughly and utterly disgusted by these evil and immoral cretins running the White House and Pentagon. Personally, I applaud them. Maybe, just maybe someone in the Arab world will come to understand these foolish ideologues do NOT speak for the majority of U.S. citizens.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 05:07 PM
Running ads on TV are just going to piss them off more, it�s like throwing rocks at a bees nest. And in their minds it justifies it when they mutilate a corpse.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Remember the radical muslim culture feeds on the weakness of others. Lets just give them more.

What exactly do you know of the Muslim culture, which by the way does not exist, for the world Muslim does not prescribe a culutre, but is a universal term for the doctrine. Lebonese/Syrians/Iraqis/Druz/Etc, though some may me majority Islamic are not all one and the same.

I do not think that this inter-faith group should apologize, but direct this effort towards making the Bush Administration instead.


posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 05:23 PM
At least the muslin groups believe in their cause and die for it, culture, doctrine or religious group, they are a group on its own and they are giving us all the hell they can master and it seems to me that not ads or apologies are going to make them happy.

posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 10:42 PM
I for one think it's a grand Idea.

If they want to spend their money on this, then great. It's about time that some form of communication was set up between us and them.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 07:59 AM

I agree with you but with one difference not amount of apologetic ads are going to make this muslins groups change their minds about us. Remember they are in war against US.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 02:59 PM
The bottom line is no one in this administration has the balls to stand up and take responsibility - for anything that's gone wrong!

I personally do not want the Arab world thinking the majority of Americans are anything like BushCo. So, I applaud what the group is doing.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 01:14 AM
I hope they word their apology so that it is clear that it is their own and does not reflect the sentiments of all Americans. I for one do not want my name associated with any apology.

Bush condemned the acts. Kimmitt apologized profusely. That's more than we ever get from them.

I would like to see an apology for the crowds dancing in the street and chanting anti-US slogans after American civilians have been murdered and mutilated.

posted on Jun, 20 2004 @ 03:44 AM
Jethro, it is not possible to open a dialogue with a group that believes that one is not lying when one tells an infidel an untruth. It is not possible to talk to a group that wants you to either take their belief as your own or die by the hand.

Groups like this give the enemy the feeling that we are a soft, cowardly bunch of nitwits. We apologize for putting underwear and leashes on inmates, yet they lob heads off and hang desecrated bodies off overpasses.

I'm still waiting for their apology.

Quit being such easily manipulated lovers of Peeeeace. All decent people want peace, but not at the expense of liberty. In the days gone by, when this nation was great, words like liberty and country were more important than mere peace.

We are at war, and the war was decleared by the enemy long before Bush came into office. Smell the coffee before the blood of your family and countrymen is dripping into your coffee cup.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Jethro, it is not possible to open a dialogue with a group that believes that one is not lying when one tells an infidel an untruth. It is not possible to talk to a group that wants you to either take their belief as your own or die by the hand.

Groups like this give the enemy the feeling that we are a soft, cowardly bunch of nitwits. We apologize for putting underwear and leashes on inmates, yet they lob heads off and hang desecrated bodies off overpasses.

I'm still waiting for their apology.

Quit being such easily manipulated lovers of Peeeeace. All decent people want peace, but not at the expense of liberty. In the days gone by, when this nation was great, words like liberty and country were more important than mere peace.

We are at war, and the war was decleared by the enemy long before Bush came into office. Smell the coffee before the blood of your family and countrymen is dripping into your coffee cup.

Geez, so dramatic. Do you really care what people spend their money on?

I don't.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by nativeokie
Remember the radical muslim culture feeds on the weakness of others.

And who told you that? The "optimistic" candidate George W. Bush?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 08:37 AM
Yes, Jethro, I do, when their actions undermine our intentions

Rant, experience tells us that. When our leadership was weak, we had a bad time with them. When Reagan was elected, things changed. Things changed again when Clinton was elected. Shortly after Bush was elected, we suffered another attack. Apparently, they believed the liberal press and figured Bush as too stupid to respond in any concerted way, maybe just lob a couple cruise missiles and roll over and wet on himself, like the previous administration. Well, guess what.

They do respect strength and have nothing for weakness.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
They do respect strength and have nothing for weakness.

Yeah, they're respecting the heck out of us now. If the increasing attacks are a sign of respect, I'd hate to see how they treat weakness.

Haven't the terrorist been saying from day one going back years before 9/11 we don't want you in bed with the house of Saud. Isn't this all about our "show of strength" in the Arab penninsula?

You mentioned things changing with Reagen, but isn't that when this all started? I realize the hostage crisis was under Carter, but wasn't it Reagen's negotiating with terrorists that led them to believe terror gets results? Forgive me if I'm confusing one Republican terror scandal, arms deal, illegal op with another, but I get them all confused as being interrelated somehow in this brazen era of terror.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Yes, Jethro, I do, when their actions undermine our intentions

They do respect strength and have nothing for weakness.

A couple things on this little tidbit. We live in a fine country where the minority has the right to be heard, even when the call is unpopular (which this one isn't, but you get my meaning).

If they feel like they are not represented, then they can spend their own money to be heard if they want to. Since when has our own nationalistic additudes come first before our freedoms. You sound to me like the kind who would give up certain freedoms to trade for security.

I would not trade my freedoms for anything.

As for the "they do respect..." idea. Is it fair to say that if your statement is true, then Americans are war mongering imperialists.

Seems silly to paint a whole people with one paint. Last time I checked, many liberals used the same tactics about the US war policy.

Aren't you a little above that sort of arguement?

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 04:44 PM
No, it didn't start with Reagan. We were the "Paper Tiger" during the Carter years, when talk was supposed to solve our woes, we were supposed to accept the Soviet Union as a permanent fixture and learn to stay out of its way so we could survive, TWA stood for Travelling With Arabs, and the Iranian Emassy crisis was on the TV every night.

Strength, stopped all that. The disco bombing where only one soldier died was sufficient cause to knock the crap out of Libya, remember? Did you here much out of Mommar after that?

No, Jrthro, to say what I said is true does not mean we are war mongers in any way. But to say one will not respond appropriately is to say one is a coward, and when that happens, one will be harried out of existence.

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