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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by nikiano

true story right there fellas

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by nivekronnoco

I believe your logic is a bit flawed and your "mathematics"...a bit of a shell game. Just because the majority of the Tea Party crowd is white, does not by simple definition, make them racist. Nor does their desire, as permitted by law and the Constitution, to carry or own guns. Simply because (using your example) there isn't an equal-to-the-country-average number of black people at these events, does not indicate racism.

That would be like me saying that if I go to a church in Harlem and there aren't 75%+ white people...the church is racist. Or that if I had gone to the "Million Man March" on Washington and discovered less than 75% white people...they are also racist. Following that logic...if I were to view crime statistics and based simply upon color, conclude that violent crimes are committed by non-whites...I would be an idiot. It includes economics, location, education, etc. And the fact that I don't immediately look at race as THE defining factor of a you obviously do...makes YOU a racist. Not me and not the group you judge.

Maybe...and I'm not suggesting this is a fact, since an extremely high percentage of black people voted for Obama, they are embarrassed to come out and say so? I don't know...but that is as likely as your suggestions of racism.

What I am saying is that you can't simply look at the cover of the book, and thereby judge it's content. You judging the Tea Party groups in this manner is just that...judging a book by it's cover. And, in case you didn't know...THAT is racism.

Now...with all that said...I would bet every cent I have that some liberal democrat, somewhere, at some time thought to themselves..."lets have the black man run, no one would dare oppose him or speak negatively about him cause that would make them a racist". Again...THAT is racist in itself.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:44 PM
Can't send a Community Organizer to do a man's job.

Man's job???.......wait sorry.....I shouldn't say that considering Sarah Palin would be a 100% improvement over this buffoon.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Obama is a talking muppet with someone's or a group of someone's hands in the puppet hole.

re BP Oil spill - "I take full responsibility" Ok so what in sam hell does that really mean? SFA

re Nobel peace prize - Come on. Push for war (30000, not 300) and get a bloody peace prize?*gag*

The only thing I like about him is how he does not condemn his pastor of 20 years (12 or 20, cant remember now) who is openly anti-Zionist. Which usually equates to anti-semitic these days still.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:54 PM
The "damned if you do, damned if you don't" theory doesn't apply in this case.

I'll give you an example of why. In my town, the city council was trying it's damnedest to use bonds to build an arena for the city (a la Simpson's episode "monorail" - huge ripoff scam). A lot of people were PO'd because the city government's intended function was to fix the roads, maintain a police/fire force, know, other Mayberry stuff. Entering into a contract with an unscrupulous builder to construct a massive entertainment arena (that would benefit very few at the expense of the majority) that would put our city into debt for 30 years didn't make any sense. The majority of residents in the city didn't want a group of frumpy old men trying to use tax dollars to break into the entertainment business, especially because the risk of failure and subsequent massive amount of debt we would have to shoulder for a worthless building. It made little sense, also, because they seem to know little about entertainment aside from square dancing and 'hey you kids, get off my lawn!'.

Just like many Americans don't want the federal government to get into the health insurance business, in the same sense.

I do believe, however, that fixing this oil spill fits into the "fixing the roads" category.

Get it yet?

Also, for the person who listed the accomplishments of Obama on the first few pages: I had no idea that Obama authored, sponsored, and single handedly passed all of those laws.

If your one requirement for a good president is a guy who can manage to write his own name...then WOW.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I think it'd be awesome to have a president that can speak off the cuff without prepared statements or teleprompters. Obama not-with-standing. Just imagine Teddy Roosevelt addressing the nation in today's climate.

I just hate how everything today has to be scripted.

Deliver speeches without aid - speak to the nation from your heart and mind. Sincerity comes not from prepared speeches.

The fact that everything said must be screened by committees has always made my teeth itch.

I often wonder if reliance on prepared statements and teleprompters is in direct proportions to one's inability to lead.

Just pondering, is all....

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 08:57 PM
I was always taught that if you didn't have something nice to say... better to say nothing at all.

So, let me see if I can think of something nice to say about the Pres.

... okay, so... I'm thinking...

... still thinking...

... hmmm, sorry, can't think of anything. The mind's a blank.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by wutone

Originally posted by MrWendal

If you voted for McCain, you have no right to complain now. If you voted for Obama, you have no right to complain now. The only people who have the right to complain are the ones who DID NOT vote. It is the people who DID NOT VOTE that refused to pick between the lesser of two evils because we already knew that by voting for the "lesser of two evils" you were still getting evil. Until a time comes when the system can be changed or people collectively stand up and say 'no more, our choices are not acceptable choices' we will continue to get more of the same crap we have been getting for decades.

People who don't vote are just the same as people who don't give a crap and won't stand up to change the system.

At least Obama voters, as suckered as they were, wanted to change things to something they felt was better.

Your right..they are no different. I would go as far as saying that those who "dont give a crap" are that way because we have no options. We vote, we put a douchebag in office, who than does whatever they want to do regardless of what "we the people" want done. Yeah... I can see why they dont give a crap and do not vote.

People in this country for YEARS upon years upon years have continued to vote for the "lesser of two evils" and obviously that is not working too well now is it? What do you think would happen if no one voted? Really think about that for a moment. You can not exactly just appoint the President...that defeats the purpose of an actual election does it not? What would happen if the voters stood up in one voice and said, "Sorry but these two Candidates are not acceptable. They do not represent the people and we will not elect them to the highest office in the land, go back and find us a real candidate."

Some of the people scream about wanting change.. yet you continue to support the same system you want change from. Stop it!!! Sometimes you have to make that change happen, and in the USA you will not see the change you want as long as you continue to accept what is being force fed to you. Why would the government change something that is clearly working in for them?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Well really, what the heck is he supposed to do? No one can stop the leak.
Maybe a tactical nuke would work, but first the geology would have to be
conducive to it. Also you have to have a new borehole drilled to the proper
depth to send it down in. Maybe the relief wells are sized to allow this
solution if necessary. Then again, with all that gas down there, maybe a
explosive device would cause a massive chain reaction which could be
really unpredictably bad. For the time being, it seems the relief wells are
the solution, and that takes more time. I think this whole mess is a Homeland
Security issue, and inspections and preventative measures should have taken
place to make sure something like this wouldn't happen. In fact, all power
plants, chemical factories, and refineries should be inspected with a fine toothed
come. Because if this could happen, so could another Chernobyl. Isn't
homeland security supposed to be monitoring this kind of thing?
At any rate, heads should roll for this I'll give you that.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by guavas

They have to read from the Teleprompter. I'm sure they've thought about deviating from their speeches only to have the cold steel jammed into their backs a little harder.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Ashamed to admit it...but I bought into Obama's lies......he"s nothing but a stumper.......I am soooo dissapointed in his inabality to take control of the GOM situation........I am TOTALLY Disapointed!! He Sucks!! Not that I thing McCain/Pailn would have done better..but com'on be leader in a disaster!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:26 PM
I bought into the "Change you can believe in" line but found out that all it was was a line. Now I am going to vote for anybody that is not an insider. If you have never held a government position you got my vote.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by guavas
I think it'd be awesome to have a president that can speak off the cuff without prepared statements or teleprompters. Obama not-with-standing. Just imagine Teddy Roosevelt addressing the nation in today's climate.

I just hate how everything today has to be scripted.

Deliver speeches without aid - speak to the nation from your heart and mind. Sincerity comes not from prepared speeches.

The fact that everything said must be screened by committees has always made my teeth itch.

I often wonder if reliance on prepared statements and teleprompters is in direct proportions to one's inability to lead.

Just pondering, is all....

Haha I agree, but it is also so that us conspiracy nuts can't delve too far into something that isn't really there.

Misquotes by media are another big reason. Also, the masses can't can't interpret anything the same as anyone else (Bible for instance), due to our "individuality". That just screws everything up.

Words can get twisted so easily. Scripting and screening helps a little.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by Demoncreeper]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:37 PM
The tax payers of the ( U.S.A ) voted for "President. Barack Hussein Obama." A muslim President of the U.S.A! And now, he can't even take care of "his citizens", as President.

I do NOT know "what exactly" are the U.S citizens DO think about, when they hear/see President. Barack Hussein Obama. on the news.

More importantly, "What Is" happening in the U.S.A that is important. And, as a outsider, I DO see the U.S. falling down with'in, with ALOT of the problems the U.S does have.

I do NOT_see how can President. Barack Hussein Obama. could and can fix the problems.

I am sorry to say (type) to the Yanks, but looks like 'a war' will soon somewhat-sortof happen in the U.S and/or outside of the U.S. Mass riots will happen with'in the U.S and other major problems that will continue to plaque the U.S.

The U.S.A does_not_need President. Barack Hussein Obama. as a President of the U.S. Because he can_not fix the problems.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:50 PM
I would guess that you got sucked inlike the rest of us.....we were looking for change from GW who was an a$$........oh my

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:53 PM
At least George Bush was a leader, and he was Presidential.

Obama is just incompetent. Or as the OP suggested "WORTHLESS."

The guy was a community organizer for Christ's sake. Come on!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:02 PM
Everyone that voted for no birth certificate Barry is getting what they justly deserve! Hahahaha......Like another man used to say "I love it when a plan comes together" Can you say depopulation? Change you can believe in! But I wasn't really clear on what those changes might be. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Sorry ...but GW was an Ass ....a dummy...a puppet...we had to vote for something different!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Lynzer
I would guess that you got sucked inlike the rest of us.....we were looking for change from GW who was an a$$........oh my

If you got sucked into the Obama hype, why are you still bashing Bush.
If you we're fooled by Obama wouldn't you believe that you have been a little mislead about Bush. and If you are still Bashing Bush, then you haven't learned anything.
Bush was a President...We don't have a President now. We have a (add Sam Kinnison scream here) LOSER oh ohhh.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:29 PM
if all of you that are bitching about Obama,voted in the election, then you have a right to bitch,if you didnt vote shut the hell up with all of your sniveling and complaining. jeez just like a bunch of babies that dont get their way, my 3 year old acts more responsible that some of you.

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