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BP is Burning Sea Turtles Alive And Blocking Attempts To Save Them

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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:59 AM
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

I don't know if I believe you but on the off chance you being honest many creatures coated in oil can no longer function like they normally could. If you really have BP stock dump it before it becomes worthless. Do you really think they can pay for a clean up that could go on for years?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Tha Girl They Call Roc
I wish I could just call the president and ask him, "Why are you letting them(BP) do all these things? I thought YOU were in charge of America! Do something!!!"


You would be wasting your time. It is precisely because his handlers are in charge of America that BP can do whatever they wish....

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by super genius
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

That may be true, but how does it justify their actions? Having considered your answer, I must say I'm not that impressed by the username you have chosen for yourself....

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Copperflower
He will repay them, be assured. The One whose creatures these really are, I mean.

Watch and see. Nothing escapes His notice, not actions nor the thoughts in the hearts of mankind.

don´t turn to religion. just don´t buy bp products, they will sink.

also keep track of their fleeing executives and boycott their new companies too.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
Thi is hard to believe, what is stopping a turtle from diving down and away from the fire? they are not stupid.
Pics or it didn't happen.

They cant just stay down there forever. They also need air you know. And how does a turtle know what a fire is? How can he see it from below the water with all the oil and # in the water?

Originally posted by super genius
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

Its not just turtles man, there are way more animals in the area. Killing animals for food is just natural, its something we humans need. They even kill us for food sometimes, its called nature. Its way different than just killing. Even though I agree to a certain point that we are using animals the wrong way, your statement is ridiculous.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by martinasdf

Originally posted by Just Wondering
Thi is hard to believe, what is stopping a turtle from diving down and away from the fire? they are not stupid.
Pics or it didn't happen.

They cant just stay down there forever. They also need air you know. And how does a turtle know what a fire is? How can he see it from below the water with all the oil and # in the water?

Originally posted by super genius
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

Its not just turtles man, there are way more animals in the area. Killing animals for food is just natural, its something we humans need. They even kill us for food sometimes, its called nature. Its way different than just killing. Even though I agree to a certain point that we are using animals the wrong way, your statement is ridiculous.

no whats ridiculous is sayin that humans need to kill for food.
if people actually had a "need" for meat, vegetarians would be dead after a few days. the only thing people need is to stop killing for their taste buds.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:32 PM
What would be so hard about collecting the turtles and passing them on to an animal welfare organization to be cleaned and treated? I realize in their weakened state very few may actually survive, but that's no excuse for not trying.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:33 PM
Just when you thought you saw it all, burning animals alive is added to the equation. Nothing wrong in burning the oil, so long as every effort is made to rescue these creatures. The thing that's pure evil, is preventing others from helping them.

If the leaders of BP worshipped "dark forces" I'd love to know what the difference in their beahaviour would be? But do remember it is the President who refuses to take responsibility for this crisis! No doubt, a grand, political calculation!!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by super genius
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

You can fish and raise cattle without decimating the ecosystem, this is no comparison to what is happening, no one is eating the turtles either. Honestly it looks like your trying to derail the thread into your veg propaganda. Before you rant on me for how many animals I kill, I have been a vegan before, I think being a vegetarian is chill, but your post is really off based...

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984
Just when you thought you saw it all, burning animals alive is added to the equation.
Really? Did you see it? because I ma still waiting for the pictures of the "burning turtles".
This sounds like a national enquirer bat boy story, except they had a picture!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by super genius
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

Last time i checked cows, chicken and tuna were not on the endangered species list. What an utterly ridiculous and ignorant comparison you tried to make. Since the dawn of creation man have been meat eaters not vegetarians. I murder lots of animals every year as I hunt for my food and stock my deepfreezer with goose, duck, deer , moose and fish. Does that make me a bad person?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Who really cares? What value do these sea turtles really provide to our economy anyway? It's not like we eat the suckers! We're probably better off with more of these species moving from the "endangered" to "extinct" list. They just get in the way!

Would you rather the efforts to fix the spill be further hindered by being overly concerned with all the various animals that happen to be affected? It would take even longer and be much more devastating in the long run!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by super genius

Originally posted by martinasdf

Originally posted by Just Wondering
Thi is hard to believe, what is stopping a turtle from diving down and away from the fire? they are not stupid.
Pics or it didn't happen.

They cant just stay down there forever. They also need air you know. And how does a turtle know what a fire is? How can he see it from below the water with all the oil and # in the water?

Originally posted by super genius
its jsut a few turtles guys.
which btw, is a fraction of a % of the total amount of cattle slaughtered daily to feed you meat eaters.
get over it, if your not a vegetarian, your directly responsible for more deaths ona regualr basis. the blood is on your hands not bps every time you eat a chicken sandwhich or some tuna salad.

Its not just turtles man, there are way more animals in the area. Killing animals for food is just natural, its something we humans need. They even kill us for food sometimes, its called nature. Its way different than just killing. Even though I agree to a certain point that we are using animals the wrong way, your statement is ridiculous.

no whats ridiculous is sayin that humans need to kill for food.
if people actually had a "need" for meat, vegetarians would be dead after a few days. the only thing people need is to stop killing for their taste buds.

Without taking supplements vegetarians or true vegans would be dead within a few weeks or at the least very sick.

"If a person is a pure vegetarian (a vegan) and does not eat any animal product whatsoever, then he must take nutritional supplements in order to maintain his health. There are just some nutrients that we need that can not be obtained naturally from plant material. One of the most prominent of these is vitamin B12 which is necessary for the production of red blood cells.

Another suggested that a vegetarian diet avoids proteins. This is not true. Plants do contain proteins and we do need to eat certain proteins in order to maintain our health. It just so happens that foods derived from animals usually contain all of the proteins that we need to maintain our health. Thus they are sometime referred to as complete proteins. However, it is very hard to find plants that are complete proteins. So, you have to mix and match different plants to get the right balance of proteins.

So, not only do vegetarians need to take supplements, but they also have to be a bit more careful about balancing their meals so that they can get a proper balance of the nutrients that are present in plants."

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Now Bp is realy starting to piss me off if it can not spare a bit of money so that animals are not burnt to death slowly due to being submerged in oil and water.

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher


For GOD sakes .... if not for reality .... if not for "home" ... then do it for:


America can bail out bankers...

America can bail out AIG ....

Aren't the OCEANS too big to fail too??????

is someone trying to pick a fight with me?

Look man i'm in the UK and it's OK with me if you want war over this because Bp is about as British as new zeland lamb so follow the leads, we all know where they go and sort it out and the next time you see a Bp offical then do take notice of his accent.

Also note that the chemicals they are spraying on you guys are banned in most parts of the world and banned under the geniva convention of warfare so keep all that anger brewing and save it for the right people

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:58 PM
Man this is heart breaking and infuriating! I feel this destruction of our Gulf sea habitat and her creatures is still in the early stages, and the worst is yet to come now that the methane gas release has been confirmed. Where is Green Peace and the other organizations at? Are they not allowed down there? If so, wouldn't we hear about it? Why can't more volunteers get out to help? I just feel that efforts are being subdued by politics and damage control. Here's another related vid.


For some of the disparaging attitudes about "it's only turtles".......

Web of Life
Chief Seattle
Teach your children what we have taught our children - that the Earth is our Mother. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know.

The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. This we know. All things are connected like the blood that unites one family. All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. We did not weave the web of life; We are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the Web, We do to ourselves.

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
~ Chief Seattle, 1854 ~


[edit on 21-6-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:58 PM
I don't know if this is true or not - but I would not be surprised to find out it is.

Do not forget that BP clean-up crews are also stomping on unhatched eggs and destroying nests of (recently de-listed) endangered Pelicans in LA wetlands and there are pictures of that (thread in my profile).

So, if they care naught for species on the ground that have NOT YET been affected by the oil slicks, why would they care about species that have and most notable, are out at sea and out of sight of the public?

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:58 PM
wow this site has really changed.. it used to be about good and interesting news not other places would throw out there but now its just a place for ignorant people to come to stir things up. we dont want drama here. if you cannot intelligently add something or even intelligently debate a topic. why do you bother to make a post? you may think you are smart but a true wise person knows how to properly communicate with others. how this relates to this site? need pics of burning turtles? haha come on man, are bp reps saints? kill the turtles they just get in the way? its sad but true people out there think this way. and just because your a vegan doesnt mean you cant be an a$$hole. so please make a site where all you "trolls"can go and rip on each other.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by YJLTG
BP is Burning Sea Turtles Alive And Blocking Attempts To Save Them

those who have empowered the institutions that permit British Petroleum to do what they do or do not do are ... must be... at least partially responsible for not prohibiting this ....

The company is not called British Petroleum, its has no British part to its name. The companies name is BP, its changed it years and years ago.

Doesnt change the fact that the company needs to sort the crap its caused though, they owe it to the world, not just America. But seeing as they have pledged unlimited money to sort it out, regardless of wether they want to or not, they are sorting it out.
The CEO said such a great quote when he said, we will be fixing this oil leak and all the devastion that it has caused long after the media has lost interest. - and no doubt they will.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM
I live on an island in the gulf - those turtles are my friends. When I fish, they're with me - when I surf, they're with me. There is a "family" of turtles who surf with me and watch me surf at my favorite local break called "fish pass". I would risk life and limb to help one of those little dudes, just like they have for me. I have saved many a turtle by unraveling the fishing line/netting around their neck......

There are also dolphins that surf with me, they always get "wave priority".....

Luckily, only seasonal tarballs have washed up on our beaches.

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