posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:19 AM
Well, not sure what to make of this video, the jets look real, the heli looks real, the damn ufo looks pretty real, if the water ploom is cgi when the
ufo dives then wouldnt the ufo look pretty cgi also? Not sure guys, why is one of the faces of the crew blurred out? why is the name of the ship on
the flotation device blurred out. The camera operator puts his camera down when the heli moves in? Lots of questions little answers, maybe someone
harrassed these men into not saying anything about this, or disinfo the crap outta this to make is sound like a fake. Seems to be a lot of trouble to
make a thirty second fake. Im on the fence about this one, something does not sit right with this, could be real, could be fake. Just cause a couple
of people say its fake does not mean it is. its hard to know what is real and what is fake this day and age.