posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:41 AM
As i was afraid of the troops are being withdrawn to be deployed as homeland security because of the impending mass panic.
I spent many hours last night thinking what the first signs would be and realized our whole amry is on foreign soil the government knows they are
vulnerable and will use the scheduled withdrawl to cover the disaster and the fallout from the first storms of the season.
even if the gulf is spared a direct hit a small storm will cause incrediable problems for our infastructure.
i am truly scared there will be a food shortage followed by a state of emergency order wich will change our country forever.
this being said i am filled with an odd sense of hope that as bizzar as us Americans are and as divided as we stand on many issues that the world will
see why we are still the country people want to come to. to be free and make their lives better we as a nation have a way of uniting under the worst
of circumstances.
we survived world wars depression and civil war and our country will persivere through this disaster. (my two cents)
Be Well
this is just the begining and we are not at our end ...
to end this thread i want to say for the record that we americans are not the evil empire others try to label us as we work hard i work six days a
week and live paycheck to paycheck i have two young babies
most if not all us citizens are honest and simply want peace for our familys and freinds we are not out to control or own the world we just want it to
be safe , that said i dont understand all the i hope they get what they deserve posts there are innocent women and children who just dont deserve that
kind of evil upon them and others should think before posting such disgusting ignorance.