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RED ALERT-Louisiana Woman Tells it like it is

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posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Eventually, the people that own fancy condos, beach houses and businesses will awaken and realize their investments are worthless; Especially the right wing republicans in Florida with their second homes and coastal property; like around Naples, Fla.

When the wealthy elite start complaining; perhaps then tptb will take notice of the enormity of the problem.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:38 PM
My God.

I watched this video last night and my blood boiled. The disinfo agents came out in full force on a couple of different sites this video was posted on. Attempting to discredit this woman. Even going so far as to say she was really a man in a wig.

The fisherman are afraid to speak against BP knowing full well that their money is coming from them. They don't want to rock the boat. They are going to have to rock that boat, and # the money in order to put a stop to this.

I cannot believe, no wait, yes I can... that BP, a foreign company is allowed to take over our territory, and flat out bully and use scare tactics, etc.

As it is, we have Mexican gangs sitting up in the hills of Arizona along the border illegally as our President does nothing about it.

What is going to happen?? I want us all, including me to do more than just sit on the internet and talk about it.

Our country is being stolen from us.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Pentothal

The fact is that the vast majority of people will not do anything because they believe that they can do nothing. There are channels to go through. Procedures to deal with these things. People are trained specifically to handle events like this and make them go away.

So I am angry at the lack of a response from people also. Sad also.

The channels are corrupt. Procedures turn into years of red tape. The people trained are pwned.

The little people speak and are not heard.

And everybody else is waiting on Golem.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Not to sound like a heartless person...

But how do we know this video wasn't staged? How do we know this woman is who she says she is? How do we know she isn't the same person running into the congressional hearing wearing chocolate as oil?

If her story is true... then that's one thing... but before I go accepting a video such as this, I need just a little more data.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:45 PM
She's briefly in this video, too, that talks about health concerns.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Not to sound like a heartless person...

But how do we know this video wasn't staged? How do we know this woman is who she says she is? How do we know she isn't the same person running into the congressional hearing wearing chocolate as oil?

If her story is true... then that's one thing... but before I go accepting a video such as this, I need just a little more data.

The spirit bears witness. Use your discernment. She is genuine.
Don't depend on others for judgement. Use your own intuition and heart. You can feel truth; you can see it in action. Look for the fruits it produces. Like attracts like.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:51 PM
and the plot thickens.....literally

Get the H### out of there my friends

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by dankdean

No, it is not a stupid idea. lts an ldea far better than the president has come up with.He came down on a few token visits. he ate some fish, told you it was ok to eat the fish, then went back to the W/H. Do you really think that protecting the GOM is in his agenda `AT ALL` NO, my friend, all of his `mind space ` is taken up with protecting a country full of nuclear weapons whose sole aim is to cause WW3 and probably destroy the beautiful world we live on. As heartbreaking as this is, you are basicaly on your own on this one. Why spend billions of dollars saving lives when, we can spend the billions KILLING people and gaining the land and the assets of said country(s). Unfortunately, the government we have are corporations, they let us think they are working for us, you have to think that or you obviously wouldnt vote them in. Once in they become part of all the large corporations. lf you dont comply you wont last long. So you see, `THAT IS THE NATURE OF THE BEAST. So to speak. You, unforgivably, are just collateral damage. May your God give you the strength and courage to do what you must to protect you all. starchild

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:01 PM
This woman is doing exactly what I hope I'd have the courage to do if I were in her shoes: she's risking a lot and KNOWS that NO amount of cash is worth your health,the future of your family,and your life.
She is brave and bold IMO and I'm hoping like hell she gets out before if this now Cat4 storm moves in...I literally am sick over this entire mess and I'm sure others feel the same.
It's been my personal experience a well as a known fact that people who have little to lose ARE the "most dangerous" and by that I mean the most effective!
I hope the good people of the Gulf start having meetings and "kicking some ass" of their OWN real soon! It's gone too far...I have been reading like a maniac and sorry,I can't find the link right now,I think it's Reuter's, but Texas A&M guy just back from 10 days in testing in area says there is 1 MILLION times the normal amounts of methane in the air.
Nothing else needs to be said IMO.

Small thing but I just posted Kindra's video on my FB page and on every flippn' forum and group I belong too...if it gets around,maybe more will believe?

[edit on 24-6-2010 by irishchic]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by new_here

I wouldn't put anything past the secret ruling elite to further their ends of wealth and power.

If they are capable of fixing 9/11 they have proved they have no conscence and are capable of anything.They must not have any feeling of goodwill to their fellow mankind in any way, shape or form.

I am no longer suprised by any real or rumoured action of the ruling elite no matter how extreme or revolting the claim maybe.

I just hope there is justice somewhere or somehow and the guilty parties are forced to their Knees as they see their inescapeable fate unfold before them.
Remember Faust. - This may be our only hope.

[edit on 24/6/10 by IMOVERHERE]

[edit on 24/6/10 by IMOVERHERE]

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Alethea

I think I should have added more sarcasm to my point to make it clearer.

I agree with you.

I was trying to make the point that people do not act because they think that there are precedures and people who are trained to deal with these things.

People need to grow some and start to act.

There is a need for a plan of action.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:09 PM
A 2 degree rise in the temperature of the gulf is all that is needed to turn a normal hurricane into a never before seen MEGA hurricane.

2, that's it.

The dispersant's used to dilute the crude will do this very easily and we are all just in time for hurricane season to start.

We are so screwed, you guys have no idea. God speed to everyone near the gulf.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by spy66

Well that is easy to say. But no one works for free, and this type of job ain't cheap. BP cant pay for something they don't have leverage over.

In the news the other day here in Norway. It was mentioned that BP might have to sell all their Riggs, permits and contracts, just to be able to gather the 7 billion dollar found set up for this oil spill. What this indicate is that BP don't have the resources to clean up this mess.

I think the US government should tell BP to pack their bags and go home. We will clean up this mess and send you the bill.

spy66, you'd better look at the assets of BP. Don't be fooled by idiots on TV crying about how BP doesn't have the assets to pay for the minuscule 7 Billion for cleanup. It's going to take far more than 7 Billion. BP is also the owner of AMOCO, AM/PM, ARAL, ARCO, Castrol, and Wild Bean Cafe. They have a prospectus online in PDF format that you can read here that will detail all of their earnings and assets.

BP is FAR from broke. They've got a lot of money at their disposal to put toward cleanup. They just count on everyone not knowing about their assets when they say they won't have the money to put forward a paltry 7 Billion toward this disaster.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:21 PM
This video made me pissed. I mean pissssssed. IMO, we declare WAR on BP, and destroy them, and anyone participating on the "fooling" of those who oversee the activities.

This is just like a big company to threaten the townspeople, but their lives @ risk, and then pull out the "pony and balloons" when an official shows up.

If I saw my kid break out in a rash, you'd best be sure, I'd already be planning an infiltration plan to go in, video tape what's happening, and get some recordings of what these men are saying, when no one is around to impress. And collectively build a massive case against them, then send a copy of everything, to whitehouse for review. See what happens then?

And if the WhiteHouse just ignores it, I'm sure there's a nice little media company willing to distribute the info.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:23 PM
I know it's not much, but if you want to DO something, you could start by signing the petition to stop the use of dispersants in the Gulf.

I did.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Not to sound like a heartless person...

But how do we know this video wasn't staged? How do we know this woman is who she says she is? How do we know she isn't the same person running into the congressional hearing wearing chocolate as oil?

If her story is true... then that's one thing... but before I go accepting a video such as this, I need just a little more data.

The spirit bears witness. Use your discernment. She is genuine.
Don't depend on others for judgement. Use your own intuition and heart. You can feel truth; you can see it in action. Look for the fruits it produces. Like attracts like.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Alethea]

I see someone genuinely angry... then again I see that a lot from folks who are lunatics.

So... I agree that shes upset...

That doesn't make her statements somehow free from embellishment or outright lies...

It actually makes her more suspect...

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:31 PM
I am not American and in this case it really doesnt matter what nationality you are. I found this very reflective of what need sot thjought about in this most dire of situations:

Be willing to die for a cause that is noble and honorable

Everybody must determine what they are willing to die for. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” YOur country was established because your founding fathers were willing to die to establish this great country of yours. What cause is noble and honorable enough to die for? Perhaps, protecting these patriotic virtues. Or, defending your family and friends from harm. This is something that is very personal and not to be taken lightly. You will learn a lot about yourself deciding on this.

This situation unfolding comes with Life & Death scenarios. I for one will step up and come to America to help you take your country back and save yourselfs from SURE destruction. Your leadership is failing beyond belief, Your land and oceans are being tainted forever, Your children and their children will live with a tremendous amount of disease, Your life as you know it is collapsing right in front of your eyes.

If ever there was time for a JUST revolution it is now.

Please my American Cousins STOP THIS NOW!

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Outrageous, Obama should be impeached for this because we all know he is the cause of it. Its time the militias take control of the area and arrest anyone working for BP that is not just an American trying to help clean up.

Lets blow the well and seal that sucker off, we have enough hay to soak the oil up. After we soak it up we will burn it for power.

If this oil makes it anywhere near the Suwanee River or the Crystal River on the west coast we will have a huge huge problem, not to mention the nuclear power plant just north of Crystal River on the coast. Those rivers are some of the most beautiful in the world and if the oil makes it there then Washington D.C. had better expect a civil war.

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by bpg131313

Many thanks for that bp docs interesting read

posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 05:48 PM
I have seen and read many things but none of those things have ever made me as infuriated as this video did.

I cannot describe the total unadulterated fury flowing through my veins right now. We as a people need to act. I'm not saying that as a convenient statement. I am saying we need to gang up as a country and take it back.

Remember the million man march? How about a 300,000,000 million man march? That sounds like it could work to me!

I think the thing that makes me most furious is the fact that we will just sit by and let it happen without a second thought. Sure we may be concerned about it. Sure we might feel for these people. Hell we might even care about what's going on.

Doesn't matter. None of those things are actions. None of them.. We will just go to our pointless jobs living our pointless lives and let it happen. Sad really....

[edit on 24-6-2010 by DaMod]

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