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The Sun has had a powercut, I repeat the sun has had a powercut...

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:32 PM
Hi everybody. I don't have ALL the answer but I have few. First, there was not a solar eclipse yesterday. There was a MOON eclipse and in the USA was partial, In some parts of the world was total. But this is during the night. I saw It in California at 4.30 am. The next total solar eclipse will be in July 11. Total solar eclipses ONLY happen when the moon is in New moon phase. And for those of you that are not aware of what is happen AROUND THE SUN let me remind you something: Have you heard about the "spheres around the sun" ? The famous "spheres around the sun" denied by NASA is a Solar Filter Effect (SFE) that was activated by the alien extraterrestrial that are working in the rescue mission in all the solar system. They activated the Earth Protective Shield (EPS) too to help protect the Earth against the CMEs that are being exploding from the Sun and that are going to come massive very soon. Sound crazy? Well find out by yourself. I've seen it two times and I have the pictures took by STEREO behind of the SFE (denied by NASA of course). Watch my video about EPS. ANd be safe. Have a great day..

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:51 PM
A large predatory bird, like a Hawk, probably intersected your position with its shadow as it flew at streaking speed overhead.

If the SUN winked, believe me, thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, would be all over the internet!

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Bun-G

Hi! I don't know if you read my comment but here is again. And I would like to contact you. You can go to my channel in YouTube and send me a message. Thanks
Hi everybody. I don't have ALL the answer but I have few. First, there was not a solar eclipse yesterday. There was a MOON eclipse and in the USA was partial, In some parts of the world was total. But this is during the night. I saw It in California at 4.30 am. The next total solar eclipse will be in July 11. Total solar eclipses ONLY happen when the moon is in New moon phase. And for those of you that are not aware of what is happen AROUND THE SUN let me remind you something: Have you heard about the "spheres around the sun" ? The famous "spheres around the sun" denied by NASA is a Solar Filter Effect (SFE) that was activated by the alien extraterrestrial that are working in the rescue mission in all the solar system. They activated the Earth Protective Shield (EPS) too to help protect the Earth against the CMEs that are being exploding from the Sun and that are going to come massive very soon. Sound crazy? Well find out by yourself. I've seen it two times and I have the pictures took by STEREO behind of the SFE (denied by NASA of course). Watch my video about EPS. ANd be safe. Have a great day.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 03:39 PM
Sorry I'm real tired so i didn't read it all just wanted to add this link as an example of other threads mentioning similar phenomenon.

Good luck in your research

[edit on 1/7/2010 by IAmD1]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Bun-G

The sun blinked off for a split second.

If it was was just me that saw it, i'd of thought that the sun was playing tricks on my eyes, but both myself & my buddy from work saw it.

Okay, I'll admit it's my fault - I tripped over the power cord on the way to the men's room.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

Ah man! You beat me to it. LOL

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 03:37 AM
Hey OP, no stress, you're not going insane

I've experienced this a few times for the past 12 years or so an I'm still fine.
As I've stated in my thread (Visual Blackout: Who Tripped The Sun For A Second?linked here a few times already) I have seen this twice during the day, that I can be sure of, at least. I also question whether I've experienced it at night, the few times I have I've put it down to a power dip/light flickering or just plain blinking.

Honestly, as much as I'd LIKE to believe this is somethin 'out there', the simplest answer is usually the right one... so, was it just a plane? a satellite?

If you read my thread you'll see that while my Mom and I were witnessing this, my Aunt who is over the hill in front of us experienced the same thing. Friends of ours over the hill behind us didn't notice anything. I confirmed that we were all inside at the time. my aunt was in the kitchen, my Mom and I where talking in the kitchen and our friends where in their lounge. I also experienced this at school once. Here's an interesting little tid-bit: after making my post, influenced by PuterMan, I went onto GoogleEarth and marked the places I know this has occured. My aunts house, my house and my school, are all in a rough line. a very rough line, but quite intriguing.
Our friends beind the hill are aso on this 'line', but didn't see anything.

Sorry, I'm on a typing frenzy

Read this link from Megiddodiddo...interesting....

Originally posted by Megiddodiddo
I wonder....

Could the intense pressures from a Coronal Hole cause the temporary loss of all light, if directly influencing a Person's path?...

an INTERESTING hypothesis I just cognisantly realized... I'm off to do the research!

Please do! And don't forget about us

[edit on 2-7-2010 by Jimjolnir]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:40 PM
The aircraft flying over idea sounds quite plausible.
I said previously I live in Milton Keynes and didnt notice anything, but I am also training to be a pilot at Cranfield. Some of the Heathrow departures northbound fly over MK at about 10,000ft so its possible one of them was flying over at the time. We also get high altitude stuff go over too which is also a possibility.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 03:23 PM
edited because I could

[edit on 6-7-2010 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 05:37 PM
Perhaps some minor eclips, or a trick of the mind, our mind can realy do strange things.
Eather way, ha would be crazy idea, like some group of mad scientist in a basement, controlling the suns power hehe.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Bun-G

Hi there, forgive me I'm new to the forum so please be forgive any mistakes
I am really glad to see that this has happened to someone else.

One day in June of 2008 I was sitting in the kitchen and my mother was in the back garden when suddenly and for a few seconds everything went black as if, as you described it, the sun switched off briefly. It didn't just dim, it was pitch black for a few seconds.

The day was very warm and sunny and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It really freaked us both out. I ran out to my mam to ask her if she'd noticed anything, and she said she thought she was having a stroke because everything had gone black for a moment as if someone had switched off the lights!

We wondered later if it was possible that a large object had passed in front of the sun (or at least between it and us). It would have had to have been either extremely large or very close to earth to literally block the sunlight completely for a few seconds. The shadow of a bird or a plane would not have so completely blocked all the sunlight.

I live in Dublin, Ireland and we don't get too many unexplained phenomena here.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Bun-G

Here's a new one:

The sun blinked. Yeah- you heard me...
by wylekat
started on 8/14/2013 @ 03:51 PM

The OP:

Originally posted by wylekat
Before I begin, if anyone can come up with a truly astronomical (as in, something in space) explanation, I'd LOVE that.

3:30, Winter park, FL for time and location.

I dont have much more than- well, at 3:30- the sun blinked out 3 times, like someone throwing a light switch. Wife saw it too, so I wasn't stroking or something. In fact, I barely got "did you-" and she went..." uh....did the sun just go on and off?!"

Ummm... whathehell....

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by
Like i said earlier, some of us had this kind of experience a few years back. Strange thing was, here in Belgium and the UK we had some light in the night, and in America there where some who said almost at the same time it went dark for a few secs or some fractions of a sec when there was daylight...

Maybe this was the same story, but then again, why are there a few who see this, when there clearly are millions who aught to experience it...

I was wondering this too. If its that quick maybe you have to be just aware enough that you pick up on it. I'm so used to the day dimming and brightening as fronts move in that I personally don't pay attention. People are busy all the time it seems - doing something even when relaxing. It could be that all these folks were just staring out into the open for the sake of just taking in their surroundings at just the right time. Also - most may dismiss it as stress or an anomoly they shake off due to the brevity of it. There are probably lots of people but they don't talk about it or immediately dismiss it with a justification. If truly in a blink it could easily be explained away.

I think of day and night like breathing. It's so automatic you don't really give it much thought until its unusual. And because day has so many variations in hues it could be that its automatically dismissed so not even a conscious decision.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Dianec

Before my experience, the worst I'd do is be looking out the window and going "ugh. I might have to unplug everything soon", because the sun suddenly dimmed because of big black clouds. Then the rumbling. I am no stranger to that sort of thing.

This....? I just don't get this. It does not make logical, or even physical sense. And certainly doesn't follow natural laws!

I do get a little tired of people telling me it's planes and clouds. I LIVE UNDER A FREAKING LANDING CORRIDOR! (he wailed) I HAVE seen that phenomena, and it doesn't come close!

*goes off grousing*

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Bun-G

I noticed that with my 4th blink, interior lights are not affected. I was positioned just right to be looking out the window for this one, and the living room lights were on. Sky went dark for a split second (looking out the window), and nothing was affected interior light wise. Wife didn't see it, she was on the computer (she witnessed the 3 we saw in my post)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Bun-G

Odd that thrre was a near identical post posted last night (except it was a guy and his wife). This is just hoax trolling like the sky noises. I expect a rash of these.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 11:59 AM
I have seen that happen when a plane covers it, its weird.

posted on May, 30 2021 @ 06:33 AM
Happened to me as well 2019 march 31 afternoon. We live in D.C

posted on May, 30 2021 @ 06:53 AM
This should be easy to prove. A you need is someone's dash cam or ring doorbell footage for that time period. If the sun blinked it will be on those recordings.

posted on Jun, 25 2021 @ 06:16 AM
My gf and I experienced that same thing a few years ago when I lived in California. We both noticed it, and there were similar reports online in various locations, about 8-10 yrs back. I'm sure there's been more since. We experienced it more than once. It was really unsettling.

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