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"For All Mankind" What is in this Criterion footage?

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posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You are correct, it might not be aslep.

To tell you the truth, I don't know what it is. After browsing through the Preliminary Science Reports look at experiments, I have the feeling again like I said yesterday that this might not be Apollo 12, just as you have presented.

As for the Lunar Surface Journal, they don't mention any equipment in that area. At least the documents I have uncovered this morning.

I u2u'd the resident Apollo sleuth to help when he has time, maybe he can uncover the mystery.

BTW real player sucks real bad.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Ok I have a vast archive of NASA moon landing footage from all of the missions which footage was obtainable for. On DVD.(Like 7 or 8 disks worth).

I will begin reviewing this footage to look for an explanation for this anomaly.

I am also very curious about this object and I have read the entire thread. I believe this is still Controversial and not Adequately Explained just yet.

1) Why would the camera man pan towards -zoom in on the object if it were merely a telemetry device ? Not impossible, just odd.

2) I agree that the lower portion of the anomaly is perplexing. It does appear there is a gap in the lower portion; thus leading me to think it were a type of Reflection off the extremely bright sheen of the lunar soil.

3) The shadow being considered near the anomaly is also perplexing. It could merely be shadowing due to crater deformations on the surface, or it could indeed be emanating from the 'telemetry device', it is too hard to tell with such poor angles and limited footage.

I have reasoning to think it is NOT the telemetry pole, and also on the same token, reasoning to think is IS. So this is why I characterized it as "Perplexing".

4) There is no way in hell that it is a flag pole. I submit photographic evidence to debunk this theory.

The flag pole is Very thin, and there is no round bulge at the top. It is far too skinny to be the same object in question.

So we are left with two possibilities in my mind.
1) Telemetry Pole
2) Alien Tower

Both are equally possible IMHO, as we civilians lack any real data to make reasonable judgement as to the odds of this. For all I know, the entire mission could have been secretly, specifically going to explore these anomalies. OR it merely could be a pole they placed there that is causing an optical illusion.

Too hard to tell either way yet, as we lack significant data.

So I will begin to pour over my vast archive of footage, and aid in determining what exactly this is.

It is inevitable that the answer will be found, soon.

Nice thread, star and flagged. Very wonderful subject to think about.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by muzzle flash

Thanks Muzzle Flash, I would appreciate that

Liking your take after you read the whole thread.

At least weve got it down to 2 possibilities now I think.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Overtime]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Overtime

I see a gap in between object and the ground mirror image suggesting a reflection of some sort. Its not a solid line down. As a matter of fact, I'm still not convinced enough that this is only a scientific instrument but I do appreciate the debate. I just want to try and make 100% sure.

losts of artifacts... its pretty pixelated not alot of detail.
the original is very overexposed ... could be anything.
it looks similar to the object pictured on life magazine previously posted

life magazine cover

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Zeta Reticulan]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Zeta Reticulan

" It could be anything"

Including the Stratospere Casino transplanted

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:16 PM
dbl post

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Overtime]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Overtime

" It could be anything"

Including the Stratospere Casino transplanted

sure why not... that could be the real reason for the mission.
bring the Casino to vegas! .... or they used alien technology and
replicated it on earth ...

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Zeta Reticulan]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 06:13 PM
It should be noted that the video is not from Apollo 11. During Apollo 11 there was no color video from the surface nor was the S-Band antenna erected.

I'm thinking it's from Apollo 14 but I'm not sure, maybe 16. The color camera was damaged on 12 and the terrain doesn't look right for 15 or 17.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Ok I have a vast archive of NASA moon landing footage from all of the missions which footage was obtainable for. On DVD.(Like 7 or 8 disks worth).

I will begin reviewing this footage to look for an explanation for this anomaly.

I am also very curious about this object and I have read the entire thread. I believe this is still Controversial and not Adequately Explained just yet.

1) Why would the camera man pan towards -zoom in on the object if it were merely a telemetry device ? Not impossible, just odd.

2) I agree that the lower portion of the anomaly is perplexing. It does appear there is a gap in the lower portion; thus leading me to think it were a type of Reflection off the extremely bright sheen of the lunar soil.

3) The shadow being considered near the anomaly is also perplexing. It could merely be shadowing due to crater deformations on the surface, or it could indeed be emanating from the 'telemetry device', it is too hard to tell with such poor angles and limited footage.

I have reasoning to think it is NOT the telemetry pole, and also on the same token, reasoning to think is IS. So this is why I characterized it as "Perplexing".

4) There is no way in hell that it is a flag pole. I submit photographic evidence to debunk this theory.

The flag pole is Very thin, and there is no round bulge at the top. It is far too skinny to be the same object in question.

So we are left with two possibilities in my mind.
1) Telemetry Pole
2) Alien Tower

Both are equally possible IMHO, as we civilians lack any real data to make reasonable judgement as to the odds of this. For all I know, the entire mission could have been secretly, specifically going to explore these anomalies. OR it merely could be a pole they placed there that is causing an optical illusion.

Too hard to tell either way yet, as we lack significant data.

So I will begin to pour over my vast archive of footage, and aid in determining what exactly this is.

It is inevitable that the answer will be found, soon.

Nice thread, star and flagged. Very wonderful subject to think about.

Sorry the Zoom was me zooming in filming the tv. You can view the original footage at the u-tube post of this movie as posted earlier in this thread. It is there and the original camera pans slightly but the object is stationary.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Phage

i'm doing more digging.

Heres a shot from Apollo 14. See the solar experiment to the left.

Doesnt look like the object so will keep searching.


[edit on 22-6-2010 by Overtime]

While I was looking at 14 shots I noticed something different. What is that off to the right when you click the pic to zoom in?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Overtime]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:10 PM
What has me intrigued about this footage is this. The object seems to have the same albedo as the surrounding area. The albedo being the measure or the light reflected back from an object. This object does seem to have, virtually, the identical albedo to its' surroundings. That would tend to suggest that it is part of the moon, or if it isn't, it is covered in moon dust.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Overtime
reply to post by Phage

While I was looking at 14 shots I noticed something different. What is that off to the right when you click the pic to zoom in?

[edit on 22-6-2010 by Overtime]

I'm no expert but I think it the lunar module itself, you can clearly see the tracks leading from the object to the astronaut.

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Thanks I see the footprints in that pic now.

I have been scouring lunar landing footage and cant figure out if the thread clip is Apollo 14 or not. Seems to be the closest match to the terrain.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Overtime]

posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 11:03 PM
Seems to me that it is a sustained burst of a plasma of some sort. It could be illuminated by reflection by an external energy source or more likely contains it's own internal energy source. Notice how it wider at the bottom and then draws in slighty before forming the sphere shape at the top.

The top seems to be brighter which may be an indication of a concentration of energy. This does SEEM to be an eruption of some sort judgeing from the shape.

Not sure how accurate the estimate of distance is but assuming a 8 mile distance the phenonmenom is quite large. My guess would be several miles high and nearly a mile wide which would furthur suggest a natural phenommenon.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Great theory but I ask why it looks solid with no movement in the motion video?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Overtime
As far as the circumference of the moon I'd like to think that we have the tech and brains to figure that one out. If not then I have lost all hope.

Overtime, your missing my point here, how do we personally know these things? have you personally measured the circumference of the moon? the answer is no, we have no choice other than to accept what we are told as the truth. Therefore, what is stopping TPTB from bending that truth and selling us something that has been fabricated for their own gains.

As far as "no atmosphere" well that one I admit could be wrong but it does look like clear sky in pics/vid. Don't you know the haze seen in some photos are lunar domes

Again, we personally have not been to the moon and tried to breath on it therefore, we have to believe what we are told by others, HOWEVER, have you read the thread about the faked NASA transmissions and have you watched the video where it shows clearly NASA LYING ABOUT THEIR POSITION IN SPACE AND TRIED TO COVER THIS UP BY TAPING THE WINDOWS OF THE CRAFT WITH BLACK PAPER WHILST BEING FILMED

What I am saying is that without personal evidence and experience it is impossible to distinguish what is fact and what is lies. It works both ways, one for the truthers and the other for the skeptical minded people. Yet where are these skeptical minded people when the facts are pushed in front of their noses?

You see where I am coming from ?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:03 AM
you Should see = Man to the Moon with Walter Cronkite there is amazing stuff in there also ! Ill try to post snapshot some stuff.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Phage

the guy talking saying he was making the bet ! was Jim Irwin Apollo 15

hey a Smudge out moon tower

ohh ohh Look a site that show structures! hmm sorry for the Skeptics and debunkers i know i know Conjuncture and and there done by graphic editer in the late 60s early 70s i know and the Air brushing Smudges as the Camera had something wrong with it and the enlisted young ones that were a rank of a E1 or E2 maybe E3 pay grade were careless Transferring the Film to Photographs its the thought tho right ?

ohh where are the Negatives and Original Film any Idea! ? I heard the Lost Film was in a Abandon McDonald's on some dammed Base! WOW Thank God the Japanese have some of Copy's ( Photos & Film ) that are untouched un edited Film from the Apollo missions ( From what i heard ) as Every Filmmaker Directer will say Always make second Copys at least Just in case!

well except Stanly Kubrick did in some of his Films burned the unused footage Deleted Scene's Cut Scenes as it was to long for the Theater's etc.. like he did in 2001 Space Odyssey and the Shining for example

well here is those photos

Japans luner orbiter

V2 Rocket Space Photos in 1946 ! not sure if anyone here see it
if you haven't here it is take a pic

The Video that tells about it in 1946!

Real Actual Video er Film ! Amazing ! 1946!!!!
what is that at from mark .56 to 1.03 ?? Phage do you see it? is that a Ufo or debris from the V2 ? Smudge or dirt on the Film and remember NO Satellites in 1946! not until Sputnik ! my god there is a Santa Clause !!
could tell what it could be ?
Well the Reason i have put this Questionable Anomaly of the V2 Film of 1946 most people miss this one ! and i have not seen the film on ATS
it could be anything tho it maybe its Debris from the Rocket a big chunk tho . but still the first film from outer space

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Wolfenz]

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by tyranny22
reply to post by Kurotachi

You need to watch the original footage.

Whatever you're watching is not the original footage. The astronaut that was filming never moved the camera from his fellow astronaut exiting the lander.

ok well what i watched is what the op linked..and it is the original footage if you go to his link on his first post and watch the video as he is coming down the ladder the camera sees the thing and turns the camera away for couple seconds and zooms then pan back to him coming down the ladder,

[edit on 23-6-2010 by Kurotachi]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Now don't kill the messenger but this looks like it could be Apollo 12 after all.

How is another question entirely!

[edit on 23-6-2010 by theability]

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